specific coding books do not include psy- Laughing Gas, Viagra, and Lipitor: The Hu-
man Stories Behind the Drugs We Use, by
Jie Jack Li, 310 pp, with illus, $29.95, ISBN-13978-0-19-530099-4, ISBN-10 0-19-530099-8, undercurrent in clinical practice. In ed- New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2006.
iting Psychodermatology, Walker and Pa- the potential benefits of psychological in- Teenagers, HIV, and AIDS: Insights From
terventions for patients with chronic skin Loretta S. Davis, MD
Youths Living With the Virus, edited by Mau-
Medical College of Georgia
reen E. Lyon and Lawrence J. D’Angelo (Sex, Love, and Psychology), 275 pp, $49.95, ISBN-13978-0-275-98892-0, ISBN-10 0-275-98892-9, [email protected]
chotherapy as adjuncts to traditionalmedical treatments.
Financial Disclosures: None reported.
Radiology Made Easy, by Arpan K. Banerjee,
2nd ed, 178 pp, with illus, paper, $50, ISBN-13 tologic disease is outlined in chapter 9.
Biography, Memoir
978-0-521-67635-9, ISBN-10 0-521-67635-5, New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, the long-term goal of quality-of-life re- Patients Are a Virtue: Clinical Tales in the Art
of Medicine, by Brian T. Maurer, 223 pp, pa-
search “is to reach a point where it is per, $14.34, download $5, Neurology
/content/362517, 2006 (57 vignettes by a pedi- atric physician assistant, some previously Stroke: Selected Topics, by Julien Bogous-
slavsky, Louis R. Caplan, and Helen M. Dewey, et al (World Federation of Neurology, Seminars in Cardiology
Clinical Neurology, vol 4), 65 pp, with illus, paper, $39.95, ISBN-13 978-1-933864-01-3, ISBN-10 Short Stay Management of Heart Failure, by
W. Frank Peacock (Society of Chest Pain Cen- ters), includes CD-ROM, 214 pp, with illus, pa- Nuclear Medicine
their treatment framework” to “reflect on ISBN-10 0-7817-6645-1, Philadelphia, Pa, Lip-pincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
The Pathophysiologic Basis of Nuclear
by Abdelhamid Elgazzar, 2nd ed, 566
ence to a solely medical approach.” For Genetics
23992-5, ISBN-10 3-540-23992-8, New York, Implications of Genomics for Public Health:
Workshop Summary, edited by Lyla M. Her-
nandez (Committee on Genomics and the Public’s Psychodermatology could be consid- Health in the 21st Century, Institute of Medicine), Psychiatry
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for De-
residents and is likely to be of interest pressed Older Adults, by Gregory A. Hinrich-
ton, DC, National Academies Press, 2005 (full text sen and Kathleen F. Clougherty, 227 pp, $59.95, 361-9, ISBN-10 1-59147-361-6, Washington, Geriatrics
The Role of the Outdoors in Residential En-
vironments for Aging, edited by Susan Ro-
What Is Mental Retardation? Ideas for an
diek and Benyamin Schwartz, 266 pp, with illus, Evolving Disability in the 21st Century, ed-
$39.95, ISBN-13 978-0-7890-3243-0, ISBN-10 0-7890-3243-0, paper, $24.95, ISBN-13 978- Greenspan, revised and updated edition (AAMR 0-7890-3244-7, ISBN-10 0-7890-3244-9, Bing- Books and Research Monographs), 358 pp, with illus, $59.95, ISBN-13 978-0-940898-93-6, ISBN-10 0-940898-93-4, paper, $39.95, ISBN-13 Health Systems
978-0-940898-94-2, $59.95, ISBN-10 0-940898- 93-4, Washington, DC, American Association on Trends in EU Health Care Systems, by Win
de Gooijer, 504 pp, with illus, $79.95, ISBN-13 978-0-387-32747-1, ISBN-10 0-387-32747-9, The Truth About Health Care: Why Reform
Fundamentals of Surgical Practice, edited by
Is Not Working in America, by David Me-
Andrew Kingsnorth and Aljafri Majid, 2nd ed, 545 chanic, 228 pp, $26.95, ISBN-13 978-0-8135- pp, with illus, paper, $95, ISBN-13 978-0-521- ber of body sites examined,” if the en- 3887-7, ISBN-10 0-8135-3887-7, New Bruns- 67706-6, ISBN-10 0-521-67706-8, New York, wick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 2006.
NY, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
98 JAMA, January 3, 2007—Vol 297, No. 1 (Reprinted)
2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


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