Microsoft word - declaration of conformity

Declaration of Conformity
Hereby declare that the “Bristle Blaster® Pneumatic surface treatment tool” is in compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements applicable to hand tools for use in potentially explosive atmospheres according to the ATEX directive 94/9/EC, including conformity to the relevant demands and requirements of the following European Standards. EN1127-1: 2007 EN13463-1: 2009 EN13463-5: 2003 The technical file is stored at TÜV Industrie Service GmbH - TÜV Rheinland Group, Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 Köln, Germany, Notified body no. 0035 under document no. 968/Ex-Ab 1290/09. The use of the tool and any relevant limitations on its use shall be respected, in order for this declaration to remain valid. Additional safety information: See user instructions. The marking of the above equipment shall include the following indication: II 2G c IIA T4 X
Nutzung in Zone 1 (Kategorie 2 Geräte nach ATEX 94/9/EC)
Der Bristle Blaster® Pneumatic kann zur Bearbeitung von folgenden Metallen in Zone 1
eingesetzt werden:
Kohlenstoffstahl, Automatenstahl, Manganhartstahl, Nickelstahl, Chromnickelstahl, Molybdänstahl,
Chromstahl, Chromvanadiumstahl, Siliziumstahl und Chromnickelaustenitstahl (alle rostend oder
nicht rostend, unabhängig vom Grad der Verrostung), Edelstahl, Wolfram, Kupfer und Aluminium.
Eine Nutzung des Gerätes in Zone 0 ist nicht gestattet.
Die Bearbeitung von folgenden Metallen in den Zonen 1 oder 2 ist nicht gestattet: Magnesium,
Zink, Lithium, Bor, Titan, Zirkon, Thorium und Uran.
Die Nutzung von einem und demselben Band auf unterschiedlichen Materialen ist nicht gestattet.
Use in Zone 1 (Category 2 Devices according to ATEX 94/9/EC)
The Bristle Blaster® pneumatics can be used in zone 1 for processing the following metals:
high-carbon steel, machining steel, austenitic manganese steel, nickel steel, chromium nickel steel,
molybdenum steel, chromium steel, chrome vanadium steel, silicon steel and austenitic chromium
nickel steel (all non-corroding or stainless, regardless of the degree of rusting), stainless steel,
tungsten, copper and aluminium.
Use of the device in zone 0 is not allowed.
The processing of the following metals in zones 1 or 2 is not allowed: magnesium, zinc, lithium,
boron, titanium, zircon, thorium and uranium.
The use of one and the same belt on different materials is not allowed.
Utilisation dans la zone 1 (catégorie 2 Appareils suivants ATEX 94/9/EC)
Le système pneumatique Bristle Blaster® peut être utilisé pour l’usinage des métaux
suivants dans la zone 1:
acier au carbone, acier de décolletage, acier austénitique au manganèse, acier au nickel, acier au
nickel-chrome, acier au molybdène, acier chromé, acier au chrome- vanadium, acier au silicium et
acier austénitique au nickel-chrome (tous oxydables ou inoxydables, indépendamment de degré
de corrosion), acier inoxydable, tungstène, cuivre et aluminium.
L’appareil ne doit pas être utilisé en zone 0.
L’usinage des métaux ci-dessous n’est pas autorisé dans les zones 1 ou 2: magnésium, zinc,
lithium, bore, titane, zircon, thorium et uranium.
L’utilisation d'une seule et même bande sur des matériaux différents n'est pas autorisée.
Empleo en la zona 1 (categoría de equipo 2 según ATEX 94/9/CE)
La herramienta neumática Bristle Blaster® puede ser utilizada para mecanizar los
siguientes metales en la zona 1:
acero al carbono, acero para tornos automáticos, acero duro al manganeso, acero al níquel, acero
al cromo-níquel, acero al molibdeno, acero al cromo, acero al cromo-vanadio, acero al silicio y
acero austenítico al cromo-níquel (todos oxidables o inoxidables, independientemente del grado
de oxidación), acero inoxidable, tungsteno, cobre y aluminio.
No está permitido utilizar la herramienta en la zona 0.
No está permitido mecanizar los metales siguientes en las zonas 1 o 2: magnesio, zinc, litio,
boro, titanio, circón, torio y uranio.
No está permitido utilizar una sola cinta para diferentes metales.


Microsoft word - malaria.doc

Malaria is an infectious disease that is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. It infects between 300 and 500 million people every year and causes between one and three million deaths annually, mostly among young children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is not just a disease commonly associated with poverty, but is also a cause of poverty and a major hindrance to economic development. Ma

Microsoft word - medication-list.doc

If you are taking any medications on this list, they should be discontinued 14 days prior to surgery and only Tylenol should be taken for pain. All other medications that you are currently taking must be specifically cleared by your doctor prior to surgery. It is absolutely necessary that all of your current medications be specifically cleared by your doctor and the nursing staff. Medicati

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