Microsoft word - sup_acetylcarnitine

Acetylcarnitine; also called Acetyl-l-carnitine or ALCAR
D E S C R I P T I O N :
Acetylcarnitine is a form of carnitine.
Carnitine (also known as L-carnitine) is an amino acid derivative synthesized from lysine
and methionine. It is found in nearly all cells of the body. Produced in the liver and kidneys, it
is stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm.
Carnitine, found in the muscles, is involved in transferring fatty acids across
mitochondrial membranes; fatty acids are burned in the mitochondria to produce energy.
acetyl component of acetylcarnitine provides for the formation of the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine; acetylcholine deficits in certain brain regions are thought to be associated with age-related dementias, including Alzheimer's disease. Acetylcarnitine is often regarded as the preferred form for carnitine supplementation
because it is better absorbed from the small intestine than L-carnitine and more efficiently
crosses the blood-brain barrier.
F U N C T I O N :
Acetylcarnitine may have a triglyceride-lowering effect for some people, as well as
helping to elevate HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. It may have cardioprotective activity in
addition to beneficially affecting cardiac function. It may also have antioxidant and
neuroprotective properties.
There has been a great deal of attention to carnitine because it may help counter the
mitochondrial toxicity
experienced in HIV infection and all the successive problems which
that may cause, including neuropathy, myopathy, bone marrow suppression (and resulting
decreases in red and white blood cells and platelets), pancreatitis, fatty liver, lactic acidosis,
and fat loss (lipoatrophy).
Acetylcarnitine has also been used as a “smart drug” to enhance memory and other
cognitive functions.
S O U R C E S :
dietary sources of carnitine are: red meats, with lesser amounts found in fish,
poultry, and milk products. Small amounts are also found in wheat and avocados. Recommended dosages range from 500mg …1000mg …2000mg per day. A 2009 report on acetylcarnitine used in a pilot study of people with elevated cardiovascular
disease risk found significant improvement in high blood pressure and glucose control among
the study subjects.
Long-term studies of acetylcarnitine suggest that it can help damaged nerves recover from
the toxicity of certain anti-HIV drugs such as d4T (Zerit, stavudine) and ddI (Videx EC,
didanosine). In particular, acetylcarnitine has shown benefit in reducing diabetes risk and
peripheral neuropathy symptoms in people with HIV.
Acetylcarnitine is a major component of Dr. Jon Kaiser’s micronutrient supplementation
package, which (as reported in a 2006 study) produced an increase in CD4 counts in people
with HIV on HAART. NYBC subsequently developed a low-cost near equivalent to K-PAX®,
which actually provides more acetylcarnitine than the original Jon Kaiser formula.
Acetylcarnitine (Montiff) Each bottle, 100 capsules. Each capsule, 500 mg of N-acetyl-L-
P R O D U C T S :
carnitine, a form of the amino acid derivative, carnitine.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 (Jarrow/Biosint) Each bottle, 120 veggie capsules. Each capsule, 500
mg of acetyl-L-carnitine from Biosint, a trademark of Sigma-Tau Industries, S.p.A, in Rome,
Italy. This Italian product has been used in many research studies.
Acetylcarnitine supplements should be kept refrigerated to maintain potency.


Food label quiz student pre (blank) (13204 - activated, traditional)

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Pii: s0278-6915(02)00094-7

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