COTNI: Recommended Medications (* indicate highest priority) HIGHEST PRIORITY ITEMS General Anesthesia Rocuronium Vecuronioum Etomidate *Ketamine Midazolam *“thanes” (i.e. halothane, sevofurane, etc) *Nitrous Pentobarb *Propofol Local Anesthetics: Bupivacaine Lidocaine (w/ and w/o epi) Antibiotics: *Unasyn *Gentamicin *Chloroquine *Ancef *Keflex (tabs and suspension) *Cefoxitin *Ceftriaxone Erythromycin/Clarithromycin/Pediazole *Metronidazole Bicillin LA PCN VK *Ampicillin Amoxicillin (tabs and suspension) Augmentin (tabs and suspension) *Ciprofloxacin Doxycycline *Clindamycin (tabs and suspensions) Septra Anti-emetics: **Any in all forms (IV/PR/PO) (i.e. Phenergan), Compazine, Ondansetron) Anti-Diarrheals: *Loperamide *Lomotil Antacids: Zantac Maalox Endocrine: Solumedrol Prednisone (oral) Anti-seizure medications Ativan Phenytoin Diastat Pain medications *Morphine Tylenol w/ codeine (suspension and tabs) *Motrin (suspension and tabs) *Acetaminophen (suspension and tabs) *Toradol (IV) Burn and Wound Care: *Antibiotic ointment (small tubes and single packs) *Silvadene cream Eye Care: Homotropine Cyclopentolate *Erythromycin ointment *Antibiotic eye drops *Proparacaine *Saline eye drops Oral Rehydration *ORS packets * Pedialyte, Ricelyte or other pediatric rehydration fluids. IV Fluids *NS *D5NS *LR
Dermatology Anti-fungal cream/ointment Bactroban ointment Hydrocortisone cream/ointment Respiratory *Albuterol inhalers Atrovent inhalers *Combivent inhalers Nasal steroid spray (e.g. Rhinocort) *Nasal saline spray Nasal decongestant (e.g. Afrin) Anti-parasitics *Mebendazole Permethrine (cream and rinse) Misc: Medication packets (small envelopes or plastic bags for medication to give to patients) Small paper cups (for water and medication distribution) Pill crushers / cutters and pill counting devices for packing and distributing meds. Baby formula
COTNI: Supply Recommendations for Haiti Disaster Relief Medical Teams PRIORITY ITEMS Personal Protection: Gloves, goggles, masks, scrubs, hand sanitizer, bug spray, sun screen, headlamp, Bible Wound Care: Gauze (all sizes) Gauze rolls (e.g. Kerlex, all sizes) Tape (any kind, especially,co-band cohesive tape) Tegaderm (all sizes) Vaseline gauze (or equivalent non-adhesive dressing) Wound Packing (iodoform or non-iodoform, all sizes) Wound cleansers (i.e. betadine, hibiclens, etc) Syringes (large 20cc+), irrigation shields or wound irrigation kits **Alcohol swabs **Bandages (all sizes) Wound closure: (all sizes) Sutures Steri-strips Staples Tissue adhesives (i.e. Dermabond, Glustitch) Ortho Supplies: Ex fix (for pelvic and femur fractures- larger the better) Webroll Splinting material (plaster, fiberglass all lengths and widths) Metal splints or any pre-fab extremity splint (volar, finger, long-arm) Slings Ace wraps Crutches / Canes Knee immobilizers Hare traction device Ophthalmology supplies: Morgan lenses Lid retractors Fluorescein strips. Woods lamp Surgical Supplies: Hair / shoe covers Sterile drapes, all sizes **Surgical masks (with and without face shields). Misc: Plastic basins (all shapes and sizes) Urinals Bedpans ***Syringes (3,5,10cc) ***Needles (all sizes) **IV Supplies: tubing and catheters (all sizes)
Report A/2003/3 Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Abstract. In this paper we present an all-optical network architecture and a systolic routing protocol for it. The -dimensional optical butterfly (of ✞✝✠✟ nodes and ✡✝☛✟✌☞✎✍ edges. Processors are deployed at the level 0 (identicalto level ) nodes of the network. Routing is based
Horsens Kommune Ansættelse af direktør til Teknik- og miljøområdet Visionen for Horsens Kommune har pejlemærkerne: Horsens – et dynamisk og kreativt kraftcenter Horsens – en morderne velfærdskommune med kvalitet i højsædet 1. Omkring stillingen 2. Ansættelsesvilkår 3. Personale 4. Det positive afsæt 5. Direktørens ansvarsområde generelt 6. Direktørens opgaver og udfordri