Microsoft word - day care - parent handbook.doc

Municipality of Red Lake Child Care Centres Downstairs at the golden Learning Centre We believe that each child is unique with individual needs and abilities. Our program is planned to ensure quality care by providing a curriculum, based on the developmental needs of the children. The teaching staff is committed to working towards achieving the following goals for children: to provide the children with many opportunities for autonomy - to promote the development of an internal sense of control and respect for self, others and property. - to enhance the child’s self esteem by providing a trusting relationship between child, staff, parents and staff. to provide numerous opportunities for play as we believe a child gains a better understanding of their world and the people around them through play. We believe parents the primary responsibility for the care and education of their children. Our program is designed to work with the parents in a partnership towards a common goal. Parents are encouraged to be involved in and informed of their child’s day. Staff members have chosen their work because of a belief in the importance of the task and suitability of their skills and education as well as a strong commitment to the development of children. Staff is entitled to open communication, job descriptions, performance reviews, peer evaluation and recognition of the value of their work (financial). Opportunities for professional development are available throughout the year. Direct input into the program and making decisions about the program are also opportunities available to staff. To provide a play-oriented program with positive learning experiences, where children will begin to master the skills necessary for healthy, happy and productive lives. Programs are evaluated regularly to reflect changes within the Day Nurseries Act and beliefs on early childhood education. Professional development opportunities are available to staff throughout the year so that they may become familiar with changes and trends in child development. Regular staff meetings are held to increase awareness between staff members of upcoming events and to review any pertinent information. The Red Lake Day Care Centre has the facilities to accommodate the following children: Children with Special Needs 4 - included in the following 2 age groups -18 months of age, up to and including 30 months of age (Within this 10 we are able to accommodate 2 children aged 12 – 18 months) -30 months of age, up to and including 5 years of age. The Golden Child Care Centre has the facilities to accommodate the following children: Children with Special Needs 4 - 18 months of age, up to and including 30 months of age - 30 months of age up and including 5 years of age The Red Lake Day Care Centre opens at 7:30 am and closes at 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Golden Child Care Centre opens at 6:45 a.m. and closes at 5:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. Both centres are closed on all Statutory Holidays. Ten recognized holidays are as followed: Note: If the holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the stat holiday will be taken on Monday. - children may attend between opening and closing hours - children may attend morning or afternoons for no more then five hours. Anything after five hours is considered a full day. Additional Programs Available For Children Attending School Any of the above programs can be combined. Provided the centre is not full to capacity, children may attend on an “on-call” basis. On call children will be provided with care on a first come first serve basis. ( For each portion of 15 minutes of lateness.) Full and partial subsidizes are available to those individuals who require it. A needs test will be preformed by the Ontario Works Administrator. Notification of qualification, will be made to the applicants through the Ontario Works office. (727-2312). Parent fees are payable upon receipt of statement. A due date will be stated on the statement. Failure to make a payment will result in a 1% interest charge on any monies outstanding. Payments can be made at the Municipal Office in Balmertown or at any of the banks. No monies will be accepted at the centre. Parents are encouraged to establish regular times to drop off and pick up their children. A regular routine ensures the child’s sense of security. Parents must notify Day Care Personnel when a different person is picking up their child. No child will be released to an unauthorized person. Children under the age of 12 years will not be permitted to drop off or pick up children. We request that all children arrive at the centre no later then 9:30 am, as this is the time that the programs for the children begin. Alternate pick up individuals may be asked by Day Care Personnel to produce a valid piece of identification, prior to the child being released to them. 1. Refer to parent contracts- Parents are asked to fill out a parent contract by the second Friday of each month, this contract is for the following month. Parents are required to pay for the scheduled contracted days whether their child is here or not. 2. This agreement may be revised at any time, however no changes may eliminate a contracted day in the period within the ten full operating days prior to the change. An interview will be arranged to familiarize you and your child with the surroundings, answer questions, and complete the admission forms prior to enrollment. Parents are encouraged to stay with your child at the beginning of the day in order to reassure him/her and minimize fears until he/she becomes more comfortable in the centre. Children with Special Needs will take precedence on the Day Care waiting list in order for the Day Care Centre to maintain the Resource Program funding. It is preferred that two weeks notice is given prior to a child’s discharge. The Day Care Centre in accordance with the Ministry of Community and Social Services guidelines will retain the child’s file. In the event that the child moves from the community, the Day Care Centre will release information contained in the file to another program or agency if a written request accompanied by the parents consent is received. Reporting to parents, both formally and informally, is an important aspect of the Day Care Program. The staff will work to develop good communication links with the parents so that they see themselves as partners in the care of their children. The staff will encourage informal contacts with parents when their child arrives and or leaves the Centre. The Supervisor will also arrange visits with parents at the Centre as needed. These visits, together with written reports, are meant to keep the parent as informed as possible of their child’s success in the program. Parents are encouraged to participate in the program and visit the centre in their free time. The Child Care Department does not have any formal fundraising events. However, we greatly appreciate donations of any kind. (i.e recycled items for craft supplies, old clothing for dress up, toys that are no longer useful to you at home.) Your child should be dressed in clothing appropriate for physical activity, the weather and the season. A second set of clothing should be kept at the centre in case of accidents. All children should have indoor footwear at the centre. Also, all clothing and toys should be labeled with your child’s name. All children will be suncreened before going outside when expose to the sun is deemed hazardous. The centre will provide sunscreen to all children in the program. Permission forms will be included in the admission package and will remain active until the child is withdrawn. The staff at the Red Lake Day Care Centre strives for a positive approach towards children at all times. The nurturing of each child’s self esteem is a key part of the Centre’s philosophy of care. No one entering this Day Care will be permitted to treat a child in such a way that the child’s dignity or sense of self-worth is undermined. In accordance with the guidelines set out in the Ontario Day Nurseries Act, at no time will a staff member take action that would degrade or humiliate a child, or otherwise undermine a child’s self respect. Act with confidence and sympathetic firmness in disciplining. Good timing of action is essential to effective disciplining. Use simple, clear statements about what is acceptable behaviour. Give choices when possible, adding a statement about what is not acceptable, as this will clarify the situation. The consequences for misbehavior should be immediate and without humiliation for the child. They should bear some relation to the act, if possible, and should be consistently applied and maintained. Effective consequences are logical consequences. Respect the child’s feelings of guilt, but do not try to add to it. Accept any restitution’s s/he may wish to make and leave the incident behind. Swearing: Ignore the swearing at first and if the child continually swears then let the child know that we do nose use those words here. If the child continues to swear, redirect him/her to another area. Child’s anger: Identify and redirect to an appropriate area. Follow through with consistent discipline. Always feel free to talk to other staff for advice on discipline. When a teacher disciplines a child, do not interfere. Discuss with the teacher later, but not in front of the child if you feel the discipline is wrong. When discussing a child’s behaviour, be sure that no one over hears the conversation. ( ex. Children, visitors, parents etc.) If a teacher is very upset with a child and needs a break from the child when disciplining him or her, the teacher should ask another staff member to intervene. Day Care staff shall not use the following methods of handling children, as stated in the Day Nurseries Act: a) Corporal punishment of a child by an employee of the operator, by a person in charge of a location where private-home day care is provided by the operator, or by another child or group of children b) Deliberate, harsh, or degrading measures to be used on a child that would humiliate a child or undermine a child’s self respect. c) Deprivation of a child of basic needs including food, shelter, clothing a) lock or permit to be locked for the purpose of confining a child, the exits of a day care nursery operated by the operator or location where private-home day care is provided or by the operator; or b) use locked or lockable room structure to confine a child who has been Failure to comply with the Behaviour Management practices and procedures, as set out in the Policy manual, will result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Bi-annual supervisory meetings will be held in order to monitor the behaviour management practices of employees and volunteers. A record of these meetings will be kept and signed off by Supervisor and employee. These records will be retained for at least two years. Upon commencement of employment, all teaching staff must complete the following: The above will be reviewed at least once a year by all teaching staff under the direction of the Supervisor. All disciplinary action taken at this Day Care MUST do the following: Explain to the child why his/her actions were inappropriate. Show the child that s/he has ownership of the problem. Show the child how to solve the problem they have created. Leave the child’s dignity in tact. As teachers in the Day Care we have an obligation to ensure that we do the following: • Clarify what we want. • Communicate those expectations simply and directly. • Let the children know what consequences will occur if they choose to act • Commit ourselves to following through with logical and natural consequences that • Treat children in the same manner that we would like to be treated ourselves. It will be necessary for the teaching staff under the direction of the Supervisor to decide which areas they will allow the children to exercise a choice, and where the children do not have choices. For example: Do the children have the choice of whether or not to wash their hands before snack? If the answer is no, then there must be consequence if the child chooses not to wash his/her hands. The consequence must be logical and natural; and to deny the child that snack is very natural and logical in this instance It is the responsibility of the teaching staff under the direction of the Supervisor to develop the consequences for irresponsible behaviour. The consequences must be logical and natural and it is necessary that all teaching staff consistently enforce them. There should be very few rules. There should be an expectation of cooperative behaviour on the part of the teachers and so there will not be rules to ensure that cooperative behaviour occurs. Any child who in any way physically or verbally hurt another child will be asked to identifying the other child’s feelings and will be redirected to an appropriate activity. Any child who makes a mess has the responsibility for cleaning up after themselves Everyone play with the toys and so everyone helps clean up during tidy up time. After sleeptime, it is time for quiet play. Quiet play can be puzzles, books, felt or chalkboards. Everyone outside uses the play area. Under the play equipment, stairs and behind the shed are not play areas. Hands are to be washed before lunch and snacks. Everyone is to try to use the washroom before and after naptime. Also before midday and afternoon outdoor play. Procedure for Dealing with A Child Who Bites Biting is very often a problem in preschool, settings. The following procedure is to be used: 1. Teacher who witnesses the incident will go to the biter and at eye level taking hold of the child’s hand she will say “no, do not bite”, “biting hurts”, or “there is no biting allowed at daycare.” The teacher then immediately withdraws from the child who did the biting and tends to the child who is in distress from being bit. The teacher will stay and comfort the child who has been bit. When there are 6 or more children, 2 staff members must be on the premises. During outdoor play mandated ratio must be maintained. In addition there must be 2 staff outside with 6 or more children. Children must be accounted for at all times. When a child arrives they are checked in and when they depart they are checked out of the attendance books. To assist a child reaching their full potential, the teacher guides the child’s play and actions in a meaningful way. Working with the child at his/her level is most effective. Throughout the year, trips are made to special places of interest. A notice will be sent home in advance of the excursion informing you of the destination time and date. Parents are always welcome to accompany us. The centre provides a nutritional morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. The weekly menu plan is based upon the Canada’s Food Guide and the Day Nurseries Act’s requirements. The weekly menu plans are posted for the current and following week on the parent board. Food substitutes can be made for children having food allergies. Lists of the food allergies are posted in the kitchens and serving areas. When a child’s diet requires a number of changes, the parent must complete a dietary menu plan. The parent will then discuss the menu with the cook to answer any questions. The centre’s program involves an active schedule. A child’s health must allow them to participate in outdoor and indoor activities. To ensure the safety of everyone’s health, these practices are followed: 1. Children are required to have up to date immunization prior to admission. Parents are required to keep their children’s immunization up to date. Day Care Personnel must have a medical and up to date immunization before commencement of employment. Day Care Personnel are required to keep their immunization up to date. Parents are required to pick up their child when they show signs of ill health: 1) Elevated temperature 2) An acute cold with nasal discharge or coughing. 3) Vomiting or diarrhea 4) Red or discharging eyes or ears. 5) Undiagnosed skin rashes or infections. **In cases where a child is sent home due to the possibility of them having a communicable disease, a Doctor’s note will be required from parents prior to the child’s return to the Centre. (i.e. Pink eye unexplained skin conditions etc.) Parents are requested to inform Day Care Personnel if their child contracts a communicable disease. Children exposed to a communicable disease during the incubation period will be observed for symptoms and the parents notified. Weather conditions – In the cold weather months, (i.e. – winter months), if the temperature outdoors is –25C or if the wind-chill is in excess of 1600, the children and the staff of the Day Care Centre will remain indoors. A doctor must prescribe any medication administered by the Day Care Personnel. Medication must be in its original container, labeled with the child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, date purchased, instructions of administration and storage. Parents must complete a medication form – the signature of the parent and the staff member receiving the medication from the parent must not be the same person. Designated staff members will administer medication in the presence of another staff member. Both will the sign the medication form following measurement and administration. A designated staff member will administer medication creams and will sign the medication form following administration. Another staff member does not have to be present when the cream is administered. Medication will be stored in a locked medicine cabinet or refrigerated in a locked container. Medication creams do not have to be stored in a locked container, but will need to out of the reach of the children. Any accidental administration of medication will be recorded and reported to the Supervisor. The parent of the child will be notified immediately. If accidental administration of medication occurs a call will be placed to the Poison Control Center at 1 – 800 – 286 – 9017 Should any changes be required on the medication form, both the parent and staff member must sign and date the needed changes. When medication is being administered, a graduated instrument will be used at all times. In no instances will household spoons be used to administer medication. At least one dozen, clear type, graduated instruments will be on hand at all times. During the cold season (i.e. winter months) the Day Care staff, at their monthly meetings, will receive a review of the medication procedure. Any families enrolling children into the centres with known allergies, will be asked to complete a Health Care Plan. This plan will outline specific allergies, reactions the children may have and specific instructions for staff on how to deal with these reactions. As a precaution, children with allergies must have an Epi – pen or a supply of prescribed Benadryl at the centre at all times. We ask that children refrain from bringing in food or snacks from home. With the amount of allergies within the centres we must be able to control what is available for consumption. 1. Diapers & Wipes. (if applicable) 2. Indoor Shoes 8. Anything special your child might sleep with. (ie. Soother, blanket, 9. Appropriate outdoor clothing. (ie, splash pants, rubber boots etc.) **************REMEMBER TO LABEL ALL ITEMS***************


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