
coMponEnts of tEchnoloGIcal KnowlEdGE: IndIcators of proGrEssIon lEvEl sEvEn
Teachers should establish if students have developed robust level six understandings and are ready to begin working towards level seven achievement
objectives for technological knowledge and plan learning experiences to progress these as guided by the level seven Indicators below.
technological Modelling
technological products
technological systems
achIEvEMEnt objEctIvE
achIEvEMEnt objEctIvE
achIEvEMEnt objEctIvE
Understand how the “should” and “could” decisions Understand the concepts and processes employed in in technological modelling rely on an understanding materials evaluation and the implications of these for of how evidence can change in value across contexts design, development, maintenance, and disposal of and how different tools are used to ascertain and tEachEr GuIdancE
tEachEr GuIdancE
tEachEr GuIdancE
To support students to develop understanding of To support students to develop understanding of technological modelling at level 7, teachers could: technological products at level 7, teachers could: • support students to explore how context impacts on • support students to understand that material the perception of the validity of evidence presented. evaluation enables decisions to be made about Therefore, shifting from one context to another what material would be optimal to ensure the fitness can change the status of the evidence provided by for purpose of particular technological products • support students to explore a range of subjective Redundancy relates to the inclusion • support students to explore how and why dif erent and objective evaluative procedures used to identify people and communities accept dif erent types of the suitability of materials for different uses evidence as valid. That is, the status given to evidence • support students to describe the underpinning is dependent on a range of factors including ethical concepts and processes related to subjective and views and the perceived authority of people involved Reliability relates to the probability • support students to understand the selection of • support students to understand how decisions appropriate material evaluation procedures relies underpinning technological modelling based on understanding the composition and structure of on what should and could happen, rely on an materials, how their properties can be enhanced understanding of how evidence gained may differ in through manipulation or transformation, the performance criteria required by technological • support students to understand how technological products and an understanding of the physical modelling is used to ascertain and mitigate and social context within which the technological risk. Ascertaining risk involves establishing the probability of identified risks. Mitigation involves • support students to identify and analyse examples taking steps to reduce the probability of the risk of how materials have been evaluated to allow being realised and/or severity of the risk should it material selection decisions that maximize the potential fitness for purpose of particular • support students to analyse examples of technological products and to gain insight into technological modelling to understand how risk how material evaluation procedures can be used is ascertained and mitigated within particular to identify product maintenance and disposal implications and therefore inform design, • examples should include the modelling practices of development and post production care decisions technologists and should include instances where • examples should include the material evaluation modelling was undertaken to mitigate risk.
• discuss examples to illustrate why the status of • discuss a range of subjective and objective • explain the concept of redundancy in evidence gained from technological modelling the suitability of materials and describe the • explain why different people accept different types underpinning concepts and processes involved in of evidence as valid and how this impacts on • discuss examples of material evaluation procedures • explain the role of technological modelling in undertaken to support material selection decisions and justify the appropriateness of these procedures • explain the concept of reliability in • describe examples to illustrate the strengths and • discuss examples to explain how material weaknesses of technological modelling for risk evaluation impacted on design and development • discuss examples to explain how material evaluation impacted on maintenance and disposal components of tEchnoloGIcal KnowlEdGE: Indicators of progression: Version 4: October 2010

Source: http://www.middleton.school.nz/index.cfm/3,313,558/technology-curriculum-support-oct-10-94.pdf

Microsoft word - hoi chung suy tap trung va nang dong.doc

Hoi Chung Suy Tap Trung va Nang Dong. QUA TRINH LICH SU CUA HOI CHUNG SUY TAP TRUNG VA NANG DONG (STTND): Die Geschichte vom Zappel-Philipp The Story of Fidgety Philip "Let me see if Philip canBe a little gentleman;"Philipp, das mißfällt mir sehr !"Just like any rocking horse;-"Philip! I am getting cross!" Hoi Chung Suy Tap Trung, Nang Dong Nach dem Tisch

Microsoft word - 540.docx

SRI LANKA NAVY TENDER INVITATION headquarters Chaithiya Colombo 01 CMS/P/540/2012 31/08/2012 M/S ………………………………………………………………………………… QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL ITEMS Tenders are invited for the supply of items in the attached list. The tenders should be sent in duplicate in favor of Chairman, Tend

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