
State of Connecticut
Department of Consumer Protection
January 2000
Prepared by:
Drug Control Agent Sharon Milton-Wilhelm
Drug Control Agent Gerald J. DeStefano
Amphetamines (Methamphetamine, ICE, CAT) Marijuana (including Sinsemilla, Hash, Hash Oil) Amphetamine Variants (DOM, DMT, DET, MDA, MDMA) Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (Testosterone and derivatives) A. DEPRESSANT-TYPE DRUGS
OPIUM (original source for narcotics)
a. Morphine (narcotic alkaloid; approx. 10% naturally occurring in Opium); Sch. II
b. Codeine (narcotic alkaloid; appox. 1% naturally occurring in Opium); Sch. II
c. Thebaine (narcotic alkaloid; approx. 0.5% naturally occurring in Opium); Sch. II
d. Heroin (semi-synthetic narcotic produced from Morphine); Sch. I; 4 x more
potent than Morphine

OPIATES (natural or semisynthetic narcotic drugs)
1. Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)
2. Morphine (MS Contin)
3. Codeine (Tylenol w/codeine)
4. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) - 4 x as potent as morphine, less side effects,
closely related to heroin , “drug store heroin”; Sch. II
5. Oxycodone (Percodan, Percocet, Tylox, Oxycontin) - synthesized from thebaine,
similar to codeine but is more potent and has a higher dependence potential; Sch. II
6. Hydrocodone (Lorcet, Lortab, Anexsia, Hycodan,, Tussionex, Vicodin); Sch. III.
OPIOIDS (synthetic opiates)
1. Meperidine (Demerol) - similar effects to that of morphine but shorter duration of
action and reduced antitussive and antidiarrheal actions; Sch. II
2. Levorphanol (Levo-Dromoran); Sch. II
3. Propoxyphene (Darvon, Darvocet); Sch. IV
4. Pentazocine (Talacen, Talwin NX); Sch. IV
5. Methadone (Dolophine) - used for the treatment of narcotic addiction or severe
pain, chemically unrelated to morphine or heroin although pharmacologically
similar, Long acting (24 hours); Sch. II
6. Fentanyl (Sublimaze, Duragesic) -used legally for pain control and anesthesia; many
different analogues have been identified; hundreds of times more potent than heroin;
effects are indistinguishable from those of heroin; used IV, smoked or snorted.;
Sch. II; Most analogs Sch. I
(Phenobarbital, Amobarbital, Butabarbital, Aprobarbital,
Secobarbital, Pentobarbital, Thiopental)
3. BENZODIAZEPINES (Diazepam, Alprazolam, Chlordiazepoxide, Clorazepate,
Halazepam, Lorazepam, Oxazepam, Prazepam, Estazolam, Flurazepam, Quazepam,
Temazepam, Triazolam, Midazolam, Clonazepam, Flunitrazepam)

(Methaqualone, Glutethimide, Chloral Hydrate)
5. Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL)
1. HEROIN (Schedule I)
Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste. Most illicit heroin is a
powder, which may vary in color from white to dark brown because of impurities left from
the manufacturing process or the presence of additives. Mexican tar heroin may be
gummy, hard, or a powder and can vary in color from brown to black. Tar heroin has a
noticeable chemical odor similar to that of vinegar.
Effects on Central Nervous System: Depressant

General Side-Effects:
Pinpoint pupils, loss of coordination, lowered sensation of pain, lowered pulse and
respiration rate, slurred speech, drooping eyelids and head nodding forward,
disorientation, itchy nose and skin, lowered blood pressure, sweating, constipation, dry
mouth, and injection sites (tracks) if used IV.
From the standpoint of the heroin abuser, heroin provides a soothing sense of relaxation
and well being. The abuser will repeatedly experience the euphoria, and will soon find it
difficult to stop taking the drug. The body quickly develops a tolerance to heroin.

Dependence: high physical and psychological
Medical Use (morphine & codeine): Analgesic, antitussive, antidiarrheal
(Note: Heroin is used as a legitimate medicine in a number of countries. It relieves both
cough and diarrhea, and is an effective pain killer and tranquilizer. It has no medical use,
however in U.S.)
Street Names for Heroin:
Antifreeze, brown, big H, brown sugar, China man, downtown, hombre, horse, lemon
dope, scag, schmeck, smack, white stuff. Mexican tar heroin : tar, ball, black heroin,
black tar, gum, gumball, Mexican mud, tootsie roll.
Opium is the source of all opiate drugs (heroin, morphine, codeine, hydromorphone,
oxycodone) and is obtained from the opium poppy plant, Papaver somniferum.
Golden Triangle (Burma, Laos, and Thailand), Golden Crescent (Pakistan, Afghanistan,
and Iran) and Mexico are the primary countries involved in the illicit cultivation of opium.
Recently, a sharp increase has been seen in Colombia and Vietnam.
Morphine is the prevalent alkaloid found in opium (approx. 5% to 10%). Other
alkaloids include Codeine and Thebaine.

HEROIN (continued)

Used by Assyrians over 9,000 years ago for medicinal use. In 4,000 B.C., the Sumerians
were cultivating opium poppies in what is now Iraq. Used by the Greeks around the third
century B.C. Medicinal and recreational use spread to Asia, Africa, and Europe.
In 1803 the main active substance in opium was isolated (morphine). Opium and
morphine were widely and legally available in U.S. during the 1800’s on an over-the-
counter basis (relaxants, alcoholism, diarrhea, cough, teething pain).
During the mid 1800’s, opium smoking was introduced into the U.S. by immigrant
Chinese laborers. Smoked opium provided a much more pleasurable and quicker effect
than it did when swallowed, because the drug entered the bloodstream directly from the
lungs rather than through the digestive process.
With introduction of syringe in 1853, morphine could now be injected directly into
bloodstream. First widespread use of injected morphine was during the American Civil
War (1861 -1865). During this time, morphine was used indiscriminately on injured
soldiers. After the war, so many soldiers were addicted to morphine that addiction to the
drug was often known as the “soldiers illness” or “army disease”.
In 1874, heroin (diacetylmorphine) was synthesized from morphine by treating
morphine with acetic anhydride
. In 1898, the Bayer Chemical Company of Germany
introduced heroin. In 1956, Heroin is outlawed in the U.S.
By 1900, it was estimated that 250,000 to 400,000 Americans were dependent on
narcotics. The abuse of opiate drugs, and their association with crime resulted in a series
of laws to deal with the problem:
1906 - The Pure Food and Drug Act ended over-the-counter sales of medications
containing heroin and other opiates.
1914 - The Harrison Narcotics Act regulated heroin manufacturing and
1922 - Medical doctors were no longer permitted to continue the common practice
of providing heroin and other opiates to addicts.
1924 - Heroin production in the United States was outlawed.
1942 - Opium poppy cultivation in the United States was outlawed.
1956 - Heroin was outlawed and all remaining stocks of heroin were required to be
surrendered to the federal government.
Opiates and Opioids are both classified as narcotics, from the Greek word “narkitos”,
meaning numbing.

HEROIN (continued)
Heroin is legally manufactured in England, with small amounts also produced in France
and Belgium. England is the major consumer of legally produced heroin, but there is also
limited use in Canada, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Method of Extraction:

1. To release opium from seed pod, the farmer makes a series of shallow vertical or
horizontal incisions across one or two sides of the seed pod.
2. Milky opium slowly bleeds from the incisions, turning from white to brown as it dries.
3. Following day, the farmer scrapes and collects the dried opium from the surface of the
pod (pods may be incised 5-6 times before opium is depleted).
4. Once the opium is collected, the farmer sells it to a processor who extracts the
morphine base (It takes approximately 1,000 poppies to produce one pound of
crude opium. Ten pounds of opium will generally yield one pound of morphine
5. Morphine treated with acetic anhydride to yield heroin. One to one proportions (heroin
is approx. 4 times more potent than morphine with less side effects).
Average Heroin Purity (1998):
Gram - 58%
Ounce - 57%
Kilogram - 57%

Air freight, international mail ships, ocean freight and marine vessels are all vehicles for
the illegal transport of heroin into the U.S. Additionally, commercial flight passengers
smuggle the drug in luggage, clothing, taped to their bodies, and even swallowed in
balloons or condoms. Over one half of all DEA seizures occur in New York City metro
area. Chains of distribution for Mexican heroin are centered in the southwest part of the
U.S., particularly Los Angeles. The average purity of heroin sold in gram quantities in
1993 was 58%.

Cutting Agents:
Powdered White Heroin Powdered Brown or Tan Heroin
1. Quinine 7. Lactose 1. Coffee
2. Starch 8. Glucose 2. Chocolate
3. Powdered milk 9. Mannitol 3. Milk powder
4. Powdered vitamins 10. Sucrose 4. Cocoa mix
5. Caffeine 11. Procaine 5. Brown sugar
6. Phenobarbital

HEROIN (continued)

Methods of Ingestion:
Most common method of ingesting both powder and tar heroin is by injecting it into the
vein (Add water and boil in spoon, use cotton to filter, lemon or lime juice to acidify
mixture which aids in dissolving the heroin more readily). Before injecting the drug, the
user may first draw an amount of blood back into the syringe, often called a “flag” or
“back track”, to ensure that the needle penetrated the vein. The heroin is then usually
injected in a series of small strokes to prolong the initial rush. Veins frequently used for
injection develop scar tissue commonly known as tracks, turkey trots, marks, etc. To
conceal injection sites, addicts often tattoo sites, wear long sleeved shirts, or use less
noticeable veins, such as those of the legs, feet, groin, or other parts of the body. If the
user misses the vein, the effects of the drug will be much less pronounced. Injecting into a
muscle or just beneath the skin (skin popping) are often the methods used when veins in
common injection sites have become collapsed or hardened due to repeated injections.
However, injecting into a muscle or beneath the skin results in a greatly diminished effect.
Snorting is becoming more popular due to AIDS and increased purities (northeastern
U.S.), although less effect is felt. Heroin can also be smoked. In a method referred to as
“chasing the dragon”, “dragon chasing”, or “foiling” heroin is placed on aluminum foil
and heated from below with a match or cigarette lighter, and the resulting fumes inhaled.
The life style of the heroin addict is typified by malnutrition and crime, collapsed veins and
disease. Sharing of needles is common in the heroin subculture, resulting in AIDS,
meningitis, hepatitis, and other diseases.
Duration of Action: Approximately 4 to 6 hours for Heroin and Morphine.
Withdrawal Effects - Abstinence Syndrome:
Usually appear within 6 to 12 hours of last dose, compared to a bad flu. Symptoms peak
about 24 to 72 hours after the last dose and then gradually subside and disappear within 7
to 10 days. Symptoms include: agitation and restlessness, stomach and muscle cramping,
dilated pupils, yawning, sneezing, increased pulse rate and blood pressure, runny nose,
goose bumps, watery eyes, insomnia, diarrhea, alternating chills and sweating, and
The most widely accepted treatment for heroin addiction is methadone. Methadone is an
opioid that was first produced in Germany during World War II to supplement their
limited supply of morphine. Methadone was first marketed in the United States in 1947 as
an analgesic under the trade name Dolophine. It was first used as a treatment for
HEROIN (continued)

narcotic-dependent individuals in the 1960s, and by the 1970s it had become widely
accepted as an effective approach for the treatment of heroin addiction.
Methadone is significant in the treatment of heroin addiction because the two drugs are
pharmacologically similar. As such, methadone 1) prevents heroin withdrawal symptoms,
2) fulfills the addicts physical need for heroin, 3) at sufficiently high doses it blocks the
effects of heroin through cross-tolerance, thus a fix of street heroin while undergoing
methadone treatment will probably give no pleasurable effect, 4) it is a longer acting drug
than heroin, the average dose lasting about 24 hours, making it more convenient to
administer, 5) it is effective orally, thus breaking the reliance on the ritual
of injection, and 6) it can be dispensed at an outpatient treatment center, enabling the
heroin dependent individual to maintain a more conventional life style.
Estimates indicate that, at best, only 20% of methadone patients remain off heroin.
In 1993 the FDA approved LAAM (levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol) for the treatment of
heroin dependency. LAAM is chemically related to methadone and its pharmacological
effects are very similar. One important difference is that the effects of LAAM last from
48-72 hours rather than the 24 hour dosage period for methadone. This very important
characteristic permits the reduction of clinic visits to only three times a week.
Another drug that is sometimes used to treat heroin addiction is naltrexone (Trexan). At
the proper dosage level, naltrexone blocks the effects of the opiate/opioid drugs for
approximately three days. During this time, no effects would be experienced if heroin
were consumed. A problem with naltrexone is that it cannot be given to an addict unless
he has been drug free for at least 7-10 days, or the drug will cause almost immediate
withdrawal symptoms.
Heroin + Cocaine = “SPEEDBALL”
Heroin + Amphetamine = “FIREBALL”
Heroin + Crack = “HOT ROCKS”
Heroin + Freebase cocaine = “CHASING and BASING”


HEROIN (continued)
Heroin is generally packaged in paper bindles, glassine or aluminum foil envelopes, or
small balloons containing approximately 1/10 gram heroin (street value about $20). A
heavy user of heroin may ingest the drug every four hours, using a total of about one gram
each day.
Due to a sticky consistency, tar heroin is generally packaged in cellophane or aluminum

Street Prices (1998):
Gram - $70 - $400 (powder)
$80 - $600 (black tar)
Ounce - $2,500 - $15,000 (powder)
$400 - $6,500 (black tar)
Kilogram - $50,000 - $200,000
*prices vary depending on source and demand

2. BARBITURATES (Controlled Substance Schedule : II, III, and IV)

Effect on CNS : Depressant
General Side-Effects:
The Barbiturate user often has the appearance of drunkenness without the odor of
. For instance, he may appear drowsy and confused; his muscle control may be
poor, resulting in poor coordination and staggering gait; slurred speech, memory
impairment; and inability to concentrate. Pupils are usually slightly constricted but may
be dilated with severe overdoses. The more alarming effects of reduced blood pressure,
body temperature, and profound respiratory and cardiovascular depression can lead to
coma and death.

Dependence: -
physical - moderate to high; psychological - moderate to high;
tolerance - yes
With the development of tolerance, the margin of safety between the effective dose and
the lethal dose becomes very narrow. That is, in order to obtain the same level of
intoxication, the tolerant abuser may raise his or her dose to a level that can produce coma
and death. The toxic or lethal dose for barbiturates is essentially the same in addicts as in
non-addicts. This differs from Heroin addiction, in which the Heroin addict can tolerate
much larger doses than the non-addict. In other words, in Heroin addiction, with an
increase in tolerance there is an increase in the lethal dose. In Barbiturate addiction there is
little or no increase in the lethal dose.
Since physical dependence results from the abuse of depressants, there is also a
withdrawal syndrome. Withdrawal from non-narcotic depressants can be fatal and
should be medically supervised. Generally, the symptoms which an officer would notice in
a barbiturate user undergoing withdrawal would be similar to alcohol abstinence and
include the following: weakness, apprehension, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, tremors,
abdominal pain, insomnia and tachycardia. Hallucinations, delirium tremors, and life-
threatening convulsions are possible.

Appearance :
various color capsules, tablets, injection
Medical Use:
daytime sedation, sleep aide (only 2 weeks), pre-anesthesia, long-term
anticonvulsant therapy
Street Names: downers, barbs, goof balls
Source: Synthesized by pharmaceutical companies. Generally, legitimate pharmaceutical
products are diverted to the illicit market. Rarely produced in clandestine labs.

BARBITURATES (continued)
Discovered in 1864 by Adolf von Baeyer, a German chemist, who synthesized
barbituric acid. Research led to the development of the first hypnotic derivative
of barbituric acid, Barbital, in 1903.

Classes of Barbiturates:
Barbiturates are classified into 4 categories based on speed of onset and length of action.

Synergistic Effect With Alcohol:
When used in conjunction with alcohol, the effects of Barbiturates are potentiated
and can produce convulsions, coma or death.
ex. 1 + 1 = 2 - Barbiturate alone
1 + 1 = 3 or 4 - Barbiturate + Alcohol consumption

Secobarbital (Seconal) - “REDS”
Pentobarbital (Nembutal) - “YELLOW JACKETS”
Amobarbital (Amytal) - “ROBIN’S EGGS” or “BLUES”
Secobarbital + Amobarbital (Tuinal) - “DOUBLE TROUBLE” or “XMAS TREES”
Most common method of ingestion is orally. Daily doses used by some addicts may be as
high as 15 capsules of 100mg each, or 1500mg.
The short-intermediate acting Barbiturates are the choice drugs of abuse due to the
favorable length of time for onset of effects, the duration of action, and the production
of euphoria by these drugs.
Barbiturates were very popular in the first half of the century. However, concern about
addiction potential and the ever-increasing numbers of fatalities associated with them led
to the development of alternative medications. Today, only about 20% of all depressant
prescriptions in the U.S. are for Barbiturates.
3. BENZODIAZEPINES (Controlled Substance Schedule IV)
Effects on CNS : Depressant
euphoric high - this intoxicated state results in reduced inhibition and impaired

Medical Use:
daytime sedation, induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and
prevent seizures.
- In general, benzodiazepines act as hypnotics in high doses, as
in moderate doses and as sedatives in low doses.
Appearance :
various color capsules, tablets, injection
physical - low to moderate; psychological-low to moderate;
Prolonged use can lead to physical dependence even at recommended dosages. Unlike
barbiturates, large doses of benzodiazepines are rarely fatal unless combined with other
drugs or alcohol.
- There are marked similarities among the withdrawal symptoms seen with all drugs
classified as depressants. In its mildest form, the withdrawal syndrome may produce
insomnia and anxiety, usually the same symptoms that initiated the drug use. With a
greater level of dependence, tremors and weakness are also present, and in its most
severe form, seizures and delirium. Unlike the withdrawal syndrome seen with most
other drugs of abuse, withdrawal from depressants can be life-threatening.
Although primary abuse of benzodiazepines is well documented, abuse of these drugs
usually occurs as part of a pattern of multiple drug abuse. For example, heroin or
cocaine abusers will use benzodiazepines and other depressants to augment their “high”
or alter the side effects associated with over-stimulation or narcotic withdrawal.
Approximately 50% of people entering treatment for narcotic or cocaine addiction also
report abusing benzodiazepines.
Source: Synthesized by pharmaceutical companies. Generally, legitimate pharmaceutical
products are diverted to the illicit market (prescriptions, theft, etc.). Those
individuals who abuse benzodiazepines often maintain their drug supply by
getting prescriptions from several different doctors, forging prescriptions or
buying diverted pharmaceutical products on the illicit market.
Benzodiazepines account for about 30% of all prescriptions for controlled substances.

Examples (Short Acting): Examples (longer acting):
Estazolam (Prosom) Alprazolam (Xanax)
Flurazepam (Dalmane) Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
Quazepam (Doral) Clorazepate (Tranxene)
Temazepam (Restoril) Diazepam (Valium)
Triazolam (Halcion) Halazepam (Paxipam)
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Oxazepam (Serax)
Prazepam (Centrax)
Midazolam (Versed) is available in the U.S. only in an injectable form for an adjunct to
Clonazepam (Klonopin) is used in the treatment of seizure disorders.
Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol – Schedule IV), which produces Diazepam-like effects, is
becoming increasingly popular among young people (Date-Rape drug). Although
flunitrazepam is legally marketed in 60 countries to treat severe insomnia, it does not have
FDA approval in the U.S. and is listed as a Schedule IV drug under the CSA. It is
smuggled in by traffickers (mainly from Mexico and Columbia).
Commonly known on the street as “roofies”, “ropes”, “ropies”, and “roches”.
Flunitrazepam is approximately ten times more potent than Valium and can cause memory
loss. It is manufactured in one and two milligram tablets, which sell for between $5.00
and $10.00 each on the street. The tablets are round and white, with a single score on one
side, and “ROCHE” and the number “1” or “2” encircled on the other side.
Note: See handout

a. Methaqualone (Quaalude); Sch. I
b. Glutethimide (Doriden); Sch. II (known as “loads” on the street)
c. Chloral Hydrate (Noctec); Sch. IV (similar effects as seen with barbiturates –
combination of alcohol and chloral hydrate is known as a Mickey Finn).
Physical dependence to chloral hydrate is very similar to chronic alcoholism, but
may develop within a matter of only two to three weeks of use.
d. Meprobamate (Equanil/Miltown): Sch. IV


5. Gamma Hydroxybutyrate or Gamma Hydroxy butyric acid (GHB)

Hydroxybutyric acid lactone is the key ingredient in the production of GHB. It is
available on the legitimate chemical market. CSA Schedule IV in Connecticut.
Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL) – CSA Schedule IV- it is an industrial and
household solvent of acrylate polymers found in floor stripper; metabolized to
GHB in the body.

1-4 butane diol – known as “BD” –
declared Class I health hazard by FDA

Effects on CNS : Depressant
In May 1999, the D.E.A. reported their documentation of over 3,500 GHB
related overdoses and law enforcement encounters as well as 32 deaths
associated with the product.
GHB & GBL have been associated with cases of “date-rape” and sexual assault.
What is GHB?
GHB is a chemical that your body manufactures for its normal
metabolism. It is also very similar to a natural chemical in your brain called
Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, or GABA. GABA is the major substance in
your brain that slows down or inhibits certain activities. GHB is thought to
act like GABA, perhaps even at the same receptors.

GHB is abused to induce a sense of euphoria and intoxication. It is
frequently used in conjunction with alcohol to intensify its effects. The
effects of GHB are dose related. One or two grams makes the user
physically and mentally relaxed and encourages a reduction of social
inhibitions. The person may appear intoxicated, have increased energy,
happiness, talkative, desire to socialize, feel affectionate and playful, and
have enhanced sexual experiences. The effects are felt within 5 to 20
minutes. Depending on the individual, this dosage may interfere with
speech, balance, motor coordination, and may induce sleep. Depending on
the dosage and individual, GHB can also cause nausea, headaches,
drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, seizure, amnesia, loss of muscle control,
loss of consciousness, being conscious but unable to move, respiratory
distress, and coma-like deep sleep.
A dose of four to eight grams induces a very deep sleep, usually within 5
to 15 minutes. This sleep may also be so deep that it is impossible to wake

GHB & GBL - continued

the user and they may appear to be in a comma. This deep sleep may lasts 3
to 4 hours or forever (death).
Medical Use: None; Illicit except for approved research involving various sleep
disorders; CSA Schedule IV;
Appearance : white powder, colorless liquid (although sometimes food coloring is
added to disguise its identity), tablets or capsules.
GHB can be produced by following simple instructions available in
publications and on the Internet (manufacturing kits are also available via
the Internet). Labels on some of the suspect products refer to gamma
butrolactone as “2(3H) – Furanone di-hydro.” The key ingredients,
hydroxybutyric acid lactone and sodium or potassium hydroxide, are
readily available on the open market. The end product is a liquid which
contains 0.85 to 1.3 grams of GHB per teaspoon. The legal status of these
kits is in a gray area.
Street Names:
G, Gamma-OH, Fantasy, Date rape drug, Easy Lay, gamma 10, GBH,
Georgia Home Boy, Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), Liquid E, Liquid
Ecstasy, Liquid X, Nature’s Qualude, Organic Quaalude, Salty Water,
Soap, Scoop, Water, Everclear, Great Hormones at Bedtime, G-Riffick,
and Cherry Menth, .
GHB-Like Substances: (They turn into GHB in your body) GBL (Gamma-
Butyrolactone), BD, RenewTrient, Revivarant, Revivarant G,
Revitalize Plus, GH Revitalizer, Gamma-G, Blue Nitro, Blue Nitro
Vitality, Remforce, Invigorate, Enliven, Serenity, SomatoPro, Thunder
Nectar, Weight Belt Cleaner, NRG3, and GHRE.
GHB occurs naturally in the human body. It plays a key role in the
functioning of the brain and nervous system. It initially gained popularity
in the US among the bodybuilding community. It was believed that it
acted as a growth hormone stimulant. Others used it as a sleep aid, and
still others were taking it for the euphoric effects. GHB was originally
marketed as a dietary supplement and sold primarily in health food stores
in the 1980s. On November 8th, 1990, the FDA ruled that GHB was unsafe
and that its use was illegal except in authorized physician supervised
clinical trials.

GHB & GBL - continued

GHB has become a drug of choice at rave parties. There have also been reports of GHB
being used as a “date rape” drug. According to the 1997 Household Survey On Drug
Abuse, 3,300,000 Americans have tried GHB at least once.
Availability: GHB is available as a clear, slightly salty tasting liquid or white powder
(Although food coloring is sometimes added to the liquid to disguise its
identity). The liquid is much more common than the powder (also some
tablet and capsule formulations have been found). At rave dances and
similar gatherings, it is usually sold by the capful or teaspoonful. Because
the concentration of GHB is often unknown, the user may not be aware of
the actual dose taken. The product is primarily used by high school and
college aged individuals. The usual price is $5.00 to $10.00 per capful or
“swig”. Over the Internet, it sells for about $95 for 32 ounces.
Ingestion: GHB is always taken orally. The liquid form may be swallowed or added
to another drink. The powder form is usually mixed with water or an
alcoholic drink before being taken.

Cocaine HCL (powder)
b. Cocaine Freebase
c. Crack Cocaine
Methamphetamine (clandestine labs - ICE)
b. Methcathinone (CAT)
Biphetamine (amphetamine & Dextroamphetamine - “black beauties”)
d. Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine 5,10mg)
e. Desoxyn (methamphetamine 10mg,15mg - “poor man’s coke”)
Ritalin (methylphenidate 5,10,20mg - Schedule II)
Prelu-2 (phendimetrazine 105mg - Schedule III)
Plegine (phendimetrazine 35mg - Schedule III)
Didrex (benzphetamine 50mg - Schedule III)
Adipex-P, Fastin, Ionamin (phentermine 15,30,37.5mg - Schedule IV)
Tenuate,Tenuate Dospan (diethylpropion 25 & 75mg - Schedule IV)
Mazanor, Sanorex (mazindol 1mg & 2mg - Schedule IV)


(Controlled Substance Schedule: II)
Stimulant controlled substance but classified as a narcotic.
Appearance : fine white powder; flakes; small chunks or rocks
Effects on Central Nervous System: Stimulant (super amphetamine); most potent
stimulant of natural origin; addicting properties focus around the “pleasure centers” of the
brain where basic instinctive drives such as hunger, thirst and sexual desires are reinforced.
These drives are replaced with the drive to obtain more cocaine (Dopamine re-uptake
Initial feeling of euphoria, increased alertness and intellectual functioning, greater
confidence, more energy, hyperactive, very talkative, release of social inhibitions, and an
overall feeling of power and confidence; vital signs include increased pulse rate, blood
pressure, and body temperature; pupils become dilated; fatigue and appetite disappear.
The feelings disappear quickly, however, as the cocaine level in the blood drops, usually
within 30 to 60 minutes. After the high has worn off, dysphoria sets in; anxiety, apathy,
insomnia, along with a general sense of negative feelings, plus a craving for more cocaine.
Pulse rate and blood pressure drop to a point lower than normal. The user is often
depressed, has a lack of energy and desire, and a craving for more cocaine.
Various Side Effects in Abusers: Weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, nasal
infections, sexual dysfunction and paranoia, and “coke bugs” or “snow bugs”. Excessive
doses may cause seizures and death from convulsions, respiratory failure, or heart failure.
Dependence: some physical dependence is possible; very high psychological
Medical Use:
local anesthetic for ear, nose and throat surgery (vasoconstrictor to limit bleeding); local
effects last up to 2 hours.
Street Names:
Blow, dust, flake, nose candy, nose stuff, snow, toot, uptown, coke, Bernice, “C”,
white, and white girl. Freebase form is referred to as base, hubba, roca, rock, crack,
Roxane and white pipe.

COCAINE (continued)

Cocaine is a natural alkaloid extracted from leaves of the Erythroxylon coca plant,
indigenous to the Andes mountains of South America (proper elevation, temperature
range and moisture requirements). This plant is cultivated exclusively in Peru, Bolivia and
Columbia. The cocaine concentration in the leaf is approximately 1-2%. The coca plant is
usually harvested three times each year, and in some cases as many as six times.
For thousands of years inhabitants of the Andes mountains have chewed and brewed the
leaves of the coca plant for their stimulating effects. The leaves of this plant have been
used for centuries by South American Indians for social and religious occasions, for
stamina, and to ward off hunger and fatigue. The practice continues to this day.
Cocaine was first isolated in 1860 and used in eye surgery in 1884. Sigmund Freud was a
proponent of cocaine and gave it to his patients, colleagues and his fiancee. He wrote and
spoke extensively about its value in the treatment of depression, nervousness, alcohol and
morphine dependence, and other ailments.
The first death attributed to cocaine use was in 1886 (cardiac arrest). Freud, by then a
long time habitual user himself, conceded in his final paper on the subject that cocaine
causes rapid physical deterioration, as well as paranoia, hallucinations, and other severe
psychiatric problems.
Around the turn of the century, cocaine was used in many medications, often in
combination with alcohol and opium. Cocaine preparations were a popular treatment for
asthma and hayfever. Many soft drinks and soda fountain preparations contained cocaine,
as did chewing gum and teas. Cigarettes and cigars containing cocaine were promoted by
pharmaceutical companies as a medical cure for fatigue and as a source of increased vigor.
In 1906, with the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act, the use of cocaine was
restricted due to increased cases of abuse. In 1914, cocaine was labeled a narcotic
substance under the Harrison Narcotic Act. Cocaine is still legally classified as a
, although the common present day definition of a narcotic usually includes
only those substances obtained from the opium poppy plant.


COCAINE (continued)

Method of Extraction:
1. Strip the leaves off the coca plant.
2. Sun dry several hundred pounds of leaves.
3. Take to “pasta Lab” which is generally located near growing area.
4. Leaves are shredded or mashed and placed in drums or plastic lined pits called
maceration pits.
5. Water and a strong alkali, such as lime, are added to breakdown the leaves and release
the cocaine. The mixture is left to soak for several days. A solvent such as kerosene or
gasoline is added to the mixture to dissolve the cocaine. The kerosene/cocaine solution
is pumped or drained from the pit for further processing.
6. Sulfuric acid is added to the kerosene. An alkali is then added and an intermediate
product, cocaine sulfate, precipitates out and is filtered from the kerosene/sulfuric acid
mixture. The cocaine sulfate is then dried. This form of cocaine is known as “paste” or
“pasta” , and is relatively impure.
7. The paste is normally transported to Colombia for further processing in a “base lab”.
8. At base lab, paste is dissolved in water and sulfuric acid, and potassium permanganate
is then added to remove impurities.
9. An alkali is added to precipitate the cocaine. The cocaine is then filtered out of the
solution and dried. The product is cocaine base, which is not water soluble.
10. The cocaine base is then sent to a “crystal lab” for further processing. Most crystal
labs are located in Colombia.
11. Cocaine is dissolved in acetone. Hydrochloric acid is added, which converts in
cocaine base to cocaine hydrochloride.
12. Ethanol is then added to the acetone/hydrochloric acid mixture to precipitate the
cocaine hydrochloride.
13. The solution is filtered to remove the cocaine hydrochloride, which is then dried.
Note: The dried cocaine hydrochloride has a purity of up to 90%. This form of cocaine is
water soluble and can be snorted or dissolved in water and injected
Two or three hundred pounds of leaves are generally required to
produce one pound of the finished cocaine hydrochloride product.
Markets for Coca Leaf:
1) Traditional market.
Purchased by local people primarily for chewing. Also
used as tea and in a number of food preparations.
2) Legitimate market. Coca leaves are an important source of flavoring agents.
Medically, cocaine is used as a local anesthetic for ear, nose and throat surgery.
3) Illicit cocaine market. Vast majority of the coca leaf production.

COCAINE (continued)

Estimated that the U.S. consumes at least 70% of this product. Most of the cocaine is
smuggled out of South America by private aircraft operating off of numerous unapproved
airstrips. The cocaine is flown to distribution points in the Caribbean, Mexico, or Central
America to be reshipped to the U.S. A substantial portion of the cocaine reaching the
U.S. arrives via smuggling routes that terminate in Southern California, Texas, Arizona,
and Florida. Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston and Miami are the major staging areas and
redistribution points. U.S. Shipments into these cities may weigh several hundred pounds
or even several tons. The standard package for cocaine at this level is a kilogram (approx.
2.2 pounds).

Cutting Agents for Cocaine:

1) Caine Cuts 2) Sugar Cuts 3) Stimulant Cuts
Benzocaine a. Lactose (milk sugar) a. Ephedrine
b. Lidocaine b. Dextrose (Glucose - Corn sugar) b. Caffeine
c. Procaine c. Sucrose (table sugar) c. Phenylpropanolamine
d. Tetracaine d. Amphetamine
4) Miscellaneous Cuts
a. Mannitol (mild laxative)
b. Inositol (white powder form of Vit. B) additive)
c. Talc (face powder)
d. Flour
e. Corn starch (carbohydrate from corn)
f. PCP (illicit hallucinogen)
g. Quinine (treatment for malaria- bitter taste)
Most cocaine is “cut”, “stepped on”, or “stretched” three or more times with other
substances before it reaches the user. A “cut” is a substance that has the same physical
appearance as cocaine, but costs much less. The cut is added to artificially increase the
weight and volume of the cocaine and thus increases the dealers profits. Because of the
cuts, the purity of cocaine declines with each step in the distribution chain. Cocaine purity
drops from about 80% at the import level, to an average of about 64% at the gram or
street level, however, the purity of individual samples vary widely.
Most of the various cuts which are added to cocaine can be readily and legally purchased
in paraphernalia shops, vitamin stores, and mail order outlets.

COCAINE (continued)
If the street dealer were to purchase 1/8 ounce (3.5 grams) of cocaine, typically referred to
as an “eight ball” for $350, and add 1.5 grams of mannitol, worth pennies, it would
increase the weight to 5.0 grams. At the street level, this amount would sell for roughly
$100 per gram, or a total selling price of $500.
Some cuts can be very dangerous to the user due to their insolubility in water. The user
attempts to filter those out by passing the cocaine/water solution through a piece of cotton
as it is drawn into a syringe. This method is crude and not very effective.
During the mid-1970’s a new form of cocaine appeared on the street called “freebase”.
Unlike the hydrochloride form, freebase could be smoked without destroying its potency
(temperatures required to vaporize cocaine hydrochloride powder for smoking destroy
much of its potency).
Typical process: cocaine + water > shake to dissolve > add few drops of ammonium
hydroxide or other alkali > shake = cocaine freebase
Ether is then added to solution > shake vigorously > freebase cocaine dissolves in ether
Separate ether from solution and place in dish and allow to evaporate. The freebase
cocaine crystals remain in the dish after the ether evaporates, and are ready to be smoked.
Because many of the cuts that are present in cocaine hydrochloride are removed by this
process, freebase is a purified form of cocaine. Generally prepared by the user.
Remained popular until the early 1980’s, when another form of freebase appeared on the
streets called “crack”.
Crack is also a form of freebase cocaine, but its production does not involve highly
flammable chemicals. Generally prepared by the dealer. Crack is not a purified form of
because it contains many of the cuts and other impurities that were present in the
cocaine hydrochloride used in its preparation.
Typical process: cocaine HCL + water + baking soda > mix thoroughly and either place in
boiling pot of water or microwave oven to increase the speed of reaction. Remove heat
source and place container in a refrigerator or a bowl of ice water. Remove crack from
bottom of container and allow to dry.
After the crack has dried, it is broken into small “rocks” that usually weigh 1/10 to
1/2gram each.

COCAINE (continued)
Methods Used By Dealers/Users To Help Determine Purity Of Cocaine:

a) Appearance:
Cocaine HCl is usually seen on the street in the form of a fine white powder, flakes, small
chunks or rocks, or a combination of these forms. The powder is often called “duff”.
Users generally view cocaine that has some rocks or chunks in the sample as being
relatively pure because it is difficult to add a cut without first reducing the cocaine to
powder form. Flake is generally considered to be the highest quality cocaine available, but
is seldom seen on the street.
Crack is almost always seen as an off-white or yellowish-white solid. Looks like chunks
of soap or plaster. It may vary in size but is generally no larger than a small marble. It is a
solid and is odorless. Crack has been named because of the crackling sound it makes
when smoked or because larger pieces are “cracked” into smaller rocks. Crack is no
longer soluble in water and cannot be dissolved and injected or pulverized and snorted. It
can, however, be readily smoked.
b) Taste:
Many users taste cocaine before it is purchased. A small amount of powder is placed on
the tongue to see how it tastes, and how quickly it numbs the tongue. Many of the local
anesthetic cuts that are used cause an immediate numbing effect, unlike the comparatively
slow numbing caused by cocaine. Purer forms of cocaine have a slight chemical taste.
c) Feel:
The buyer rubs a small amount of cocaine between the thumb and forefinger to determine
the consistency and how readily it dissolves. Purer cocaine will normally dissolve rapidly,
whereas many of the common cuts will remain intact and feel gritty while rubbed between
the fingers.
d) Snorting:
Many users snort a sample of the cocaine in an effort to determine its quality.
e) Foil or Flame Test:
A small amount of cocaine is placed on a sheet of aluminum foil and held over a flame,
causing the cocaine to melt and vaporize. Depending on the purity, the cocaine will
usually leave a slight amber colored residue. Any cuts will leave various colored residues
on the aluminum foil.
COCAINE (continued)
f) Clorox, Water, and Methanol Tests:
Cocaine is placed in a glass containing clorox, water, or methanol. The buyer can
determine the general purity of the cocaine and the presence of cuts by the manner in
which the sample dissolves in these liquids.
g) Solubility Test:
A small amount of water is mixed with a small amount of cocaine. Because cocaine is
water soluble, it will dissolve immediately when mixed with water. However, many of the
cuts typically added to cocaine are not water soluble, or are less soluble than cocaine.
Any particles remaining after being mixed with the water indicate the presence of a cut(s).
h) Melting Point Test:
Cocaine and the many cuts typically added to it have varied melting points. By utilizing a
device that determines the point at which the cocaine sample melts, the buyer can
determine the purity of the cocaine to within 5%.
Melting Points in degrees Celsius:
Cocaine freebase – 98 Cocaine hydrochloride – 187 Methamphetamine – 170
PCP – 243 Heroin – 173 MDMA – 148
Mannitol – 165 Lactose – 203 Ephedrine – 247
Vit. B powder – 224 Baking soda – 270 Quinine – 177
Caffeine – 237 Lidocaine – 127
Methods of Ingestion of Cocaine:
1) Cocaine hydrochloride (powder form):
1) inhaling or snorting into nostrils (most
common method); 2) intravenous
generally heat because readily soluable)
Cocaine “lines” or “rails” are usually about 1/8” wide and 1” to 2” in length. A line
generally contains 10 to 35 milligrams of cocaine.

2) Crack and Freebase:
smoked in glass pipes
Combined Effects: Cocaine + Heroin = “SPEEDBALL”

COCAINE (continued)

The combination of cocaine and alcohol can be particularly lethal. When these two drugs
are used together, the liver synthesizes the metabolite cocaethylene. Current research
indicates that this metabolite may enhance the effects of cocaine, and plays a major role in
the large number of cocaine/alcohol related deaths.
Cocaine can also be responsible for the dysfunction of the cardiovascular and central
nervous system, resulting in seizures and convulsions, and death from respiratory or heart
failure. The amount of cocaine required to cause the dysfunction and failure of these two
systems is unpredictable and varies from individual to individual. A dose that would have
little effect on a habitual user may cause an overdose for a first time user.
Duration of Action:
1) Cocaine hydrochloride:
when snorted the effects are felt within 3 to 5 minutes and
the high lasts up to 60 minutes. When injected, the cocaine causes an intense rush within
15 to 30 seconds, and the high lasts about 30 minutes.
2) Crack or freebase: when smoked, cocaine quickly enters the blood stream through
the lungs, and the effects are felt almost immediately. This very intense “rush” lasts for
only about 10 to 15 minutes.
Typical Street Price: 1 Gram = $100 (range $20 - $240) Note: One gram will produce
about 20 snorting “lines” or “rails” 1/8 inch wide and 1 to 2
inches long. A line generally contains 10 to 35 milligrams of
1 Ounce = $1000 (range $250 to $2,000)

1 Kilogram = $20,000 (range $10,000 - $36,000)
Crack - $50 -$120 per gram; $500-$2,500 per ounce

Note: Prices above reflect 1998 survey.

(Controlled Substance Schedule: II)
off-white fine powder (high quality methamphetamine), dark yellow or
brown powder or sticky substance (lower quality methamphetamine), solid block
appearance ( low quality meth. called soapstone, peanut brittle, or peanut butter),
various tablets and capsules.
Effects on Central Nervous System: Stimulant (effects almost identical to cocaine).
(Note: One very important difference between amphetamine and cocaine: cocaine effects
last 20 to 80 minutes ; amphetamines last 4 to 12 hours). Among the most potent drugs
for reward and reinforcement.
General Effects of Amphetamines:
Increased energy and confidence level, sense of well being, increased alertness, excitation,
talkativeness, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, bruxism (teeth grinding), rigid muscle tone,
dry mouth, increased body temperature, loss of appetite, increased pulse rate and blood
pressure, dilated pupils.
Long term high dosage users may experience the feeling that bugs or insects are
“crawling” under their skin (formication). The bugs are referred to as speed or crank
bugs. Abusers can severely injure themselves by trying to dig or cut the bugs out.
Chronic abusers of amphetamine may experience a psychosis called amphetamine
delusional disorder or amphetamine psychosis. The individual may experience
delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and can become violent. The
psychosis is almost identical to that caused by cocaine.
Dependence: some physical dependence is possible ; very high psychological.
Withdrawal symptoms
due to psychological addiction start almost as soon as the high
wears off and can include: severe depression, a decrease in energy and activity levels,
insomnia, mental confusion, irritability, and a strong desire to again use the drug.
Medical Use: Attention Deficit Disorder, Narcolepsy, severe obesity.


AMPHETAMINES (continued)
Street Names:
Black beauties, crack meth, crank, cristy, crystal, dexies, go fast, ice, hearts, leapers,
pep pills, speed, tweak, thrusters, ups, wake ups, uppers, wire, and zip.

legitimate prescription manufacturing, illegal clandestine labs.
First synthesized in 1880’s. The first medical product containing amphetamine was the
Benzedrine inhaler and it was marketed in 1932 to widen bronchial passages and help
asthmatics breathe. Users discovered that not only did it dilate bronchials, but also
relieved fatigue, increased energy levels, reduced the need for sleep and suppressed
Available in tablet form in 1937 and was used extensively during World War II by Japan,
the United States, Great Britain and Germany. The drug was given to combat troops, and
to civilians in some of the countries, to fight fatigue and maintain alertness and energy
Prescribed as antidepressants and diet pills during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Estimated peak
production of 12 billion tablets in 1971, a substantial portion of which was diverted to the
black market. The Controlled Substance Act of 1970 placed restrictions on the
manufacture, distribution and use of amphetamines (1972 production was 20% of 1971).
Amphetamine abuse has declined since the 1960’s, but government estimates indicate that
the drug is still used illegally by more than 1,750,000 Americans.


Nearly all of the “amphetamine” on the street is methamphetamine, which is
manufactured in illegal, or clandestine drug labs. Methamphetamine is the most
prevalent clandestinely manufactured controlled substance in the U.S. Little training
required and chemicals are inexpensive. Most of the labs are located in the west and
southwest United States. It is estimated that 80% of all methamphetamine now sold in the
U.S. is either manufactured in Mexico or produced in the U.S. by Mexican polydrug
1. Ephedrine Reduction
This method uses ephedrine, red phosphorous, hydriodic acid, sodium hydroxide, and
Freon. The key ingredient is ephedrine, which is widely used in over-the-counter
decongestants. Ephedrine is now regulated under the Chemical Diversion and Trafficking

AMPHETAMINES (continued)

Due to increased restrictions and reporting requirements on the sale of ephedrine, some of
the smaller clandestine labs are now substituting pseudoephedrine, which is readily
available as an ingredient in some over-the-counter medications (Sudafed).
2. P2P Amalgam Method
For many years this was the most commonly used method until phenyl-2-propane (P2P)
was designated as a Schedule II drug under the CSA in 1980. Chemicals include: P2P,
methylamine, mercuric chloride, hydrochloric acid, aluminum, isopropanol, and sodium
hydroxide. Because of the difficulty in obtaining the necessary chemicals, as well as the
lengthy production time, fewer labs are using this process. In 1997, only 1.6% of the
seized meth labs were using the P2P process.
3. Nazi Method
It is believed that this is the process Germany used to produce methamphetamine in the
latter stages of World War II (hence the name). In 1995, the DEA seized five meth labs
using this method. By 1997, the number increased to 233, or 18% of all meth labs seized.
This method is becoming more popular because the process is quick, there is little setup
time, and the chemicals are easier to obtain. In addition to ephedrine, the process uses
ether, sodium metal or lithium metal, and anhydrous ammonia.
Common Cutting Agents for Methamphetamine:
1. Sodium bicarbonate
2. Lidocaine
3. Lactose
4. Mannitol
5. Procaine (or other similar substances)
Snorted, smoked, taken orally, or injected
. Beginners or occasional users often snort
the drug (not used long term due to irritation caused to the nasal lining). Smoking it in a
glass pipe is becoming increasingly popular (do not use metal screens as with other drugs).
ICE, a very pure crystal form of methamphetamine, is usually smoked.
Like heroin, amphetamines can be mixed with water and cooked in a metal spoon or
similar device.
Tolerance develops quickly and larger doses are needed to achieve the same high.
Chronic abusers or “speed freaks” ingest more than 5,000 mg every 24 hours during a
“speed run” lasting 3 to 5 days. At the end of the run the abuser “crashes” and may sleep

AMPHETAMINES (continued)

for one or two days. Depression then sets in, which could last for weeks unless
amphetamines are taken, resulting in a repeat of the speed run - crash cycle.
ICE (“glass” or “crystal meth”)
Ice is to methamphetamine as crack is to cocaine. Smokeable freebase form of
dextromethamphetamine hydrochloride
. First appeared in Far East and its
manufacture is still centered in South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. ICE has gained
user acceptance in Hawaii and on the east and west coasts. Unlike crack, however, ICE is
very pure (approx. 90% to 98%).
Usually smoked in a glass pipe. Physical and mental effects similar to crack, however, the
effects of ICE last for 8 to 16 hours (crack - 10 to 20 minutes).

Its appearance is very much like broken pieces of ice or glass. Also seen with a clear
yellowish color as well. It is usually packaged in plastic bags or paper bindles. The gram
price ranges between $200 to $450, the ounce price from $5,000 to $8,500, and the
kilogram price $35,000 to $50,000.
CAT (Schedule I)
CAT is the common street name for methcathinone, a drug closely related to
methamphetamine. CAT first appeared as a street drug in the Soviet Union in the 1970s
and continues to be a big part of the Russian drug culture. It first appeared in the U.S. in
Wisconsin in 1991 and slowly spread across the midwest. Because of high abuse
potential, methcathinone was placed in Schedule I in 1993. Ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine are also the main ingredients used to manufacture CAT. Its use in the
U.S. remains isolated, and the D.E.A. seized only six methcathinone labs in 1998.
The final product is an off-white, yellowish, or brownish powder. The most common
method of ingesting CAT is by snorting, but it may also be smoked, taken orally, or
disolved in water and injected. The effects of CAT are similar to those of
Typical Street Prices:
1 gram - $50 to $120
Note: Prices above reflect 1998 survey.

(amphetamine & Dextroamphetamine - “black beauties”)
Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine 5,10mg)
Desoxyn (methamphetamine 10mg,15mg - “poor man’s coke”)

Ritalin (methylphenidate 5,10,20mg - Schedule II)
(Note: See handout)
Prelu-2 (phendimetrazine 105mg - Schedule III)
Plegine (phendimetrazine 35mg - Schedule III)
Didrex (benzphetamine 50mg - Schedule III)
Adipex-P, Fastin, Ionamin (phentermine 15,30,37.5mg - Schedule IV)
Tenuate,Tenuate Dospan (diethylpropion 25 & 75mg - Schedule IV)
Mazanor, Sanorex (mazindol 1mg & 2mg - Schedule IV)


1. MARIJUANA (sinsimella, hashish, hash oil)
2. PCP
(Note: See handout)
5. LSD
6. PEYOTE (mescaline)


(Controlled Substance Schedule: I)
Dried marijuana is typically a dull green or brownish plant-like substance. At the
street level, marijuana is normally a mixture of leaves, buds, small twigs and seeds.
Effects on Central Nervous System: Variable - euphoria, hallucinations, paranoia and
abnormal thinking.
Most Common Physical Effects
- Acceleration of the heart rate for a period of 10 to 30 minutes after ingestion. The rate
typically increases 30% to 50% over normal.
- Moderate increase in blood pressure.
- Reddening of the eyes. (The reddening may be reduced or eliminated by the use of eye
- Slight drop in body temperature. - Dryness of the mouth and throat. Heat blisters and a thick, whitish or green coating may be apparent on the tongue and back of the throat if the marijuana was consumed by smoking.
Most Common Psychological Effects
- Pleasant feeling of well being and euphoria.
- Feeling of relaxation which often results in reduced physical activity.
- Rapid mood changes between gregarious talkativeness and laughter and contemplative
- Increased sensory perception of sight, smell, taste, and hearing, along with a distortion - Occasionally, feelings of sudden anxiety and panic.
Some users have a slight psychedelic or hallucinatory experience. Marijuana also
accentuates the feeling of hunger, causing an appetite often referred to as the “munchies”.
Note: Studies indicate that marijuana may impair ones ability to operate a motor
vehicle long after the visible effects of the drug have worn off.

Dependence: physical dependence - unknown ;
psychological dependence - moderate

MARIJUANA (continued)
Medical Use
No accepted medical use.
However, a majority of studies indicate that marijuana may be
superior to traditional drugs in the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by
In addition, marijuana has shown a degree of effectiveness in treating
glaucoma, easing muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis and spinal cord
, and appetite loss resulting from AIDS and cancer therapy.
Much of the concern over marijuana as a medicine stems from the fact that it may
adversely affect the body’s immune system in already severely ill patients. In addition,
damage to the lungs and respiratory system caused by smoking marijuana (tar content is
almost double that found in tobacco) is well documented.
Street Names
Astro turf, Acapulco gold, cannabis, dope, grass, hemp, home grown, j, jay, jane, junk
weed, leaf, marijuana, Mary Jane, M.J., pot, reefer, roach, sinsemilla,
smoke, stink weed, tea, Texas tea,Thai Sticks, THC, wacky weed, weed.
Cannabis sativa (the hemp plant)
grows wild throughout most of the tropic and
temperate regions of the world. Prior to the advent of synthetic fibers, cannabis plant was
cultivated for the tough fibers of its stem. Also cultivated indoors.
The psychoactive effects of marijuana are attributed to a compound called
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known delta-9-THC or just THC.
Cannabis plant has been used throughout history for quality fiber obtained from the stalks
of the plant to make rope and clothing, and its seeds were a source of food and oil. As
a medicine, as early as 3000 B.C. in China and India as an anesthetic and appetite
stimulant. Cannabis is not native to North America. It was introduced here by early
settlers who brought seeds with them from Europe and began harvesting the plant for its
fiber around the year 1600.
By 1935, the federal government was becoming concerned about the abuse of marijuana
and passed the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 which imposed heavy excise and transfer
taxes, effectively eliminating the sale of marijuana for legitimate uses. Increased
production again in 1942 to 1945 because fiber was vital to the war effort. Valuable
source of pulp and fiber used in making paper, textiles, and rope.


MARIJUANA (continued)
1. 18,600,000 Americans reported using marijuana at least once within the past year(93);
2. Highest dollar value crop grown in America (domestic value of production - 20 to 28
billion dollars), well ahead of next most valuable crop - corn;
3. Most widely used and most familiar illicit drug;
4. It is estimated that in the early 1960’s, only about 3% of the American population
between the ages of 18 and 25 had used marijuana. By early 80’s, roughly 70% of all
people in America between the ages of 18 and 25 had used;
5. Legitimately grown in U.S. for scientific research. Such research has resulted in the
development and marketing of Dronabinol (Marinol), a product containing synthetic
THC, for the control of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy agents, and to
stimulate appetite in AIDS patients;
6. Approximately 55% of marijuana consumed in U.S. is grown in Mexico and smuggled
into this country (98% by vehicle, 2% by aircraft). Approx. 35% is home grown.
The Plant:
- serrated edge (saw like)
-Cannabis sativa has both male and female plants
-Resin is a sticky sap-like substance which is formed on the outer surfaces of the
plant by very small glands. The resin contains the THC.

-THC content in marijuana plants varies depending on nutrients, climate and genetics of
the plant (0 to 30% THC).
-Typical outdoor plant grown in U.S.: 6-12 feet tall; produces 1-5 lbs. of dried buds and
smokeable leaves; mature between end of July and early October depending on latitude
grown at and genetics of plant; grows wild throughout most of the tropic and temperate
regions of the world.
- Although some cannabis plants may live for several years, it is considered an annual.
Matures in fall and develops potent buds which contain the seeds and pollen required
to perpetuate the species after the plants die in the early winter. When grown under
ideal light and climate conditions, plants may yield not only one, but two harvests of the
flower clusters in a single year.
-Crossbreeding has led to plants that require shorter growing periods and produce more
buds with a higher percentage of THC.
-In 1970, the average THC content of commercial marijuana was 1.5%; today it is 4.95%.

-THC is produced by and stored in the plants resin glands. The resin glands are
located on all parts of the plant, but the heaviest concentration, and the largest
glands, are located on the buds and surrounding small leaves.


MARIJUANA (continued)
1. Flower Clusters -
do not look like flowers at all, but more like a clump of dense
foliage. They contain much more THC than any other part of the plant. Both
male and female plants produce flower clusters, but the females are considered more
. Flower clusters are commonly called “buds” on the street.
2. Leaves - distant second to buds in terms of user preference. Other than the small
leaves which grow with the flower clusters, many growers discard most leaves on the
plant due to a low THC content.
3. Seeds, Twigs, Stalk, and Root - contain only small amounts of THC. Seeds and twigs
are commonly found in dried marijuana, but they are usually removed before it is
Commercial -
describes marijuana that is harvested from a field or garden consisting of
both male and female plants. The majority of marijuana on the street is commercial
quality. Commercial marijuana typically has a large number of seeds, and the seeds may
account for up to 25% of the total weight of some marijuana samples. The seeds do not
contain THC, nor do they burn easily, and are generally picked out of the marijuana before
it is smoked. Three things will reduce the potency of dried marijuana: air, light,
and heat
. Once the marijuana is dried, it is typically placed in airtight bags and often
stored in a cool dry place, such as a basement or refrigerator.

Sinsemilla -
Marijuana consists of both male and female plants, with the female generally
being considered the more potent of the two. During late fall, the male plants release
pollen to fertilize the female plants. Once fertilized, the female plant devotes much of its
energy to the production of seeds. However, if the female plant is not fertilized, it uses its
energy to produce additional flowers. By removing the male plants from a garden before
pollination begins, the grower can produce a garden which consists of very potent,
unfertilized female plants. This growing technique is called “sinsemilla” which is
Spanish for “without seed.” Because of marijuana pollen in the air, it can be difficult to
produce sinsemilla in outdoor gardens. As a result nearly all sinsemilla is grown indoors
or in greenhouses.

THC content (in 1997) averaged approximately 12.2%.
The highest known THC
content, 29.86%, was produced by a sinsemilla plant grown in Cooper Center, Alaska.

MARIJUANA (continued)
(shish, kif, charas,and nup)
- is the dried and pressed resin of the marijuana plant. Popular in Asia and the Middle
East for hundreds of years. Not very popular in U.S. It is produced by collecting the
sticky resin from the leaves and the buds of the marijuana plant. This is often done by
rubbing the plant between the hands, and gathering the resin that collects on them by
scraping or rubbing it off. Another method is to shake the cut plant over cloth or plastic
which collects the powdery resin as it falls. A small amount of water is added to the resin,
which is then rolled or pressed into patties, balls, fingers, etc. Finely ground marijuana
leaves and twigs may be added to the resin as a binder.
Majority of hash is imported from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Morocco. Hash
usually has a tan, green, brown, or black color, with the darker colors generally being the
more potent. It is normally very hard and has to be cut with a knife. It can be smoked in
a pipe or bong by itself or mixed with marijuana. Some users mix it with food, such
as fudge brownies and ingest it orally. Hash is usually packaged in plastic bags.
Average THC content is approximately 6%.
Hash Oil
Produced by extracting the cannabinoids from plant material with a solvent (alcohol,
hexane, chloroform, or petroleum ether). Most hash oil is black in color, but honey, dark
green, red, and brown colors are also seen. Light colored hash oil has generally been
through a more thorough refinement process and is generally more potent than darker
colors. The potency of hash oil is adversely affected by its exposure to heat and light, so it
is almost always packaged in dark colored glass vials, and is often kept in a cool place.
Hash oil normally has a very thick syrup-like consistency.
The oil is usually smeared on the paper used to roll a joint, or the joint is dipped into a
container of the oil to enhance the joints potency. It can also be smoked by itself in a glass
pipe, and is occasionally mixed with liquid (such as wine) and taken by mouth. Average
THC content approximately 10% to 12%.
Packaging of Commercial Marijuana
Clear plastic sandwich bags or 35mm film canisters
Methods of Ingestion
Most common - smoking (hand rolled joints, pipes, or bongs). Roach clip to hold. Burnt
marijuana has a very strong and distinctive odor.


MARIJUANA (continued)

Duration of Action
Onset within minutes ; peak 15-45 minutes ; duration 2-6 hours (depending on the
individual and the dose)

Price (1998 street)

2. PCP (generic name Phencyclidine)
Controlled Substance Schedule : II
In its pure form, it is a white crystalline powder that readily dissolves in water. If all
impurities and chemicals used in the manufacturing process are removed, the end product
is an odorless, metallic or bitter tasting, white powder or clear liquid. However, most
PCP on the illicit market contains a number of impurities (as a result of makeshift
manufacturing) causing the color to range from tan to brown, the consistency from
powder to a gummy mass,
and generally PCP has a strong odor. In liquid form the
color can range from clear to yellowish.
PCP is seen in tablet, capsule, powder, and liquid forms (powder and liquid forms most
Effects on Central Nervous System : variable ; Hallucinogen
General Effects:
PCP is a dissociative anesthetic
- user is aware of what is happening, but does not feel
involved either physically or emotionally; removed from body. User perceives themselves
as an observer to their own actions. Actions are difficult to predict and the user does not
feel any pain.
No medical evidence to indicate that PCP increases the users strength, despite stories of
superhuman feats. At the appropriate dosage, PCP causes a total loss of sensitivity to
, and in this condition the user is capable of feats that astound the observer (Running
on two broken legs, ignoring severe burns, pulling out their own teeth, etc.). Because of
these effects, an individual under the influence of PCP can be extremely dangerous
and should be approached with caution.

Dosage up to 5mg - result in drunken state with slurred speech, numbness, and
depression, often followed by stimulation.
Dosage up to 10mg - more pronounced and difficult to predict - loss of sensitivity to pain,
inability to talk or slurred speech, increased blood pressure and heart rate, sweating,
vomiting, agitation and combative behavior, muscle rigidity, lack of coordination
accompanied by a sense of strength and invulnerability, pronounced nystagmus (rapid and
involuntary eye movements), distorted mental images and a stupor or coma state.
Auditory hallucinations, image distortion, psychosis similar to schizophrenia are also

PCP (continued)

Above 20mg - users life may be in danger - convulsions, respiratory depression,
cardiovascular instability, and prolonged coma, possibly death.
Regular Use: alters memory, perception, concentration, and judgment. User may show
signs of paranoia, fearfulness, and anxiety.
Dependence: physical - unknown; psychological - high; tolerance - yes

Medical Use : None
; However still used legitimately in research
Street Names:
Ace, Angel dust, animal tranquilizer, dust, dead on arrival, DOA, elephant, embalming
fluid, hog, jet fuel, juice, killer joints, lovely, monkey, ozone, PCP, rocket fuel,
supergrass, tac, tic, trank, and wack.
Clandestine labs
The illicit process of manufacturing PCP is relatively simple and generally uses the
following chemicals: Bromobenzene, Cyclohexanone, Anhydrous ether, Pentamethylene
dibromide, Phenylmagnesium bromide, Piperidine, Sodium or potassium cyanide, and
Sodium metabisulfite.
Of these chemicals, piperidine is the most important in the production of PCP. Piperidine
is also the most difficult of the above chemicals for the street chemist to obtain because its
distribution is controlled by federal law. It is a clear liquid that has an odor similar to
pepper, and is legitimately used as a solvent, as an ingredient in certain fuels and oils, and
in the production of rubber. Any quantity of piperidine in excess of 500 grams that is
purchased from chemical supply houses must be reported to the DEA. If piperidine
cannot be obtained by the street chemist, he may substitute with pyrrolidine. Pyrrolidine is
easier to obtain than piperidine, and produces the Schedule I PCP analogue PHP (1-(1-

PCP (continued)

PCP Bucket Process:

Bucket #1 Bucket #2
Piperidine Cyclohexanone 1-piperidinocyclo-
+ +
Sodium or Potassium + Sodium Metabisulfite = (PCC)
Cyanide Ice for +
+ cooling Distilled Water
Distilled Water
(produced by reacting Bromobenzene = PCP
with Magnesium Turnings in Anhydrous Ether)

Source: Department of Justice

Developed by the Parke-Davis Company in 1957 for use as a general anesthetic. Upon
coming out of anesthesia, patients experienced delirium, delusions, visual disturbances,
and varying degrees of psychotic behavior. Researchers were unable to eliminate these
postoperative side effects and, consequently, PCP was never marketed to the health care
In 1967, Parke Davis introduced PCP to the veterinary industry for use in anesthetizing
large animals. It was marketed under the trade name Sernylan. In the same year, the first
documented illicit use of the drug occurred at a music festival in the San Francisco Bay
area. It was distributed under the name PeaCe Pill. Abuse of the drug continued through
the late 1970’s, and in 1978 it was changed from Schedule III to Schedule II. Shortly
thereafter, legitimate manufacturing of the drug was discontinued.

PCP (continued)

PCP is popular in low income areas because it is relatively inexpensive and provides a
long lasting high
. Manufacturing and distribution is generally controlled by inner-city
, and its use is most prevalent in the larger cities on the east and west coasts. In
New York, PCP is most prominently available in the Harlem area, which has been
dubbed by some as the “Dust Bowl”. Notable quantity in New York originates in
At the retail level, liquid PCP is usually available in small glass vials or jars. It is usually
a pea green or yellowish color. The powder form of PCP is usually packaged in
aluminum foil or plastic bags. It can also be sold in PCP laced cigarettes ready for
PCP has been sold under such brand names as “Bart Simpson”, Lethal Weapon”, “Crazy
Eddie”, and “Purple Rain”. A mixture of PCP + Crack is referred to as a “Space
Ball”, “Space Base”, or “WHACK”
Methods of Ingestion:
PCP may be smoked, snorted, injected or swallowed. Smoking is the preferred
method of using the drug (approx. 75%).
PCP is generally prepared for smoking by
dissolving it in acetone, ether or other volatile liquids. It can then be sprayed or soaked
onto parsley leaves, mint, oregano or marijuana. The solution is permitted to evaporate,
leaving the PCP laced vegetable matter. PCP in powder form is often sprinkled on
marijuana and rolled into a joint.
Another method is to dip a cigarette or joint into PCP liquid (approx. 1cc per cigarette).
Cigarettes with dark brown paper are generally used to conceal the discoloration produced
by the soaking. This type of PCP laced cigarette is called a “Sherm”, “Shermie”,
“Sherman”, or “Sherman Stick” (Approximate cost = $20 each). This method is
very common.
Onset and Duration of Action:
onset - within 2 to 5 minutes (smoked)
peak - 15 to 30 minutes
duration - 1 hour up to 8 hours (avg. 4-6 hours)


PCP (continued)

PCP is stored in fat cells of the body and released gradually over time. Because of this,
flashbacks can occur days, weeks or months after the last use. Unlike other hallucinogens,
PCP flashbacks are true chemical flashbacks caused by residual amounts of the drug
remaining in the body, and are not merely psychological.
Street Prices: 1 ounce of powder - $800 to $3,000;
1 ounce liquid - $100 to $3,000;
1 envelope - $8 to $10
1 gallon - $4,500 to $10,000
1 full length cigarette saturated with PCP liquid (1cc) - $5 to $25
Note: Department of Justice – Reflect 1997 prices


Controlled Substance Schedule :
State of Connecticut - Schedule III
Street Name: Special K, Super K, K, Kit Kat, Vitamin K, and Ket
Brand Names: Ketalar, Ketaset, Ketaved, and Vetalar

Derivative of PCP and is classified as a dissociative anesthetic. It was discovered in
1961 and is a rapid acting anesthetic used to control severe pain, especially pain from
burns. It is also used as a short acting anesthetic and is the anesthetic of choice in
veterinary procedures.
Ketamine is manufactured in liquid form and packaged in vials
under the brand names Ketacet, Ketaject and Ketalar (used by doctors for surgical
and sold to hospitals, physicians and veterinarians.
Relaxation, decrease in tension and anxiety, hallucinations, sexual stimulation,
mind/body separation (dissociative anesthetic) - so the patient does not respond to pain,
disorientation, loss of balance and coordination, dizziness, and nausea.
Ketamine also acts like a psychedelic. Colors and sounds are intensified and lead to
confusion in thinking. Larger doses can create delusions, illusions, and even visual
images when the user’s eyes are closed. These are the same effects that may be
produced when a patient regains consciousness after surgery.
Large doses
of the drug can lead to respiratory problems, render a person incapable of
moving, or, cause vomiting or convulsions.
Ketamine is very popular with young people who patronize the night club circuit
(especially all-night dance parties, or “raves”). In 1985, the New York Daily News
reported that scores of women were subdued by a powerful animal anesthetic at
nightspots. Victims voluntarily took the powdered form of the drug mistakenly believing
it was cocaine.
Among the items seized at all-night rave clubs were glass tubes filled with Special K.
Club employees were found to be distributing bottled water to the teens so they could
mix Special K with the water to drink it without attracting attention to the public.
The objective is to ingest just enough of the drug to approach total anesthesia and then
experience the hallucinations brought on during the recovery. Users refer to the point at
which one looses their primary senses as the “line dose”. Depending on the dosage and
method of ingestion, the period of hallucinations can last as long as two hours, with

KETAMINE (continued)
complete recovery within 4-6 hours (Some users report poor motor coordination for
periods of up to 24 hours after ingestion).
Nearly every user has different psychological manifestations or hallucinations. For some it
is a pleasant dream-like state with vivid images. Some experience a “near death
experience” or NDE. They feel their spirit has left the body and they are in a different
world, or a different plane. Users refer to this mind-body separation as the “k-hole” or “k-
state”. Others experience fear, confusion and delirium.
Source and Ingestion:
Upon receipt of the Ketamine, diverted from hospitals and veterinary clinics, the dealer or
recreational user carefully evaporates the liquid. This leaves a white powder similar in
appearance to cocaine.
The powder can be snorted like cocaine or mixed with a liquid
and swallowed. When snorted or swalled, the effects of ketamine begin within five to ten
The liquid can also be injected intramuscularly (Note: I.V. use would cause rapid
anesthesia and the patient would become unconscious within 30 seconds). When injected
intramuscularly, the effects are generally felt within two to five minutes.
The liquid can also be placed on vegetable matter and smoked.
Packaging :
In its powder form, Ketamine is packaged in plastic bags or capsules, and it is easily
mistaken for cocaine, heroin, or crystal methamphetamine.
For human use, ketamine is available in 20ml vials with a concentration of 10mg per ml,
10ml vials of 50mg per ml, and 5ml vials of 100mg per ml. Ketamine designed for
veterinary use is available in 10ml vials of 100mg per ml. The liquid may vary in color
from clear to yellow.

Street Price:
On the legitimate market, a vial of ketamine will sell for $7 to $15 each. On the street the
same vial sells for $50 to $200.

4. ILLY (Refer to handout)

5. LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide)
Controlled Substance Schedule: I
LSD is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and water soluble.
It is one of the most potent
psychochemicals known to man. In its pure form, it is crystalline. One gram of crystal
LSD can produce 10,000 to 20,000 “hits”. The drug is then transformed into such
ingestible forms as blotter paper, tablets (microdots), thin squares of gelatin (window
panes), or liquid, which can be sprayed on sugar cubes or mixed in drinks.
EFFECTS - CNS: Hallucinogen
Effects of an equivalent dose varies from person to person, and even from dose to dose
for the same individual. An individuals mental state, surroundings (setting), and dosage
strength all play a role in the intensity of the high, and whether or not it will be a good trip
or a “bummer” or bad trip.


Dilation of pupils, salivation, increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, increased
temperature and respirations.
Distortion of sensory perception, along with impaired judgement. Vivid hallucinations.
Visual perception is often distorted, as well as the user’s sense of distance and time. If the
trip is a “bummer”, the user can experience extreme fear, anxiety, and paranoia. The
individual is at risk of physical injury by reacting in a state of panic. The usual treatment
for a bad trip is to “talk down” the individual.
Often times there is a sharp increase in the perception of sound and color. These two
senses can become crossed to the point where color is “heard” and sound is “seen”. This
effect is known as synesthesia and is common in trips resulting from the ingestion of
higher doses of LSD.
“Flashbacks” are a spontaneous and fragmentary recurrence of a previous LSD trip, and
may occur days, weeks, months, or years after the last usage. They occur after the effects
of the drug have worn off, and the user has returned to normal. The flashbacks may last
for only a few seconds, or for a much longer period of time, and may be pleasurable or
frightening. The exact cause of the flashback phenomenon is unknown.

LSD (continued)
Physical - none; Psychological - unknown;
Medical Use:
Street Names:
Acid, blotter, blotter acid, blue heaven, California sunshine, cube, D, dose, big D, dot, L,
microdot, paper acid, royal blue, Sandoz, sheet acid, sid, spots, sunshine, ticket, and
window pane.

Most clandestine labs are located in northern California, with San Francisco serving as
the central distribution point. It is relatively easy to conceal a major LSD laboratory
because of the small quantities of raw materials and finished product. While small
producers are occasionally encountered, it is believed that a small group of individuals,
perhaps as few as ten people, manufacture nearly all the LSD produced in the United
States. The lab does not have to produce on a continual basis; one batch can supply the
market needs for several months or more. Lysergic acid is the key ingredient in the
manufacture of LSD. Lysergic acid is found in morning glory seeds and can also be
obtained by processing alkaloids from the ergot of the fungus claviceps purpurea (grows
on rye and other grains)
. Chemical process to produce LSD is complicated and
involves the use of dangerous chemicals.
The manufacturers usually sell the LSD crystals to a limited number of multi-gram dealers,
who in turn sell to gram dealers. The gram dealers convert the crystals to a liquid form,
which is the placed on blotter paper, or into other retail sales forms, and sell to local
wholesalers in quantities of 100 to 1000 doses. The local wholesalers in turn sells to
retailers, generally in doses of 100 or less.
Many of the transactions between dealers, wholesalers, and retailers are handled through
the mail. The LSD is included in parcels sent to a post office box or temporary address
established by the recipient. This process tends to insulate the manufacturer and multi-
dealers from detection by law enforcement.
Potency of LSD on the streets since 1960’s has declined (1960’s = 100 to 300mcg;
1990’s = 20 to 80mcg) Note : 25mcg is equal to a few grains of salt. Generally,
100mcg is the threshold needed to trigger a classic LSD experience, however, 25mcg is
considered the normal dosage level that can induce a hallucinogenic effect. Average LSD
potency in 1996 was 51.3%. Frequent LSD abusers may require 1,000 mcg or more for
desired effect.

LSD (continued)

The drug was first synthesized in 1938 by the Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann. Hofmann
was working for Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland, investigating derivatives of the
alkaloids of the ergot of claviceps purpurea, a fungus which grows on cereal grasses,
particularly rye. Several medical drugs had already been produced from the alkaloids of
the ergot. It was hoped that the 25th derivative to be studied, lysergic acid
diethylamide, or LSD-25, would prove to be a circulatory stimulant. The drug did not
appear to have any medical applications and was set aside for 5 years. While again
working with LSD-25 in 1943, a small amount of the solution came in contact with
Hofman’s skin, and somehow entered his system. Within a short time, Hofman
experienced hallucinations which he attributed to LSD.
The U.S. military was interested in its possible application to mind control, and
conducted studies from the early 1950’s thru the mid 60’s. LSD failed to live up to
scientists expectations and serious investigation gradually gave way to society’s abuse of
the drug. LSD was outlawed in 1965 and put into schedule I.
About LSD:
- In the 1960’s it took root on college campuses and it is still there today.
- Highest use of LSD occurred during the period 1965 through 1968.
- The 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse indicated that 16,760,000
Americans have used LSD at least once (This figure represents 7.8% of the U.S. population over age twelve, and reflects a substantial increase over the 1985 survey figure of 4.4%). - The 1998 “Monitoring The Future” study indicated that 12.6% of all high school - In recent years LSD has become one of the drugs of choice at “rave parties”, along - LSD is a super potent, semisynthetic hallucinogenic drug. It is so potent that
doses are measured in micrograms (a microgram is one millionth of a gram). For comparison, a one cent penny weighs about 2.8 grams. An equivalent weight of pure LSD would contain about 56,000 doses of 50mcgs each. One ounce of pure LSD is enough for 567,000 hits of 50mcg each; one pound is enough for 9,000,000 hits. - Colorless, odorless, tasteless


LSD (continued)

At The Retail Level:
LSD is generally available in liquid doses, on sugar cubes, toothpicks, tablets and capsules,
very small tablets (“microdots”), thin gelatin squares (“window panes”, “clear light”, or
“contact lens”), and paper (blotter paper). Nearly all retail sales of LSD are in the blotter
paper form (Blotter paper can be readily purchased at many art and office supply stores
and is almost always found at the street level wrapped in plastic or cellophane). The LSD
is dissolved and diluted in alcohol, and the blotter paper is dipped into the solution.
Generally, the blotter paper is perforated into small squares called “tickets”, and is
stamped with unique pictures, designs, or characters as a trademark of the distributor. A
“sheet” of blotter acid normally consists of 100 perforated squares, and a “book” 1,000
The liquid is sometimes kept in food coloring containers (green and blue seem to be the
most popular) or small, dark colored glass vials. In this manner, the liquid can be placed
directly on the tongue for absorption, but may also be dripped into the eye.
Because sunlight will degrade LSD potency, it is normally wrapped in plastic or
cellophane and stored in plastic film cannisters or other opaque containers for protection.
LSD also begins to degrade when placed on paper. Therefore, blotter paper cannot be
impregnated far in advance of its use, and must be prepared close to the consumer market.
Method of Ingestion:
LSD is normally taken by placing a square or ticket of blotter paper on the tongue. The
LSD is dissolved by the saliva and absorbed through the mucus membrane. This method
of ingestion produces the most rapid effects. LSD can be mixed with liquids, consumed
with foods, or added to pills or sugar cubes, and is readily absorbed by the gastrointestinal
tract. LSD can also be absorbed directly through the skin It can also be injected or
absorbed through the eye (breaking the blood barrier). LSD is destroyed by high heat and
cannot be ingested by smoking.
The major portion of the LSD is expelled from the body in about 3 days. However, some
remains in the frontal lobes of the brain and is reintroduced into the person’s system at a
later date (Flashback).
Two things that will destroy the potency of LSD: 1. Light
2. Heat
Therefore, LSD is often stored in a cool and dark environment.

LSD (continued)
Street Price: 1 hit = $1 to $10 ; average $2 to $5
1 x 100 sheet = $35 to $80 (tablets approx. same price as blotter)

False rumor originated in early 1980’s which warned parents that
LSD was being sold in the form of children’s washable transfer tattoos. Warned parents
that the LSD can be absorbed through the skin. Warning letters sponsored by police
officials or parents’ groups have appeared often. However, no LSD-laden “tatoo” has ever
been recorded, though hundreds of incidents of the “Blue Star Hoax” have been

Source: http://vvv.state.ct.us/dcp/PDF/dabuse.pdf

Microsoft word - tuth.doc

DRUG & THERAPEUTICS LETTER A Quarterly Bulletin from Drug Information Unit (DIU) Department of Clinical Pharmacology Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu ________________________________________________________________ _______ January - March 2007 ______________________________________________________________________ W


necesarios trabajos de mantenimiento e inspección, el comprador deberá efectuarlos oportunamente,El comprador no podrá pignorar ni transferir a título de garantía la mercancía bajo reserva de dominio. El comprador deberá comunicar al proveedor, sin dilación alguna, cualquier caso de embargo, prenda-Adjudicación del pedido, condiciones especialesciones o demás actos de disposición o

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