G2 Sica DA, Gehr TW. Triamterene and the kidney. Nephron 1989;51(4):454-461.
Summary (continued) Summary (continued) Sica 1989 Search methodology / Databases searched Pharmacokinetics in disease states (continued) Renal effects
Biliary excretion also significantly retarded in the
Urinary sediment abnormalities
Urine sediment characterized by deeply pigmented
-suggests hepatic disease alters the pharmaco-
brown casts and abundant hyaline casts containing
The bioavailability is formulation-dependent and it is
kinetics by a number of different pathophysiologic
and/or coated with birefringent crystals
important to distinguish the formulation prior to the
determination of either its relative or absolute bio-
These abnormalities were present in acid (pH <6.0)
TA accumulation is negligible in renal failure since its
most important route of elimination is nonrenal
These abnormalities disappeared within 48 hours of
Triamterene undergoes a significant first pass
The predominant route of elimination of OH-TA ester is
renal and substantial accumulation of this metabolite
TA solubility increases in alkaline urine
OH-TA ester progressively accumulates in renal
Although the presence of urinary sediment
p-OH-TA extremely active pharmacologically
abnormalities appears to be common among
-if total urinary excretion of TA and it main metabolite
individuals receiving TA, their exact clinical relevance
There is limited correlation between creatinine
clearance and the renal clearance of either TA or OH-
This significant first-pass effect for TA with
It has been proposed that TA promotes stone growth
subsequent formation of a biologically active by-
A number of age-related abnormalities occur in the
product alters the perception of limited systemic
-concentrations formed are composed almost
-elderly subjects achieve higher concentrations of TA
entirely of the drug and/or its metabolites
-TA crystals provide a nucleus upon which other
The renal clearance of TA (220 ml/min) exceeds that
-the time to maximum concentration for OH-TA ester
of OH-TA ester (180 ml/min) in part due to the fact
is prolonged, suggesting the hydroxylation capacity
-TA may increase the size of existing stones by
that 55% of TA is protein-bound while OH-TA ester is
virtue of being laid down as lamina or incrustations on
-systemic clearance of both TA and OH-TA ester
Since the renal clearance of TA and OH-TA ester
-relates in part to renal impairment accompanying
These stones typically contain not only pure TA but
exceeds the glomerular filtration rate, both
also significant amounts of its primary metabolites
compounds must undergo net tubular secretion.
Pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics in disease states
TA inhibits passive sodium transport resulting in
TA and its metabolites fail to promote crystal
Alterations in TA pharmacokinetics occur in
impaired movement of potassium from cell to lumen
nucleation, growth or aggregation in crystal systems
TA produces these effects when aldosterone is
physiologically suppressed or when it is completely
In patients with cirrhosis, the elimination half life for
TA is not routinely incorporated into developing
TA has only mild antihypertensive properties when
administered alone or when utilized in a
-TA and its metabolites are assimilated into existing
complementary fashion with thiazide-type diuretics
stones or stone nidi by adsorption to the protein
-not clear whether increase in elimination half-life is
The major pharmacodynamic consideration for TA
paralleled by an exaggeration of its pharmacologic
relates to its dose proportionally relative to potassium
TA participates in the stone building process
supplements and other potassium-sparing diuretics in
dependent upon its mass amount and urine
normalizing extra- and intracellular potassium
concentration as long as an appropriate incrustation
There is no consensus concerning dose proportionality for potassium-sparing agents
Page 2 Sica 1989 Summary (continued) Summary (continued) Comments Renal effects (continued) Renal effects (continued)
The following patients may potentially experience an adverse
Renal failure Renal failure (continued)
TA associated with transient declines in renal function as well as
with the development of frank acute renal failure
Reports supporting intrinsic nephrotoxicity of TA independent of
-patients with renal and/or hepatic dysfunction
Use of TA in the management of edematous conditions (alone or
-intrarenal obstruction secondary to crystalline deposits
Physicians should be aware of these adverse effects and
-hemodynamic events which accompany the coadministration of
-can result in substantial deterioration in renal function
thus monitor patients closely if they prescribe TA
-may prove to have very slow and limited reversibility
-appears that certain renal hemodynamic adaptations unique to
edematous conditions might be unfavorably affected by the
-TA rarely implicated alone or in combination with HCT
-if implicated, occurred with routinely prescribed doses of TA or
-renal blood flow is frequently diminished
-renal blood flow becomes susceptible to additional,
sometimes precipitous declines if other indirect vasoconstrictors
-only 1 case report suggests that intracellular sequestration of
are added to the system or vasodilators are removed from the
TA could exert a direct toxic effect on tubules
Significant deterioration in renal function attributed to TA have
-a number of potassium-sparing diuretics have been implicated
occurred in subjects simultaneously ingesting NSAIDs
in the development of acute renal failure (including TA-HCT)
-common theme has been its occurrence in the elderly with a
-events would seem to have been additive and/or synergistic for
Studies of the effects of TA on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
-volume contraction secondary to the thiazide component
and renal prostaglandin systems as potential mediators/
-TA administered to normal volunteers or essential
Reports supporting intrinsic nephrotoxicity of TA independent of
hypertensives predictably stimulates both plasma renin activity
-increase in renal prostaglandin production is abolished when
and if TA is administered in combination with NSAIDs
These observations suggest that combined therapy with TA and
an NSAID carries a real risk for the development of renal failure
Indices of renal function employed as markers for TA’s
-this phenomenon is unpredictable and thus has been poorly
-it undoubtedly relates to the limited bioavailability of certain TA
formulations as well as to the fact that it is unknown whether the
-observed declines in glomerular filtration rate and renal blood
NSAID use would seem to presage an increased chance of this
flow have occurred in the dose range of 100-200 mg/d (with or
without concurrent HCT) Conclusion: Although the overall incidence of nephrotoxicity is quite low, certain patient populations presumably would have an increased risk of developing an adverse renal effect from TA.
CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. M. Ravishankar 47, 3rd Cross Thiru Nagar. Moolakulam Pondicherry 605 010 INDIA Professor and Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry 607402, INDIA Qualifications: Experience in Faculty Position: 1. Junior Anaesthetist (Specialist), Dept. of Anaesthesiology, JIPMER from 5.2.79 to 2. Assistant Professor,
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