Humane endpoints in animal experiments for biomedical research
Remote monitoring of experimental endpoints in animalsusing radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technologies
L. B. Kinter1 & D. K. Johnson21 Astra Merck and 2 Nycomed Amersham Inc., Wayne, Pennslyvania, USA
Advances in radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technology are providing improved and morehumane approaches for monitoring physiological functions in experimental animals. Telemetry systems consist of miniaturized sensors and transmitters which detect andtransmit pressures, ¯ows, temperatures, pH, and electrical potentials to remote receivers. Three general types of systems are currently available: (1) fully implantable systems; (2)partially implanted systems (in which animals carry non-implanted components inbackpacks); and (3) capsule systems which traverse the gastrointestinal tract. Currently, thetechnology can be applied in all commonly used laboratory species from mice to monkeys. Non-invasive bioimpedance technologies can also be used to monitor several physiologicallyimportant parameters including cardiac output and total body electrical conductivity(TOBEC, an index of lean body mass). The feasibility, validity, and utility of TOBEC tomonitor changes in body composition is demonstrated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Telemetry andbioimpedance technologies are replacements for traditional non-survival procedures that cansubstantially improve animal welfare and reduce animal use in laboratory research.
Comprehensive evaluations of physiological
chronic monitoring of physiological para-
traditionally required invasive techniques. In
the last 50 years, acute (non-survival) tech-
modern animal researchers to the principles
of reduction and re®nement of animal use
sophisticated, surgically prepared chronic
animal models. In these models, catheters,
cannulae, electrodes, and electronic probes
models was the vulnerability of the trans-
are implanted and connectors exteriorized so
that the animals can be readily connected=
accidental damage. The presence of externa-
(see Gellai & Valtin 1979). Because these
requires that these animals be single-housed
prolonged measurements in individual ani-
and closely monitored for the duration of
their experimental utility. These factors
potentially allow the re-use of animals in
limited their utility in pharmaceutical safety
multiple studies, they have resulted in sub-
stantial reductions in animal use which have
pathology, co-administration of antibiotics,
offset, in part, the additional costs associated
issues and added signi®cantly to overall
also afforded quantal improvements in the
quality and quantity of experimental data
collected. Collectively, the development of
been leveraged through re®nements, which
Radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technologies and experimental endpoints
left cannulae and connectors in sterile sub-
located within or near the animal's cage or
experimental set-up. Following their recov-
vascular access port was successfully adapted
ery from surgery to implant the electronics,
for subcutaneous arterial, venous, and biliary
telemeterized animals can be maintained and
access, and has also been used for the in¯a-
even studied while in their `home' laboratory
tion of vascular cuffs (Mann et al. 1987,
environment. The range of laboratory species
1991). For more sophisticated technologies,
(Schnell & Wood 1993, Brackee et al. 1995,
can be accessed for experimental measure-
Kinter et al. 1997, Brockway et al. 1998).
ments through a small incision (under local
anaesthetic) in a miniaturized sterile ®eld
itored using telemetry include blood pres-
(Kinter et al. 1994). Transcutaneous con-
sure, heart rate, ventricular pressures, ECG,
nectors (or studs) are reported to minimize
EMG and body temperature. Respiratory rate
and animal activity can be monitored indir-
placed, are not damaged by the animal. The
osmotic infusion pump was the ®rst fully
(1998) have reported the telemeterization of
implantable infusion technology widely used
respiratory pressures using a novel variant of
in both rodent and non-rodent species (see
the oesophageal balloon procedure. The use-
ful lifetime of these systems ranges from
animal damage to external equipment, ani-
several months to over a year depending upon
mals are generally group-housed, reducing
the electrical power requirements and power
the concerns of some welfarists that reduc-
tions in animal use were being achieved at
the expense of reductions in animal welfare.
However, these models still required sub-
these systems, sensors are implanted surgi-
procedures to collect physiological data, with
encumbant stress factors, model limitations,
externally in a jacket worn by the subject.
These systems permit the use of electronic
greater transmission ranges, and unlimited
`wireless' reporting technologies, including
battery life, than can be accommodated by
currently available fully implantable sys-
tions. Several of these technologies and their
tems. However, they are susceptible to many
potential impact on animal study designs and
of the weaknesses of the previous hard-wire
animal welfare are brie¯y discussed in this
Fully implantable miniaturized telemetrysystems are the state of the art in radio-
Variants of the implantable radiotelemetry
telemetry (Brockway & Hassler 1993). These
systems include capsule telemetry systems
systems consist of one or more sensors (¯uid-
®lled cannulae, catheters, electrodes) con-
tems include a miniaturized sensor, a trans-
nected to hermetically-sealed transducer-
radiotransmitters and power supplies. The
enterically compatible capsule. After the
transmitter broadcasts the signal from the
capsule is activated and swallowed, it tra-
transducer to a remote antenna, generally
verses the gastrointestinal tract. Systems
Humane endpoints in animal experiments for biomedical research
that detect pH can be used to monitor gastric
que currently requires the temporary place-
pH, gastric emptying time, intestinal pH and
ment of surface electrodes (similar to ECG
intestinal transit time. Similar systems have
electrodes), but potentially replaces the more
been used to monitor core body temperatures
invasive aortic ¯ow probe preparations, and
in thermally unstable individuals, and in
invasive thermal and dye-dilution techni-
remote situations (e.g. Astronaut J. Glenn in
1998). The primary drawback of these sys-
future be combined with telemetry technol-
tems today is the low transmission distance
ogy for completely wireless monitoring.
such that the subject may need to wear or lieupon the antenna. While the applications for
limited, compared with implantable systems,their robust and non-invasive nature and the
Total body electrical conductivity provides a
fact that their use requires no surgery, offer
non-invasive and non-destructive means for
advantages in preclinical safety assessment.
the estimation of lean body mass (Walsberg1988). Mechanically restrained or lightlyanaesthetized animals are temporarily inser-
ted into a low energy electromagnetic ®eld;the magnitude of the current ¯ow induced by
ture systems powered intermittently using
body is related to its lean mass. By measuring
external inductance technologies. While this
the change in the inductance of the current
approach has the theoretical advantage of
¯ow in the applied magnetic ®eld, caused by
inde®nite use following implantation, trans-
the induced current ¯ow in the animal, the
ponders are restricted to very short trans-
electrical conductivity of the animal's body
mission ranges, usually requiring some type
of animal=human interaction (e.g. to wand
estimated. The technique potentially repla-
the transponder). The most common of these
ces current technologies that are labour-
systems are currently used for individual
intensive, require expensive and specialized
animal identi®cation (animal number trans-
equipment, lack sensitivity, and are not suit-
ponders) and for the monitoring of biopoten-
tials (e.g. body temperature, heart rate).
composition of live laboratory animals.
nology has been demonstrated in laboratory
(Sprague-Dawley) rats (Kinter et al. 1993,Dowling et al. 1994). In these studies,
TOBEC was determined using a small animal
biological current ¯ows through endogenous
body composition analyser (Model SA-2, EM-
or exogenous magnetic ®elds. For example,
SCAN, Spring®eld, Illinois, USA). Rats were
[40=5 mg=kg, i.p.] or methohexital [50 mg=kg,
across the thorax; changes in thoracic impe-
i.p.]), weighed and measured (nasal±anal
dance are related in part to changes in the
volume and velocity of aortic blood ¯ow. The
rats in a supine position, using the `Fixed'
impedance changes during the cardiac cycle
mode of instrument operation, according to
the manufacturer's instructions. Five to 10
from which cardiac output can be calculated.
succession on each object or animal at each
observation point and the average value used
for subsequent calculations. After recovering
both clinical and animal research purposes
from anaesthesia, the rats were returned to
(see DePasquale & Fossa 1996). The techni-
their cages. All numerical data are expressed
Radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technologies and experimental endpoints
lysed for lean body mass and body lipid con-
(SEM). Body weights and body compositions
tent by carcass extraction and the results
lowed by Dunnett's multiple comparisons.
measurement (Kinter et al. 1993). The cor-
relation coef®cients for lean and non-lean
methodologies were performed using linear
regression and Pearson correlation coef®-
reference method were > 0.99 and > 0.90,
respectively. The slopes of the relationships
close to the origin. Overall, the correlations
selected male and female rats fed a certi®ed
rodent chow either ad libitum or approxi-
DO rats were highly signi®cant (P < 0:001)
mately 70% of ad libitum (diet optimized,
over a physiological range of body sizes and
DO) (7±8=sex per group, see Fig 1) were ana-
that increases body weight and proteindeposition and decreases the rate of fatdeposition in rats (Carter et al. 1991). MaleSprague-Dawley rats (10=group) were lightlyanaesthetized and TOBEC was measured ontwo occasions prior to treatment and fouradditional occasions during and followingtreatment (2.0 mg=kg per 24 h clenbuterol or0.5 ml=h sterile water, i.p., for 14 days usingan osmotic minimump; Dowling et al. 1994). The effects of clenbuterol on body composi-tion is shown in Fig 2. All the rats gainedbody weight and lean body mass over thecourse of the study; however, clenbuterol-treated rats gained approximately 65 g( $ 13%) more body weight=lean mass thandid the control rats after 2 weeks of treat-ment (P < 0:05). Mean body weight in theclenbuterol-treated rats remained increased,although no longer statistically signi®cantly,2 weeks following the cessation of drugtreatment. The protein-sparing effect ofclenbuterol appears to be due to a reductionin protein catabolism resulting from theinhibition of loss of speci®c mRNAs (Babij &
Fig 1 The relationships between lean mass, non-
Booth 1988, Rogers & Fagan 1991).
lean mass and % body fat estimated by TOBEC
(vertical axes), and lean mass, lipid mass and % lipidestimated by the reference method (horizontal axes)
ments are that they are sensitive to the size,
in 23-week old ad libitum (open circles) and DO
geometry, and positioning of the subject. The
(closed circles) male and female Sprague-Dawley rats
present studies show that these variables are
after 14 weeks on either regimen. The correlation
controlled when lightly anaesthetized rats
coef®cients are 0.993, 0.903, and 0.702, respectively.
are positioned consistently in the instru-
Regression analyses show a high degree of correlation
ment. Anaesthesia can be avoided if the rats
for both lean and non-lean mass values estimatedusing these two methods (P < 0.0001). Data from
are mechanically restrained in a simple dis-
posable plastic cone (Decapi Cone, Braintree
Humane endpoints in animal experiments for biomedical research
body fat content. Lean body mass is also arelatively large mass, and tissue=lean bodymass ratios are less susceptible to errorsassociated with ratios with very smalldenominators (e.g. tissue=brain weightratios).
Modern telemetry and bioimpedance tech-nologies offer opportunities substantially toreduce and re®ne animal use and to reduceresearch costs. Consider the savings whentelemetry or bioimpedance technologies areused to replace destructive techniques (e.g. carcass analysis), or are used in conjunctionwith traditional study endpoints (e.g. a singledose, dose-ranging, or repeat-dose toxicologystudy). The study illustrated in Fig 2 repre-sents more than an 80% reduction in animaluse using TOBEC, compared with the samestudy design using traditional carcass analy-sis. When physiological and toxicologicaldata are gained from one set of animals, thedata complement one another, and the need
Fig 2 Effects of 2-week clenbuterol treatment onbody composition of male Sprague-Dawley rats.
for separate studies (e.g. safety pharmacology
TOBEC measured on two occasions prior to dosing
studies) is eliminated. A decrease in blood
(pre-treatment; weeks BASE and 0). Rats were then
pressure, increase in heart rate, electro-
given clenbuterol (2.0 mg=kg per day; broken line) or
cardiogram change, or other physiological
vehicle (sterile water; 0.5 ml=h; open symbols=single
response may provide direct evidence of a
line) for 2 weeks (weeks 1 and 2). An additional 2
dose-limiting effect (Morgan et al. 1994,
weeks of recovery (weeks 3 and 4) was allowed. Body
Kinter et al. 1997), eliminating the need to
weight, body length, TOBEC (conductivity indexunits), lean mass, non-lean mass, and % body fat were
evaluate higher doses for toxicity, which
determined weekly. Values are means; closed symbols
saves animals, time, and other resources.
represent statistically signi®cant differences from the
vehicle control (P < 0.05; n 8=group). The results
technologies permit continuous or periodic
show that TOBEC analysis is able to detect the
data collection over prolonged periods of
pharmacological effect of clenbuterol to selectively
time, they are compatible with the use of
increase lean body mass in Sprague-Dawley rats. Data
randomized block study designs in place of
conventional completely randomized studydesigns. Blocking works to ®lter out the
Scienti®c, Braintree, Massachusetts, USA) to
inter-animal variation, reducing the number
preserve a constant orientation and geometry
of animals needed to obtain the same level of
(unpublished ®ndings). Finally, lean body
statistical power for evaluating dose=treat-
ment responses (Snedecor & Corcoran 1980,
Festing 1994). In a conventional completely
weight) for the normalization of the organ
weight data without the potential confound-
groups of animals, with each animal in each
ing factors of differences in body fat content.
group receiving one treatment. In a rando-
Lean body mass re¯ects a more homogeneous
mized block design, there is one group of
weight and is not susceptible to differences in
Radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technologies and experimental endpoints
mized block designs are that a suf®cient
health and welfare of the test animal and the
washout period can be incorporated between
proper function of the telemetry or bioimpe-
dance system. Item 4 requires the investi-
gator to review all experimental records to
design is one in which all animals receive all
ensure that critical physiological systems
treatments, but in an ascending order (e.g.
were not inadvertently compromised in pre-
vehicle, then low, mid, and high dose). This
ceding studies. This is particularly important
when telemeterized preparations are to be
power as the randomized block design, but
reused in safety studies. Items 3 and 4 may be
may require an additional time control to
facilitated through the periodic evaluation of
separate treatment effects from time effects.
pharmacological responses to standard agents
For comparable levels of power and error, the
(Table 1). Item 5 is to permit suf®cient time
use of the randomized block design provides
for the recovery from previous procedures
for up to a 75% reduction in the numbers of
and the clearance of previously administered
drugs. As a general rule, individual tele-
Because of the prolonged lifetime of tele-
meterized animals should be left to recover
metry and bioimpedance systems, investiga-
for at least 7 days between studies.
tors may consider reusing study animals to
In conclusion, telemetry and bioimpedance
study additional doses, different treatments,
technologies are replacements for traditional
or alternate routes of administration, or to
verify individual response differences. The
principle in the reuse of animal preparations
itoring of laboratory animals maintained (for
is to de®ne objective criteria with which to
the most part) in their home environments.
re-qualify and schedule animals for addi-
In addition to improvements in animal wel-
tional studies in a proactive fashion. Re-
fare, the overall reductions in animal use that
quali®cation criteria should include the fol-
may be achieved using telemetry and bioim-
pedance technologies are as follows. Reduc-tions achieved by eliminating an extra study
or study group are at least 50%. Reductions
(2) Haematology, serum biochemistry, uri-
designs in place of completely randomized
designs are 75%, depending upon the inher-
ent pure error variation (s) and the power
(4) Clinical history from prior studies.
required. Further reductions achieved by re-
(5) Suf®cient time for the washout of pre-
viously administered test substances.
animals in additional studies are a factor of
Table 1 Standard agents and doses for assessments of stability of pharmacological responses ininstrumented dogs
Values are unreported data from our laboratories, and those of Dr S. Pettinger. The doses are used to establishresponses in individual animals, to monitor those responses for changes over time and exposure to multiplestudies
Humane endpoints in animal experiments for biomedical research
two per additional study. In our laboratories,
Festing MFW (1994) Reduction of animal use: experi-
we have achieved total reductions through
mental design and quality of experiments. Labora-
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Gellai M, Valtin H (1979) Chronic vascular constric-
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optimization on body fat content in Sprague-Dawley rats. Toxicologist 13, 236 (Abstract 876)
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Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the
organ systems toxicology: an integrated approach
technical assistance of Keith Dowling, William A.
to pharmacodynamic safety assessment in animals.
Mann, W. Keller, A. Silver, and J. Ventre (SmithKline
In: Toxicological Testing and Evaluation (Williams
Beecham Pharmaceuticals), Dr R. Martin (University
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of Georgia), C. Metz (EM-SCAN Inc., 3420 Constitu-
Toxicology (Sipes IG, McQueen CA, Gandol® AJ,
tion Drive, Spring®eld, Illinois, USA) and support
eds). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, pp 155±68
from Drs T. Leonard, D. J. Meyer, W. D. Kerns, and
Kinter LB, Mann WA, Weinstock J, Ruffolo RR, Jr
D. G. Morgan. Clenbuterol was prepared by Smith-
(1994) Effects of catechol ring ¯uorination on
Kline Beecham chemists. We thank B. Clemmer for
cardiovascular and renal activities of fenoldopam
technical assistance in preparing the manuscript.
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Chapter 5 ~ Infections: Special Section 1 of 5 Chapter 5 ~ Infections Please refer to The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Trust Antibiotic Guidelines, Policy number 233, and Surgical Prophylaxis Policy, Policy number 234 Notifiable diseases Doctors must notify the consultant in communicable disease control when attending a patient suspected of suffering from any of the diseases listed below:
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