
(This is Part II of a five-part series de-
sewer lines in rural areas, to providing tailing the contributions of South
Carolina’s Councils of Governments to
the State’s economy and quality of
A Partnership of the People
have forged fruitful local, regional and ated entities. Throughout the state, a to- ing the strategies identified in a strate- main first and foremost a partnership of cies remain key allies today, even as our list of partners has grown along with the pabilities for a host of critical functions that affect quality of life and economic of the existing Hagood Center as the top Strength in Greenville’s Townhouse and Innovation Award for Tri-County Transit Study of the 2003 Greenville County Multi- Family Housing Survey. This unique continues. In the past five years, the in- ACOG Board Member Gracie Floyd, a principal advocate for improved transit services, and Plan-ning Services Director Steve Pelissier receive an this unit type in 2003, with activity fo- Innovation Award from NADO President Joe cused in Greenville’s east side, Greer, the vicinity of Greenville’s central busi- Services Study. In response to a request mation, year of construction, amenities, pattern that exists across the area makes it difficult for people who lack access to sulted in a steady decrease in the overall J & K Precision Components, Inc., in dependent” housing continues to be lim- viduals, partnerships, corporations, for- intended to serve as a stepping stone for plastic parts for a variety of customers. Employees — ACOG Board Votes to Sign Employer Pledge Where to Turn: Important Support
Systems for Advocates/Inside the Nurs-
ing Homes: Resident and Family
strong, unified voice for residents’ con- ACOG Board Chairman Dozier Brooks signs an employer pledge to support National Guard and Reserve employees. From left to right, Eddie Wynn, Dozier Brooks, Colonel Suzanne Newton Department’s Employer Support for
the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) pro-
vide effective forums for discussing and 4590 or online at www.esgr.org. The
website is also an excellent source of in- support and information; others actively gations, it is important for advocates to within the City. In addition, the Center cial, and recreational opportunities for facility, contacted the facility’s corpo- rate office. After a series of meetings, tected by law under the Uniformed
Services Employment and Reemploy-
ment Rights Act (USERRA), employ-
ever, if families pull together during this ers can do much to ease the difficulties letters, free literature on any topic, edu- so severe that it interferes with an indi- ily. Health care directives and decisions cise and social activity are important, as havior changes that characterize the dis- ease. Identified risk factors are age and Intervention strategies and, if necessary, ability to perform routine tasks, disori- will cure but are often tried to help slow entation, difficulty in learning, loss of be treatable and reversible. Potentially for wastewater projects at interest rates to find the causes, treatments and cures and nutritional deficiencies. There is no is the only national voluntary health or- facilities, including relocation of sewer diagnosis will include a complete health ganization dedicated to research for the causes, treatments, cures and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and to providing www.upstatescalz.org; Main Office:
list to be eligible for a loan. Projects, derstand the person’s illness. The phy- amilies – not social ser-vice agencies, nursing stay underpinning long-term care for older persons. Today, more than 22.4 million persons are informal caregivers who provide unpaid help to older per-sons. These caregiver spouses, adult children, relatives and friends help with shopping, transportation, and household chores, as well as bathing, dressing, It’s activity time at the Adult Day Care Center. for the Appalachian region, over the last WIA participant Cynthia Provan (l) helps day care attendee Mona Lisa Crawford (r) with her despite increased geographic separation, force, and other changes in family life. struggled to earn a living by working at a local pizza restaurant and still had to rent and future earnings capability, the ability to balance the needs of older par- ability to meet personal needs. Thus the question is, who cares for the caregiver. classroom training consisting of Critical lion is available at interest rates ranging and local providers, to offer five basic fully completing all phases of the train- ing. She decided that a career in Health care; and, supplemental services such as and Control Board in Columbia (737-3808), or Dirk Reis at the ACOG. VIEWPOINT
Appalachian Council of Governments
P. O. Box 6668
Greenville, South Carolina 29606
ness offers rentals, repairs, and lessons for Enterprises. TS Enterprises is constructing a new self-service car wash on an out parcel of land at the Wal-Mart Super Center in Gaffney. The project is in for funding through the SBA Inc., in Anderson. Marc Brown is nearing 504 program but the principals are facing a completion of his new facility on South Main Street, and funds were needed for furniture, working capital to be used in relocating fixtures, and equipment for the new business. USBC Properties and US Banner Corporation locating in Seneca was funded in the amount Greenville from which to operate. US Banner of $150,000. The ADC funding was done in Corporation is owned by Nicholas Puleo. The conjunction with the purchase of the building. An approved SBA loan was also closed and is ploys twelve people, will expand by at least in the process of being funded in the amount the amount of $150,000, which was closed product line and needs additional working $35,000 to Aunt Bee’s Quilting supplies to capital for inventory and accounts receiv- assist in opening a new quilting supply store in (Workforce continued from page 5) Simpsonville. The principal is Barbara Craw- ford. The business will employ at least two local Home Health Care provider. Cynthia are to create up to six new jobs while re- received a 100% satisfactory evaluation by her work site supervisor. A job was devel- oped for her as an Adult Day Care Worker quest for Tewell Industries in the amount Packaging. Keystone Packaging is an Ander- at the Horizon Adult Day Care, Inc., where of $100,000. Tewell manufactures cabinet son company that is relocating to larger facili- she has been employed since June 23, 2003. and shipping containers. Currently seven an education, Cynthia studied for her GED people are employed, and at least four more and successfully passed the exam in July. The balance of the project is to be funded Now, she will pursue post secondary train- ing as a nurse to fulfill “her purpose.” The business is to create four jobs while House of Violins of Greenville was closed and retaining its existing twenty-seven posi- funded, allowing Joyce Miller to open in con- junction with the new school year. The busi-

Source: http://www.scacog.org/viewpoint/pdf/novview03.pdf

Microsoft word - southern sandstone supervisors award technical notes

Southern Sandstone Supervisors Award - Syllabus and Technical Notes 1. Knowledge a) Keep up to date with current practices eg reading magazines, talking to climbers/group leaders. b) Have an understanding of the various sub-sports within climbing. c) Be aware of the need for warming up and how to avoid injuries. d) Be familiar with the equipment available. 2. Personal Climbing a



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