Summer heat on the tennis court in arizona: how it raises body temperature and what can be done about it
in contact with the skin; this is called convective heat gain. But the most important way the
Body temperature during a tennis match is a
body gains heat during exercise is by its own
balance between how fast the body gains and
metabolic activity. Roughly 75-80% of the
loses heat: In addition to air temperature, how
energy the body produces by converting fats
hard one plays and the dryness of the air are
the two most critical factors in the control of
triphosphate), the fuel for muscle contraction
and other metabolic processes, is “wasted” as
Fatigue (mental and/or physical) and heat
heat. During strenuous exercise, the muscles
illness can be of concern as body temperature
can produce 100 times more heat than they do
rises, sweat production increases, and the
at rest, and if most of this heat is not rapidly
body loses too much water. Early fatigue is
removed, the body will cook its own proteins.
the most common effect of increased body
(Most of us tennis players need not worry about
temperature in SaddleBrooke tennis players,
cooking our proteins; if we are not breathing hard and are spending lots of time complaining
possible. Heat exhaustion, heat stroke and
about line calls and joking with our opponents,
low blood sodium levels can be deadly but are
we are not participating in “strenuous exercise.”)
highly unlikely for SaddleBrooke players.
The risk of heat illness can be minimized by
The heat produced by the exercising muscles is
playing early in the day, taking lots of rest
rapidly transferred to the cooler blood that
breaks, and by appropriate drinking during
circulates through the muscles and eventually to
the skin. On a cool day, this heat can then be
The vast majority of tennis players in
transferred from the warm skin to the cooler air
SaddleBrooke will gain nothing more than a
by radiation and convection. But neither of
these mechanisms can operate on a hot day
when the environment is warmer than the skin.
Thus, the evaporation of sweat from the skin is the only way to lose body heat on a hot
before tennis might help you win a few more
summer day. (Evaporation of sweat is the process by which liquid water droplets on the skin are converted into gaseous water vapor. Heat from the skin drives this process—similar HOW THE BODY ATTEMPTS TO to how heat on a burner can change a pan of MAINTAIN A NORMAL TEMPERATURE
Evaporation of sweat from the skin is a very
effective way to rid the body of excess heat. For
At rest, the body attempts to regulate its “core”
every quart of sweat that is evaporated, nearly
temperature—the temperature of the heart,
600 Calories of heat are removed. Interestingly,
lungs, and other internal organs—at about 100
nationally-ranked players in their mid-40s
F, but that temperature can rise several degrees
generate approximately 580 Calories of heat per
during intense exercise. On the tennis court on
hour during a 2-hour singles match, and they
a summer day, heat from the environment is
produce a bit more than a quart of sweat each
transferred to the body mostly by radiation from
hour to offset that metabolic heat gain.6 Players
the sun and from hot surrounding surfaces such
in SaddleBrooke, especially doubles player, may
as the court itself. Additionally, the body can
lose sweat at a rate of 1 quart per hour on a hot
absorb heat from warm air molecules that come
day, but they would presumably generate less
than half the heat that younger singles players
beds in the skin to dissipate heat to the
How the humidity in the air affects the evaporation of sweat. The rate of evaporation
radiation). If we sweat profusely during tennis
of a given amount of sweat is largely dependent
on the amount of water vapor in the air that
drinking, we risk losing too much body water,
circulates next to the skin. In other words, if the
leading to a diminished blood volume. Such a
air is dry—as in the Arizona desert, the
loss of body water can lead to deterioration in
evaporation of sweat can easily keep the body
tennis performance and possible heat illness.
To summarize, there are two vital reasons for
keeping body fluids high: to help cool the body
ial S eat Loss during Prolonged Exercise
body core temperature will be O.K. as long as
you continue to produce sweat and don’t
athletes, this value can reach 3.5 quarts per
exercise too strenuously.) However, when the
humidity in the air is high, even if the air
temperature is moderate, heat loss by the
evaporation of sweat may be unable to keep
pace with the heat gain generated by contracting
muscles. It is in such conditions of high humidity
that severe heat illness is most likely to occur.
In SaddleBrooke, the most dangerous time to
play tennis is during those days of the summer
monsoon when the humidity rises. But even
then, the relative humidity typically is less than
dehydration if the fluid were not replaced by
50%, compared to 80-90% in other parts of the
drinking. But few athletes can force them
country. Note that the relative humidity (the
amount of water vapor in the air relative to how
On average, athletes replace only about half of
much the air can hold at a given temperature) is
their sweat loss during exercise when they drink
usually greater in the early morning; the air can
hold more moisture when it warms up, so the
relative humidity is lower as the sun rises higher
eat Do You Lose Playing
in the sky. This explains the counterintuitive
sensation of feeling less sweaty as the air
Let’s face it; even a brief observation of doubles
spend the bulk of their time on the court
standing still. Of course, there are except
especially among highly competitive players.
Also, singles players are more likely to expend lots of energy and to lose lo
On average, we have only about 5 quarts of
are no scientific studies that describe the
volume of blood is critical, especially during
average sweat rate of club-level senior tennis
exercise in the heat. Why? Because we need
players in the desert, but one could hazard a
to deliver lots of blood to the working mu
guess that it is about one pint per hour for mo t
1) provide nutrients, 2) remove lactic acid,
players at SaddleBrooke. You can determine your personal sweat rate by recording your nude
ammonia and other byproducts of metabolism, and 3) to carry away the excess heat crea d by
body weight before and after you play and
muscle contraction. Also, adequate blood
recording the volume of fluid that you drink during play. Your total sweat loss in quarts is
the difference in body weight divided by 2.1 (to
Effects of dehydration on the risk of heat
convert pounds to quarts) added to the volume
illness. Heat illness begins to be a concern
of beverage consumed. Divide this value by the
when dehydration exceeds 3-5% of body mass.
duration of your match in hours to find your
At this level of dehydration, sweat production,
sweat rate in liters per hour. (This calculation assumes that you don’t take any bathroom HEAT ILLNESS3 Sweat Volume (quarts) =
Heat cramps and heat syncope (fainting) are the
[weight before – we ht a fter match (lbs)]/2.1
types of heat illness most likely to affect
SaddleBrooke tennis players, especially those
Volume of beverage consumed (quarts)
who are less fit or suffer from cardiovascular
Sweat Rate (quarts/hour) = Sweat Volume (quarts) t / ime of match (hours) Heat cramps are muscle spasms, often in the
legs, arms, and abdomen, and are thought to be
caused by dehydration and a loss of sodium due
alcula C tion Example:
to heavy sweating. Heat cramps are more likely
in tennis players who are not accustomed to
strenuous tennis matches and/or have not
become acclimatized to the hot environment.
Treatment of heat cramps includes consumption
of salty fluids and foods before, during, and after
exercise, plus rest and stretching of the affected
Weight loss: 150 – 148 = 2 lbs Heat syncope (fainting) is preceded by
Total sweat loss during 2-hour match:
dizziness and weakness during standing in the
0.95 quarts + 1 quart of water = 1.95 quarts
heat, especially when rising quickly from a
Sweat rate: 1.95 quarts/2 hours = 0.975 qts/h
seated position. These symptoms are caused
by blood collecting in the dilated veins and
capillaries of the skin and legs; as more blood
collects in these areas, less is available to be
Effects of dehydration on athletic
returned to the brain. Fainting is more likely in
performance. There are no data on senior
dehydrated, unfit players who have recently
tennis players, but studies on fit young adults
suggest that a weight loss of more than 2% of
body weight can lead to impaired exercise
For SaddleBrooke tennis players, dizziness or
performance. Thus, a 150-pound tennis player
fainting might occur when a player stands up
could presumably lose 3 pounds during a match
after being seated for a few minutes between
without any adverse effects on tennis play. As
games late in a match. This is a self-correcting
dehydration progressively exceeds 2% loss of
ailment because blood more easily returns to the
brain when the person collapses. Players who
feel dizzy should lie down with their legs
elevated, preferably in the shade or in an air-
cases it is likely that minor dehydration leads to
conditioned room, and drink cool fluids.
CAUTION:Be aware that a heart weakened by
affects motivation and coordination. Also, as
cardiovascular disease can also cause
blood volume is diminished due to dehydration,
dizziness. If there is any question about the quality of a player’s cardiovascular health, a
adequate amounts of blood to the muscles an
physician should be consulted before the athlete Heat exhaustion is similar to heat syncope, i.e.,
the affected person fails to maintain an adequate pumping of blood by the heart,
resulting in collapse, but heat exhaustion is
accompanied by a high core temperature (101oF
to 104oF). It is possible that a SaddleBrooke
Get accustomed to living in the heat and
player with a compromised cardiovascular
system could suffer heat exhaustion. Treatment
Play early in the day or later in the evening
is the same as with heat syncope with the
Wear light-colored clothing and a wide-
addition of the application of cold towels to the
Don’t play as hard or as long as you do when
cardiovascular disease may be a contributor to
any collapse of a player on the tennis court.
Finally, if there are any signs of delirium or
appears to be heat exhaustion may actually be
Players who feel ill during a match should
heat stroke; emergency personnel should be
conditioned room, lie down, and consider
scenario is highly unlikely in SaddleBrooke
having a friend or relative drive them home or
Heat stroke is a serious illness and is Adapting to Tennis Play in a Hot
accompanied by confusion, disorientation,
Environment to Minimize the Risk of Heat
impaired judgment, and a very high core body
temperature (>105oF). Heat stroke can lead to
How should beginning players who have just
kidney failure, brain and liver damage, and
widespread blood clotting. Risk factors for heat
environment prepare for regular play in the
stroke include poor fitness, lack of adaptation to
summer heat? It only requires a week or two of
a hot environment, dehydration, and excess
heat exposure for 90-120 minutes daily plus a
body weight. It is highly improbable that 2 hours
gradual increase in duration of tennis play to
of typical doubles play in SaddleBrooke would
become acclimatized to exercise in the heat. In
bring on heat stroke unless a player had been
other words, players need both heat exposure
working in the heat for several hours before
and tennis training. Leisurely walking or cycling
playing tennis. Heat stroke is a medical
for 90 minutes in the hottest part of the day
provides the heat exposure, and playing tennis
immediately if heat stroke is suspected.
in the cool part of the day or in the evening is the
best way to achieve the tennis training. One
Exertional hyponatremia is a rare condition
might begin the tennis training part of the
characterized by an abnormally low level of
regimen with 45 minutes of play for the first 2
sodium (Latin: natrium) in the blood. Although
days, 60 minutes for days 3 and 4, 90 minutes
not strictly a heat illness, hyponatremia is seen
for days 5 and 6, and then 2 hours each day.
in endurance athletes in hot environments and in
military trainees. The most common cause of
Are You Drinking Enough? Too Much?
hyponatremia in athletes is the drinking of
For most people who exercise, thirst is sufficient
to stimulate only enough drinking to replace
beverages that contain little or no sodium.
about half of the sweat they lose during
Military recruits undergoing basic training in hot,
exercise. If you don’t sweat much, this is O.K.,
humid environments have died after they drank
but if you are a heavy sweater, you should
more than 20 quarts of water in a few hours in a
probably be drinking more than your thirst tells
misguided attempt to counteract the heat. This
you to. By recording your body weight before
and after a match, you can easily tell if you are
concentration in the blood, which can lead to
drinking too much or too little. If you find that
brain swelling, seizures, coma, and death. It is
you are losing more than 2% of your body
highly unlikely that SaddleBrooke tennis players
weight after your usual drinking during tennis,
would suffer from hyponatremia unless they
you need to drink more; if you are gaining
consumed huge volumes of water before they
weight, you need to drink less (each quart of
water weighs about 2.1 lbs). If you are losing
weight even when you are drinking as much as comfortable during exercise, drink more than
you normally would during the first few hours of
concentration above 10% and are thus more
recovery until your weight returns to normal.
likely to trigger gastrointestinal discomfort if
Is Water O.K., or Do I Need a Sports Drink?
caffeine in energy drinks may have some value
With some exceptions, water is a suitable
if the drink is ingested 1 hour before exercise
beverage for SaddleBrooke tennis players. The
Electrolytes in sports drinks: Sodium is the important one. Sports drinks also contain
sodium and other electrolytes and are designed
to replace some of the electrolytes lost in sweat.
Sodium is the only electrolyte lost in substantial
amounts in sweat (880-1350 mg/quart of sweat),
although the amounts lost are highly variable
among individuals. The sodium content of the
most popular sports drinks is quite low, i.e., 450
mg/quart (166 mg/12 oz) or less. Thus, 12 oz of
High-level players in SaddleBrooke may get a
a sports drink contains less sodium than the 200
small performance advantage by consuming a
mg found in 12 oz of skim milk. In fact, even if
sports drink rather than water during their tennis
one drank a sufficient volume of a sports drink
during exercise to replace all sweat losses, only
carbohydrate for energy, and intense play can
about half the sodium would be replenished
decrease the availability of the carbohydrate fuel
(about 900 mg sodium/quart of sweat versus
in muscles. Sports drinks like Gatorade® and
450 mg sodium/quart of sports drink). (There is
wide agreement among experts that an optimally
carbohydrate and small amounts of sodium,
formulated sports drink would contain more
potassium, and other electrolytes. There is
abundant research proving that sports drinks
manufacturers don’t put more sodium in sports
have beneficial effects on exercise performance
drinks: First, more sodium makes the drink taste
—typically a 5-7% improvement—for fit athletes
too salty. Second,many consumers believe that
dietary sodium is harmful). Still, if an athlete is
continuous prolonged exercise such as cycling
hot and sweaty, the sodium present in sports
on a laboratory ergometer for 60 minutes or
drinks can enhance the flavor of the beverage
longer.5, 8 Also, there is a report of a simulated
and may increase fluid consumption. Moreover,
tennis match in which carbohydrate ingestion in
the sodium does help the body retain the fluid
a sports drink improved stroke performance
concentration of sodium in sports drinks may be
Sports drinks that are effective in improving
of some value in minimizing muscle cramps
during and after exercise. However, making
concentrations ranging from about 5-7%, i.e., 5-
sure that the diet has adequate salt is probably
7 grams/100 ml of liquid. Less concentrated
more important in preventing cramps. High-level
drinks provide too little carbohydrate to be of
athletes who regularly suffer severe cramps can
significant value, and more concentrated drinks
often minimize cramping by adding extra salt
tend to empty too slowly from the stomach and
(sodium chloride) to their sports drinks.
can cause gastrointestinal upset. Accordingly,
drinks marketed as low-calorie options, e.g.,
Should Sports Drinks Include Vitamins?
Powerade Zero®, G2 Low Cal®, Propel®, may
No. Although food companies have been trying
taste good and stimulate drinking somewhat, but
for decades to find it, there is no reliable
they will not improve exercise performance
scientific evidence that supplementary vitamins
Likewise, diluting a sports drink with water will
erase any potential benefit of the beverage
drinks, fruit juices, and the so-called “energy
drinks” such as Red Bull® have a carbohydrate
Do Bananas and Potassium/Electrolyte
doubles players and especially singles players
Powders Help Avoid Cramps?
may have difficulty reigning in their core body
Because only small amounts of potassium are
lost in sweat, eating bananas for their potassium
SaddleBrooke tennis players should undergo
heart disease. Before undertaking strenuous
tennis competition, those who are unfit and
to the heat for 90 min each day for a week or
carbohydrates and can be useful as an energy
The goal for maintaining the proper body fluid
than 2% of body weight during match play.
Because of taste problems in attempts to
formulate an effective product, electrolyte
poor performance; losing more than 3% can
powders and most electrolyte solutions contain
lead to heat illness. Heat cramps and fainting
SaddleBrooke players, but heat exhaustion or
even potentially deadly heat stroke are po
Does Caffeine Enhance Exercise
in highly competitive players in the summer
Performance and Does It Cause Greater Dehydration?
weighing oneself before and after tennis. If
Caffeine ingestion equivalent to a few cu s of
weight loss is greater than 2%, drink more; if
coffee or a caffeine tablet an hour before
exercise is one of the few dietary supplement
regimens that actually works to improve exercise
performance, especially in exercise lasting 45
minutes or longer.7 But contrary to conventional
For most SaddleBrooke players, water is an
wisdom, consuming caffeinated beverages does
not lead to more urine formation during exercise
Highly competitive players may benefit from
that is at least moderately strenuous.13 It is
sports drinks. There is no reliable evidence that
that caffeine consumption at rest does tend to
provide any benefit to tennis players, but
(although the main culprit is the volume of
caffeine ingested 1 hour before tennis may help
coffee, tea, or cola consumed), but during
exercise the blood flow to the kidneys is reduced
by as much as 80% so that little urine is
To minimize the risk of heat illness, players
should wear light-colored clothing and a wide-brimmed hat, play less strenuously, take
breaks between games, drink plen of cool
If a player’s body temperature gets too high
during a tennis match, performance is likely to
deteriorate and the risk of heat illness incre ses.
Body temperature during tennis play in the
playing, move to the shade or air conditioned
room, lie down, and consider having a fri
the intensity of play and the dryness of the air.
doubles players in SaddleBrooke will have no
problem keeping their body temperatures in
bounds because the intensity of play is low and
the air is very dry. But higher-level competitive
Bergeron MF (2003). Heat cramps: fluid and
electrolyte challenges during tennis in the heat.
Signorile JF, Castellani JW, Kenefick RW, LaGasse KE & Riebe DA. (1995). Fluid-
electrolyte balance associated with tennis
Physiol. 73(4):1340-50. Med 5, 180-193.
Passe DH, Horn M & Murray R (2000). Impact
Carter III R, Cheuvront SN & Sawka MN
of beverage acceptability on fluid intake during
exercise. Appetite35, 219-229.
Sports Science Institute: Sports Science Exchange19(3):1-6.
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Cheuvront SN, Carter R & Sawka N (2003).
Fluid balance and endurance performance.
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Coyle EF & Montain SJ (1992). Benefits of
fluid replacement with carbohydrate during
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(1997). Caffeine vs caffeine-free sports drinks:
effects on urine production at rest and during
(2001). Physiological responses in tennis and
running with similar oxygen uptake. Eur J Appl David Lamb is an emeritus professor of exercise physiology at The Ohio State University and a past president of the American College of Sports Medicine. He was chairman of the Gatorade Sports Science
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