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Brilliant Green Agar
Brilliant Green Agar w/Novobiocin (15 mcg/ml)
Brilliant Green Agar w/Nalidixic Acid (50 mcg/ml)
Brilliant Green Agar
w/Nalidixic Acid (100 mcg/ml) & Novobiocin (15 mcg/ml)
Brilliant Green Agar w/Sulfadiazine (80 mcg/ml)
Brilliant Green Agar is a selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella species other than S.
and S. paratyphi A from fecal specimens, dairy products, or other material. Brilliant Green
Agars w/Sulfadiazine, Nalidixic Acid and/or Nalidixic Acid & Novobiocin are used in food testing
for Salmonella especially in eggs and poultry products1, 4.

Kristensen, Lester and Jurens2 first described Brilliant Green Agar for use as a primary plating
medium for the isolation of Salmonella. Kauffman3 later modified the formula and found
increased isolation of Salmonella from fecal material when specimens were first grown in
Tetrathionate Broth with subsequent subculture onto the modified Brilliant Green Agar.
It is recommended that Brilliant Green Agar be used in parallel with other, less inhibitory media
(i.e.: Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar, Hektoen Enteric Agar, Bismuth Sulfate Agar) when
processing specimens for enteric pathogens. This medium is not recommended for the isolation
of Shigella species.

The selective agent, brilliant green, is incorporated in the media to inhibit the growth of gram-
positive organisms and gram-negative bacilli. Salmonella will appear as red to pink-white opaque
colonies surrounded by a brilliant red medium. Lactose or sucrose fermenters produce a yellow-
green colony surrounded by a yellow-green zone. Some strains of Proteus may grow on the
medium and product red colonies. It should be noted that slow lactose fermenters, Proteus,
Citrobacter and Pseudomonas, will grow on Brilliant Green agar and all mimic enteric pathogens.
Brilliant Green Agar
Ingredient per liter of DI water

Brilliant Green Agar with Sulfadiazine, Novobiocin and/or Nalidixic Acid contains additional
antibiotic in concentrations as indicated.

Brilliant Green Agar and Brilliant Green Agar w/Sulfadiazine are for IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE.
Brilliant Green Agar w/ Novobiocin and/or Nalidixic Acid are intended for Laboratory Use only. These
media support the growth of pathogens and should be handled with caution by adequately trained
personnel under the supervision of a microbiologist. Media showing signs of deterioration or
contamination must not be used. Media must be brought to room temperature before use.
This media is light sensitive
. Store at 2-8°C. Do not use beyond its expiration date.
Before inoculation is performed, the culture medium should be brought to room temperature.
Streak plates with moderately heavy inoculum. Incubate plates and inoculated enrichment broths
18-24 hours at 35oC. Examine primary Brilliant Green Agar plates at 18-48 hours and plates
subcultured from broths at 18-24 hours for typical Salmonella colonies. Select colonies and
perform additional tests as required. Colonies morphology is presumptive aid and does not
provide information for speciation.

Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028
1) Federal Register. 1993. Chicken Disease caused by Salmonella enteritidis; proposed rule.
2) Brit. Med. J. Exp. Path., 6:291, 1925. 3) Zeit. Hyg. Infections, 117:26, 1935. 4) Dr. Michael Opitz, Univ. of Maine-Orono, 1990.



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