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Integrated Physical - Chemical – Biological Remedial Strategy for
TPH Impacted Groundwater: significant benefits of augmenting
an extractive remedial system with RegenOx®
This document summarises the combined use of physical, chemical and biological remediation
approaches to synergistically increase treatment rate and efficiency, save costs, and meet an
inflexible remedial deadline on a UK project. The use of the specific technologies in combination for
the first time in this project provides benefits that none of the technologies used alone could achieve.
Central to this was the novel exploitation of a feature of the RegenOx® product that was initially
designed for an alternative purpose. The success of this is demonstrated in the pioneering ‘treatment-
train’ case study presented below. The principle is now being widely exploited in a variety of additional
Project Background
Geo2 Remediation Ltd. carried out the remediation of a former service station following historic
leakage from underground storage tanks (USTs), which had resulted in total petroleum hydrocarbon
(TPH) contamination of the groundwater. Concentrations were significant near the source area, with
plume migration down-gradient towards the edge of the property. A fixed-price remediation strategy
was agreed with the client against a fixed and inflexible development deadline.
Ex situ Physical Remediation
The initial works comprised the USTs being
made safe and removed, after which some of
the most impacted soils were excavated from
around the tank base and walls.
In situ Physical Remediation
In April 2006, a Dual-Phase Vacuum
Extraction (DPVE) system was installed to
recover residual LNAPL and reduce the TPH
concentration within the groundwater. Over
one year’s operation, contamination levels
across the site had been reduced but the
system had reached asymptotic levels
commonly observed in physical abstraction-based systems. The DPVE unit was then shut down to allow for rebound monitoring which showed that the free-phase contamination Figure 1. RegenOx Injection Locations
had been successfully removed. However, the dissolved phase TPH concentration had not reduced to below the site specific target levels (SSTLs) as agreed with the regulatory authorities. Combined in situ Physical Remediation and Chemical Oxidation
At this point it was decided to begin the next phase of the remedial strategy and apply in situ chemical
oxidation (ISCO), using the Regenesis product RegenOx®, in order to augment the DPVE system and
improve the contaminant abstraction efficiency. This approach was novel, and previously untried, and
was based on features of the RegenOx product designed for other purposes.
This is described briefly
RegenOx Basics
RegenOx is a proprietary two-part chemical oxidation product manufactured by Regenesis for in situ
groundwater treatment. It combines the use of a controlled-release percarbonate-based oxygen
compound with a proprietary multi-part catalyst to generate surface-mediated free radical generation
and contaminant oxidation (e.g. perhydroxyl radical, hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical), with
reactive power comparable to that of Fenton’s reagent but with greatly facilitated handling and
subsurface delivery / longevity (up to 30 days). This provides an effective contaminant oxidation
reaction without violent exothermic reaction, and can therefore be handled using a wide range of
standard field equipment (e.g. direct-push injection rigs) or applied directly to excavations.
Furthermore, it is alkaline and can therefore be used in calcareous formations in addition to sands and
gravels etc.
1RegenOx-enhanced Contaminant Desorption
RegenOx has been designed as a bespoke remediation product to provide advantages in usage and
application over commodity chemical products used for ISCO (e.g. permanganates, persulphates,
peroxides). One of the design features it includes is reduced losses onto the aquifer matrix,
commonly known as the matrix Natural Oxidant Demand (NOD). This is achieved by RegenOx
through a powerful desorption / surfactant effect of the combined product (principally the catalyst) that
draws the contaminant off the soil surface and into solution / onto the catalytic surface where localised
free radical generation occurs leading to focussed contaminant destruction. This restricts the oxidant
losses onto tightly bound and heavier soil organics such as humics, roots, and other natural or
immobile fractions. At the same time, RegenOx is purely inorganic therefore adding no organic
surfactant to the system that may prevent a competitive oxygen sink to on-going contaminant
The present project makes use of this product feature to combine in situ chemical oxidation with
enhanced physical mass recovery. RegenOx-desorbed contaminant mass and partially oxidised
(more soluble) organic species are recovered via groundwater abstraction using the DPVE system,
whilst further contamination is destroyed
in situ by oxidation.
Augmentation of the DPVE System Using RegenOx – Procedure
Once the results from the DPVE treatment were shown to be asymptotic, RegenOx was applied by direct-push injection into the residual contaminant plume. The abstraction lances of the DPVE system were raised above the groundwater level in order to provide ongoing soil vapour extraction (SVE) whilst the chemical oxidation process was completed. RegenOx fully oxidised some of the TPH in the groundwater, but also produced more soluble intermediate products by partial oxidation and temporarily increased the desorption of TPH sorbed to the formation. This meant that, after two weeks, the DPVE lances could be lowered into the groundwater once more in order to remove the 1 Standard RegenOx treatment typically comprises a sequence of applications, approximately one month apart, progressively desorbing and oxidising contaminants. This process is often followed by enhanced bioremediation using Regenesis controlled-release electron donors/acceptors (e.g. ORC®, HRC®). partially oxidised products and the desorbed fraction produced by the RegenOx application, thus
significantly increasing the extraction efficacy of the DPVE system.

In situ
Chemical Oxidation
Once the DPVE treatment had removed the dissolved phase contaminants made available by the
RegenOx application, the lances were raised above the groundwater and a second application of
RegenOx was completed. Whilst the DPVE lances were used to provide SVE, the second RegenOx
application was used to chemically oxidise the residual dissolved phase TPH contamination to below
the SSTLs. The DPVE liquid extraction was shut off at the time of the second RegenOx application
(one month after the first).

In situ Bioremediation / Natural Attenuation
The site was broadly brought into compliance through the above procedures, but with the exception of
a residual area in the region of well DPVE-N which remained above compliance. However, the TPH in
this region continued to drop steeply following the second RegenOx application for a period
significantly longer than the 3 – 4 week reactive duration of RegenOx (7,300 µg/L dropping to 4,680
µg/L (35% reduction) at 50 days post-application). The observed continued reduction was attributed
to enhanced biodegradation arising through:
• Increased contaminant bio-availability (RegenOx-enhanced desorption);
• Increase contaminant biodegradability (partial contaminant oxidation to less recalcitrant
species – e.g. alkanes converted to alcohols, carboxylic acids etc.); • Creation of temporary (1 – 2 month) aerobic / high redox conditions through RegenOx application accompanied by resultant oxidation of aquifer mineral species (e.g. iron and manganese) which will contribute as electron acceptors to enhance biodegradation for a further period post oxygen depletion.
Regulatory Closure
Based on these principles, the observed contaminant reduction trend and the isolated nature of the
residual contamination, regulatory closure of the project was secured – on time and on budget – and
the development of the site proceeded on schedule.
Contacts for Further information
Regenesis Ltd.

Geo2 Remediation Ltd.
Results Summary
Project results are summarised in the following tables. A summary of the overall programme in the
principal impacted well is illustrated graphically in Figure 2.
Table 1. Groundwater TPH Concentrations during the Treatment Program (µg/L)
Following Free-
Before 1st RegenOx
Following 2nd
Final Validation
Phase Removal
RegenOx Injection
(August 2006)
(February 2007)
(April 2007)
(May 2007)
Table 2. Summary of RegenOx System Enhancement Performance
Pre-RegenOx Asymptotic
Post-RegenOx Average
Average (µg/L)



Women’s Health Issues 13 (2003) 74 –78 MIND CONTROL OF MENOPAUSE Jawaid Younus, MDa, Ian Simpson, MDb, Alison Collins, RNb, Xikui Wang, PhDca London Regional Cancer Centre, London, Ontario, Canada b Western Memorial Regional Hospital, Corner Brook, Canada c Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Received 29 July 2002; accepted 14 November 2002 The primary

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