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Anyone for coffee?

The 2nd and 3rd day at the hydro is quiet! Nobody feels like having conversations or moving around unnecessarily!
Why? Withdrawal of caffeine sets in about 36 hours after the last cup of coffee or tea. If anyone has ever doubted
caffeine is a drug of note, just try going without and see the effect it has on the nervous system primarily, but also
on the circulatory system. A pounding headache sets in with blurred vision, nausea, coated tongue, restless sleep
and the feeling of trembling in the limbs with leaded feet! You think I am talking nonsense? The experience of
caffeine withdrawal can be as potent as symptoms caused by other drug withdrawals. The body feels decidedly
poisoned and toxic as the days wear on at an agonising pace of headaches, lethargy and nausea.
Coffee and tea drinking have become so common in daily life, we forget or have never been made aware of the
effects of caffeine.
Nothing gets your day started quite like a cup of tea or coffee. Your eyes suddenly open wide, your speech
becomes faster, you can think easier, you feel enthusiastic and feel full of energy. Actually, you can feel on top of
the world! Such is the wondrous effect of the aromatic brown liquid we wash down our throats with sugar, milk,
honey or cream. Getting up has the promise of the first cup accompanied by the familiar sounds of kettle boiling,
cups rattling, tinkling spoons as the ritual begins. The comfort of it all is the most alluring!
What effect does caffeine have on the body? As the caffeine enters the blood stream, blood pressure elevates,
digestive juices become more acidic as the beverage enters the stomach, irritating mucous linings of the stomach,
duodenum and small intestine. Hence, people with stomach acidity or ulcers will find their symptoms worse after
drinking coffee or tea, especially if sugar has been added. The central nervous system is triggered by the adrenal
glands which respond to the stimulating effect of the caffeine. A sense of heightened awareness results. Speech is
faster and louder, body movements become quicker. The liver and gall bladder has to deal with the toxicity of the
caffeine and other components found in coffee and tea, working hard to eliminate these to protect the body.
Considering most people drink coffee and tea while also consuming fatty foods, such as bacon and eggs, pizza,
pasta, the effect on the liver and gall bladder is even greater, resulting in raised cholesterol levels! Over and above
this physical response, a dependency develops which becomes a habit or put mildly, an addiction to caffeine which
is as real as any other drug addiction.
To get off the habit is very much an individual approach. Some people become social coffee and tea drinkers
limiting their intake to visits in restaurants and coffee shops, but never drink at home. Others stop full stop. Never to
touch it again. Most however, love their coffee and tea never considering a life without it! Who should not be
drinking caffeine drinks? Anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia. Anyone who is on anti-depressant
and tranquilliser medication and most certainly, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Never give caffeine drinks to
What can be done to limit this potential caffeine damage?
Drink a glass of water for every cup of tea or coffee. Use honey as a sweetener, instead of sugar or artificial
sweeteners. Try not to have tea or coffee on an empty stomach. Remember tea inhibits the absorption of iron.
Anaemic persons should be aware of this and reduce tea after main meals. At least take a herbal supplement for
liver and gall bladder function. Bioforce Boldocynara is excellent. Use 10 drops in the morning and at night. Try not
to exceed 3 cups daily of either beverage. Try other hot drinks such as rooibos tea. Rooibos tea tastes much better
if brewed on the stove in a stainless steel teapot !
Copyright protected - SA Natural Products (Pty) Ltd Remember caffeine robs you of vital nutrients such as Vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc. Replenish this by using Bio-Strath daily. For serious caffeine addicts, Bio-Strath is essential to maintain a lower level of cell toxicity by providing excellent nutrients to the body. Caffeine has its benefits too. Before a long drive in the car, a cup of coffee can help you to be more alert. When you have to speak at meetings or at exams, a small cup of coffee can bring on greater mental clarity. This is the medicinal use of the drug; only when needed! I can hear a collective groan growing which demands that life needs to be medicated daily and frequently. So … may all of the coffee shops do good business today! For those few who want to go at life on their own steam, may you stay headache and nausea free, sleeping well as a reward. Copyright protected - SA Natural Products (Pty) Ltd

Source: http://www.sanatural.co.za/sanp/pdf/Archive%2001%20-%2010/Anyone%20for%20coffee.pdf


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05 quinto vol -1965

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