
Cost-effective drugs —
what’s available?
As more prescription drugs hit the
Cost-effective drugs by
health condition: A
convenient chart for you
Take control of your holiday
stress level
Just say “no” to pneumonia
and the flu
bad cholesterol as well astriglycerides — fats in the blood —and is available over the counter.
Other over-the-counter drugs thatwork to lower fats in the blood areomega-3 fatty acids. The fibricacid drugs, including gemfibrozil(Lopid®), are prescription drugsthat work to reduce fats in theblood. A balanced diet and active Continued on page 2
COST-EFFECTIVE DRUGS cont’d from page 1
prescription anti-viralmedications, such as COMMON COLDS
oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) areavailable for the treatment of BRAND-NAME VS. GENERIC PRESCRIPTIONS
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Common cold
For a complete list of brand-name and generic medications covered under your current ODS, Providence or Clear One PERSprescription drug benefit, please visit ODS online at or log on to your myODS account andconsult the PERS Prescription Drug Plan List of Covered Drugs. You may also contact ODS Pharmacy Customer Service foradditional information at 503-265-4709 or 888-786-7509. Were you among those nursing an
overspending hangover last January?

seem to be too muchwork, too stressful and too chaotic. It’s easy spending, commitments and preparations.
avoid expensive express delivery charges.
meaningful, more simplified and more fun? schedule something special for yourself —perhaps a massage or an hour on the Stop for a moment and think about your ideal holiday season. Then, make a commitment tochange your game plan. You can achieve a • You be the gift. One of the most special healthier and happier holiday season. Here’s gifts you can give is your time. Instead of exchanging actual presents, consider aspecial night with friends or family for • Count the costs and make a cut. Think about your holiday spending — from gifts creating memories together is as valuable sprinkles for those sugar cookies. Focuson what truly makes the holidays special.
• Keep it simple. What’s really important to loved ones happy and make that yourpriority.
• Make your list and check it twice. It works for Santa, and it can work for you. Outline Simplify your plans and wrap up your holiday tomorrow’s to-do list before you go to bed season with more time, more money in your savings and, most important, more fun.
night. Recheck in the morning, plan aroute and combine errands to help yousave time and money.
Just say “no” to pneumonia and the flu
There are two kinds of pneumonia — viral HELP KEEP YOU HEALTHY THIS FLU SEASON
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness types are dangerous, but one is preventable.
caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness and, at times, can lead to pneumococcal disease, is a serious disease that death. Most healthy people recover from the flu kills more people in the United States each year without complications. However, some people than all other vaccine-preventable diseases — including older people, young children and people with certain health conditions — are at preventable with a pneumonia vaccine.
higher risk for serious complications from the The single best method of protecting yourself flu. Common flu symptoms include fever, sore against bacterial pneumonia is to get the throat, headache, congestion, tiredness (can be vaccine when you turn 65. This is usually needed one time, but some high-risk adults may need a second vaccination. Both are covered by To prevent the spread of germs:
Medicare. No one should receive more than two pneumonia shots in their lifetime. Talk to yourdoctor to see if a second pneumonia shot is • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and then throwthe tissue away.
Do you need a pneumonia shot?
• If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze To see if you are at high risk for pneumonia, into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
check the boxes below that apply to you.
• Avoid touching your face until your hands The single best way to protect yourself against health problems (consult your doctor).
the flu is to get a flu shot each fall.
Do you need a flu shot?
problem, such as heart disease, sickle cell Check the boxes below that apply to you.
disease, lung or liver disease (includingcirrhosis), diabetes, or alcoholism.
You have diabetes; diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver; or chronic anemia.
drugs; long-term steroid use; bone marrow treatment or organ transplant, or you are receiving high levels of steroids. (These contact with people in the groups above.
susceptible Native American populations.
If you checked any of the boxes above, protect You reside in a nursing home or other long- yourself by getting a flu shot every fall.
Go to your local pharmacy to get a flu shot, or call your doctor’s office and ask about their flu first pneumonia vaccine five or more years If you checked any of the boxes above, protectyourself by getting a pneumonia shot rightaway.
Find cost-effective drugs for
your health condition
Take control of your holiday
stress level
Page 4
Just say “no” to pneumonia
and the flu
Page 5
Providence Health Plan
Clear One Health Plans
Kaiser Permanente


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