Microsoft word - tender notice 2012.doc

Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from reputed and bonafide Manufacturers or their only authorized dealers, for the supply of Anti Malarial Drugs & Equipments which will be received by the Director of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl on or before 10.02.2012 (Friday). Quotations are to be opened by Director of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl or his authorized representatives at 12:00 noon on the same day. Detailed Terms & Conditions can be obtained from Directorate of Health Services, Malaria Section, Dinthar, Aizawl during office hours on all working days. M.ZOHMINGTHANGI
Memo No. B.14015/21/2011-DHS/MSHS/SVBDCP Dated Aizawl the 24th January,2012 P.S. to Minister, Health & Family Welfare Department P.S. to Parliamentary Secretary, Health &Family Welfare Department Director, Hospital & Medical Education, Mizoram Director, Information & Public Relations Deptt., Mizoram, Aizawl with 6 (six) spare copies for publication in a short form as above in three (3) selected recognized local newspapers which is to be actually published at least seven (7) days ahead of the date of opening of the tenders. Payment of advertisement bills will be made by the Joint Director (Mal), Directorate of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl. State Informatics Officer, NIC, Mizoram State Unit for favour of uploading in the Govt. of Mizoram website. Deputy Director of Health Services, Central Medical Store, Zemabawk NO.B.14015/21/2011-DHS/MSHS/SVBDCP
Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from reputed and bonafide Manufacturers or their only authorized dealers for the supply of Anti Malarial Drugs & Equipment which will be received by the Director of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl on or before10.02.2012 under the terms and conditions laid down below. Quotations are to be opened by the Director of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl or his authorized representatives at 12:00 noon on the same day. The Tenderers or their representative may also be present at the time of opening of the Quotations, if they so desire. TERMS & CONDITIONS
1. Tenders received from firms and individuals who are not authorized dealers (for a minimum period of at least one year and is to continue as such for next two years at least) but only authorized to quote on behalf of the manufacturer or dealer shall not be accepted. Authorized dealers should attach Authorization or Distributorship or Dealership, as the case may be, certificates from the concerned Manufacturers. A Gazette officer or Notary, however, should duly attest Photostat copies. Original Certificate should be produced at the time of opening of the tenders/quotations, if demanded. 2. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form only, to be obtained from the Directorate of Health Services (Malaria Section), Mizoram on all working days on payment of Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty).Samples for each item should be produced at the time of opening of the tender. 3. Earnest money amounting to Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) in case of a Non- Tribal, and Rs.5,000/- (rupees Five thousand) in the case of a Tribal Tenderers in the form of Deposit at Call/Fixed Deposit in original from any Nationalized Bank of India or Postal Saving Certificate duly pledged in favor of State Programme Officer, SVBDCP, Directorate of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl must accompany such tender, if submitted. 4. Tenders should be super scribed as “Tender for Anti Malarial Drugs and
Equipment” addressed to State Programme Officer, SVBDCP, Directorate of
Health Services, Mizoram, Aizawl clearly indicating full postal address with fax
No. of the tenderer/sender.
5. A Non-Tribal tenderer should affix a Non-Judicial Court fee Stamp worth of at least Rs.7.50 and should furnish Photostat copy of valid sales Tax/Vat Registration Certificate or Document upto the latest year for which assessment has been made by the concerned authority, and duly attested by a Gazette officer or Notary. Original Certificate should be produced at the time of opening of the tenders/quotations, if demanded. 6. A tribal tender should furnish attested Photostat copies of Scheduled Tribe Certificate, MVAT Clearance & Registration Certificate issued by the competent authority. Original Certificates should be procured at the time of opening of the tenders/quotations, if demanded. 7. Manufacturers submitting their tenders directly should attach Photostat copies of their Manufacturing Licence, Drugs Licence, CIN(Corporate Identity Number) and other relevant permissions/licences required for such manufacturing, duly attested by a Gazette Officer or Notary. Original Certificates should be produced at the time of opening of the tenders/quotations, if demanded. 8. All tenders/quotations shall be accompanied by attested copy of valid Drugs 9. A tenderer should quote his/her rates in terms of Indian Rupees inclusive of all taxes and duties and if there are different brands, the separate rates for such brand with specific details of each brand item. 10. Tenderer should quote their rates F.O.R destination. 11. All pages of the tender papers should be printed, signed, stamped and dated; hand written quotation shall not be entertained. Any page or pagers not signed, stamped and dated are liable to be rejected. Correction, if any, should be initialed, stamped and dated. 12. The tender should submit Notorized Photostat copy of valid and up to date WHO GMP certificate in COPP format, ISO 13485/14001/9001 with 3 years market standing certificate along with the tender. 13. If any tenderer violates or fails to fulfill any one of the above mentioned requirements, his or her tender may be liable to be rejected at the time of opening of the tender. 14. Once the rate is accepted by the State Government and communicated to the successful tenderer, the same shall remain valid throughout the life of the agreement as may be executed in due course with the approved tenderer and no further price escalation will be allowed during such validity period which shall normally be a period of 12 months from the date of execution of the agreement and may be extended, if mutually agreed upon by both the parties i.e. SVBDCP and the concerned tenderer, subject to recommendation to the State Health Society Purchase Board, as the case may be. 15. A successful tenderer whose tender has been accepted will have to execute an appropriate Deed of Agreement within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of communication of acceptance of his / her quoted rate(s) failing which their tender will be treated as invalid. 16. A successful tenderer whose tender has been accepted will have to furnish Security Deposit of 5%(Five percent) of the value of the materials required to be supplied, at the time of execution of the agreement, in the form of Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit in any Nationalized Bank of India or Postal Savings Certificate, as the case may be, duly pledged in favor of State Programme Officer, SVBDCP, Mzioram. 17. A successful tenderer will have to supply the materials tendered for, within the period fixed by the SVBDCP and specified in the agreement. If the supply cannot be made within the stipulated period without any valid and justifiable reasons with prior intimation, the SVBDCP shall be at liberty to procure the materials from the next lowest tenderer and the differences in prices, if any, will be realized from the Security Deposit of the successful and approved tenderer without assigning any reason thereof. 18. The SVBDCP shall not be bound to accept the lowest rate or any of the tenders if valid, and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason therefore. The SVBDCP may give preference to an item of reputed brand/company, with ISO specification. 19. In case of any legal dispute/litigations arising out of this Tender Notice or its items, the local courts shall have the jurisdiction as per the relevant laws in force. 20. Payments will be made only after the materials are received in full and in good condition to be certified by the Vigilance Committee of the Directorate and after completion of the installation satisfactorily, whatever it is required so. There shall not be nay advance payment and no such request shall be entertained. 21. Any attempt for negotiation/campaign, direct or indirect, on the part of a tenderer with the authority to whom he has submitted the Tender or the authority who is competent to accept the same, shall render such Tender liable to be excluded from consideration, if it is so proved. 22. Belated/delayed tenders shall not be entertained in any case. Certificates other than those stated in the foregoing shall be rejected straightaway. Any other/further clarifications in connection with submission of tender mentioned herein may be made from the office of State Programme Officer, SVBDCP, Mizoram, Dinthar, Aizawl during office hours on all working days. 23. The estimated cost of the Medicines will be Rs.50 lakhs (Rupees Fifty lakhs) M.ZOHMINGTHANGI
Memo No. B.14015/21/2011-DHS/MSHS/SVBDCP Dated Aizawl the 24th January,2012 P.S. to Minister, H&FW, for favour of information P.S. to Parliamentary Secretary, H&FW Deptt. The Director, H&FW Deptt., Mizoram for kind information The Director, Hospital & Medical Education, Aizawl The Dy.Director, Health Services, Central Medical Store, Aizawl State Informatics, NIC, Mizoram State Unit for favour of uploading in the Govt. of Mizoram website PRESCRIBED FORM FOR SUPPLY OF ANTI MALARIAL DRUGS AND EQUIPMENT
Sulphadoxine 500 mg + Pyremethamine 75 mg Fogging Machine (Portable / Vehicle Mounted) Semi Auto Analyzer (Blood Serum Analyzer) Hand Compression Pump (14 litres capacity) (viii) Wrench sets and pliers (Taparia) 100x oil Immersion Lens (Binocular) (Olympus)


Draft 15

Animal Rights in Essence: Non-Violence Essentially, ahimsa is a principle which means non-violence. It is reflected in modern animal rights theories, although not always by name. Ahimsa is more than 5,000 years old, originating in Jainism, a religion of India. Virtually none of us wishes to suffer significant mental or physical harms. Reason, though, requires consistency. If someone har

Patient_id 4800 - date august 13, 2013

Patienttrac Outpatient Center 1818 Anystreet Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Telephone (305) 555-1212 Facsimile (305) 555-1212 PROGRESS NOTE - BRIEF PATIENT NAME James Newpatient, Sr MEDICAL RECORD NO. SOCIAL SECURITY 999-99-9999 SECONDARY MRN DATE OF BIRTH September 01 , 1966 PROVIDER NAME Louis Test, M.D. VISIT DATE August 13 , 2013 IDENTIFICAT

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