10-31-2012_ pg16-17_feedstuffs reprint.indd

Feedstuffs, December 31, 2012
Feedstuffs Reprint
Tannins show benefits
for broiler chickens

2010, three houses with 54,000, 28,410 and 26,900 chicks (109,310 total) received Dietary chestnut tannins may be a beneficial natural product with unique modes of action for potentially increasing broiler broilers received diets supplemented with 500 mg/kg of SCT. By DANNY M. HOOGE*
NATURAL hydrolyzable tannins from
the last few years has shown that dietary generally recognized as safe in the U.S. • In a 2011 broiler fi eld trial
broiler intestinal samples were collected sorghum grain (milo), are very benefi cial listing 582.20; labeled as “tannic acid to gut health, live performance, pathogen fi eld trial when they were about 2.0 kg of reduction and litter quality (Naciri, 2005; extract” is approved under the sensory Salobir et al., 2008; Schiavone et al., 2008; Rojs, 2010; Voljc et al., 2010; Gai et al., time of slaughter. Birds were fed either a negative control without SCT or a diet that contained 500 g of SCT per ton in the starter, 250 g per ton in the grower and • Jamroz et al. (2009) conducted a
chickens to evaluate the effect of dietary performance, the microbial status of the chickens’ small intestine and colon at birds, or 0.111 liters less water per broiler per day, in the SCT fl ock compared to the • Yellow-feathered broilers were used
adding 250 or 500 mg of SCT per kilogram in a 2012 SCT feeding trial that ran from 11 to 55 days at a research farm in China (Table 3). There were three replicate pens positive control diets with virginiamycin at 22 mg/kg for the starter phase, 22 mg/ kg for the grower phase and 11 mg/kg for the fi nisher phase; (2) positive control attempted to control or prevent clinical mg/kg; (4) SCT at 1,000 mg/kg; (5) SCT at litter by 8.8% for the 250 mg/kg level and 1,500 mg/kg and (6) SCT at 750 mg/kg for the starter, 400 mg/kg for the grower and wood (Castanea sativa Miller) water- the number of Escherichia coli and Broilers were put on a six-hour fast from coliform bacteria in the small intestine *Dr. Danny M. Hooge is with Hooge Consult- ing Service LLC in Eagle Mountain, Utah.
In a paired-house trial conducted in
2012 Feedstuffs. Reprinted with permission from Vol. 84, No. 54, December 31, 2012.
2 Feedstuffs, December 31, 2012
A 42-day Cobb x Cobb 500 male
broiler pen trial on built-up litter that
in Table 4. The experiment consisted of 48 pens with 45 male broiler chickens per pen at placement. All chicks were spray vaccinated at Southern Poultry Research with the label-recommended dosage of 1. Average 41-day bodyweight, feed:gain ratio, mortality and
litter moisture of broiler chickens fed 0-1,000 mg SCT
-----------Dietary SCT, mg/kg------------
Std. error
meat meal) diets were fed as crumbles or Parameters Control
pellets. Feed phases were days 0-21, 21-35 visually scored, with a score of zero being Note: There were five replicate pens per treatment (about 210 birds per treatment) at 41 days. results by phases and treatments are shown in Tables 5-8.
2. Broiler live performance results from Egyptian commercial
paired-house trial (2010)

Treatment days
chickens, including improved gut health, increased weight gain, reduced *European Broiler Index = ([livability, % x bodyweight, kg] x 100)/(age, days x feed consumption, kg).
feed conversion ratios, decreased pathogen loads and/or lower water 3. Results of 11-55 day feeding trial in China with yellow-
feathered broilers given diets with virginiamycin and/or SCT at
various levels
---------------SCT, mg/kg----------------
400 mg SCT
1,500 750/400/1,300 P-value
0.2703a 0.2703a 0.2700a 0.2707a 0.2640b 0.2707a <0.001 natural product with unique modes of action for potentially increasing broiler a,bMeans within a row with the same superscript do not differ (P < 0.05).
4. Experimental design
Treatment Dietary
per treatment
of Farmatan dried all-natural tannic acid strains of Clostridium perfringens and Bacitracin methylene disalylate (55 ppm, 0-35 days); Escherichia coli plus isolates of four salmonella species in vitro. Poultry Science Assn. annual meeting, July 9-12, Athens, 5. SCT broiler dose-response pen trial live performance results
and litter moisture (%) during the starter period (0-21 days)*
Zoccarato. 2011. Chapter 12. Nutritional Bodyweight
effects of chestnut tannins in poultry and Treatment
weight, kg
moisture, %
rabbit. Chapter 12. In: G.K. Petridis (ed.). Tannins: Types, Foods Containing & Nutrition. Nova Publishing, Hauppauge, N.Y. p. 297-306.
Husveth, F. 2008. Effect of the feed additives TanAcid and Farmatan-G in broiler chickens. Final report. Department of Animal Science & Husbandry, University of Pannonia, Keszthely, Skorupinska, J. Orda, J. Kuryszko and H. *SCT levels are in parts per million. MAFCR is mortality-adjusted feed conversion ratio.
Tschirch. 2009. Effect of sweet chestnut tannin (SCT) on the performance, microbial Feedstuffs, December 31, 2012 3
status of intestine and histological characteristics of intestine wall in chickens. 6. SCT broiler dose-response pen trial live performance
results by treatment during the grower period
Naciri, M. 2005. Sensibility (sensitivity) evaluation of coccidia laboratory strains ------21-35 days------ --------------0-35 days--------------
(E. acervulina and E. tenella) at different Bodyweight
doses of Farmatan in the feed and compared Treatment
gain, kg conversion bodyweight, kg conversion MAFCR Mortality, %
Nouzilly, Unite de Recherche 086: Bio — Agresseurs Sante et Environnement et Unite Experimentale 1156: Pathologie Aviaire et Parasitologie 37380 Nouzilly, France. Report effects of sweet chestnut and oak tannins in broiler chicken nutrition. Institute of Animal Health — Poultry, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Means within a row with the same superscript do not differ (P < 0.05).
Salobir, J., V. Rezar, T. Frankic, M. Voljc, A. Levart and A. Spari Leben. 2008. Effects of 7. SCT broiler dose-response pen trial live performance
tannins-rich extract of sweet chestnut wood results by treatment during the finisher period and overall
on the use of nutrients in broilers. Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, ----35-42 days---- ---------------0-42 days----------------
Bodyweight Feed
Bodyweight Feed
Gain, kg conversion bodyweight, kg
gain, kg conversion MAFCR
I. Zoccarato. 2008. Effects of a natural extract of chestnut wood on digestibility, performance traits and nitrogen balance of broiler chicks. Poult. Sci. 87:521-527.
Perona, L. Gasco and L. Zoccarato. 2006. Dietary administration of chestnut extract in chicken broilers. World’s Poult. Sci. Assn., Means within a row with the same superscript do not differ (P < 0.05).
Voljc, M., M. Nemec, T. Frankic, T., T. Trebusak and J. Salobir. 2010. Effect of chestnut tannins 8. SCT broiler dose-response pen trial live performance
and vitamin E on oxidative status in broiler results by treatment during the finisher period,
chickens. European Association for Animal Production 61st annual meeting. Aug. 23-27. 35-42 days of age
Mortality, %
moisture, %
score (0-5)
nitrogen, %
protein, %*
*Litter crude protein % = litter nitrogen % x 6.25.
a,b Means within a row with the same superscript do not differ (P < 0.05).

Source: http://www.panadditiv.hu/i/themes/Panad_Theme/images/Farmatan_EN.pdf


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