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Bayer Animal Health
Is it possible to use Drontal Plus in cats ?
It is not recommended to use Drontal Plus in cats because:
1. Febantel is not as well tolerated in cats as in dogs. 2. The dosage of Pyrantel embonate in Drontal Plus is not appropriate to cats. The recommended dose of Pyrantel embonate is: Drontal Plus / Vomiting ?
It has been observed that vomiting can very occasionally occur after treatment with Drontal Plus.
Following facts have been established:
1. These cases are rare 2. Vomiting depends on individual sensitivity of the dog: o Trials have been performed in Australia (Hopkins) with a large number of dogs of various sizes, breeds and ages. It statistically appeared that there is no correlation between vomiting and specific dog races, sizes or even the moment of the treatment compared to the moment of the ration intake. Furthermore, it has to be said that the occasional dog will vomit or react to nearly anything. A few cases have been reported of animals for which later information reveals that they have also reacted to other medicaments like antibiotics or other wormers. 3. In case of later readministration, it has been noticed that the intensity of side effects (vomiting) Is Drontal Plus effective against somatic larvae of nematodes ?
Drontal Plus, used at the recommended dose, is not effective against somatic larvae of nematodes in
pregnant bitches. Currently, it is admitted that only Albendazole, Fenbendazole (Panacur®) and
Oxfendazole (Synanthic®, Dolthene®) can be effective against somatic larvae of roundworms (Toxocara
canis and possibly Ancylostoma caninum).Nevertheless, it has to be stressed that this claim requires
special administration protocols with following characteristics:
1. Higher doses than the standard recommended dose (e.g. Fenbendazole: 50 mg/kg daily from day 45-50 of pregnancy to day 12-18 after birth - Duwel et al 1978). 2. A longer treatment duration than the standard treatment (e.g. above mentioned Fenbendazole treatment). Mebendazole (Telmin®) and Flubendazole (Flubenol®) are ineffective against somatic larvae of roundworm (Petrich and Stoye 1981, Bosse and Stoye 1981). Furthermore, there are some problems with these administration protocols: 1. They are not officially licenced. 2. The toxicological risk induced by the use of these compounds at a high dose and during a long period has not been specifically assessed and therefore, the safety of such protocols cannot be guaranteed. 3. The treatment is not very convenient for the pet owner (daily administration of the wormer 4. The cost of such a treatment is tremendously high compared to a Drontal single dose Duwel D & Strasse H - 1978 - Versuche zur Geburt helminther-freier Hundewelpendurch Fenbendazol- Behandlung. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift. Experimental Report. Bosse M & Stoye M - 1981- Zur Wirkung Verschiedener Benzimidazolcarbamat auf somatische Larven von Ancylostoma caninum and Toxocara canis. Zentralblatt Veterinärmedizin B 28: 265-279. Petrich & Stoye M - 1981- Zur Wirkung Verschiedener Benzimidazolcarbamat auf somatische Larven von Ancylostoma caninum and Toxocara canis. Zentralblatt Veterinärmedizin B 28: 292-300. Use of Drontal Plus during pregnancy
As studies have not been conducted in bitches in early pregnancy, Drontal® Plus should not be used
during the first half of gestation.Studies have been carried out, to confirm the tolerance of Drontal Plus
during pregnancy and lactation: 3 groups of pregnant bitches were treated with 6 or 10 times the
therapeutic dose or with placebo on the 20th and 10th day ante partum and againone and three weeks
post partum. The treatment had no effect on duration of pregnancy, litter size, birth weight, mortality of
the pups, clinico-chemicalparameters, haematological parameters, clinical condition or development of
the pups.
From which age can Drontal Plus be used ?
Drontal Plus can be used in puppies from the age of 2 weeks.Tolerance studies in newborn pups
produce no evidence of intolerance at excessive dose rates.Three groups of pups received either
placebo or Drontal plus tablets at 6 and 10 times thetherapeutic dose. The first treatment took place at
10 days of age, followed by a further five medications at 2 weeks intervals.Neither clinical nor
haematological changes were observed at any time during or after the treatmentperiod. Clinico-chemical
parameters, bodyweight and growth rates did not differ in any way from those of the control group.
Why should Piperazine not be administrated simultaneously with a product containing
Pyrantel (e.g. Drontal Plus, Drontal cat, Welpan)?
Pyrantel embonat is known to act as a potent acethylcholine agonist and depolarising neuromuscular
blocking agent in the parasite. It produces rigid contraction of musculature which can be blocked by
piperazine: for this reason, it is not recommended to associate Pyrantel and Piperazine.

Source: http://www.lidorr-vet.co.il/_Uploads/dbsAttachedFiles/DRONTAL(1).pdf

Annex iv

PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES Horses taking part in a competition must be healthy and compete on their inherent merits. The use of a Prohibited Substance might influence a horse's performance or mask an underlying health problem and could falsely affect the outcome of a competition. The list of Prohibited Substances has been compiled to include all categories of pharmacological action. The followin

Microsoft word - fsa expenses etc.doc

Ineligible Expenses The following expenses are not eligible for reimbursement under a Health FSA, HRA or HSA: Annual medical contract fees for exclusive provider care Arch supports, knee wrist braces (unless prescribed for a specific medical condition) Breast pumps (unless medically required to care for a premature infant) Blood pressure machines (unless prescribed by a physician as medica

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