0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 854 Search-and-rescue dogs: an overview
for veterinarians
Katherine E. Jones; Karen Dashfield, DVM; Amanda B. Downend, BA; Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD, DACVECC The use of dogs for search and rescue (SAR)was first identifying prey; and are trainable, inquisitive, friendly,
recorded in the 1800s, but anecdotal evidence sug- and need a purpose or focus for their energy. Dogs with gests that they may have been used 200 years earlier.1 high drive, which are desirable in SAR work, may not Stories of heroic dogs during World War (WW) I and
adjust well to a sedentary life style and therefore often WWII represent some of the modern manifestations of are relinquished to animal shelters. Such dogs have the organized SAR. These military dogs, known as ambu- lance and Red Cross dogs, were used on the battlefieldto locate the wounded and deliver first aid supplies.1 Scent and the Sense of Smell
Today, civilian SAR training conducted in the United The use of dogs in search activities takes advantage States is largely based on methods used to train the mil- of dogs’ keen sense of smell. The exact nature of scent itary dogs in WWII.1 Since WWII, more than 150 SAR is the topic of current scientific investigation; however, teams have been established in North America.2 loosely defined, scent is considered to be a combina- Canine SAR teams in the United States are com- tion of chemicals that a dog can learn or be trained to posed of specially trained search dogs and their human identify. For example, hunting dogs identify specific partners, who are often referred to as canine handlers.
animal scents, narcotics dogs identify narcotic scents, The handler commonly is also the owner, trainer, bomb dogs identify scents of explosives, and SAR dogs guardian, and companion of the SAR dog. Most canine identify human scents. The distinctive scent that SAR teams are composed of volunteers, and the dogs emanates from a live human is generated from contin- are personal pets as well as working partners.
uous shedding of tiny flakes of skin mixed with per- Depending on their specific training, teams are pre- spiration (watery and oily secretions). This material is pared to respond to crime scenes, accidents, missing called scurf. In addition to oils and watery secretions, person incidents, and natural and man-made disasters.
scurf also carries many odors from a person’s clothing, The teams train and work in a wide variety of environ- shampoo, soap, deodorant, perfume, and other materi- als. Combined, these chemicals produce the scent fin- Although most SAR dogs belong to working, herd- gerprint that appears to be unique to a single person.
ing, retrieving, or sporting breeds, dogs of numerous When a person dies, the unique scent emitted by that breeds, including mixed breeds, can be successful in individual undergoes an almost immediate transforma- SAR work. Important characteristics in a potential SAR tion to a more generic scent associated with the loss of dog are termed hunt drive, prey drive, and ball drive. A aerobic metabolism and proliferation of bacteria.
dog with high hunt drive will search for a hidden toy Although a human does not notice the change until it for prolonged periods without giving up or turning to is well advanced, a dog can immediately recognize the the handler for assistance. A dog with high prey drive change in odor and accurately discriminate between enjoys the chase and will enthusiastically pursue a per- live scent and cadaver scent.3 Although live scent is son who runs away to hide or chase a toy that is individual, cadaver scent is nonspecific and changes dragged behind a handler. A dog with high ball drive is chemically over time during the different stages of one in which a toy is extremely important, and the dog will play with and pursue the toy to the exclusion of Scent is most concentrated at its source (ie, the any distractions. These qualities help predict the will- victim). The scent spreads and becomes progressive- ingness and ability of a dog to search unendingly for a ly less concentrated, forming a scent cone. Scent victim until he or she is found. Additionally, good can- pools form when air is stagnant around the source.
didates for SAR work are dogs that have good tem- Factors such as wind, air temperature, humidity, soil peraments; rely on scent rather than visual contact for temperature, and terrain can affect the scent cone orscent pool and where and how far it is dispersed.3 From the Department of Clinical Studies—Philadelphia, School of Wind can be channeled by obstructions and rapidly Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA disperse scent in unexpected directions. The han- 19104-6010 (Jones, Downend, Otto); and Rescue International, PO dler’s understanding of the dynamics of wind cur- Box 544, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 (Dashfield). Dr. Dashfield’spresent address is 544 Route 94, Newton, NJ 07860.
rents is a critical part of the teamwork involved in a JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004 0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 855 Classification of SAR Dogs
certification of SAR dogs vary by certifying organiza- The 3 major categories of search dogs are tracking, tion; however, the National Association for Search
trailing, and air scenting. These categories are defined and Rescue Inc (NASAR) has established voluntary
by the exact manner in which the dog has been trained qualification standards for disaster,4 cadaver,5 and to locate a person. Tracking dogs work while harnessed water search.6 Any dog deploying with a Federal
and on a leash, keep their nose to the ground, and fol- Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Urban
low the actual tracks left by the victim.1 These dogs are Search and Rescue (USAR) team must be trained to
usually scent specific, requiring a scent article contain- find live victims and pass rigorous certification evalua- ing the unique smell of the person being sought. This tions based on FEMA’s standards.7 Certain states also scent article may be a piece of clothing, bedding, car require that SAR dogs pass state certification testing seat, or even a location where the person was known to before they are allowed to work on a search. Although stand for a period of time. Because these dogs follow some states provide information on the Internet, indi- the exact path walked by the missing person, it is the- viduals interested in obtaining information about state orized that they are following a trail made by both requirements for SAR should contact their local or human scent and environmental disturbances (eg, Socialization is fundamental to training a SAR dog.
A trailing dog works on or off leash and is also Dogs are taken out in public and acclimated to as many scent specific, requiring a scent article. The trailing dog different experiences and people as possible.
follows the scent and works within a few feet of the Obedience and the ability of the dog to respond to person’s track.1 These dogs exclusively follow human directional commands are important as well, because scent that has drifted to the ground, sometimes a sub- off-leash control is essential in SAR. Athleticism and stantial distance from the path actually walked by the agility are crucial for dogs trained to search in urban person being sought. Although an uncontaminated and wilderness environments. Dogs are trained to track or trail is always easier to follow, these dogs, if move carefully and confidently on surfaces that by properly trained, can find a person even after substan- nature they would avoid. Urban SAR dogs spend a tial contamination has occurred from other persons great deal of training time on rubble, which may walking over the victim’s track or trail. Both tracking include old cars, unsteady surfaces, chain link fences, and trailing dogs work best if there is no one else in the rebar, and broken concrete. Urban SAR dogs are expected to navigate tunnels, climb ladders, and be Conversely, air-scenting dogs are capable of work- able to rappel (with the handler) from buildings.
ing effectively while other teams are in the same search Unlike patrol dogs, aggression toward humans or other area. They also have the unique advantage of working animals is not tolerated in SAR dogs.
off leash, are able to cover large areas of ground, and When a SAR dog is given a command to go find, it are not hindered by water. These dogs are able to locate is a game of hide-and-seek for the dog. The dog is scent from a living person or from a human cadaver, trained to locate the victim and alert the handler to the depending on their training. An air scenting dog is find by a focused bark (a bark alert in which the dog more flexible than a tracking or trailing dog in that it continues barking without distraction until signaled by does not require a scent article or a trail to follow. The the handler to stop), sitting (passive alert), digging dog sniffs the air to identify the human scent, and once (aggressive alert), or returning to the handler and lead- it recognizes this scent, the dog follows the scent to its ing them back to the victim (termed a refind). A suc- source. These dogs will quickly recognize when they cessful find earns the dog a reward of a toy, tug of war, lose human scent, reversing their direction until they return to the scent cone. Working into the wind, the airscent handler will typically search an area in a grid pat- Deployment Basics
tern. In addition to the preponderance of air scenting When SAR dogs are needed, the dog-and-handler dogs in SAR, air scenting is also the primary search team is deployed at the request of and search under the method in dogs trained to find specific scents such as direction of local law enforcement and emergency ser- explosives, drugs, or evidence in a crime scene. vice agencies. The frequency of deployment is highly Typically, SAR teams can also be classified accord- variable depending on the local needs and the type of ing to the environment in which they work, such as SAR training. For example, some dogs, despite years of urban or disaster, wilderness or large area search, evi- training, may be deployed only once or twice in their dence or small area search, water, or avalanche.1 Teams lifetime. Although police or fire departments may use can also be classified according to rescue (termed live their own canine SAR teams, most teams are composed find teams), in which dogs are trained to identify live of volunteers who work locally with organized search victims, or recovery (termed cadaver teams), in which groups or nationally with FEMA’s USAR Task Forces.
dogs are trained to identify human remains. Some dogs There are presently 28 USAR Task Forces that can be are trained to identify and discriminate both live vic- deployed anywhere in the United States and, in a few circumstances, internationally. Federal Task Forces arecomposed of rescue, search, medical, and technical SAR Dog Training
teams.8 The medical support team, consisting of physi- Regardless of the type of SAR, the training is cians and emergency medical technicians, is charged extensive. Most dogs spend 12 to 18 months in train- with medical care of the 63 deployed Task Force mem- ing, typically training 20 h/wk or more. Standards for bers and the 4 SAR dogs on each team. Presently, the JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004 0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 856 FEMA Task Forces do not include an official position radiographic evaluation of hip laxity is recommend- for a veterinarian; however, several Task Forces have ed.13,14 Veterinarians should counsel handlers regarding recognized the importance of veterinary care for the the likelihood of hip dysplasia and its influence on the SAR dogs and have adopted means to include veteri- dog’s ability to work for the duration of a potential SAR narians on their rosters. Veterinarians should be proac- career. Handlers may be advised to consider another tive in becoming involved with the FEMA Task Forces puppy that is at lower risk of developing hip dysplasia and educating the public and Task Force leaders to the before investing years of SAR training.
vital role of veterinary care for these dogs. Elbow dysplasia is also a problem in many working For the first time, during the September 11, 2001, and potential SAR dogs that may limit the working life large-scale deployment of SAR dogs to New York, vet- of the dog. Appropriate radiographic evaluation should erinarians of the Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams
be performed, particularly in breeds with a genetic pre- (VMAT) provided medical support for the urban SAR
disposition to this disease (eg, Labrador Retrievers and dogs9 and the cadaver recovery dogs. However, there is German Shepherd Dogs). Veterinarians should counsel no formal agreement to provide veterinary care for the handlers on the potential limitations of dogs with evi- USAR dogs, either by officially including veterinarians dence of elbow dysplasia and recommend against train- on the Task Force roster or by linking the VMAT teams ing dogs with elbow dysplasia for SAR work. to the USAR teams. Some organized search groups are A prospective SAR dog must have athletic poten- fortunate enough to have veterinarians as handlers or tial. Therefore, in addition to a sound musculoskeletal volunteers. In any disaster or emergency setting, local system, the dog must be free of cardiovascular and res- SAR resources will be used before state or national piratory abnormalities. Brachycephalic breeds and resources, and as in the September 11th response, dogs with malformations of the nares or trachea are numerous local veterinarians will participate in the unlikely to be able to perform to the athletic standard medical support of the SAR dogs.9 It is therefore impor- required of SAR dogs. Because many of the dogs rely on tant that veterinarians be familiar with the special med- a bark alert, diseases or injuries of the larynx and vocal ical requirements and health risks of the SAR dogs, folds could interfere with the dog’s performance.
even if they are not directly associated with a SAR Development of laryngeal paralysis may cause loss of a team. Knowledge of the training and work performed normal bark (used for alerting the handler) and may by the dogs will further enable the veterinarian to pre- put the dog at risk for heat exhaustion because of inef- dict and meet the special needs of these working dogs. In addition to their role in managing the physical Veterinary Considerations
well-being of search dogs, veterinarians may be called Selection of a potential SAR dog—The intensive
upon to participate in early behavioral evaluations to training requirements, stressful working conditions, help handlers select appropriate dogs and help identi- environmental exposures, and importance of the work fy or prevent problem behaviors. Behavioral screening performed by SAR dogs results in special veterinary may help identify dogs with anxiety or fear-related considerations. Although these dogs locate the victim aggression, traits which are not suited to SAR work. In through their sense of smell, they must be physically addition, behavioral screening may help select high- able to negotiate dangerous terrain; recognize dangers; drive yet even-tempered and emotionally adaptable and climb, jump, and crawl to reach the victim.
dogs. An ideal collaboration in the effort to select suc- Veterinarians are encouraged to be proactive with SAR cessful SAR dogs might include a veterinarian, veteri- teams. The amount of time invested in training these nary or certified applied behaviorist, and experienced dogs is tremendous, and potential SAR dogs should be screened for problems that may limit their workingability. Smell—Environmental factors, drugs, chemicals,
In general, military working dogs are lost from ser- and the physical condition and health of the dog may vice because of old age, orthopedic problems, cancer, all influence a dog’s ability to smell and therefore its lack of aggression, or excessive aggression.10 There are ability to work. Only recently has there been progress no published studies providing reasons for early retire- in understanding the sense of smell.15-17 The ability to ment of guide dogs; however, during the training recognize and discriminate novel scents results from a phase, failure to complete the program is frequently molecular strategy similar to that found in the humoral related to behavioral or temperament problems (eg, immune system.17 Low-molecular-mass organic chemi- fear of strangers, lack of confidence, being distractible, cals termed odorants dissolve in the mucus that covers excessive aggression, dominance, fear of thunder or the nasal membranes, bind to specific G-protein-cou-
noise, being overly protective, excitability, fear of pled-receptors (GPCRs) on the nonmotile cilia of the
stairs, and urination when approached).11 There are olfactory sensory neurons, and initiate the signal trans- currently no reports of either medical or behavioral duction of smell. Minimally, receptor binding of the reasons for SAR dogs to fail to attain training standards odorants leads to activation of G proteins, increased intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate, open- In a large recent study12 of 927 military working ing of Na+ and Ca2+ channels (Na+ and Ca2+ move into dogs, development of osteoarthritis was identified as the cell), and development of an action potential.
the leading reason for euthanasia. Although the effect Odorant-binding proteins are secreted in the mucus, of osteoarthritis on lost work days or early retirement which may facilitate the interaction between odorants in working dogs has not been well documented, early and the GPCRs or, alternatively, sequester odorants JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004 0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 857 and prevent them from interacting with the GPCRs.
may be considered because SAR dogs frequently inter- When a dog sniffs, the scent-containing air fills the act with other dogs. However, the timing of the vaccine nasal cavity and circulates in small eddies among the should be such as not to interfere with deployment turbinates, increasing the chances of the odorants con- activity because regulatory agencies do not require this tacting the extensive surface area of the olfactory vaccine for travel and the intranasal administration epithelium. There are approximately 1,500 individual may lead to local inflammation and interference with genes for the olfactory receptor family of GPCRs in smell. The effects of other diseases or vaccines on smell mice.16 It has been suggested that the large number of are not documented. Under most circumstances, SAR genes, expression of single alleles of the gene, graded dogs are deployed with little or no advance warning, so responses to odorants, and combinations of respond- the veterinarian should advise the handler of the ing receptors contribute to the potential discrimination potential risks and benefits of each vaccine and address of over 1,000,000 unique odors. An individual’s scent any concerns the handler may have with the issue of fingerprint is made up of a unique combination of mul- tiple odors, and therefore, the number of individualsthat can be discriminated is almost unlimited.
Parasite control—Many SAR dogs are deployed
Interestingly, based on the limited number of genes extensively outside of their home area, sometimes investigated, there does not appear to be a genetic dif- internationally, which increases the risk of exposure to ference in olfactory receptors among different breeds of unusual parasites and the diseases that they transmit.
dogs.18 The phenotypic difference among breeds in Fleas, ticks, and other biting insects are carriers of scenting ability may be a function of variations in avail- many diseases, and aggressive prevention should be able olfactory epithelial surface area. Odorants must instituted for all SAR dogs, particularly those with dissolve in the mucus prior to binding the olfactory wilderness search groups. Many handlers will have receptors; therefore, drying of the nasal membranes concerns about the potential effects that pesticides may caused by drugs, environmental conditions, or dehy- have on their dog’s ability to smell. Veterinarians dration can reduce the ability to detect scent. The han- should be willing to discuss any concerns the handler dler should be instructed in proper preventive medi- may have and recommend a flea and tick preventive cine to maintain hydration (encouraging rests and that best fits the needs of the dog and handler.
drinking) and irrigate the eyes and nose with sterile Concerns about a product’s interference with a dog’s ophthalmic solutions19 (to remove debris and irritants) scenting ability can be resolved if handlers are encour- at regular intervals, depending on the particulate cont- aged to use the product on a regular basis. This allows amination, level of smoke or irritant, and humidity of the handler to determine whether there is a deleterious the working environment. These simple tasks will not effect. Because most veterinary practices carry several only decrease the risk of adverse events, but will flea and tick products, it should be possible to find a increase the ability of the dog to perform its job. product that will protect the dog and satisfy the han-dler. Year-round heartworm prevention should be con- In humans, many drugs are reported to inhibit sidered in all dogs because of the potential of travel to smell and taste.20 In dogs, there is evidence that gluco- areas where heartworms are endemic. Fecal samples corticoids diminish scent perception.21 Doxycycline has should be evaluated routinely, especially for dogs also been suggested to cause decreased scent perception working in urban environments where exposure to in dogs.a Little is known about the ability of other drugs and chemicals to interfere with olfaction in dogs.
Research is needed to determine the effects of many Nutrition—Nutritional requirements for SAR dogs
pharmaceuticals, biologics, and chemicals on the scent- have not been well defined. This is partly attributable ing ability of dogs. Despite a lack of scientific evidence, to the great variation in age, breed, and type of work many SAR handlers are concerned about the potential performed by SAR dogs. If the dog is on a FEMA team, effects that medications and chemicals may have on the handlers must be able to carry a 3-day supply of their dog’s sense of smell. Veterinarians should careful- their dog’s food with them; this precludes the use of ly weigh the potential risks and benefits of medications frozen or raw diets. In addition, raw diets increase risk and treatments in these dogs. If a particular agent is of zoonotic organisms such as Campylobacter spp and known to affect smell, or has a high potential of inter- Salmonella spp and do not belong at disaster scenes.24 fering with olfactory function, alternative interventions So-called natural, preservative-free diets may also be of should be used. If no alternative treatments are avail- concern when storage temperature cannot be con- able or continued work during treatment would place trolled. It is also important to emphasize proper weight the dog at risk, it may be necessary to withdraw the dog control for optimal performance and longevity.25 from search activity for the duration of treatment.
Weight loss has been reported in dogs with prolongedsearch activity.26 Therefore, while research to determine Vaccination—All SAR dogs should be vaccinated
specific recommendations for nutritional needs for against distemper virus, adenovirus, parainfluenza both maintenance and stressful periods is needed, vet- virus, parvovirus, leptospiral species, and rabies virus.
erinarians should encourage the use of scientifically Canine distemper can cause acute and prolonged loss tested diets to maintain optimum weight and perfor- of the sense of smell.22 Parainfluenza infection does not mance during training. Handlers should be instructed appear to have long-term inhibition of olfaction, but to closely monitor body weight, food intake, and per- increases the threshold of detection for odorants.23 The formance during SAR deployments and adjust feeding use of intranasally administered Bordetella vaccines JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004 0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 858 Baseline physical, laboratory, and radiographic
that particular airline’s regulations. An overview of data—There are no national standards for routine
most domestic airline policies can be accessed through medical screenings of SAR dogs. Humans working in the National Association of Search and Rescue Web high-risk environments are required to have annual site.31 In addition, military carriers are sometimes used physical examinations and additional screening on the for FEMA teams; therefore, requirements for specific basis of individual risk factors.27 Veterinarians should military documentation should be determined prior to work with handlers and search teams to establish a reg- deployment. Some commercial airlines only allow dogs ular health-screening protocol. In order to make such in the cabin when they are responding to a search mis- recommendations, a national database of SAR dog sion, whereas others allow dogs in the cabin for both activity and medical problems should be established so search missions and trainings. For some airlines, the that collected data can be evaluated to determine handler and dog must be responding to a disaster, whether such screening is beneficial from a medical whereas others simply require that the handler be on official SAR business and carrying appropriate docu-mentation. When a SAR dog is traveling international- Neutering and gastropexy—Most female SAR
ly, the veterinarian can aid the handler through contact dogs are neutered. This procedure is encouraged with the state veterinarian to determine what require- because dogs in estrus searching with other dogs create ments must be met for the dog to travel to the intend- a distraction. In addition, bitches will lose several ed destination. For a major disaster, the veterinarian months of training and service if they are bred.
may be requested to expedite testing and documenta- Neutering of male dogs, while not as critical, is also tion to meet a country’s travel requirements so that the encouraged. At the time of neutering in females or other abdominal surgery in males (eg, gastrointestinalforeign body removal), prophylactic gastropexy should First aid—Most search missions do not have the
be considered. With the recent development of new luxury of an accompanying veterinarian. During a techniques, laparoscopic-assisted gastropexy may deployment, medical support may be inaccessible or become a quick and minimally invasive routine pro- delayed. The ability of the handler to recognize impor- phylactic procedure in working dogs.28 In a decision- tant signs of illness and perform basic and advanced tree-based study of prophylactic gastropexy, all breeds first aid may make the difference in a dog’s survival or evaluated had a reduction in mortality rate; however, ability to return to work. Veterinarians can teach han- cost effectiveness was dependent on the specific breed dlers to evaluate vital signs in their dogs and recognize risk of gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV).29 The
life-threatening illnesses and injuries.32 First aid may incidence of GDV in SAR dogs is not documented, but require IV administration of fluids for treatment of the consequences of GDV at a remote site could be shock because of trauma or GDV, trocharization or devastating. In a 3-year study30 of military working passing of a stomach tube for GDV, the Heimlich dogs, despite aggressive management measures (ie, maneuver for choking, assisted respirations for respira- diet, handler education, and readily available veteri- tory arrest, or thoracic compressions for cardiac arrest.
nary care), 31 of 914 deaths were the result of GDV. In Veterinarians should work with the teams to develop a a more recent survey of causes of death in military first aid kit for the field that takes into account the working dogs, GDV was the fifth most common reason training of the handlers and the likely needs based on for death, affecting 1 out of 11 dogs.12 Compared with the other leading causes of death in military dogs First aid is the first step in the chain of medical (degenerative joint disease, cancer, spinal cord disease, care, with advanced care provided by a veterinarian as and aging-related deterioration),12 GDV is 1 condition rapidly as possible for all but the most minor of that is preventable and can be treated successfully if injuries. First aid should never replace or substantially recognized promptly. As with all preventive health delay a full medical assessment by a veterinarian.
decisions, the potential risks and benefits must be dis-cussed. Some breeds used in SAR have such a low inci- Trauma—The working environment of a SAR dog
dence of GDV that prophylactic gastropexy may not be has multiple risks. Urban SAR dogs work on and in a sensible choice. Regardless, handlers should be edu- collapsed buildings and around heavy equipment.
cated to recognize the signs of GDV in their dog.
There are risks of cuts, scrapes, burns, falls from aheight, injury from falling objects, vehicular accidents, Travel documents—The potential for regional,
and entrapment. Wilderness SAR dogs traverse numer- national, and international travel increases both pre- ous natural obstacles, which can lead to injury.
ventive medical needs and disease potential. Handlers Additionally, wild or loose animals may pose a threat in with SAR dogs may need to cross state lines or use pub- any search mission. Although SAR dogs are not aggres- lic transportation, which requires appropriate health sive by nature, the gathering of large numbers of unfa- documentation by an accredited veterinarian. Dog han- miliar dogs can result in bite injuries. At some crime dlers affiliated with FEMA USAR teams and some non- scenes, urban environments, and hunting grounds, FEMA teams respond nationally, and health certificates gunshot and other projectiles can be a risk. Explosions to board airplanes and cross state lines are required for from incendiary devices or volatile chemicals can lead their dogs. Some teams travel internationally, which may result in the need for additional documentation.
Treatment of trauma and injuries should follow Veterinarians should encourage SAR dog handlers to basic emergency medicine and surgical principles; contact the airline they plan to travel with to determine however, it is important to remember that the outcome JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004 0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 859 of treatment should be a fully functional athlete.
vipers (rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moc- Handlers should be taught how and when to stabilize casins).37,38 There are, however, rare reports39,40 of coral broken bones for transportation to prevent further snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) envenomation in dogs.
injury during potentially long evacuations from the A commercially available equine-origin antiveninb is an wilderness or a disaster site. Ocular trauma should be effective part of the treatment of envenomation from all treated without delay to reduce the risk of sight impair- 3 species of pit vipers.41 Coral snake envenomation ment, and referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist is requires treatment with a specific antiveninc that is effi- encouraged for any serious ocular injuries.
cacious in the treatment of eastern and Texas coralsnake envenomation, but not for envenomation by the Toxicants—A SAR dog and its handler may be
Arizona coral snake.39 Although antivenin may be asso- exposed to a large variety of contaminants (eg, asbestos ciated with risk of anaphylaxis or serum sickness (upon and fuels), hazardous household products (eg, bleach, repeated use of this or any other equine serum-based ammonia, and gasoline), dust, and smoke.33-36 When biologic), early use in cases of envenomation has been internal or external chemical exposure is suspected, it associated with improved outcome.41 Newer antivenin is important to try to identify the chemicals. Although products have been introduced for treatment of enven- businesses are required to keep a list of all hazardous omations in humans,d but experience in veterinary materials on site, this list is often unavailable during species is limited. Veterinarians in high-risk areas times of disaster or lacks information relevant to dogs.
should consider stocking antivenin and becoming When no accurate list or product containers with familiar with its use as a part of the medical manage- labels are available, it can be difficult to determine the ment of snakebite.41 Although SAR dog handlers should nature of the chemical to which the dog has been be encouraged to obtain appropriate education in the exposed and general decontamination principles identification of snakes and other toxic animals native (reduce exposure, restrict absorption, and enhance to their region, they should be advised not to put them- elimination) should be followed. When the nature of selves at risk in their effort to identify the snake or other the chemical exposure is known, veterinarians are encouraged to consult an Animal Poison ControlCenter immediately for 24-hour access to recommen- Stress—Search work can result in physical and
dations for treatment. Veterinarians must always con- mental stress for the dog and the handler. Although sider that a dog contaminated with a toxic chemical there is little information regarding common stress may act as a fomite and expose their staff to the toxin.
responses in SAR dogs, gastrointestinal signs were fre- Any dog that is suspected of external toxic exposure quently reported in dogs responding to the September should be immediately decontaminated, preferably 11 disasters.26 It is likely that stress was a major factor before transport to a veterinary hospital. The dog in this finding. Dogs may also respond to stress in their should be washed in a well-ventilated and drained handler and develop unusual behaviors or signs of ill- area, preferably outside the building. Large amounts of ness without any identifiable organic cause. water should be used to rinse chemicals from the dog, In times of disaster, SAR dogs are looked upon as and a degreasing agent (eg, a dishwashing detergent) sources of hope, courage, and comfort. Because the should be used to remove any petroleum-based prod- lives of humans are dependent on these dogs, it is ucts. Eyes should be rinsed with copious amounts of extremely important that these dogs remain in excel- water or saline solution and examined for chemical lent health. Veterinarians can aid in the preventive and burns. All individuals involved in the decontamination health care of SAR dogs by screening them for possible procedure should wear respiratory protection, eye pro- medical problems before they become serious enough tection, and rubber gloves, at a minimum. The extent to prevent a dog from accomplishing its mission. of additional needed protection (eg, full chemical suit) will depend greatly on the nature of the chemical.
Myers LJ. Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Ala: Personal When the exact nature of the chemical is unknown, individuals should err on the side of caution and wear bAntivenin (Crotalidae) Polyvalent, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Wilderness searches can result in unique toxin cAntivenin (Micrurus fulvius), Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, exposures to SAR dogs. In addition to chemical toxins, toxic plants and animals pose a risk. Snakes, spiders, CroFab, Protherics Inc, Nashville, Tenn.
scorpions, bees, and other animals can envenomate andpotentially kill a dog. Veterinarians should be familiar References
with the signs of envenomations because the handler is 1. Bulanda S. Ready! The training of the search and rescue dog.
Wilsonville, Ore: Doral Publishing Inc, 1994;vi, 1–14.
often working at a distance from the dog and may not 2. Where are SAR dog units located? SAR dog fact sheet.
have witnessed the event. Snake bites and the associat- Available at: Accessed ed fatalities are most common in the southern United States, with an estimated 15,000 dogs and cats bitten by 3. Rebmann A, Koenig M, David E, et al. Cadaver dog hand- poisonous snakes yearly in the United States.37 The book. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press Inc, 2000;5–22, 195.
severity of snake envenomation varies with type of 4. National Association for Search and Rescue. SAR dog sec- tion information page. NASAR canine disaster— first responder cer- snake, location of bite, amount of venom injected, and tification standards. Available at: time from bite to treatment. Most snake bites in 20Standards%20for%20Peer%20Review%2001%2002.pdf. Accessed humans and animals in the United States are from pit JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004 0915DisMed.qxd 8/24/2004 3:42 PM Page 860 5. National Association for Search and Rescue. NASAR K9 sense of smell caused by canine parainfluenza virus infection in SARTECH land cadaver type III evaluation. NASAR update. Avail- dogs. Am J Vet Res 1988;49:188–190.
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JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 6, September 15, 2004


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