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SOC 3290 Deviance
Overheads Lecture 7: The Pathological Perspective 2:
* Today: social control policies/assessment of the pathological
* “Treatment” = the cure for nonconformity * Associated with rise of the “Therapeutic state” * Problems: - assumes deviants have no choices in behavior - hiding of social/moral judgements in name of science - Phrenology once officially recognized/practiced in policy - Lombroso’s atavism used to classify delinquents Eugenics:
* Popular idea: reduce deviance by “removing deviant individuals from the gene pool.” Manifested in involuntary sterilization laws * Very popular in early part of 20th century/ many forced sterilizations The Mental Hospital:
* Attempt to rehabilitate/change existing deviants * “Great confinement” of 17th-18th centuries * Hopeful treatments alternatively proposed/discredited over time * Reformers balked at harsh custodial control * Mid-20th century: mental hospitals essentially warehouses * Thorazine synthesized in 1952: reduced symptoms/restored order * Supporters very positive re: drug treatment * Detractors: (1) didn’t treat root cause of problem (2) really about controlling patients (3) disfiguring side effects (e.g. tarditive dyskenesia) * Mental Hospitals Depopulated between 1955-1970. Reasons: (1) drug treatment (2) legal rulings on patients’ rights (3) journalistic exposes/sociological research (4) cost-cutting by governments * Some jurisdictions want to do away with mental hospitals - don’t access community health facilities often- most end up on the street/in welfare housing- right to post-hospital care? The Pathological Perspective Today:
* Despite failures, the pathological perspective is alive and kicking * New movement to study biological/pathological roots of deviance * Books/research reviews often don’t consider criticisms: - Wilson & Herrstein: criminologists “uncomfortable” with - Ellis: sexual assault a result of natural selection (discounts cross- cultural studies/patriarchy) Hyperkinesis:
* Considered #1 childhood syndrome, despite being social deviance * What was once “bad” is now “sick” * Once diagnosed, drug treatment soon follows (Ritalen) - Researchers never discovered organic defect- Researchers reasoned that if drugs improve behavior, organic problem must have caused unruliness (illogical)- New pediatric interest in child mental health (status booster)- Synthesis of Ritalen/ FDA approval in 1961- Parallel success of drug treatment/control for mental patients- Pediatric specialists proposed new diagnosis: hyperkinesis- Backed up by Learning Disabilities groups, medical representatives on investigating committee - Massive advertizing campaign/profits by drug industry The Surgical Control of Deviant Behavior:
* Moniz (1935): first prefrontal lobotomy * Early 1950's: up to 50,000 lobotomies performed in U.S.
- journalistic expose’s- questions about selection of candidates- newer drugs- newer psychosurgical techniques - directed at hypothalamus, amygdala and thalamus- based on animal aggression experiments (e.g. electric implants)- proponents say safe/secure ways of control - critics say unethical experimentation/real problems not there- aggression not always result of electrical/chemical changes- even if so, what causes these? The environment- pathological speculation about “yet undetected lesions”- pathological “profiles” of good candidates for surgery (e.g. having a record of physical assaults, intoxication, impulsive sexuality, and accidents) - similar things can be caused by class related power imbalances - hypotheses for neurological investigation- why don’t all lower class people act violently (their brains?)- propose “early warning tests” for the potentially violent - some individuals become more violent/incapacitated- when those with physical problems removed from sample, patients with behavioral problems show no improvement - Evidence of effectiveness not convincing - Controversial- Legal/regulatory caution- Standards proposed (but vaguely defined) * Pathological theorists don’t give up/ remain imaginative: - Suggest implanting two-way transmitters into deviants’ brains- Total monitoring/control possibilities- Illustrates total control potential of positivist science- This possibility is not far from being recognizable- Who’s in control? Assessment of the Pathological Perspective:
- Promises much/delivers little- “Scientific” claims vs. methodological problems - Humanitarian intent vs. repressive practices - Emphasis on naturalistic causation introduces new complexities- Humanitarian intent- Optimism- Flexibility- Benefits of “sick role” - Limits role of human choice- Limits impact of socio-historical context- “Deviants” somehow more determined than others/made - False neutrality: moral decisions hidden by code words - Expert Control mystifies discourse/produces “tunnel vision”: (2) Influenced by institutionalized thinking (3) Influenced by ad campaigns/drug industry - Individualizing social problems/avoids social influences (e.g. on - Ignoring the power politics of deviance- The possibility of medical social control “for their own good” (e.g. lobotomies, drugs for anxiety/eating disorders) - Diverting questions about good and evil * In the end: the pathological perspective denies us a full vision of deviance & social control as practical, human struggle

Source: http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~skenney/courses/3290/DevOH7.pdf

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Your allergy testing is scheduled for:______________ __________ We require 48 hour cancellation notice or you will be charged $50.00. Please call 425.258.4361 if you need to cancel this appointment. The Following Items Are Extremely Important: PLEASE READ • Allergy skin testing takes approximately 1 (one) hour to complete. • Please wear something short-sleeved or sleeveless. •


Vicky Wall, eine britische Apothekerin, die das Aura-Soma-Farbsystem in den 80iger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts erfand, sagte: „Du bist die Farben, die du wählst und sie reflektieren die Bedürfnisse deines Wesens.“ Damit meinte sie, dass die Wahl der Farben, uns Aufschluss über unsere Lebensaufgabe, unsere Gaben und Talente, das Hier und Jetzt und unsere Potentiale für die Zukunft geben

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