Clinical Rehabilitation 2009; 23: 771–781
Vibration therapy in multiple sclerosis: a pilot studyexploring its effects on tone, muscle force, sensationand functional performance
F Schyns Revive MS Support, MS Therapy Centre, Glasgow, L Paul Nursing and Health Care–Faculty of Medicine, University ofGlasgow, K Finlay Wishaw General Hospital, NHS Lanarkshire, C Ferguson Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow andE Noble Gartnavel General Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – North, Glasgow, UK
Received 23rd June 2008; returned for revisions 5th December 2008; revised manuscript accepted 6th December 2008.
Objective: To examine the effectiveness of whole body vibration (WBV) on tone,muscle force, sensation and functional performance in people with multiple sclerosis. Design: A randomized cross-over pilot study. Setting: Revive MS Support Therapy Centre. Glasgow, UK. Subjects: Sixteen people with multiple sclerosis were randomly allocated to one oftwo groups. Intervention: Group 1 received four weeks of whole body vibration plus exercisethree times per week, two weeks of no intervention and then four weeks of exercisealone three times per week. Group 2 were given the two treatment interventions inthe reverse order to group 1. Main measures: Ten-metre walk, Timed Up and Go Test, Modified Ashworth Scale,Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity Scale (MSSS-88), lower limb muscle force, NottinghamSensory Assessment and Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29) were usedbefore and after intervention. Results: The exercise programme had positive effects on muscle force and well-being, but there was insufficient evidence that the addition of whole body vibrationprovided any further benefit. The Modified Ashworth Scale was generally unaffectedby either intervention, although, for each group, results from the MSSS-88 showedwhole body vibration and exercises reduced muscle spasms (P ¼ 0.02). Althoughresults for the 10-m walk and Timed Up and Go Test improved, this did not reachstatistical significance (P ¼ 0.56; P ¼ 0.70, respectively). For most subjects sensationwas unaffected by whole body vibration. Conclusion: Exercise may be beneficial to those with multiple sclerosis, but there islimited evidence that the addition of whole body vibration provides any additionalimprovements. Further larger scale studies into the effects of whole body vibration inpeople with multiple sclerosis are essential.
Address for correspondence: Franc¸oise Schyns,
Support, Unit 16 Chapel Street Industrial Estate, GlasgowG20 9BQ, UK. e-mail: [email protected]
ß SAGE Publications 2009Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore
neurological conditions, although sparse, suggestsoptimism. Ahlborg et al.12 showed that an eight-week programme of whole body vibration training
Exercise therapy is considered to be a key
had positive effects on muscle tone and strength
compared with resistance exercise in children with
people with multiple sclerosis, but the evidence
cerebral palsy. Proprioception of the affected
to support its use is relatively poor. A recent
lower limb improved in people with stroke after
Cochrane systematic review1 exploring the effects
of exercise for people with multiple sclerosis
Schuhfried et al.14 studied the effect of whole
showed that exercises have beneficial effects on
body vibration at low frequency on 12 people
with multiple sclerosis. In the intervention group,
activities (transfer, balance and walking) and on
subjects received vibration (applied without any
mood, without any evidence of detrimental effects.
exercises) in five series of 1 minute each with
1-minute break in between. In the placebo group,
particular exercise programmes, included within
subjects received transcutaneous electrical nerve
the review, were more effective in improving or
stimulation (TENS) in a similar fashion. After
one week of intervention, the results showed a
Whole body vibration has been around for over
significant improvement in balance, as measured
30 years and has been used by cosmonauts to
by posturography and also in functional scores, as
delay muscle atrophy and loss of bone density.
measured by a timed up and go test. These results
Research on whole body vibration training as a
suggest that whole body vibration had a positive
method of muscle strengthening has been investi-
influence on mobility and postural control.
gated mainly on healthy subjects.2–8 Whole body
Thus overall there is limited evidence to support
vibration involves subjects performing static or
the use of whole body vibration for people with
dynamic movements on a vibrating platform.
neurological conditions, in particular multiple
The vibrations generated by the engine of the
sclerosis. However, people with multiple sclerosis
platform are transmitted to the person standing,
are increasingly buying relatively expensive vibra-
sitting or lying on the machine. Whole body
tion machines despite the lack of evidence.
vibration can be delivered in two main ways: by
The aim of this pilot study, therefore, was to
vertical displacements of the whole platform or by
establish whether whole body vibration training
side alternating whole body vibration, which
combined with exercises was more beneficial
operates like a seesaw.9 Physiologically the vertical
to people with multiple sclerosis than exercise
vibrations generate acceleration forces working
on the body, causing the muscles to lengthen andthus triggering the stretch reflex.9 This effect onthe neuromusculature (muscle spindles and the
alpha-motoneurons) increases the synchronizationof the motor units when combined with a
voluntary muscle contraction.10 As a result,
greater muscle strength can be achieved compared
balanced design was used for a sample of 16
to conventional training.11 In the side alternating
people with multiple sclerosis randomly allocated
systems, the seesaw-like displacement of the
to one of two groups (group 1 or group 2).
platform is reported to mimic human gait, in
Subjects were randomized by the physiotherapist
which one foot moves upwards and the other
involved with the treatments drawing a number
one downwards. These systems offer larger
from an envelope to allocate each subject to a
amplitudes of oscillations but a lower frequency
group: number 1 for group 1 and number 2 for
range than platforms generating pure vertical
group 2. Each group then consisted of eight
The current research to support the use of whole
For group 1, the protocol consisted of four
body vibration in the rehabilitation of people with
weeks of a set exercise programme performed
with whole body vibration, three times per week,
Subjects were recruited via flyers within Revive
Thereafter, subjects received a further four-week
MS Support and at local community leisure
period of the same exercises but without whole
centres around Glasgow. To establish eligibility,
body vibration, three times per week. The
recruited subjects undertook a screening process
subjects in group 2 had exercise without whole
to ascertain that they had a confirmed diagnosis
body vibration for four weeks first, and then
of multiple sclerosis, a disability level between 1
rest for two weeks and then four weeks of
and 6 on the Hauser Ambulation Index15 and had
exercise and whole body vibration (Figure 1).
at least one of the following symptoms based on
Selected outcome measures were taken before
previous clinical assessment: abnormal muscle
and after each four-week period of exercise and
tone, lower limb weakness, altered sensation
and/or proprioception. In group 1, there were
initial assessment of baseline n = 16
Flowchart of the experimental protocol.
five females and three males, with five subjects
having bilateral leg symptoms. In group 2, there
The isometric force output of seven muscle
were seven females and one male and four subjects
groups was tested with a hand-held dynamometer:
had bilateral symptoms. The mean age was 45.8
hip flexors, hip extensors, hip abductors, hip addu-
years (SD 8.4) and 49.5 years (SD 6.14) for groups
ctors, quadriceps, hamstrings and ankle dorsi-
1 and 2 respectively. The duration of multiple
flexors. The hand-held dynamometer was used to
sclerosis from diagnosis varied from 10 months
record the peak force exerted during maximum
to 23 years (mean 6.7 years) in group 1 and 3.5
voluntary isometric contraction using the ‘make
to 18 years in group 2 (mean 11.8 years).
test’.18 Where patients exhibit clinically weak mus-
Participants were asked to stabilize their medi-
cles, such as patients with neuromuscular disorders,
cations, especially antispasmodic drugs, for the
the hand-held dynamometer provides a reliable and
duration of the study. Subjects were excluded
accurate means of assessing muscle strength.19 An
from the study if they were receiving ongoing phy-
average of two measures for each muscle group of
siotherapy or were keen to continue attending
the affected lower limb(s) was recorded.
other types of exercise class, were receiving com-plementary therapy (e.g. acupuncture, reflexology,and aromatherapy), had previous or current use of
whole body vibration, or presented with any con-
As there is no specific scale to measure sensory
traindications of whole body vibration such as
impairment in multiple sclerosis the Nottingham
tumour, pacemaker, pregnancy, epilepsy, severe
Sensory Assessment,20 a scale for assessing sensory
pain, active infection or dizziness.
impairment in stroke patients, was used. The sub-jects’ tactile sensation to light touch, pinprick,pressure, temperature and proprioception was
assessed at the knee, ankle and foot of the affected
The outcome measures were taken before and
after each four-week exercise period and restperiod (Figure 1). All measures were performed
by a physiotherapist who was not involved in the
Walking performance was tested using the 10-m
training procedure and who was blind to the
walk test.21 This is simple, quick and inexpensive,
relatively reliable and responsive and has estab-lished face validity.22 The subjects were instructedto walk a standardized 10 m distance at their ‘own
pace’, using their walking aid if necessary. The
Tone was assessed with the Modified Ashworth
10-m walk was undertaken twice and the average
Scale.16 The four muscle groups most commonly
affected by multiple sclerosis were measured: hip
Balance in basic mobility movements was evalu-
adductors, quadriceps, hamstrings and gastroc-
ated with the Timed Up and Go Test,23 a reliable
nemius. Only the affected lower limb(s) were
and valid test for quantifying functional mobi-
lity.23–25 Participants sat on a standard chair
The Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity Scale 88
with arms and were instructed to get up and
(MSSS-88)17 was used to measure the subjects’
walk at a comfortable and safe pace to a line on
perception of the impact of abnormal tone on
the floor 3 m away, turn around, return to the
their multiple sclerosis. The MSSS-88 is a ques-
chair and sit down again. The time required to
tionnaire that quantifies the impact of spasticity
in six clinically relevant areas: three spasticity-specific symptoms (muscle stiffness, pain andmuscle spasms) and three areas of physical func-
tioning (ADL, walking, body movements), emo-
tional health and social functioning.
(MSIS-29)26 was used to measure the participants’
health-related quality of life. The MSIS-29 is a
This again was followed by a two-week rest
measure of the physical and psychological impact
period. For group 2, the order of treatment was
of multiple sclerosis from the patients’ perspective
reversed (i.e. four weeks of exercise alone, two
and consists of a 29-item questionnaire (20 items
weeks rest and then four weeks of exercise with
for physical construct and 9 items for psychologi-
cal construct). It shows good variability, smallfloor and ceiling effects, high internal consistencyand high test–retest reliability.26
Prior to starting the study ethical approval was
granted by the Research Committee of Glasgow
participants were asked to report any effect on
Support. A courtesy letter was sent to all subjects’
their symptoms. The purpose of this was to high-
GPs. All subjects received written information
light potential subjective changes which may not
about the study and were made aware that they
have been picked up by the chosen outcome
could withdraw from the study at any time with-
The whole body vibration was delivered via a
vibrating platform (VibroGym International BV,
The Netherlands). On this device vertical vibra-
tions can be delivered at a frequency of 30, 40 or
interaction was performed on the continuous
50 Hz and the amplitude of the vibrations can be
chosen between low (2 mm) and high (4 mm). As
the literature base was limited the frequency and
Test). This allowed comparison of the data for
amplitude of the vibrations, as well as the duration
both groups and investigated whether the order
of exercises, were chosen according to the manu-
of interventions had any effect, and if there was
facturers’ recommendations for stretching and
any carryover effect from each intervention
strengthening exercise (i.e. 40 Hz, low amplitude
respectively. Provided there was no evidence of
carryover or order effects the data were combined
In group 1, the subjects performed a series of
and a Wilcoxon signed ranks test was carried out
exercises with vibrations three times a week for
on the difference between change following whole
four weeks. Each session consisted of a warm-up
body vibration and exercise and change following
massage of the quadriceps, hamstrings and
exercise alone. Medians and non-parametric tests
gastrocnemius muscles delivered by the vibrating
were considered as a result of the small sample size
plate. Each muscle group was treated for 60
and where interactions were identified differences
seconds at 50 Hz. Following the warm-up, subjects
performed 10 different strengthening and stretch-
Categorical tests such as McNemar’s test were
ing exercises for the lower limbs with vibration
considered for the variables Modified Ashworth
frequency of 40 Hz, and for 30 seconds. Each
session ended with a cool-down massage similar
However, the sample sizes were too small to
to the warm-up. After a two-week rest period,
obtain meaningful results with even exact versions
the same protocol of exercises, this time without
of the test and hence descriptive analyses are
the vibration, was performed three times weekly
presented here to illustrate the frequency and per-
for another four weeks. In this case, the warm-
centage of subjects with a decrease in score, no
up and cool-down consisted of 3 minutes of slow
change in score and an increase in score following
passive movements on a motorized cycling machine.
for exercise alone compared with whole bodyvibration and exercise.
Each of the eight components of the MSSS-88
Of the 16 subjects who were recruited and agreed
was analysed. For MSSS-88 pain, there was a
to participate nine had multiple sclerosis affecting
both lower limbs whereas seven subjects had a
more unilateral presentation. Of the 16 subjects,
considered separately. For group 1, there was a
four failed to complete the study; for one subject
statistically significant difference between the
the whole body vibration aggravated a pre-existing
results before and after whole body vibration
knee condition and the other three subjects with-
(P ¼ 0.036). However, for group 2, there was no
drew as they found coming to the therapy centre
significant difference. For MSSS-88 spasm, there
three times a week unfeasible. Thus 12 subjects
was no evidence of order or carryover effects and
Although the study was of a cross-over design,
combined and analysed using a Wilcoxon signed
statistical analysis revealed that there was little
ranks test. This produced a P-value of 0.02 with a
evidence of a group or interaction effect for any
95% confidence interval (CI) of 2.00, 14.50, which
of the outcome measures (except MSSS-88).
highlights that a greater reduction in score was
Therefore, while appreciating that this may be a
result of the small sample size in some cases, the
exercise compared to exercise alone.
effect of whole body vibration and exercise was
For the remainder of the MSSS-88 components
compared with that of exercise alone regardless
(ADL, social functioning, stiffness, gait, body
of the order the interventions occurred. In addi-
movement and emotional health) no statistically
tion, statistical results are presented for right and
left affected limbs separately. However, descriptiveresults
Nottingham Sensory Assessment are presentedfor all limbs affected by multiple sclerosis as a
result of small sample sizes for categorical data
From Table 3 it appears that both interventions
analysis. Thus, although there were 12 subjects,
increased the subjects’ walking speed as evidenced
due to the bilateral presentation of some subjects
by a faster 10-m walk time, however the difference
data for 18 limbs from group 1 and 21 limbs from
between performance with vibration and exercise,
and exercise alone was not statistically significant(P ¼ 0.561). A similar pattern was observed withthe results of the Timed Up and Go Test(P ¼ 0.720). There was insufficient evidence that
including whole body vibration within the exercise
The results for maximum muscle force produced
programme improved these functional outcomes
for each of the seven muscle groups tested suggest
for people with multiple sclerosis over that of
that there was a trend towards an improved ability
exercise alone. The confidence intervals for the
to generate muscle force especially following
results of both outcome measures are relatively
whole body vibration and exercise (Table 1).
wide mainly due to two subjects with a higher
Although there appeared to be a trend, this differ-
level of disability (i.e. score of 6 on the Hauser
ence did not reach statistical significance.
Index) and thus a relatively poor functional abilitycompared to the remainder of the subjects.
Although the results were variable, for most
subjects the Modified Ashworth Scale score
For most subjects, sensation was unaffected by
remained unchanged following each of the inter-
either intervention in that there was no change in
ventions (Table 2). Tone tended to increase more
the scores recorded (Table 4). For each of the five
Maximum muscle force produced for each of the seven muscle groups
Values are median difference (before minus after) [interquartile range of difference] for each intervention. P-values and 95%confidence intervals (CI) for the difference between change (before minus after) in muscle force (N) following whole bodyvibration and exercise and change in muscle force following exercises were computed using a Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Left n ¼ 8, right n ¼ 10. WBV, whole body vibration.
Frequency and percentage of subjects with a decrease, no change or increase in Modified
Ashworth Score following each intervention
Results for 10-m walk and Timed Up and Go Test
Values are median difference (before minus after) [interquartile range of difference] for each intervention. P-values and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the difference between change (before minus after) infunctional measures following WBV and exercise and change in functional measures following exercisewere computed using a Wilcoxon signed ranks test (n ¼ 12). WBV, whole body vibration; TUG, Timed Up and Go Test.
sensations assessed the number of subjects with
increased scores (i.e. improved sensation) was
higher for exercise alone than for exercise com-
Frequency and percentage of subjects with a decrease, no change or increase in the Nottingham
Sensory Assessment scores following each intervention
Increase in score represents improved sensation. Maximum score of 6 represents intact sensation for all exceptproprioception where the maximum score is 9. WBV, whole body vibration.
Results for the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale
For Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale physical and psychological, median difference (before minus after) [interquartile range ofdifference] for each intervention. P-values and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the difference between change (before minusafter) in scores following whole body vibration and exercise and change in scores following exercise were computed using aWilcoxon signed ranks test (n ¼ 10). WBV, whole body vibration.
psychological constructs within the MSIS-29
immediately after the session and improved
questionnaire (Table 5). However the difference
statistically significant in either case (psychologicalor physical), suggesting that whole body vibration
had no added value in terms of the results.
The results of this study suggest that exercise per-formed three times a week for four weeksimproved muscle force output, functional ability
and general well-being in people with multiple
Subjective comments given by participants were
sclerosis. The addition of whole body vibration
supportive of both vibration and exercise, and
to the exercise programme provided some added
exercise alone. The comments made by subjects
benefit to exercise alone in terms of reducing
muscle spasm. In addition there was a trend
the following: improved sleeping, more energy
towards a greater increase in muscle force genera-
during the day, and improved and brighter
tion with the addition of whole body vibration.
Exercise, with or without whole body vibration,
by subjects while receiving whole body vibration
appeared to have had no effect on sensation or
following statements: reduction in foot cramps at
The MSSS-88 yielded several interesting find-
night, improved ability to feel the ground
ings. It appeared that whole body vibration and
exercise decreased muscle spasms as well as the
impact on subjects’ functional level.28 In a pre-
pain associated with those spasms to a greater
vious study on cerebral palsy,12 the 6-minute
extent than exercise alone. Potential physiological
walk test and the Timed Up and Go Test did
explanations for these findings have not been
not change significantly following either whole
explored as previous studies have concentrated
body vibration or resistance training. However in
on the effects of whole body vibration on muscle
that study, subjects did not exercise on the vibrat-
ing platform and thus it appears that for func-
An increase in the maximum force generated
tional improvement vibration alone may not be
from each of the seven muscle groups tested was
sufficient. In the study of whole body vibration
observed for both interventions (whole body
for people with multiple sclerosis,14 the results of
the Timed Up and Go Test were better for the
Although the results failed to reach statistical sig-
whole body vibration group compared with the
nificance, they revealed a trend for greater
placebo immediately after the intervention, and
improvement in muscle force production following
this was maintained one week later. However,
whole body vibration and exercise compared to
Schuhfried et al.14 used different treatment param-
exercise alone. Although there is some literature
eters to the ones used in the present study: they
on the effect of whole body vibration in healthy
used a low frequency (1 Hz), which was increased
subjects, only one study has investigated the
as tolerated, and 3 mm amplitude compared to the
effects of whole body vibration on muscle strength
parameters in the present study of 40 Hz and
in those with neurological problems.12 Ahlborg
amplitude of 2 mm. In addition, no exercises
et al.12 showed an increase in quadriceps strength
were performed concurrently with the whole
following whole body vibration in subjects with
body vibration and their control group did not
cerebral palsy. The present study is the first to
receive whole body vibration. In summary,
consider the effect of whole body vibration on
muscle force in people with multiple sclerosis. In
body vibration appears to provide little added
healthy subjects, numerous studies have demon-
benefit over exercise alone, it may be that the use
strated the potential of whole body vibration
of whole body vibration has benefits compared to
training to induce strength gains in the knee exten-
no intervention at all for people with multiple
sor muscles and jump performance.5–8 In a recent
systematic review on strength training effects of
Although subjective comments suggested that
whole body vibration27 the five studies with
sensation was improved following whole body
strong experimental designs found that whole
vibration, the results of the Nottingham Sensory
body vibration did not have additional value to
Assessment found that for the majority of subjects
the effect of the concomitant exercises performed
sensation was unaffected by either intervention.
on the vibrating platform. The review also high-
It is reported that vibration stimuli can have the
lighted a significant methodological flaw in some
following effects: stimulation of the pressure
studies where the control group did not perform
receptors on the sole of the foot, stimulation of
similar training exercises to the whole body vibra-
the proprioceptors, increased blood flow and trig-
tion group. The exercises were the same for both
ger of reflexes.29,30 Although outwith the scope of
interventions in the present study and the result
the present study a more sensitive outcome mea-
was a trend towards a greater increase in muscle
sure such as Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST)
force with whole body vibration and exercise.
would provide objective results to examine the
Both interventions – whole body vibration and
potential effect of whole body vibration on the
exercise and exercise alone – improved function as
sensory system in people with multiple sclerosis.
measured by the 10-m walk and the Timed Up and
Finally, well-being improved after both inter-
Go Test. However, there was insufficient evidence
ventions, but there was insufficient evidence of
that whole body vibration had added benefit over
added benefit from the whole body vibration.
exercise alone. In both interventions, the exercises
This corroborates results of a systematic review
performed were static and it is possible that more
on exercises and multiple sclerosis2 that reported
that exercise, regardless of the type, has a strong
positive effect on the physical and psychological
One subject was unable to complete the study as
the whole body vibration appeared to exacerbate a
With the exception of a reduction in muscle
pre-existing knee condition, unrelated to her mul-
tiple sclerosis. The three other subjects who with-
that the addition of whole body vibration to
drew from the study did so because they found
the exercise programme provided any added
attending the centre three days a week impossible.
Throughout the course of the study, none of the
Whole body vibration did not appear to have
subjects reported any significant deterioration in
a detrimental effect on multiple sclerosis.
symptoms. Thus although the effects of whole
Further, larger trials are warranted.
body vibration in multiple sclerosis have notbeen completely elucidated in this study, it does
seem that whole body vibration caused few
adverse effects in this sample of people with multi-ple sclerosis.
This study was designed as a pilot study and
therefore the main limitation was obviously the
FS and EN initiated the study. FS, EN and LP
small sample size thus trends and minor differ-
acquired funding. FS managed the project, FS and
ences observed may have been due to chance. A
KF undertook the recruitment and treatment/
larger sample would increase statistical power and
assessment. CF provided statistical support and
allow more formal statistical procedures to be
undertook statistical analysis. FS and LP wrote
applied in the case of categorical data. Further
the draft manuscript. FS, LP and CF revised the
research to determine the optimum parameters
manuscript and with KF and EN gave approval of
for the application of whole body vibration for
the final version submitted. FS takes responsibility
people with neurological conditions is required.
for the accuracy and honesty of the report and the
A recent review on the use of vibration training
highlighted that the differences in vibrationtraining methodologies affect the short- and
long-term effect on neuromuscular performance.
The vibration characteristics (vibration amplitude,
Multiple Sclerosis Trust of Great Britain and the
frequency and vertical versus side-alternating) as
School of Health and Social Care of Glasgow
well as the exercise protocols (type of exercises,
intensity, and dosage) are complex methodological
Rafferty, School of Health and Social Care,
aspects to consider as they may greatly influence
Glasgow Caledonian University for technical sup-
the potential benefits obtained with vibration
port and Frank Jamieson, University of Glasgow,
training. Further larger scale studies into the
for his assistance with statistical analysis.
effects of whole body vibration in people withmultiple sclerosis, and indeed other neurologicalconditions, are essential.
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multiple sclerosis. A randomized, three-arm study
Differences in risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovasculardisease between ethnic groups in Canada: the Study of HealthAssessment and Risk in Ethnic groups (SHARE) Sonia S Anand, Salim Yusuf, Vladmir Vuksan, Sudarshan Devanesen, Koon K Teo, Patricia A Montague, Linda Kelemen, Cheelong Yi, Eva Lonn, Hertzel Gerstein, Robert A Hegele, Matthew McQueen, for the SHARE Investigators Introductio
Dermatologie L’incidence de la gale a augmenté de 10 % en France en 10 ans confirmant une tendance observée à l’étranger et soulignant les difficultés thérapeutiques. Le rapport du Haut Comité de la santé publique conseille, dans un souci de simplification des protocoles, un 1er traitement à J1 et un second, systématiquement, une semaine après. LA PRISE EN CHARGE DE LA G