How to Establish a Full MilkSupply with a Breast Pump
Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, Lactation Consultant, Ameda Products, Hollister Incorporated
After birth, many mothers feel great sadness when faced with
If you need to increase your milk supply, the sooner you work
a breast pump instead of their breastfeeding baby. Think of the
on it, the faster you’ll see results:
pump as a useful tool. It is a friend whose mission is to help
• Increase the number of pumpings to 8-12 per day, which is
you establish and maintain your milk supply until you are ready
enough to boost milk supply, for most women.
• Increase pumping time to 2 minutes after the last drop of
milk or 20-30 minutes, whichever comes first. YOUR GOAL: Pump a full milk supply, 25-35 ounces
• Have your pump flange fit checked. Many women get better
(750-1050 mL) per day, by Day 10 to 14 after birth, no matter
results with a larger nipple tunnel. Fit can change over time.
how much your baby is taking. Your body is primed and ready
• Use breast massage during pumping. This yields more milk.
to produce milk now, and if you wait too long, it may bedifficult or impossible to increase your supply to this level later.
• Ask your lactation consultant to talk to your doctor about
prescription medications and/or medicinal herbs such asmetoclopramide (Reglan), domperidone (Motilium), or
As soon as possible after birth, start pumping at least 8-10
fenugreek (natural plant product) capsules.
times every 24 hours (as many times per day as your baby would be breastfeeding). More pumpings per day equals more When you wean from the pump (human milk is recommended
milk produced. Use a rental hospital-grade automatic pump
for a minimum of one year), you can do it comfortably and safely by cutting back on pumping gradually.
• Until your milk “comes in” on Day 3 or 4, pump at least
• Start by eliminating one daily pumping, give your body 2-3
10-15 minutes per breast per pumping.
days to adjust, and then eliminate another pumping, leaving
• When your milk increases, as often as you can, pump
your first and last pumpings of the day until the end. Repeat
longer, until 2 minutes after the last drop of milk or 20-30
minutes total, whichever comes first. (Drained breasts make
• Keep the number of pumpings the same and stop pumping
sooner. For example, if you normally get 4 ounces (120 mL)at a pumping, stop after 3 ounces (90 mL). Give your body
Focus on the number of pumpings per day, not the time
a couple of days to adjust and then decrease by another
between pumpings.
ounce. Repeat until you no longer feel the need to pump.
• If you think in terms of the time between pumpings (i.e.,
NOTE: If you feel full at any time during weaning, pump to
every 2 to 3 hours), when pumping is delayed it is too easy
comfort – not a full pumping, but long enough so that your
for the total number of pumpings (the most important factor)
breasts feel comfortable. Leaving your breasts full increases
• When planning your day, think: “How can I fit in my 10 or
No matter how long you've been pumping, it is nearly always
• If you can’t pump during part of the day, pump every hour
possible to transition to breastfeeding, but you may need help to make it happen.
• Before you reach 25-35 ounces (750-1050 mL) per day,
• Sometimes all that's needed is an adjustment in how the
pump at least once during the night and don’t go longer
baby takes the breast. Sometimes special tools may help.
than five hours between pumpings. (Full breasts make milk
Lactation consultants know all the tricks and have access
• Just because you haven't done it on your own doesn't mean
Once you’re pumping 25-35 ounces (750-1050 mL) per day,
it's impossible. Seek help. It is well worth it for both you and
you may be able to cut back on pumping and still maintain
• Cut back to 5-7 pumpings per day – at this number of
pumpings, most women can maintain their supply. If younotice your supply starting to decrease, see the next section.
• You may not need to pump during your normal sleeping
hours. With a full supply, many exclusively pumping motherscan pump as the last thing they do before bed and the firstthing they do when they wake in the morning. If you can do
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this without too much breast fullness and discomfort,
• For most mothers, once supply is established, 10-15
• Monitor your supply at least once a week by keeping a
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written record of your daily milk yield.
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