Sample Collection Process-Doping Control Guide policy
Aim and Objectives-Scope of Doping Control Programme
Diagram 1. Doping Control Operational Structure
Doping Control Team & Operational Framework
Doping Control Command Centre ADMINISTRATION
Operational responsibilities of the Command Centre.
Medical Centre - IOA Anti Doping Commission - Doping
Doping control Guide policy Partial Sample Procedure
Preparation of Samples and Paperwork for Transport
Transport and Receipt of the samples for Sydney
Diagram 5 provides a diagrammatic representation of
the Doping Control chain of command.
IOA Anti Doping Control Laboratory Advice Form
Furniture, Fit Out and Equipment (FF&E)
Doping Control policies and Operational Guidelines
Operational Guidelines Sample courier-Lead DopingControl Officer
Selection (and Set-up)- Doping Control Guide Policy
Operational Guidelines Doping Control Venue Coordinator
(Venue Coordinator) (and setup)-Doping Control Escort
Other Operational Policies Summary of Relevant Policies
Notification and escorting the competitor
Provision of food for competitors undergoing controlTransport of Competitors after or during doping control
session Radio distribution and communication
Management of Incidents involving unidentified substances
IOA Anti Doping Control Station SIGN IN/OUT FORM
Doping Control Team Roles, Responsibilities and Checklists 75-77
Section 1 - Doping Control programme Overview
IOA Anti Doping Commission Representative. 1.1 Aim and Objectives -
National Federation RepresentativesLead Doping Control Officer (Lead DCO)
Lead Doping Control Officer (Lead DCO) Daily Checklist
To conduct a high quality, efficient and effective Doping Control Programme during
Medications and prohibited Substances and Methods (Chart) 81-84
the National Games, National level competitions, National Coaching camps, at thetime of selection of National teams for International competitions and contribute
Doping Control Venue Coordinator (Venue Coordinator)
to the development of a Drug free Sports for all competitors.
Doping Control Technical Officer/Doping control
Objectives The primary objective of the IOA Doping Control Programme is to ensure
Doping Control Escort Coordinator (Escort Coordinator)
a secure chain of custody of the competitor and his/her urine samplethroughout the notification, collection and transportation process.To conduct a Doping Control Program consistent with the expectationsof the IOA Anti Doping Commission and the National Federations.To implement the agreed Doping Control Test Plans according to theOlympic Movement Anti-Doping Code, and Anti-Doping Code and IOA policies. To ensure appropriately trained personnel conduct a professional andefficient Doping control programme.To implement policies and procedures that ensure the Doping ControlProgramme is conducted efficiently and effectively.To ensure the provision of appropriate facilities and equipment for theTo ensure the SAI Drug Testing Laboratory (SAIDTL) provides laboratoryanalytical services consistent with the Olympic Movement Anti-DopingCode and the Anti-Doping Code.1.2 Scope of Doping Control Program Competition and Out of Competition
The IOA Anti Doping Commission, in consultation with each National SportFederation (NSF) to determine the number and distribution of tests in each sportand inform the same to the organizers for making required arrangements.
Out-of-competition testing will be conducted in addition to the competition testing. Doping Control Team
Testing is expected to be conducted at the Games Village / sports persons
The principal staff in the IOA Doping Control Program are:
accommodation place, competition and training sites. Programme Manager - Operations Manager - Coordinator - Volunteers - Doping Control Operational Structure/Chain of Command Coordinator Venues/Equipment - Coordinator - Venues/Administration.
The Doping Control program is conducted under the IOA Anti Doping
Section 2 — Doping Control Operational Framework
Commission’s guidelines and supervision. The IOA Doping program is responsiblefor setting up the infrastructure to enable the Doping Control samples to be collected
2.1 Doping control process summary
in accordance with the IOC Anti-Doping Code.
The Doping control process can be broken down into seven discrete but related
Detailed below in Diagram 1 is an overview of the Operational Structure for the
steps. The seven steps of the process are - selection, notification and escorting
Doping Control Operational structure. the competitor, sample collection process, preparing samples and paperwork for transportation, transportation of the samples and paperwork, sample analysis and result management.
The steps are independent in a sense that there are specific policies and guidelines
that are applicable to each step and different members of the Doping Control team
are responsible for overseeing and implementing the different steps. However, all
the steps are interdependent on each other in order to achieve the overall goal of
the process - ‘the safe chain of custody of both the competitor and sample.’ Hence,
it is important that the policies and procedures that proceed and follow each stepare conducted correctly so that the chain of custody is maintained. Diagram 2 illustrates the Doping Control process.
Detailed below is an operational summary of the Doping Control process. Section
5 of this details the specific IOA and NSFs policies procedures applicable to each
Step 1 - Selection
The competitor, assisted by the Doping Control Officer, secures the sample intotwo approved (Dope kits) bottles marked A and B with the same unique number.
The number and method of distribution of tests for each sport is documented in the
The paperwork is completed by the Doping officer and signed by all present.
sport’s Doping Control protocol, which is an agreement between the IOA AntiDoping Commission , the National Federations/AIU/SGFI and Competition
Step 4 - Preparing Samples and Paperwork for Transportation
Once the competitor’s sample is sealed and the Doping Official Record form is
Competitors will be selected on the basis of their placing or by random draw. All
completed the sample is locked in the refrigerator or other secure storage and the
individual sport Medallists are automatically selected. To determine the selections
paperwork stored in the relevant envelopes. The competitor is then required to
for team sports the IOA Anti Doping Commission will select a session or a particular
sign out of the Doping Control station and the competitor is permitted to leave the
game on a particular day, and then random select a competitor. The random draw
is usually done by the IOA Anti Doping Commission. Step 5 - Transportation of Samples and paperwork
Medical in the Doping Control Station, or at the Field of Play.
Once the sample collection session is completed the samples are sealed in a Security
Step 2 - Notification and escorting the competitor
Transport Bag and couriered by secure transport to the laboratory. CompletedDoping Control paperwork, identifying the competitor and his/her sample is
As soon as possible after the event finishes, and the results are known, an Escort
forwarded to the In charge of the SAI Dope Testing Laboratory at J.N.Stadium
will notify the selected competitor that he/she is required for doping control. The
New Delhi or an officer nominated by the Director General SAI
timing and manner of notification may differ depending on the sport, the mode ofcompletion of the event and the Field of Play. Step 6 - Sample analysis
The competitor may initially be verbally notified and then, when appropriate,
Samples will be analysed to determine if they contain any prohibited substances
notified in writing and asked to sign the Doping Control Notification form to
outlined in Appendix A of the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code (as updated
acknowledge notification. The competitor is provided with a copy of the Doping
Control Notification form and is informed that he/she is entitled to have oneaccompanying person present during the Doping Control process. This person must
Step 7 - Results Management
be accredited and should be from the same state as the competitor. If language
Results will be reported to the IOA Anti Doping Commission within 24-28 hours
assistance is required by the competitor, where possible, a Language Specialist
of sample receipt at the SAI Dope Testing Laboratory (SDTL) in New Delhi. Result
Management is the responsibility of the IOA Anti Doping Commission.
The competitor and the accompanying Person are each given a Doping Control
In the event of a positive test result or another potential Doping offence, the IOA
Pass to allow them access to the Doping Control Station and are required to sign in
Anti Doping Commission will inform the competitor’s Chef de Mission, in case of
to the station. The competitor will be provided with sealed drinks from the time of
National Games and the Manager of the Team concerned of the National
Championship and Selection trials. A hearing will be held by the IOA Anti Doping
Step 3 - Sample Collection
Commission. The IOA Anti Doping Commission will make a recommendation tothe IOA to determine the out come of the case. The competitor may request and be
When the competitor is ready to provide a urine sample he/she provides a sample
present at the opening and analysis of the B sample, however this request will not
under direct view of a same gender Doping Control Officer. Preliminary tests are
delay the commencement of the hearing process.
done by the Doping Control Officer to verify that the sample is in a suitable statefor testing. Partial samples(not enough volume) will, and unsuitable samples may,result in the competitor being required to provide further sample. Doping Control Process - Summary responsibility
Table below illustrates the seven (7) steps involved in the Doping Control process,
who is responsible for conducting and overseeing each of the steps and
considerations for the particular step. 2.2 Doping Control Operations The IOA Doping Control programme will be located at the following locations:
Competition Venues (National Games - National Championships - NationalCoaching camps-Inter University Competitions- SGFI National levelcompetitions
Medical Centre
Athlete’s Village/ Accommodation place of competitors.
A Medical Centre, will be located in the Games Village/accommodation place ofparticipants to provide an extensive range of medical services to Athletes and
There is a Doping control station set up within the Medical Centre. This station
Sports Disciplines : Aquatics, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball,
will be used during the competition period in the situation where an athlete has not
Basketball, Bodybuilding, Boxing, Canoe/Kayak, Cycling, Equestrian,
been able to provide some more comfortable surroundings. Adjacent to the Doping
Fencing, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho,
control station will be beds/sofas/chairs where the athlete can rest while waiting to
Karate-Do, Modern Pentathlon, NetBall, Rowing, Sailing, SepakTakraw,
provide a sample. The lead DCO with the IOA Anti Doping Commission
Shooting, Softball, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball,
representative will decide whether to relocate to the Medical Centre.
Weightlifting, Wrestling, WUSHU and Yachting.
If blood testing is introduced, samples will be collected at the Medical Centre
Six sports multiple disciplines: Aquatics (Water Polo, Diving, Swimming),
Canoe/Kayak (Sprint, Slalom), Cycling (Track, Road), Equestrian (Dressage,
IOA Anti Doping Commission
Jumping, Three Day Event), Gymnastics (Rhythmic, Artistic,)and wrestling(Freestyle and Greco Roman).
The IOA Medical Commission will be based at a place where the members of theCommission will be housed. Diagram 3 illustrates the operational responsibilities of the Command Centre.
While the NGOC/National Championship/National level competition Medical
Volunteer Operations Doping Control Operations Doping Control Station
program is managing this area, the Doping Control Program will be responsible
for managing the IOA Anti Doping Commission car pool in providing transportation
for the IOA Anti Doping Commission representatives who will be attending the
Doping Control Stations. A Transport Coordinator will manage the car pool from
the accommodation place of the Commission Members. The IOA Anti Doping
Commission meets every evening at a time fixed by the Chairman during the Games
to discuss issues relating to the Games Medical and Doping Control programs, and
in particular to conduct any necessary hearing for athletes who have returned a
Transport Operations IOA Anti Doping Commission Section 3 - Doping Control - Venue 3.1 Venue chain of Command
The chain of command represents the line of responsibility for specific operational
Test Plan Operations MOC Operations
aspects of the event. You are involved in this line of responsibility - it starts with
Depending on the issue, the Lead DCO is responsible for escalating the situation
to either the Command Centre (eg Doping Control procedural or equipment issue,
Doping Control volunteer/staff issue etc) or to one of the venue team positions. 3.2 Doping Control chain of command
The relevant venue team positions include - Venue Staffing Manager (VSTM) if
The same chain of command principle to the venue team is applicable to the Doping
the issue is related to staffing, the Competition Manager (CM) if the issue relates
Control team at the venue. The Lead DCO maintains overall responsibility for
to sport, the House Manager (HM) if the issue relates to spectators, the Operations
implementing the Doping control program at the venue level. The Venue
Manager (Ops M) or the Venue Manager (VEM) if the issue is venue related. In
Coordinator, Doping Control Officer, Escort Coordinator and Escort are all
most cases the Lead DCO will escalate the issue to the Command Centre.
responsible for different aspects of the doping control operations. Diagram 4 demonstrates the venue chain of command.
Given the Doping Control operations will be managed from the Doping ControlCommand center, Lead DCOs will be required to provide written and verbal reports
Diagram 4
to the Command Centre on the following issues - status of the testing program andconcerns with policy and procedures, staffing issues, operational support (e.g. VENUE MANAGER Diagram 5 provides a diagrammatic representation of the Doping Control chain of command. Competition Operation Venue Staffing VENUE ISSUES Functional Area 3.3 Doping Control Station
The Doping Control Station (Station) is the location within the Venue where the
Escort Waiting Room
competitor’s urine sample is to be collected and sealed. The Station is comprised of three areas - waiting room, processing room/s and toilet/s.
An area located Back of House or ‘Behind the scenes’ to house the Escort’s priorto conducting the notification procedure.
The Waiting Room is comfortably furnished with an adequate number of chairs/ sofas and with sufficient space to allow the competitors to move around. An Notification location
adequate supply of sealed, non-alcoholic,caffeine-free drinks will be stored in
The location either on the FoP or Back of House where the Escort will mortify the
the refrigerator and available for the competitors to consume.
selected competitor of their selection for doping control.
The processing Room is the area where the competitor’s urine sample is sealed Competition Accreditation pass collection and return
and the Doping Control documentation completed. There may be many processingrooms within a Station depending upon the number of competitor’s selected for
The process of collecting the competitor’s Games Accreditation pass is to ensure
their correct identification and maximize the competitor’s security. The procedurefor collecting and returning the Competition Accreditation Passes varies with each
The toilet is the area where the competitor’s urine sample is provided. The toilet is
sport. Competitor’s selected for Doping control have their Competition
sufficiently big enough to accommodate the Doping Control Officer witnessing
accreditation Pass returned after the sample collection process has been completed.
the competitor’s providing the sample. Mixed Zone 3.4 Furniture, Fit Out and Equipment (FF&E)
An area designated on or near the FoP where the Media can speak to the competitor
Each station is outfitted with appropriate furniture (e.g. table, chairs), fit out (e.g.
for an informal interview or ‘quick comments’.
signage) and Equipment (eg Telephones, Television) to ensure the Doping controloperations are effective and comfortable for the competitor. A FF&E list for each
Language Services
station is stored in the Venue Reference Manual. The Venue coordinator isresponsible for ensuring that the FF&E supplied to the Station is intact and available
Language Specialists provide language assistance for the competitors and officials
for pick up at the end of the competition.
involved in the Doping control process. The Escort Coordinator in conjunctionwill the venue Language Manager coordinate the provision of Language specialists. 3.5 Venue Key Areas Medal Ceremonies IOA AD Pick Up and Drop Off Locat ion
A Medal ceremony is one of the most important post competition activities at the
Location where the IOA Anti Doping commission (IOA ADC) representative will
venue. A Medal ceremonies Escort may be assigned to accompany a competitor
be dropped off and picked up by the IOA MC car. Field of Play (FoP) Computer results System
A table located on the FoP for the IOA ADC, Escort Coordinator or Lead DCO and
Within some of the competition venues the Doping Control team will have access
NSF representative to observe the competition and conduct competitor selections.
to a computer results system. The Lead DCO and the Escort Coordinator can
The Escort Coordinator will complete competitor details on the Doping Control
utilize the computer results system to monitor the progress of several events
Notification form and insert the relevant competitor Games Accreditation Pass, if
occurring at the same time and to verify competitor placings.
they are being collected, into the Escort folder at this table prior to providing to the
Doping control Courier Pick Up location
A Back of House area within the venue where the doping control courier car will
arrive to pick up the sealed Security Transport Bag. Section 4 - Doping Control policies and Operational Guidelines
It has twofold purpose. Firstly, it is to inform Doping Control Volunteers of the
policy framework from which the Doping Control operations must comply. And
secondly, it is to provide volunteers with detailed information and operational
Guidelines (ie checklists) to understand the scope of the program’s activities at the
venue level and each of the position’s role and responsibilities in the Doping control
Doping Control Policies
The Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code which came into effect on 1 January
2000, the subsequent Explanatory Memorandum concerning the Application of
the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code is the applicable Doping control policiesfor the Championship, National level Competition/Coaching camp, National Games. As a condition of entry into the National Games, National level Competition/Coaching camp through the signing of the Entry Form - Eligibility Conditions, all
Doping Control Guide Policy
competitors are bound to comply with these policies. Doping Controls involving urine and/or blood testing shall be undertakenDoping Control Operational Guidelines in all sports. The procedures, which follow, are those applicable to in
The Operational Guidelines are designed to interpret the policy requirements and
competition and out-of-competition testing in relation to the National
provide operational direction for each of the venue positions. Other support
Games, National level Competitions, National Coaching camps and
documentation (eg Doping Control Official and administrative paperwork) and
pictures referencing Doping control equipment have also been included to assist
A condition of the competitor’s entry in the National Games, National
the volunteer understand the Doping Control requirements. level Competition, National Coaching camps and selection trials is thathe/she agrees to comply with the Anti-Doping Code (by virtue of signingthe Entry Form - Eligibility Conditions), and accordingly agrees to providea urine sample being taken in accordance with the sampling proceduresin paragraph 3 below.Breath testing for alcohol shall also be undertaken in same sports asdetermined by the relevant National Federation. The National Federationshall select the competitors to be subjected to such testing and shall conductthe testing in accordance with the National Federation’s Doping Controlrules and regulations.The IOA ADC, with the cooperation of each National Federation shall
Inform Escort Coordinator of any random selections to be conducted at
decide the number and method of distribution of competitors to be DopingControl per day in each sport and in each event in competition. In general,
In conjunction with the IOA Medical Commission Representative conduct
the Doping Controls for urine testing include the first four competitors in
random selection of Games (ie for team sports), approx. (2) days ahead;
the final classification and other chosen at random.
(Please note: this step may be conducted at IOA Medical Commission
The National Federations, in consultation with NGOG and the IOA ADC,shall also determine the means of selecting those competitors to be checkedat random in competition. A Doping Control protocol for urine testing,outlining the agreed number and distribution of tests, has been signed by
The primary role of the Lead DCO/Escort Coordinator (if applicable)
all National Federations, and IOA ADC.
in this step of the process, which is conducted in conjunction with
Notwithstanding the planned test, the IOA ADC shall have the right to
the IOA Anti Doping commission representative and NSF representative,
request, without justifying the reason therefore, that any competitor
is to ensure the process of randomly selecting competitors
undergo a Doping center at any time during the National Games/National
is conducted with integrity and without prejudice. level; competition/Coaching camps/Selection trials.A competitor may be subject to Doping on more than one occasion duringDoping Control Venue Coordinator (Venue Coordinator) (and setup)
In conjunction with the Lead DCO and Venue Manager, manage the
Operational Guidelines Lead Doping control officer (Lead DCO)
Open and close Station each day of operation;
Check Venue Reference Manual (refer to the Doping Control protocol,
Prepare Doping Control station (Station) for operation - collect radio’s
Sport Test Plan and Sport Competition Schedule) to confirm daily test
organize for Station to be cleaned and tidy, waste removed, drinks restocked
number, test distribution (ie number of medallists and number of randoms)
and random selection method (ie who is involved, timing and location of
Attend Venue team meeting and discuss issues and outcomes with Lead
Confirm with IOA ADC representative and NSF representative (if present);
Check Dope sample kit distribution Form to ensure appropriate number
total test numbers, test distribution and selection method;
Conduct random selections with IOA ADC representative and NSF
Confirm with Lead DCO - status of Doping Control team daily check in,
Doping Control equipment and paperwork available;
Record daily selections (ie Medallists and randoms) on daily competition
Update Lead DCO - status of Doping Control team daily check in Doping
schedule and instruct Venue Coordinator to make designated number of
Control equipment and paperwork stock levels;
Discuss daily Doping Control selections with Escort Coordinator and
instruct Escort Coordinator to prepare appropriate number of Doping
Provide Doping Control Pass to Doping Control staff and other approved
Documents (Following) •
The presentation of a clean, tidy and well organized Station will
go a long way towards presenting a very professionally
Notification and escorting the competitor Doping Control Escort Coordinator (Escort Coordinator)
Confirm with Lead DCO daily Sport Test plan against Sport
Prepare appropriate number of Doping Control Notification forms.
Confirm with Lead DCO any random selections, including random
selection method, who is involved and timing and location of random
selection to be conducted at the FoP table;
Confirm with Language Services manager the Language Specialists in
attendance for the event and the process for Accreditation Passcollection with relevant sport official;
Don’t forget to include an additional Doping Control Notification
Form in the Escort’s folder so that in the event a mistake is made
Doping Control Guide Policy
the Escort can quickly complete a new form. In the majority of sports in competition, the competitor’s Competition/Games accreditation pass will be collected by a Games official prior tocompetition. Collection of competitors accreditation passes will assist inthe identification and security of competitors selected for testing. Thesepasses will be returned to the competitors not selected for testing followingcompletion of the testing selections, and to the selected competitorsfollowing completion of the sample collection process. If the accreditationpass is not collected prior to competition, the competitor will be asked topresent their Competition/Games accreditation pass as part of the DopingControl notification process.Immediately after the competition or after the determination of the finalresults for an event in the Games, the competitor selected for DopingControl shall be handed a Doping Control Notification by an Escort. Language specialists will be provided wherever necessary.The Doping Control Notification will include the competitor’s Name, Accreditation and Starting numbers, if available, and a statement that an Accompanying Person may be present when the competitor reports toThe actual time of arrival will be recorded by a Doping Control Officerthe Doping Control Station. If the competitor is required to undergo bloodor his/her designee. The competitor’s identity will be verified by means ofsampling, this will be expressly stated on the Notification. The Notificationthe photo, name and accreditation number on the competitor’s Gameswill also state the possible consequences of any failure by the competitorto report to the Doping Control Station within the given time limit.b) If the competitor is required to undergo blood sampling, the competitorUpon presentation of the Doping Control Notification to the competitor,must sign a “Consent of Blood Sampling” form to confirm that s/he consentthe Escort shall enter the time of notification and the competitor shall signthe form. The Doping Control Notification shall be in triplicate, one copyc) It is recommended that one Accompanying Person accompany theto be kept by the competitor, , the original and copy to be kept by thecompetitor to the Doping control Station. This Accompanying person mayEscort for provision to the IOA ADC. The Escort shall also maintainwatch all procedures except urination. This Accompanying person shallpossession of the competitor’s accreditation pass.possess a Games accreditation pass and shall be a member of the sameUpon the competitor signing the Doping Control Notification, the followingdelegation as the competitor. In exceptional circumstances, the DopingControl Officer may permit the competitor to choose a member of anotherState Olympic Association. Upon arrival at the Doping Control Station,a) The Escort shall give the competitor a Doping Pass, which providesthe Accompanying Person shall be given a Doping Control Pass and beaccess to the Doping Control Station. From then on, the Escort shall keepasked to sign in to the Doping Control Station.the competitor under observation at all times and, where possible, shallbe physically beside the competitor. After notification, the competitord) If a language specialist is requested and is available, s/he will also bemay only perform activities, which enables the Escort to maintaingiven a Doping Control Pass and be asked to sign in to the Doping Controlobservation of the competitor at all times.b) If the competitor is required to undergo urine sampling, the Escorte) The competitor and any personal belongings s/he or the Accompanyingwill provide sealed drinks for the competitor to choose, open and consumePerson bring with them (clothing, bags, etc.) may be examined for evidenceif they wish. The competitor will be responsible for the security and integrityof manipulation or other Doping Offences upon entering and leaving theof these drinks once opened as well as any other drinks or food that theThe competitor and the Accompanying Person shall remain in thec) The competitor shall report with his/her Doping Control pass to theDoping Control station waiting room under the supervision of the LeadDoping Control Station as soon as possible but in any event, no later Doping Control Officer or his/her designee until the competitor indicatesthan one hour after the time of notification (as specified on the Doping s/he is ready to provide a urine sample (in the case of urine sampling) orControl Notification). The Escort will accompany the competitor to thethe competitor is called in to the Venipuncture Area (in the case of bloodwaiting room at the Doping control Station.Upon arrival at the Doping Control Station, the following procedures willg) A competitor may leave the Doping Control Station for a specifiedperiod of time, under the supervision of an Escort, if authorized by theIOA MC Representative. The competitor must comply with the directionsa) The competitor will be required to show his/her Doping Control Passof the Escort and must remain in the sight of the Escort at all times.and sign in prior to being allowed entry into the Doping Control Station.h) No photographs, video or tape recordings may be taken inside the -
Doping Control station during the Doping Control procedure.The original of the Doping Control Notification shall be appended to
competitor required to read and sign Doping Control Notification form
the original Doping Control Official Record.
competitor required to check into Station within one hour of being notified
Should the competitor refuse to sign the Doping Control Notification or
competitor required to be accompanied by Escort until sample collection
fail to report to the Doping Control Station, this fact shall be noted on theDoping Control Station, this fact shall be noted on the Doping ControlNotification and be signed by the Lead Doping Control Officer, the IOAADC Representative and the representative of the National Federationconcerned, if present. In addition, the Chairman of the IOA ADC shall be
Before reporting to Station the competitor may:
promptly informed by the IOA ADC representative.
Arrange for one accompanying Person, from their State teams . Should the competitor report to the Doping Control Station later than one
(eg coach, team doctor etc) to accompany or meet them at the Station
hour after the time of notification, this fact shall be noted on the Doping Control Notification. The IOA ADC Representative shall promptly inform the chairman of the IOA ADC. The chairman of the IOA ADC shall thendecide on the further steps to be taken. In any event, the procedures inparagraph 2.6 above and the sample taking procedures in paragraph 3
Compete in further events where applicable
Operational guidelines Doping Control Escort Coordinator (Escort Coordinator)
Consume sealed water/other drinks provided by the Escort
Check Venue Reference Manual (refer Event Plan) to verify the location
Consume food and other drink but at competitor’s own risk
Check with Venue Coordinator that all Escorts have been checked in,
Shower - where believed necessary for safety reasons
received Doping Control Pass and are appropriately dressed;
Brief Escort of the following notification and escorting the competitor
Clarify the information that needs to be recorded on the Doping Control
daily Sport Test Plan and the specific event/s, refer to Start List, the Escort
Clarify Escort positioning (eg Escort Waiting room, location of verbal
notify competitor of his/her Doping Control selection, complete Doping
Organization of sealed drinks and carry bags
Control Notification form and escort competitor to Station;
competitor required to read and sign Doping Control Notification form
remind Escort that no autographs, photographs or exchange of pins
competitor required to check into Station within one hour of being notified.
permitted whilst performing doping control duties;
competitor required to be escorted by Escort until sample collection process
Discuss with Lead DCO the likely meal break opportunities and inform
Distribute folders and carry bags to Escorts and direct them to position;
Before reporting to the Station the competitor may;
Collect competitor’s Games Accreditation pass from relevant official; (if
Arrange for one Accompanying person, from his/her State team, (eg coach,
team Doctor etc) to accompany them to Doping Control Station.
Confirm communication and call sign numbers with Escorts;
Assume position on FoP table at least 15 minutes prior to competition
Monitor competition and distribute folder with Accreditation Pass (if
Compete in further events where applicable
Confirm notification conducted and completed with Escorts;
Resolve notification and escorting competitor issues where possible;
(Please not: Inform lead DCO of any issue Escort Coordinator is unable to
Consume sealed water/other drinks provided by the Escort
resolve or any other resolved significant issues the Lead DCO should beaware of);
Consume other food and other drinks but at the competitor’s own risk.
Return unrequired Games Accreditation passes to relevant official;
Shower - where believed necessary for safety reasons
Organise Language Specialist where required;
N.B All of the above must be done in full view of the Escort.
Ensure Escort when their duties have been completed and conduct debrief;
Clarify the information that needs to be recorded on the Doping Control
Doping Control Escort (Escort)
Attend briefing with Escort Coordinator to clarify the following
Clarify Escort positioning (eg Escort Waiting room, location of verbal
specific event/s the Escort is required to notify
Clarify with Escort Coordinator whether you are required to undertake
other notification or Doping control activities or if your duties are finished
confirm radio call sign and test radio communication
no autographs, photographs or exchange of pins permitted whilst
Whilst it is ultimately the competitor’s responsibility to arrive at the Station
within 60 minutes of being notified of their Doping Control selection - Escorts
should keep their competitor informed of the amount of time remaining.
Confirm when meal break is likely to occur;
Assume waiting position at least 15 minutes prior to event/competition
In the event that a competitor, selected for doping, is receiving medical attention
or attending media commitments, and is not able to sign into the Station within
Monitor competition and collect folder from Escort Coordinator just before
60 minutes, it is important that the Lead DCO is informed of this situation.
end of event, with Accreditation (if applicable) and move to notification
The Lead DCO in conjunction with IOA Medical Commission representative
will assess the situation and decide whether to report the situation to the
Confirm competitor identity against Games Accreditation Pass or other
Inform Escort Coordinator if language assistance is required;
Notify competitor of Doping Control selection and request competitor to
read and sign Doping control Notification form;
Provide competitor of any notification issues unable to resolve;
Observe competitor when accompanying him/her and report any unusual
behavior to Escort Coordinator immediately;
If the competitor is involved in a Medal Ceremony and/or Media,
Conference, assist the competitor in finding out when Ceremony/Conference is take place by contacting Medal Ceremonies EscortSupervisor/Media.
Check competitor and competitor’s accompanying Person into Station.
Hand over folder and competitor’s Accreditation to Venue Coordinator;
If requested by Lead DCO, escort and supervise competitor’s in the
Inform Lead DCO when a competitor is ready to provide a urine sample;
Doping Control Venue Coordinator (Venue Coordinator) Doping Control Notification
Please print clearly when filling in this form.
Manage request by any person without Doping Control Pass who wishes
Collect folder from Escort and record competitor, competitors
(If present and Language Specialist (if present) details on Station Sign In/
Distribute Doping Control Pass to competitor, competitor’s accompanying
person (if present) and Language Specialist (if present) and direct intoWaiting Room;
Observe competitor/s activities and ensure Station is kept secure;
Dispose of opened drinks left by competitor;
Report any unusual/suspicious behaviour to Lead DCO immediately;
Lead Doping Control Officer (Lead DCO)
Confirm with Escort Coordinator that all competitors have been notified
Monitor Waiting Room - competitor and staff activities;
Introduce yourself to competitors in Waiting room and ask competitor to
let you or Escort know when competitor is ready to pass a sample;
Check that the Doping Control Notification form has been completed
correctly including competitor details, time of notification, signatures andcompetitor has been provided with copy of Doping Control Notificationform (pink);
Check whether the competitor has any further commitments (ie Medal
You have been selected for Doping Control. You are required to report to the
Ceremony, additional events etc) before commencing sample collection
Doping Control with your Games Accreditation Pass no later than one hour after
receipt of this notification. You may be accompanied by one accredited person. Failure to report for doping control within the given time limit and/or refusal to
Documents (following)
provide a sample may result in a sanction. DOPING CONTROL STATION SIGN IN/OUT FORM
By signing this Doping Control Notification you confirm that you have been notified
Doping Control Notification
of your selection and agree to appear as specified above.
Please print clearly when filling in this form.
I hereby confirm that I have notified the competitor of their selection for dopingcontrol.
The Competitor refused to sign the notificatin
The competitor arrived after the required reporting time without approval
The competitor failed to apprar for doping control.
You have been selected for Doping Control. You are required to report to theDoping Control with your Games Accreditation Pass no later than one hour afterreceipt of this notification. You may be accompanied by one accredited person. Failure to report for doping control within the given time limit and/or refusal toprovide a sample may result in a sanction.
Signature Lead Doping Control Officer Signature IOA MC Representative. 4.3 Sample Collection Process
3.4 The Doping Control Officer shall inform the competitor about the
procedures that are about to be undertaken. The competitor shall select
a collection vessel, visually check that it is empty and clean, proceedto the toilet and urinate a minimum of 75ml into the collection vesselunder the direct observation of a Doping Control Officer who shall be
of the same gender as the competitor. The competitor will be required
to remove any clothing preventing the Doping Officer’s direct
observation of the provision of the urine. The competitor shall return
to the Sample Processing Room with the collection vessel containingthe urine.
3.5 If the requested minimum urine volume of 75ml has been provided,
the following procedures will be carried out:
The competitor shall select a Dope sample Kit, check thepackaging to ensure there is no evidence of tampering, open itand place the contents on the table in front of him/her. S/he
Doping Control guide policy
shall check that the Dope sample Bottles are empty and cleanand the numbers on the Dope sample Container and the A and
Complete Sample Procedure
B bottles are identical. S/he shall remove the red plastic ring
(If sufficient volume of urine - i.e. equal to or greater than 75ml)
preventing accidental closure of the bottles.
3.1 When the competitor indicates s/he is ready to provide a urine sample
(b) The competitor shall pour approximately two thirds (50ml) of
s/he will be directed into a Sample processing Room. Only one
the urine from the collection vessel into bottle A and one third
competitor at a time shall be called into a Sample Processing Room.
(25ml) into bottle B as directed by the Doping Control Officer. If more urine is provided, both bottles should be filled to their
3.2 In addition to the competitor and his/her Accompanying Person, only
maximum fill line, as directed by the Doping Control Officer.
A few drops of urine shall remain in the collection vessel.
Next, the competitor shall close the two Dope sample bottles
and check that on leakage occurs. The Doping Control Officermay, with permission of the competitor, assist with procedures
a representative of the International Federation concerned (if the
outlined in this paragraph. In any event, the Doping Control
Officer may check that the bottles are sealed.
a language specialist (if available and requested by competitor)
(d) The Doping Control Officer shall measure the specific gravity
and pH of the urine left in the collection vessel. The urine pH
3.3 The Doping Control Station shall contain a supply of:
should not be less than 5 and not greater than 7, and the urine
should have a specific gravity of 1.005 or higher using the
Refractometer. If the sample does not meet these specifications,
Representative. If the competitor still refuses, this fact shall be noted
additional samples may be required by the IOA MC
in the Doping Control official Record. This shall be signed by the IOA
Representative. All remaining urine shall be disposed of after
MC representative, the Lead Doping Control Officer and, if present,
the representative of the National Federation concerned. The competitorand the Accompanying Person may, if they wish, sign the Doping
The competitor shall be asked to declare to the Doping Control
Control Official Record. The IOA MC Representative shall be
Officer any medication and nutritional supplements that s/he
responsible for promptly communicating the refusal to the Chairman
may have taken in the preceding three (3) days. The Doping
Control Officer shall record this statement on the Dopingcontrol official Record.
3.7 At the end of the Doping Control session or when a scheduled collection
is due, the lead Doping Control Officer will complete a laboratory
The Doping Control officer shall record the code number of
Advice form, outlining the Dope sample Kit code numbers, the
the A and B bottles on the Doping control Official Record.
analytical instructions, the total number of sample kits and the coded
The competitor shall then check that the code numbers on the
security seal for the Security Transport Bag. This form and the
A and B bottles and Dope sample container are identical to
corresponding Laboratory copy of the Doping Control Official Record
that recorded on the Doping Control Official Record. The
will be placed in an envelope; the envelope will be placed with the
competitor shall place the A and B bottles into the Dope sample
Dope sample Kits in the Security Transport Bag. The IOA MC
representative seals the Security Transport Bag to be sent to the
(g) The competitor shall certify, by signing the Doping Control
Laboratory. This security Transport bag will not contain any details
Official Record, that the entire procedure has been performed
in substantial compliance to the procedures outlined above.
3.8 The Lead Doping Control officer will place the original and a copy of
The competitor shall also record any irregularities or procedural
the Doping Control official Record and the annexed Doping control
deviations s/he identifies. Any irregularities or procedural
Notifications in envelopes to be provided to the Chairman of the IOA
deviations identified by the Accompanying Person (if present),
MC and will record the code number of these records on the outside of
the Doping Control Officer, National Federation representative
the envelopes. The IOA MC Representative shall be responsible for
(if present) and/or the IOA MC Representative shall also be
delivering the envelopes to the chairman of the IOA MC. The envelopes
recorded on the Doping Control Official Record.
containing the original and copy shall be kept closed and placed in two
(h) The Doping Control Official Record shall also be signed by
separate secure locations until their opening is authorized by the
the Doping Control Officer who witnessed the sample
provision, the Doping Control Officer who conducted the
3.9 Any additional paperwork (I.e. copies of the Laboratory Advice Form
sample collection procedure, the IOA MC Representative, the
and other report) will be provided to the chairman of the IOA MC in a
Accompanying person (if present) and the representative of
the International Federation concerned (if present). Operational Guidelines
The competitor shall be given a copy of the Doping ControlOfficial Record. Lead Doping control Officer (Lead DCO)
3.6 If the competitor refuses to give a sample of urine, the possible
When competitor indicates s/he is ready to pass a sample the Lead
consequences shall be printed out of him/her by the IOA MC
DCO directs competitor to Processing room with allocated DopingControl Officer;
Introduce competitor and competitor’s Accompanying Person to
Control Officer can view urine leaving body and entering the collection
Doping Control Officer, IOA MC representative, NSF representative
(if applicable) and Independent Observer (if present);
Clothing to be adjusted/removed to ensure witnessing can be verified
Doping control Technical/Medical officer (Doping Control Officer)
(i.e pants to knees, shirt sleeve to elbows and shirt up to upper chest)
Recheck that the Doping Control Notification form has been completed
Female competitors: stand above toilet seat, or squat to side of toilet
accurately, including competitor details, time of notification, signatures
and competitor has been provided with copy of Doping Control
Male competitors: stand to side of toilet or side of urinal
Competitor to put collection vessel lid on before dressing
Doping Control Official Record form - Box 1
Competitor to retain control and visual contract with collection vessel
Confirm competitor information against competitor’s accreditation and
Competitor informed that Doping Control Officer required to maintain
Record details on Doping Control Official Record form - Box 1;
visual contact of collection vessel and competitor from processing room
to toilet and then from the toilet to processing room ( i.e. Maintainsecure chain of custody of both the competitor and sample)
Instruct competitor to remove collection vessel from plastic wrapper
and check if collection vessel has any cracks/broken or dirty. Ifcompetitor has concerns instruct competitor to reselect a new collection
Witness competitor provide urine sample and maintain visual contact
Ask competitor if s/he is ready to provide a sample;
with sample and competitor from toilet to processing room by walkingbeside or behind competitor with collection vessel in full view of both
Yes, proceed following instructions below
No, competitor escorted back to waiting room to continue hydration
Doping Control Officer to inform the Lead DCO immediately of any
Explain to competitor the following sample collection requirement:
suspicious behaviour (eg competitor using unusual body actions toprovide sample) or devices (eg condom located in anal canal or vagina)
Witnessed urine sample provision (by same gender)
located on competitor during sample provision);
Minimum 75ml, but more urine is preferable
If competitor is not ready to provide sample, competitor is instructedto continue hydration and/or relaxation in the Waiting Room;
Competitor and Doping Control Officer only people allowed in toiletfacility, unless disability requires assistance
Competitor required to position him/herself to ensure that Doping
Witnessed urine sample provision (by same gender)
located on competitor during sample provision);
Minimum 75ml, but more urine is preferable
If competitor is not ready to provide sample, competitor is instructedto continue hydration and/or relaxation in the Waiting Room;
Competitor and Doping Control Officer only people allowed in toiletfacility, unless disability requires assistance
Urine provided
Competitor required to position him/herself to ensure that Doping
Instruct competitor to place collection vessel onto clinical barrier sheet;
Control Officer can view urine leaving body and entering the collection
Doping Control Official record form Box -2 and Box 3
Check quantity of urine collected (ie 75ml)
Clothing to be adjusted/removed to ensure witnessing can be verified(i.e pants to knees, shirt sleeve to elbows and shirt up to upper chest)
If insufficient sample (ie less than 75 ml) go to Partial Sample procedure
Female competitors: stand above toilet seat, or squat to side of toilet
If suffieicient sample (ie equal to or greater than 75ml) proceed as follows
Doping Control Officer to record the following on the Doping Control
Male competitors: stand to side of toilet or side of urinal
Competitor to put collection vessel lid on before dressing
Competitor to retain control and visual contract with collection vessel
Competitor informed that Doping Control Officer required to maintainvisual contact of collection vessel and competitor from processing room
Instruct competitor to select Dope sample kit from selection (minimum
to toilet and then from the toilet to processing room ( i.e. Maintain
secure chain of custody of both the competitor and sample)
Instruct competitors to check that Dope sample Kit seal (ie blue outer
Instruct competitor to remove collection vessel from plastic wrapper
tamper evident tape) has not been broken or removed;
and check if collection vessel has any cracks/broken or dirty. If
Instruct competitor to remove tamper evident tape (ie blue) from Dope
competitor has concerns instruct competitor to reselect a new collection
Instruct competitor to lift clear tape and open lid, remove the Dope
Witness competitor provide urine sample and maintain visual contact
Instruct competitor to check that the Dope sample Kit numbers (ie
with sample and competitor from toilet to processing room by walking
Dope sample Container and Dope sample bottle and lid numbers) are
beside or behind competitor with collection vessel in full view of both
Doping Control Officer to inform the Lead DCO immediately of anysuspicious behaviour (eg competitor using unusual body actions toprovide sample) or devices (eg condom located in anal canal or vagina)
Explain purpose of pH (5-7) and Specific Gravity (1.005) - preliminary
It is imperative that the Lead DCO is informed ‘ immediately’ of any suspicious
behaviour that a competitor demonstrates in either that notification and/or
Use pipette to extract urine from collection vessel and place on
appropriate section of pH strip, lay across collection vessel - wait
The lead DCO, in conjunction with the IOA MC representative and Command
Centre (if applicable) will assess and decide on the most appropriate course ofaction. The actions may involve the competitor being required to provide an
Place a droplet of urine on clean refractometer prism, close glass lid
additional sample and/or competitor’s belonging (i.e. clothing, bags) being
checked for evidence of manipulation or other doping offences.
Instruct competitor to check that Dope sample bottle seals (ie white
Remove and dispose of all contaminated material from the table to
inner tamper evident taps) has not been broken or removed;
contaminate waste Bin beside table. Clean prism of refractometer -
Instruct competitor to remove tamper evident tape from Dope sample
Visually check the Dope sample bottles for the following;
Record pH and SG on Doping Control Official record form;
Doping Control Official Record form - Box 4
Ask competitor to declare any medications/substances and nutritional
White teeth, located near base of lid, check teeth are intact
Instruct competitor to remove red rings from A and B bottles;
Instruct competitor to pour 50ml (minimum) into A bottle (bottom of
orange bottle label) and if more than 75 ml urine continue pouring to
maximum 100ml (ridge below neck of bottle);
Instruct competitor to leave approximately 1ml in collection vessel toconduct preliminary tests; (ie pH and specific gravity)
Record Nil if competitor does not declare any medications/substances.
Instruct competitor to seal A and B bottles b pushing lid downwards
Detailed below is a list of commonly prescribed medications according to
and in a clockwise direction, continue turning, until anticlockwise
movement not possible and gery foam is very flat;
Therapeutic classification Popularly prescribed medications
Instruct competitor to turn bottle upside down-ensure no leakage;
Inform competitor that samples are now sealed;
Puts gloves on, check that A and B lids are sealed;
Competitor directed to place A and B Dope sample Bottles into Dope
Inform competitor that security of sample is based around thepermanent locking device within the lid, the container is designed as
transport container only and that all Dope sample Containers will bedelivered to the laboratory in a Security transport Bag;
Vitamin B vials, Creatine, Ginseng, Multivitamins
Ask competitor if s/he identified any irregularities or proceduraldeviations in the sample collection procedure;
Doping Control Official Record form - Check
Yes: instruct competitor to explain concern and competitor to record
Guide competitor and representatives through form prior to signing.
The following information needs to be checked:
Competitor’s accompanying Person, if representative or IOA MC
representative are asked if they identified any irregularities or
procedural deviations in the sample collection procedure;
Yes: instruct relevant party to explain concern and if they want itrecorded the DCO to record details;
No Doping Control Officer records Nil and then draws diagonal line
Doping Control Official Record form - Signatures
Box 2 (only used if partial sample provided)
Instruct the competitor, and competitor’s accompanying Person to readdeclaration and sign on relevant line;
Provide competitor with pink copy of Doping Control Official Record
form and explain where the other copies are sent;
Put on gloves and dispose of any debris on table into contaminated
Wipe table, pens, refractometer shell, pH container with alcohol wipes;
Yellow copy: Sports Authority of India Drug Testing Laboratory
Remove gloves, wash hands with pH neutral and antiseptic soap;’
Prepare processing table for next competitor;
Competitor shown that SAIDTL does not have a full copy of the form
Document (Following)
and the competitors identity is unknown to them;
Provide competitor with overview of Results Management process;
Urine samples will be couriered to SAI Laboratory in J.N.Stadium,New Delhi and analyzed immediately
Analytical test results will be sent to the chairman of IOA MC within24 -28 hours receipt at SAIDTL .
Doping Control Officer to inform lead DCO that competitor hascompleted procedure;
Lead Doping control Officer (lead DCO)
Escort competitor and competitor’s Accompanying person to Venuecoordinator to be signed out and return competitor accreditation. Competitor, Accompanying Person’s and Language Specialist DopingControl Passes to be returned to Venue Coordinator upon signing out. Doping control Technical/Medical officer (Doping Control Officer)
Place sealed samples into locked Refrigerator, locked cupboard orSecurity transport bag;
Place copies of Doping Control Notification and Doping ControlOfficial Record forms into white, Blue and yellow envelops;
Doping Control Officer to clean and prepare processing room inpreparation for next competitor;
Doping Control Official Record
Please print when filling in this form. IOA Medical Commission Sports Drug Testing Laboratory Contents Contents Doping Control Notification Doping Contorl Official Record
Each competitor’s Notification and official record forms stapled
Each competitor’s Notification and official record forms stapled
Doping Contorl laboratory Advice Form (after faxed to command centre)
Each competitor’s Notification and official record forms stapledtogether comprise one set.
Doping Control Transport Form (after faxed to command centre)
(iii) Doping Control Report Form (after faxed to command centre)
(iv) Doping Control Station Sign In/Out Form
(vi) Other (e.g. Record Request for Doping control Analysis)
Each competitor’s Notification and official record forms stapledtogether comprise one set. Doping control Guide policy
When the competitor is ready to deliver an additional urine sample, s/he shall return to the Sample Processing Room. The Doping Control
Partial Sample Procedure
Officer and the competitor shall check that the tamper evident tape isintact and that the tamper evident tape code number corresponds to
(If insufficient volume of urine - i.e. less than 75ml)
that entered in the Doping Control Official Record.
3.7 if the competitor has produced less than the requested urine volume of
The competitor shall then select a new collection vessel and enter the
75ml, the following procedures will be carried out:
toilet where s/he shall urinate under the direct observation of a Doping
The competitor shall select Dope sample Kit, check the package and
Control Officer who shall be of the same gender as the competitor.
Dope kit bottles in the manner set out in paragraph 3.5(a)
Again, the competitor will be required to remove any clothing
above (without opening the plastic bag containing the B bottle) and
preventing the Doping Control Officer’s direct observation of the
shall pour the urine from the collection vessel into the a bottle.
The competitor shall then select a Partial Sample Kit Containing a
The competitor shall return to the Sample processing Room, open the
stopper and a strip of uniquely numbered tamper evident tape. The
Dope sample container and the a bottle containing the partial sample
competitor shall open the Partial Sample kit. The competitor shall
and pour the contents of the A bottle into the collection vessel.
close the A bottle with the Partial sample Stopper and, without removing
If the combined urine volume is still less than 75ml, the competitor
the red plastic ring, replace the A bottle lid.
shall pour the sample into A bottle and reseal the a bottle and the Dope
The competitor shall place the A and B bottles into the Dope sample
sample Container using another Partial Sample kit. Next, the competitor
Container and close and seal the Dope sample container with the
will repeat the steps in these subparagraphs (g) to (i) above until the
uniquely numbered tamper evident tape.
combined volumes total at least 75ml.
The Doping Control Officer may, with permission of the competitor,
When the combined urine volume is at least 75 ml, the urine sample
assist with the procedures outlined in these subparagraphs (a) to (c).
shall then be processed using the same Dope sample Kit in accordance
In any event, the Doping Control Officer may check that the Dope
with the procedure outlined in paragraph 3.5 above.
The urine volume, Dope sample Container number and Partial SampleKit tamper evident tape code number shall be recorded on the DopingControl Official Record and the competitor shall confirm this by signingthe Doping Control Official Record.
The competitor shall return to the Doping Control Station waiting room. The Dope sample Container, containing the partial sample shall remainunder the control of the competitor in the Doping Control Station waitingroom until the competitor is able to provide additional urine. An Escortwill also maintain observation of the Dope sample container. If thecompetitor is permitted by the Doping Control Officer to leave theDoping Control Station for any reason, the Dope sample containercontaining the partial sample will remain in the Doping Control OfficialRecord.
Instruct competitor to check that Dope sample Bottle seals (ie white
Instruct competitor to return to Waiting room with the Dope sample
inner tamper evident tape) has not been broken or removed;
Instruct competitor to return ‘B’ Dope sample bottle into Dope sample
Instruct Escort to maintain careful observation of competitor and Dope
Instruct competitor to break tamper evident tape (ie white) from ‘A’
If competitor leaves the Station, for any reason, the Dope sample
bottle plastic wrapper and leave red ring on neck of bottle;
Container will be stored in the locked refrigerator or other securestorage;
Instruct competitor to select Partial Sample kit and check for thefollowing:
Doping Control Official Record form to be stored in the lockedcupboard within the Processing room;
When competitor indicates he/she is ready to pass additional sample
One tamper evident seal (ie uniquely numbered blue tamper evident
the lead DCO directs competitor into processing Room;
Doping Control Officer witnesses sample provision in accordance with
Instruct competitor to pour all of the urine into A bottle;
sample collection procedure and returns to Processing Room with
Instruct competitor to insert ‘white stopper’ into the ‘A’ bottle (ensure
red ring is on bottle) and place lid on bottle;
Doping control officer and competitor to verify Partial Sample Kit
Instruct competitor to turn bottle upside down - ensure no leakage;
integrity by checking the Partial Kit seal number on the Dope sampleContainer is identical to that recorded on the Doping Control Official
Competitor to place A bottle into the Dope sample container, close
Dope sample container lid and seal container with Partial kit seal (ieblue tamper evident tape);
Instruct competitor to break partial seal and check Dope sample bottlesand lids have the same numbers;
Doping Control Officer to record the following information on DopingControl Official Record form;
Instruct competitor to remove ‘A’ bottle stopper and red ring and poursample into the collection vessel to mix with new sample;
Sample code No (ie Dope sample Bottle number)
Partial Seal No (ie Partial Sample Kit seal number)
If at least 75 mls
Doping Control officer to check the information recorded on the DopingControl Official Record form prior to competitor and Doping Control
Doping Control Officer to advise competitor that the minimum urine
volume requirements has been provided and continue handing as acomplete sample;
Instruct competitor to record their signature on Doping Control OfficialRecord form;
If less than 75 mls
Doping Control officer to record their signature on the Doping Control
DCO to continue Partial Sample procedure as documented above until
4.4 Preparation of Samples and Paperwork for TransportDoping Control Guide policy Transport and Receipt of the samples for Sydney Olympic Venues -In
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - box 3
Sample analysis directions 9exceptions only0
Samples will be transported to the laboratory at the completion of the Doping
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - Box 4
Control session and/or at designated collection times.
The Doping Control Transport Form Shall be completed by a Doping Control
Officer and a copy given together with the security transport bag to the
Courier. The records on this form shall include the signature and
accreditation number of the Courier, the seal number of the Security
Transport Bag, the venue from which the security Transport Bag has come
White copy of the Doping Control Laboratory Advice form to be placed
and the departure time of the Courier. The Doping Control Transport Form
in the white IOA MC Administration form envelope for the IOA MC
shall be signed by the IOA MC Representative who is on duty and by the
Lead Doping Control officer. The IOA MC Representative shall be
Yellow copy of Doping Control Laboratory Advice form to be placed
responsible for delivering the original of the Doping control Transport form
in the yellow envelope with yellow copies of the Doping Control
to the Chairman of the IOA MC. The Courier shall take a copy of the Doping
control Transport form to be countersigned by the Head of Laboratory or
Close yellow (SAIDTL) envelope and place in Security Transport Bag;
Fax green copy of Doping Control Laboratory Advice form to SAIDTL
Operational Guidelines
and the Doping Control Command Centre. If fax machine not in Station,
Lead doping Control officer (Lead DCO)
delay faxing Laboratory Advice Form until Transport form is complete
Inform Venue Coordinator to contact the Transport Coordinator for
sample pick up and the IOA MC representative pick up;
Place green copy of Doping Control Laboratory Advice form in theGreen envelope and store in Station;
Confirm the number of samples collected corresponds with the numberplanned in the Sport Test Plan;
With the IOA MC representative, check the Dope kits numbers against
the combined Doping Control Notification and Official Record formsto ensure the Dope Kit numbers are correct;
Place Dope Sample Kits into Security Transport Bag;
The final sections of the Transport form will be complete after the
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - Box 1
Record the following information on Doping Control Laboratory
Doping control Venue coordinator (Venue Coordinator)
Contact Transport Coordinator to arrange for sample pickup and IOA
Inform Lead DCO when Sample Courier has arrived for sample pickup and the driver arrived for the IOA MC representative pick up;
Documents (following)
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - Box 2
Doping Control Laboratory Advice Form
Please print clearly when filling in this form.
IOA Prohibited Classes : III E Beta Blockers
IOA Prohibited Classes: IV Out of Competition Testing
Doping Control Transport Form
Please print clearly when filling in this form.
Date / / …….
Transport Bag Seal No.A
The Lead Doping Control Officer and/or IOA MC Representative agree by signing this form that the Security Transport
Bag is sealed with the seal number recorded above and that they have transferred chain of custody of the SecurityTransport Bag to the Courier.
The Courier agrees by signing this form that he/she has received the Security Transport Bag from the Lead Doping
Control Officer and/or IOA MC representative with the seal number recorded above.
The Laboratory Officer agrees by signing this form that he/she has received the Security Transport Bag from the Courier
with an intact seal and that the seal number recorded above is correct. Confirmed by the Courier. / / ……. / / …….
4.5 Transportation of Samples and paperwork Operational Guidelines Sample courier
Upon arrival at venue Courier contacts lead DCO and informs him/her if
Courier arrives at Station to pick up Security Transport Bag;
Check details of Doping Control Transport form, particularly security
Transport Bag seal number and record name, accreditation number and
Place yellow copy of Doping Control Transport form in Transport Bag
Lead Doping control Officer (Lead DCO)
Upon receipt of phone call from Courier, if there are sample already in the
car direct Venue Coordinator/other Doping Control official to wait withcourier car;
Doping Control guide policy
After courier has arrived for pickup, complete the final section of the
The Courier shall take the sealed Transport Bag to the laboratory without
undue delay. Upon delivery of the consignment the Head of laboratory, or
staff member designated by him, shall record the arrival time of the SecurityTransport bag, check the identity of the Courier, check that the seal of the
Security transport Bag is intact, record these facts on the copy of the Doping
Control Transport Form, sign the Doping Control Transport Form, ask theCourier to sign the Doping Control Transport Form, and keep the copy of
The Head of Laboratory, or staff member designated by him, shall unseal
and open the Security Transport Bag. The Head of Laboratory or designated
Courier name , Accreditation number and signature
staff member shall record on the Laboratory Advice Form any irregularity
Place yellow copy of Doping Control Transport form in Security Transport
in the seal. The laboratory shall inform the IOA MC of the safe receipt of
the samples by faxing the Doping Control Transport Form and the LaboratoryAdvice Form to the Doping Command center who will forward these forms
Place white copy of Doping Control transport form in the white IOA MC
to the IOA MC. The Doping control Command Centre will confirm receipt
Escort Courier with Transport Bag to courier car;
Upon return to Station fax green copy of Doping Control Transport form to
The analysis of each A urine sample and each blood sample for competition
and out-of-competition testing shall be performed as soon as possible after
Doping Control Command Centre (Command Centre)
The B urine sample shall be kept sealed at the Laboratory and be opened
Upon receipt of faxed Doping Control Report form, Doping Control
only with the authorization of the chairman of the IOA MC.
Laboratory Advice and Transport form from the venue and SAIDTL advise
The analysis of a sample shall be carried out in accordance with the methods,
which have been approved by the IOA MC.
Store all Doping Control Transport forms and Laboratory Advice forms in
In addition to the Head of the Laboratory and the Laboratory staff and
contractors, only the following persons shall be admitted to the Laboratory
Record of Transport Bag seal Distribution
Persons with special authorization from the IOA MC
Results Management Sample Anaysis Doping Control Guide Policy Doping Control Guide policy Notification of All A Sample Results to the chairman of the IOA MC
Sample Analysis - Competition and Out-of-Competition testing
The Head of the Laboratory shall report the results of all the samples
time ;Inform Operations Manager of analytical results not notified with in 24-28 hour
to the Chairman of the IOA MC. The results are to be hand deliveredor delivered by secure facsimile to the chairman of the IOA MC and tothe 2 members of the Doping and Biochemistry Submission referred toSection 5 - Other Operational Policies Summary of Relevant Policies: 5.1 Access into Doping Control Station Access to the Doping Control station needs to be restricted to ensure the security The Head of Laboratory’s results report will identify the following:
of the Doping control system, in particular the chain of custody of the competitor’s
sample, prior to and after the competitor has provided it. It is also essential tomaintain the security of the Station when not in operation to ensure the security of
the sample collection equipment within the Station, and reduce the possibility ofmanipulation of the sample collection process.
Access into the Station during a doping control session will be restricted to:
Positive Test Results reported by the Head of Laboratory will include the
Competitor’s selected for doping control
if only the A sample has been tested - the A sample returns a Positiveif the b sample has also been tested - the B sample confirms the PositiveTest Result of the A sample;
Other persons requiring access to the Station during a doping control session will
a blood sample returns a Positive Test Result; or
need the permission of the Lead DCO or the IOA Medical Commission
following a further investigation of a urine or blood sample - when the
representative. Doping Control staff will be positioned at the entrance to the Station
results of that further investigation indicate a positive Test Result.
to assist in monitoring access into the station. In the case of competition testing, the analytical data of the Positive Test
The IOA Medical Commission representatives and NSF representatives will be
Results confirmed by the Head of the laboratory will be reviewed and signed
provided with a colour coded Doping Control Pass to use for the duration of the
off by two members of the Doping and Biochemistry Submission of the IOA
national Games/National level competitions/ Selection trials respectively. Doping
Control staff will be allocated a pass when they check into the Station and willreturn it when checking out. Competitor’s the competitor’s accompanying person
A record of all positive Test results reported by the Head of laboratory in
and the Language Specialist will be given temporary access through use of a Doping
accordance with paragraph 5.6 above will be kept securely for use in the
The IOA has agreed to the involvement of Independent Observers who may require
Operational Guidelines
access to the Station and if so will be provided with a temporary Doping Control
Doping Control Command Centre
Check Analytical Test Result Notification against the Doping Control Laboratory
The Venue Coordinator will arrange with other key functional areas appropriate
Advice form to verify result sent to IOA Medical Commission and record turnaround
times to provide their services to the doping control operations. 5.2 Provision of food for competitors undergoing control
types of waste: plastic collection vessels, gloves, human tissue, bulk body fluids,
The Doping Control program will not provide food to competitor undergoing
collection blood stained disposable material, equipment and body fluids.
Doping Control, however, the competitor may consume any food he/she wants at
These items will be contained in clearly marked contaminated waste bins. All
his/her own risk. This policy applies to inside the Station and when a competitor is
contaminated waste will be collected, contained, stored and disposed of in
accordance with OH & S requirements and environmental guidelines. 5.3 Transport of Competitors after or during doping control session
The Doping Control Program has introduced procedures and equipment, which
In the event a competitor is unable to provide a suitable urine sample for Doping
minimize the potential of Doping Control staff or competitors being infected by
Control prior to the departure of the general competitor transportation, the NGOC
Doping Control program in conjunction with the Venue Transport manager will
Management of Incidents involving unidentified substances
ensure suitable transportation is organized.
The management of incidents involving unidentified substances is based on the
In the event that a competitor is unable to provide a suitable urine sample at the
principle that such incidents have the potential to disrupt competition and impact
competition venue, the venue has generally closed down and it is quite late, the
on the image of the Games and therefore require immediate action to mitigate
lead DCO, with the agreement of the IOA Medical Commission representative,
these potential impacts, pending more rigorous enquiry.
will coordinate the transfer of the competitor, Accompanying person, IOA MedicalCommission representatives, National Federation representative, language Specialist
Unidentified substances refer to those substances that are suspected to be
and other required Doping Control officers to the Medical centre Doping Control
illicit and/or banned. In the event that you discover unidentified substance
Station. The Medical centre is located within the Games Village and is equipped
within an Olympic venue, including official training and accommodation
with suitable furniture to ensure the competitor is able to rest while waiting to
venues, it is imperative that it is reported to the Lead DCO. The Lead DCO is required to report it to Security and the Command Centre immediately. 5.4 Radio distribution and communication
Importantly the unidentified substance must be isolated and not tampered with. Security will then attend, secure the substance and make an initial assessment of
Some Doping Control tasks occur away from the Station and in different areas of
the situation. If it is confirmed that the substance meets the criteria of an unidentified
the venue, including the FoP, Press Conference and Medical Services. The Lead
substance, security will notify Venue management, the Doping Control Command
DCO is responsible for ensuring all aspects of the Doping Control operations within
Centre, the relevant Competition Manager and space owner. A group of
the venue are conducted in accordance with the IOA and NGOC policies and
representatives from Functional Areas will then form an Assessment Team to decide
procedures. As such, the Lead DCO, or the nominated supervisor is required to be
kept informed of the successful completion of a key task and of any issues preventinga task being performed. The distribution of walkie Talkie to certain positions within
Conflict resolution
the Doping Control team ensures that volunteers conducting Doping Control tasks,
It is useful to note that problems can often be averted by watching for signs of
away from the Station, have the ability to inform the lead DCO/supervisor of the
dissatisfaction and dealing with them before they turn into complaints, problems
or conflicts. Problems commonly occur as a result of unmet needs. 5.5 Handling of contaminated waste
Behaviors and response which could from unmet needs can include:
Contaminated waste describes any item used in the treatment or case of a person
that has been contaminated by that person’s blood or body fluids. Contaminatedwaste has the potential to cause infection or offence. It may contain the following
Active listening - listen carefully indicating full attention and concern. Use
soft quiet tones, and allow the customer to express and clarify their perception
of the problem without judgment. Never argue or disagree.
Restate the problem - check for understanding (gain agreement on your
understanding of what the customer has said)
Decide what to do and take action - agree with the customer on a course of
action and take it promptly - if it is outside your area of responsibility , get
The reasons for these behaviors can range from tiredness, being given wrong
information, or the situation being similar to a prior experience they have had, tofeeling that they are not being listened to or being treated badly. Alternatively the
Follow up the results - follow up to ensure that the problem was solved.
behaviors could be due to the influence of alcohol, drugs, stress, or being hyped up
The Doping Control program. In conjunction with the IOA Medical Commission,
In relation to the Doping Control environment our customers - the athlete’s may
have attempted to eliminate athlete’s and sport’s and procedures. The Doping
demonstrate many of these behaviours. An athlete’s most likely behaviours include
Control program have also implemented a comprehensive theory and practical
- anxiety about providing a urine sample in front of a stranger, anger about being
training program for all Doping Control volunteers to ensure that the information
selected for Doping Control and frustration about the length of time the Doping
and procedures demonstrated to athlete’s are in accordance with these procedures.
Don’t take it personally, and keep in mind that this is a problem situation, rather
It is important to be aware of the signs of conflict so that you can test your
perceptions, and prepare to handle the situation. In most cases conflict occurs in
National /Area records
The lead DCO is to be informed is either a competitor or a representative from a
State Olympic Association/State Association requests a Doping Control test to
verify a National record. The SOA/SSA is responsible for payment of the testbefore analysis of the sample commences. The lead DCO is to complete the Record
Request for Doping Control Analysis. All normal Doping Control procedures arethen put in place.
Difficult situations soon escalate into conflict if communication is poor, the realcause of the problem is not addressed, an unsatisfactory solution is suggested, or
Language Services
feelings are not properly handled. The keys to effectively handling difficult situationare:
Language Services provides a team of language Specialists at all competition venuesAccommodations places and the Games Village. The role of the Language Specialist
Be proactive - watch for signs of discontentment before they turn into
is to help Doping Control staff communicate with competitors and officials. They
do not participate in conversation except to transfer your words into anotherlanguage.
Tips for communicating through language Specialists
Thanks the customer - thank them for bringing the problem to your attention.
Allow the Language Specialist time to introduce him/herself to you
Take the sting out of the complaint by welcoming the customer’s comments.
Look at and speak directly to the person you want to communicate
6.2 National Federation Representatives
The primary roles of the National Federation Representatives include the
Pause regularly to allow the Language Specialist time to convey the
participation in the random selection process and representing their sports interest
in the Doping Control process within the Station.
Keep questions simple and break them into parts if necessary
Do not be surprised if it takes longer to convey the message into another
Lead Doping Control Officer (Lead DCO)
If you turn to speak to another staff member, excluding the non-English
The Lead DCO will manage and coordinate the Doping Control process within the
Station and be responsible for the management of the Doping Control venue staff.
Avoid using sayings, acronyms, colloquialisms or any other
The Lead DCO is responsible to the NGOC/National level competition Operations
Language Specialists play an important role in the Doping Control process and
wherever possible the Venue language Services manager has planned sufficientlanguage specialist staff to accommodate Doping Control needs.
Implementing the Doping Control program in accordance with relevantIOA and NGOC policies, test plans and operational guidelines and
Language Specialist are expected to only translate what is being said and to respect
ensure the safe chain of custody of sample throughout the Notification,
the confidentiality of the Doping Control process. If you have any concern about
Sample Collection and Transportation process.
a Language Specialist please speak to the Lead DCO.
Liaising with the IOA Medical commission Representatives andNational Federation representative/s. SECTION 6
Leading and managing the Doping Control team in terms of briefingthe team on the daily Doping Control test requirements, volunteerattendance, allocation to task/s, performance, and staff break/s. Doping Control Team Roles, Responsibilities and Checklists
Managing the operational standard and security of the Doping Control
6.1 IOA Medical Commission Representative.
station including the security of the competitors, Doping Controlequipment, paperwork and sealed drinks. (The Lead DCO will retain
The IOA Medical Commission (MC) is responsible for the Doping Control program.
possession of one of the three (3) keys for the Station)
Within the venue the IOA MC Representative is responsible for overseeing theDoping Control operations from selections through to the transportation of samples
Managing the movement of competitors from the Waiting Room to
There are a number of temporary IOA MC representatives appointed to assist the
Preparing, in conjunction with the IOA Medical commission
IOA MC in overseeing operations. For out of competition testing the Doping Control
Representative, samples and paperwork for transportation and
Officer will also act as the IOA MC representative.
communication to the SAI Drug Testing Laboratory, IOA MCRepresentative and the Doping Control Command Centre.
The IOA Medical Commission meets every evening at a pre determined time byits Chairman During the Games to discuss issues relating to the Games Medical
Organizing, at the request of the IOA MC Representative the transfer
and Doping Control programs, and in particular to conduct any necessary hearings
of a competitor who has not completed the Doping Control process
for competitors who have returned a positive test result.
any necessary staff, to the Polyclinic.
Introduce to competitors in Waiting Room and ask competitor to let you or
Escort know when competitor’s ready to pass a sample.
Reporting to the Doping Control command Centre in relation to priorityissues and completing the Doping Control Report form.
Check that the Doping Control Notification form has been completed
correctly including competitor details, time to notification, signatures and
Managing the confidential document within the Station.
competitor has been provided with copy of Doping Control Notification
Lead Doping Control Officer (Lead DCO) Daily Checklist Step 1 Selection (and setup)
Check whether the competitor has any further commitments (ie medal
Ceremony, additional events etc) before commencing sample collection
Check Venue Reference Manual (refer to the Doping Control protocol,
Sport Test Plan and Sport Competition Schedule) to confirm daily testnumbers, test distribution (ie number of medallists and number of
Step 3 Sample Collection Process
randoms) and random selection method (ie who is involved, timing
When competitor indicates he/she is ready to pass a sample the Lead
DCO directs competitor to Processing room with allocated Doping
Confirm with IOA MC representative and NSF representative (if
present) - total test numbers, test distribution and selection method;
Introduce competitor and competitor’s Accompanying Person to
Conduct random selections with IOA MC representative and NSF
Doping Control Officer. IOA MC representative, NSF representative
(if applicable) and Independent Observer (if present).
Record daily selections (ie medallists and randoms) on daily
Escort competitor and competitor’s Accompanying Person to Venue
competition schedule and instruct Venue Coordinator to make
Coordinator to be sign out and return competitor accreditation.
designated number of copies for the Doping Control team.
Competitor, Accompanying person’s and Language Specialist DopingControl passes to be returned to Venue Coordinator upon signing out;
Discuss daily Doping Control selections with Escort Coordinator andinstruct Escort Coordinator to prepare appropriate number of Doping
Step 4 Preparing samples and paperwork for Transport
Inform Venue Coordinator to conduct the Transport Coordinator for
Inform Escort Coordinator of any random selections to be conducted
sample pick up and the IOA MC representative pick up.
Confirm the number of samples collected corresponds with the number
In conjunction with the IOA Medical Commission Representative
conduct random selection of games (ie for team sports), approx. (2)
With the IOA MC representative , check the Dope sample number
against the combined Doping Control Notification and official record
Step 2 Notification and escorting competitor
forms to ensure the Dope Sample numbers are correct;
Confirm with Escort Coordinator that all competitors have been notified
Place Dope Sample Kits into Security Transport Bag.
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - Box 1
Monitor Waiting room - competitor and staff activities.
Record the following information on Doping Control LaboratoryAdvice form. ADDITIONAL SUBSTANCES AQUATICS
Diving competitors will be tested for beta Blockers. Beta Blockersare prohibited by FINA for diving competitors only. The
requirement to test diving competitors for Beta Blockers is includedin the FINA Doping Control rules.
Doping Control laboratory Advice form - Box 2
The FITA may choose to test any athlete for alcohol. The level ofalcohol that constitutes a doping offence as stated in the FITA
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - Box 3
regulations is 0.1 promille. Competitors will be tested for betaBlockers. Beta Blockers are prohibited by FITA for all competitors.
Sample analysis directions (exceptions only)
The requirement to test for these additional substances is clearlyoutlined in the FITA Doping Control policy. IOA Medications and prohibited Substances and Methods
Listed below are the sports which request additional substances to be analyzed. FOOTBALL
Alcohol- Alcohol is not a prohibited substance. Nonetheless, the
There is no testing of additional substances for all other sports.
degree of alcoholism can be checked in the breath or in the blood,i.e ethanol. Results may lead to sanctions. Beta-blockers- Football competitors will be tested for beta blockers. For the control of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia’s the preventionof angina pectoris and migraine attacks, a wide selection of otherappropriate drugs are available. Due to the continuous use betablockers in some sport disciplines which require little or no physicalefforts, the FIFA Sports Medical Committee will consider whetheror not to permit the use of beta blockers in certain cases. Thecompetitor must obtain formal written permission for use of beta-blockers from the above-mentioned committee prior to thecompetition. The requirement to test these categories of substances is specifiedin the FIFA anit-doping regulations.
During the Match Race section of the Soling Class, competitors inselected Helms will be tested for Beta Blockers. Beta Blockers areprohibited by ISFA for Helm competitors in Match Racing. Testing of helm competitors for Beta Blockers is clearly outlinedin the ISAF Anti-Doping Policy. SHOOTING
Competitors will be tested for Beta Blockers. Beta Blockers areprohibited by ISSF for all competitors. The requirement to test for beta Blockers is clearly outlined in theISSF Anti-Doping Regulations. IPC Medications and Prohibited Substances and Methods
Listed below are the sports, which request additional substances to be analyzed.
There is no testing of additional substances for all other sports. A. Alcohol
White copy of the Doping Control Laboratory Advice form to be
Where the rules of a responsible authority so provide, test will be conducted for
provided to the IOA MC representative.
ethanol: Archery: Alcohol testing may be performed on Archery competitors. The
Yellow copy of the Doping Control Laboratory Advice form t be placed
level of alcohol that constitutes a doping offence as stated in the FITA regulations
in the yellow envelope with yellow copies of the Doping Control
B. Cannabinoids
Close Yellow (SAIDTL) envelope and place in Security Transport Bag.
As the responsible authority, the IPA has determined that tests will be conducted
Fax green copy of Doping Control Laboratory Advice to SAIDTL
for cannabinoids (eg marijuana, Hashish) at the Paralympic Games. A concentration
and the Doping Control Command Centre . If fax machine not in Station,
in urine of 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahyrocannabinol-9 carboxylic acid greater than 15
delay faxing Laboratory Advice form until transport form is complete
nanograms per milliliter constitutes doping. C. Local anaesthetics
Store green copy of Doping Control Laboratory Advice form in the
Notification of the use of injectable local anaesthetics is not required by the IPC.
Green envelope and store in Station. D. Glucocorticosteroids
Complete Doping Control Transport form - Box 1
The systemic use of glucocorticosteroids is prohibited when administered orally,
rectally, or by intravenous or intramuscular injection. E. Beta- blockers
Where the rules of a responsible authority so provide, tests will be conducted for
The final sections of the Transport Form will be completed after the
Archery: Samples collected from Archery competitors will also be tested for Step 5 Transportation of Samples and paperwork Shooting: Samples collected from Shooting competitors will also be tested for Beta Blockers.
Upon receipt of phone call from Courier, if there are samples alreadyin the car, direct Venue Coordinator/other Doping Control Official to
Doping Control Laboratory Advice form - Box 4
After courier has arrived for pick up, complete the final sections of the
(eg to ensure the Station is ready for operations).
Overseeing the security of the Station, including the doping controlequipment and paperwork.
Monitoring the adequate supply of Doping Control supplies to ensure
effective Doping Control operations.
Monitoring the check in and out of the Doping Control volunteers.
Courier name, Accreditation number and signature
Communicating with the Command Centre to organize additional
Place yellow copy of Doping Control Transport form in Security
Perform the Station sign in and out responsibilities for competitor’s
Place white copy of Doping Control Transport form in the white IOA
Accompanying person and other accredited personnel.
Organizing the transportation of competitors delayed by Doping
Escort Courier with Transport Bag to courier car.
Upon return to Station fax green copy of Doping Control Transport
Organizing the transportation of competitors to polyclinic if required.
10. Coordinating the courier transit of sealed samples to the SAIDTL and
the IOA MC Representatives to their accommodation.
Mark off use of specific Security Transport Bag seal on Record of
Doping Control Venue Coordinator (Venue coordinator) Daily Checklist Step 1 Selection (and setup)
Complete Doping Control report form and fax to Command Centre.
In conjunction with the Lead DCO and Venue Manager, manage the Station’s
6.3 Doping Control Venue Coordinator (Venue Coordinator)
The Venue Coordinator will manager the set up and maintenance of the Station
Open and close Station each day of operation.
and ensure all aspects of the Station runs smoothly. The Venue Coordinator will
Prepare Doping Control station for operation - collect radio’s, organize for
be responsible for the venue being opened at the required times and the checking
Station to be cleaned and tidy, waste removed, drinks restocked and prepare
in and out of doping control staff and competitor’s their Accompanying person
Attend Venue team meetings and discuss issues and outcomes with Lead
The Venue Coordinator will be responsible for:
Opening and locking the Station at required times. The Venue
Check Dope sample kit Distribution Form to ensure appropriate number of
Coordinator will retain possession of one of the three (3) keys for the
Confirm with Lead DCO daily test numbers and check appropriate amount
Organizing the services (eg cleaning and catering etc.) and equipment
Update Lead DCO - Status of Doping Control team daily check in, Doping
Control equipment and paperwork stock levels;
Provide Doping Control Pass to Doping Control staff and other approved
Sample collection Equipment Dope sample kits (Minimum of 3 per test)Collection Vessels Minimum of 3 per tests)Refractometer - calibrated to 1.000 dailyDope Sample kits (Minimum of 3 per test)Paperwork Confirm with lead DCO daily test numbers and check appropriate amountDoping Control Official Record formsof equipment and paperwork available;Doping Control Laboratory Advice formsUpdate lead DCO - status of doping control team check in, Doping Controlequipment and paperwork stock levels;Step 2 Notifications and Escorting Competitor Receive Star/Result sheets; Doping Control Station Sign In/Out formsManage request by any person without Doping Control Pass who wishes to Record of Dope Sample kit Distribution formDoping Control Envelopes - White x 2, Blue, yellow and green
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