Columbia University INFO BRIEF Volume 1, No. 1 MAILMAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH National Center for Disaster Preparedness Direct Services, Applied Research, Analysis and Advocacy PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL (PEAP) National Center for A Disaster Preparedness DDRESSING TERRORISM, DISASTER AND PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY Spring 2004 ATROPINE USE IN CHILDREN AFTER NERVE GAS EXPOSURE F ollowing the FDA’s approval of a used as initial treatment for children
with severe, life-threatening nerve agent
Charles DiMaggio, PhDHealthcare System Preparedness
It was further felt that while not within
the published dosage range for choliner-gic toxicity, if a Mark 1 kit was the only
should be used to treat all children, even
International Center for Child &Adolescent Mental Health
In May 2003, the first nationallyaccepted pediatric disaster and terror-
Furthermore, it was felt to be imperative
autoinjector kit (which contains bothatropine and an oxime and is designed
Stephen Morse, PhDCenter for Public Health
the Program for Pediatric Preparednessand funded by the Agency for
Administration. At that time, the onlyavailable treatment for certain types of
nerve gas exposure (predominantlythose with anticholinesterase proper-
established usage of antidotes forcholinergic toxicity and were felt to be
ture. It was stated that the Mark 1Autoinjector kits (although not
212.342.0408 722 West 168th Street, Suite 1040, New York, NY 10032 Page 1 PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL (PEAP): ADDRESSING TERRORISM, DISASTER AND PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY Recommendations and Guidelines: What You Need to Know Antidotes (Atropine & Pralidoxime) Anticonvulsants
The recommendations regarding this new device, a
The following additional recommendations regard-
pediatric dosage AtroPen® and the existing Mark 1
ing needed anticonvulsant treatment (based on the
kit (based on the key points listed, information from
key points listed above, information from the con-
the consensus conference and on data that have been
sensus conference, and on data that have been pub-
published since that meeting) are summarized
lished since that meeting) was made by the Pediatric
1. The Mark 1 kit should remain as the pre- The complete treatment of nerve agent ferred emergency treatment for children of exposure would necessitate the usage of any age exposed to a nerve agent with the anticonvulsants. All providers, agencies and dosage based on the previously published
stockpiles in addition to atropine and prali-
tables, Autoinjector Usage and Recommended
doxime must have an anticonvulsant agent in a
Treatment and Management of Chemical Agents
formulation and concentration that can be
Used in Terrorism (Consensus Conference
administered to children in as rapid a fashion
Executive Summary and on pages 3 and 6 of this
as possible (as available this should include the
2. The Mark 1 kit should remain as the pre-
The anticonvulsants and the dosage guidelines
ferred emergency treatment for children
which can be used to treat children exposed to
younger than 3 years old after bona fide
a nerve agent who have either a severe expo-
nerve agent exposure if it is the only source of
sure or who are experiencing a seizure are:
atropine and pralidoxime opperationally fea- sible or available.
3. If there are overriding regulations or legislation
that explicitly prohibits agencies from using the
Mark 1 kits for children, then these agencies
should stock and use the pediatric dosage
Midazolam 0.1-0.2 mg/kg (max 10 mg) IV or IM
AtroPen® for the treatment of nerve agent expo-sure in children. It is recognized that the pedi-atric dosage AtroPen® is not equivalent to theMark 1 kit and does not treat all children. As aresult these agencies must also stock and useatropine in other forms for children weighingless than 15 pounds and pralidoxime for all chil-dren (this includes stocking pediatric appropri-ate administration equipment for these pharma-ceuticals). PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL (PEAP): ADDRESSING TERRORISM, DISASTER AND PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY Rationale for Recommendations
The Pediatric Expert Advisory Panel felt the following key points must be considered when making a determina-tion regarding the role of the pediatric dosage AtroPen®:
Several stockpiles and organizations, based on
1 kit because it does not include pralidoxime.
legislation or regulation, may only stock and
An oxime should be included for appropriate
use devices for their FDA approved label indi-
While significant attention has been focused on
an approved indication for use in children
the need for atropine and an oxime following a
weighing less than 15 pounds, ie, infants and
nerve agent exposure, complete treatment will
require the usage of anticonvulsants.
z The Mark 1 Kit should be used in children 3
z Previous and recent data has shown that even
years and older. This represents acceptable
when atropine is administered in doses higher
dosage ranges for the first 60 minutes of treat-
than traditional cholinergic toxicity doses, it
ment based on mg per kg dosing (see table
has not been shown to cause toxicity in small
below). The possible risk of use in children
younger than 3 years old after bona fide nerveagent exposure would be far outweighed by thebenefit of treatment. Autoinjector Usage Number of Atropine dosage Pralidoxime Approximate Approximate autoinjectors dosage range (each type) NOTE: Each Mark 1 kit contains two autoinjectors (0.8 inch needle insertion depth), one each of atropine 2 mg (0.7 ml) and pralidoxime 600 mg (2 ml); while not approved for pediatric use, they should be used as initial treatment in circumstances for children with severe, life- threatening nerve agent toxicity for whom IV treatment is not possible or available or for whom more precise IM (mg/kg) dosing would be logistically impossible. Suggested dosing guidelines are offered; potential excess of initial atropine and pralidoxime dosage for age/weight, although within general guidelines for recommended total over first 60-90 min of therapy for severe exposures. This table lists usage of the Mark 1 kit only down to age 3 based on adherence to recommended dosages for atropine and pralidoxime. However, if an adult Mark 1 kit is the only available source of atropine and pralidoxime after a nerve agent exposure, it should not be withheld from even the youngest child. PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL (PEAP): ADDRESSING TERRORISM, DISASTER AND PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY Physiology of Nerve Agents
Nerve agents are liquids under temperate conditions. The
The CNS contains both types of receptors, but the phar-
most commonly discussed agents are VX, GA (Tabun), GB
macology in the CNS is more complex and less well
(Sarin), GD (Soman), and GF. The more volatile ones consti-
understood. We know that an acute, large exposure of a
tute both a vapor and a liquid hazard when dispersed. Nerve
nerve agent can cause loss of consciousness, seizures,
agents are organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitors. They
apnea, and even death. Whereas an acute but small expo-
inhibit butyrylcholinesterase in plasma, acetylcholinesterase
sure of a nerve agent can cause minor CNS effects includ-
on erythrocytes, and acetylcholinesterase at cholinergic recep-
ing slowness in thinking and decision making, sleep dis-
tor sites in tissue. Some commonly used pesticides (for exam-
turbances, poor concentration, emotional problems and
ple, the organophosphate [OP] Malathion and the carbamate
Sevin) and some common therapeutic drugs (the carbamatespyridostigmine [Mestinon] and physostigmine [Antilirium])
Treatment of Nerve Agents
also inhibit acetylcholinesterase and can be considered "nerveagents." However, while the OP pesticides cause the same
The treatment of nerve agents includes decontamina-
biological effects as nerve agents, there are some important
tion, the traditional priorities of airway, breathing and cir-
differences in the duration of biological activity and response
culation, supportive care for the symptoms and adminis-
to therapy. Acetylcholinesterase (RBC) is most sensitive for
tration of antidotes. The goals of the antidotes are to
nerve agents while Butyrylcholinesterase (plasma) is more
After a nerve agent inhibits the tissue enzyme, the
enzyme cannot hydrolyze acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter,
at cholinergic receptor sites. Acetylcholine accumulates and continues to stimulate the affected organ. The clinical effects
Atropine is a cholinergic blocking agent. Atropine
from nerve agent exposure are caused by excess acetyl-
and similar compounds block the effects of excess acetyl-
choline more effectively at muscarinic sites than at nico-tinic sites. This leads to drying of secretions and reduced
The normal physiology is an electrical impulse goes
smooth muscle constriction. But atropine does not treat
down the nerve. This impulse causes release of the neuro-
the skeletal muscle effects and can not treat the miosis,
transmitter, acetylcholine (Ach). Then ACh stimulates a
receptor site on an organ and causes the organ to act. TheACh is destroyed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and once
The attachment of the agent to the enzyme is permanent
destroyed no more organ activity is noted. Organs with
(unless removed by therapy). Erythrocyte enzyme activi-
cholinergic receptor sites include the smooth muscles, skele-
ty returns at the rate of erythrocyte turnover, about 1 per-
tal muscles, central nervous system (CNS), and most exocrine
cent per day. Tissue and plasma enzyme activities return
glands. In addition, cranial efferents and ganglionic afferents
with synthesis of new enzymes. The rate of return of the
are cholinergic nerves. There are different forms of the recep-
tissue and plasma enzymes is not the same, nor is the rate
tor for Ach which are categorized by their location and
whether they are stimulated by either nicotine or muscarine. The muscarinic sites include the smooth muscles and glands.
However, the agent can be removed from the enzyme
Nicotine will stimulate other cholinergic sites, known as nico-
and the enzyme "reactivated" by several types of com-
tinic sites, which are those in skeletal muscle and ganglia.
pounds, the most useful of which are the oximes. If the
Because both the muscarinic (vagal) and nicotinic (pre-gan-
agent-enzyme complex has not "aged," oximes are useful
lionic) receptors can affect then heart rate but in different
therapeutically. Aging is a biochemical process by which
way, following nerve gent exposure a person may have a
the agent-enzyme complex becomes refractory to oxime
reactivation of the enzyme. For most nerve agents, theaging time is longer than the time within which acutecasualties will be seen, allowing time for treatment. Muscarinic Nicotinic
However, the aging time of the GD-enzyme complex is
about two minutes, and the usefulness of oximes in GD
o Airways - constrict o Fasciculations, twitching,
poisoning is greatly decreased after this period.
o GI tract - constrict o Pupils - constrict
In addition the oximes via the nictonic sites can
o Tachycardia, hyperten-
increase muscle strength but they have no effect on the
o Eyes, nose, mouth,
muscarinic sites, thus treating effects of nerve agents
PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL (PEAP): ADDRESSING TERRORISM, DISASTER AND PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY Nerve Agent Clinical Signs. Vapor Exposure o Severe breathing difficulty or cessation o Generalized muscular twitching, o Convulsions
Lungs: Dyspnea (“tightness in the chest”)
o Loss of consciousness o Loss of bladder, bowel control Nerve Agents Clinical Signs. Liquid on Skin Mild/moderate o Severe breathing difficulty or cessation o Generalized muscular twitching, o Convulsions o Loss of consciousness o Loss of bladder and bowel control
Time of onset: 10 minutes to 18 hours after
Antidotes Auto-Injector Atropine is a cholinergic blocking or anticholinergic Mark 1 kit Each Mark 1 kit contains two autoinjec-
compound. It is extremely effective in blocking the
tors (0.8 inch needle insertion depth), one each of
effects of excess acetylcholine at peripheral mus-
atropine 2 mg (0.7 ml) and pralidoxime 600 mg (2 ml);
carinic sites. When small doses (2 mg) are given tohealthy individuals without nerve agent intoxication,
Pediatric Dosage AtroPen® (New Device) Earlier this
atropine causes mydriasis, a decrease in secretions
year, the FDA approved pediatric dosages of the
(including a decrease in sweating), mild sedation, a
AtroPen® (atropine injection), an auto-injector that has
decrease in GI motility, and tachycardia.
an indication for use in children weighing more than 15pounds. The two dosages approved were 0.5 mg of
Pralidoxime chloride
Atropine for children weighing 15-40 pounds and
PAMCl) is an oxime. Oximes attach to the nerve
1.0mg atropine for children weighing 40-90 pounds.
agent that is inhibiting the cholinesterase and break
At this time a device with pediatric dosage of 2-PAM is
the agent-enzyme bond to restore the normal activity
not available. These new devices were presented to the
of the enzyme. Clinically, this is noticeable in organs
working group for discussion and recommendations for
that have nicotinic receptors; abnormal activity in
their use in light of the existing Mark-1 device and the
skeletal muscle decreases and normal strength returns.
absence of a pediatric dosage 2-PAM device.
Recommended Treatment and Management of Chemical Agents Used in Terrorism Toxicity Clinical Findings Decontamination Management Nerve Agents Atropine 0.05-0.1 mg/kg IVb, IMc (min MERGENCY E Pralidoxime 25-50 mg/kg IV, IMd (max 1 g
IV; 2 g IM), may repeat within 30-60 min prn,
prn for persistent weakness, high atropine
requirements. Diazepam 0.3 mg/kg (max 10 mg) IV,lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg IV or IM (max 4 mg),
midazolam 0.2 mg/kg (max 10mg) IM prn forseizures or severe exposure. AND Vesicants ISASTER , D ERRORISM T Pulmonary Agents DDRESSING A
Cytochrome oxi- Tachypnea, coma, seizures, apnea
Riot Control Agents
Decontamination, especially for patients with significant exposure to nerve agents or vesicants, should be performed by health care providers dressed in adequate personal protective equipment. For emergency
department staff, this consists of a non-encapsulated, chemically resistant body suit, boots, and gloves with a full-face air purifier mask/hood.
Intraosseous route is likely equivalent to intravenous.
Atropine might have some benefit via endotracheal tube or inhalation, as might aerosolized ipratropium.
Pralidoxime is reconstituted to 50 mg/ml (1 g in 20 ml water) for IV administration, and the total dose is infused over 30 min, or it may be given by continuous infusion (loading dose 25 mg/kg over 30 min, then 10
mg/kg/hr). For IM use, it might be diluted to a concentration of 300 mg/ml (1 g added to 3 ml water - by analogy to the Mark 1 autoinjector concentration), to effect a reasonable volume for injection. Key: Hgb = hemoglobin; prn = as needed
PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL (PEAP): ADDRESSING TERRORISM, DISASTER AND PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY PEDIATRIC EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL PARTICIPANTS The Pediatric Expert Advisory Panel consists of the following experts and appointed individuals and the following, organizations and agencies: William Shea, MA, AEMT-CC CO-CHAIRS
New York State Office of Emergency Management
William Rodriquez, MD Brad Leissa, MD Cathy Gotschall, RN, ScD David Markenson, MD Lisa Mathis, MD
National Center for Disaster Preparedness
Major David Dalberg Irwin Redlener, MD Doris Varlese, JD
National Center for Disaster Preparedness
Linda Lewandowski Deborah Mulligan-Smith, MD, FAAP, FACEP Institute For Child Health Policy Jon Woods, MD REPRESENTATIVES FROM AGENCIES Patricia Jocius, BA, MA, CEM
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious
International Association of Emergency Managers
Shulamit Lewin, MHS Mark S. Johnson, MPA
International Center to Heal Our Children,
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Ellen Heyneman, MD
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Anne Baldoni, Pys.D
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Joe Cappiello Joseph Hagan, MD, FAAP
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health
Lou Romig, MD, FACEP, FAAP Ann Langley
National Association of Children's Hospitals &
CDC-Office of Terrorism Preparedness and
Lynn Fairobent Ben Chalpek Thomas Tracy, Jr, MD Jo Jaag, RN, MSN
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical
Marnie Dodson Lisa Bernardo, PhD, RM, MPH Sherlita Amler, MD, FAAP
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Nancy Bourgeois Nicki Pesik, MD
National Association of State EMS Directors
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-
Merritt Schreiber, PhD
National Center for Child Traumatic Stress
National EMSC Data Analysis Center (NEDARC)
Gerard McCarty Carl T. Cameron, PhD
National Institute of Child Health and Human
Department of Homeland Security-FEMA Region II
National Center of Emergency Preparedness for
Rick Smith
New York State Department of Health-Bureau of
Cheryl Boyce, PhD Nitin Natarajan
DMAT NY2/Westchester County Medical Center
Theresa G. San Agustin, MD David Heppel, MD
National Institute on Disability & Rehabilitation
DSSH/HRSA, Division of Child, Adolescent and
Elizabeth Davis PARTICIPATING EXPERTS James Pointer, MD
Emergency Medical Services/County of Alameda
Thomas Loyacono, NREMT Theodore Cieslak, MD Amanda Bogie, MD
Emergency Medical Services for Children -
Malachy Corrigan Fred Henretig, MD Neil Richmond, MD Kathy Haley, RN, BSN, CEN Arthur Cooper, MD, FACS, FAAP, FCCM Edward Gabriel
Harlem Hospital Center, Columbia University
Ken Allen
New York City Office of Emergency Management
Jeffrey Meade, NREMI P, CIC John Talarico, DO, MPH Dan Kavanaugh, MSW
New York State Department of Health/ Bureau of
Richard Aghababian, MD, FACEP
University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care
Although some of these individuals were appointed to represent their organizations and agencies, and the comments contained in this document
represent these individuals' input, formal approval of this document was not obtained from the boards of all organizations. Pediatric Expert Advisory Panel (PEAP)
The purpose of the Pediatric Expert Advisory Panel (PEAP) is
healthcare providers from a multitude of fields with pediatric
to discuss, review the current literature, analyze current issues
and other relevant experience, bench scientists, public health
and to make recommendations for policy and programmatic
historians, economists, legal and bioethics professionals,
action on pediatric terrorism, disaster and public health emer-
anthropologists, mental health professionals and sociologists,
gency preparedness. The resulting information pieces are then
information technologists, communication and media special-
posted to the pediatric section of the National Center for
ists, representatives of national professional organizations and
Disaster Preparedness website at www.ncdp.mailman.colum-
representatives of federal, state and local governmental agen- and distributed to interested parties.
The Pediatric Expert Advisory Panel is a major program of the
This Expert Advisory Panel is partially funded by grant number
National Center for Disaster Preparedness (at the Mailman
7 H34 MC00136-01 from the EMSC Program of the
School of Public Health), which is composed of public health
Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources
experts in epidemiology and program development, clinical
Services Administration, Department of Health and
scientists and physicians with expertise in relevant areas,
Human Services and by The Children's Health Fund. The National Center for Disaster Preparedness
The National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) is a
Major Areas of Interest & Expertise:
major national and international resource in disaster and terror-
z Preparedness issues for children, families and special
ism readiness. While based in the Mailman School of Public
Health, the only accredited school of public health in New York
City, senior investigators, program planners and experts are
Hospital and community health systems preparedness & curriculum development
selected from Columbia University Medical Center (College ofPhysicians & Surgeons, School of Nursing, School of Dental &
Oral Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital) as well as from
z Mental health aspects of disaster preparedness and
across the campus of Columbia University including the schools
of Journalism, International Public Affairs, Law, and Teachers
College. The Center also actively collaborates with: the
Children's Health Fund, the New York City Department of
z Individual and family preparedness planning
Health and Mental Hygiene, the Office of Emergency
z Technology applications to enhance preparedness
Management, FEMA, The Center for Disease Control,
Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education
and other key federal, state and city agencies. The NCDP works
z Public policy implications, costs and impact of
with other academic institutions, as well as advocacy and pub-
Columbia University MAILMAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH National Center for Disaster Preparedness
BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA , December 2013. Vol. 10 (2), 891-896 An Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anthelmintic Evaluations of Some Synthesized Chalcone Derived Benzimidazoles I. Sudheer Babu and S. Selvakumar* Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sir.C.R.Reddy College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, West Godavari (Dist), Eluru - 534 007, India. DOI: http://dx.doi.or
Topic Modeling for Discovering Drug-related Adverse Events from Social MediaMengjun Xie, PhD1, Jiang Bian, PhD2, Umit Topaloglu, PhD21University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2University of Arkansas for Medical SciencesAbstractEarly detection of drug-related adverse events benefits both the drug regulators and manufacturers for pharmacovigi-lance.