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Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh Mr. Suborna Barua Department of Finance University of Dhaka May 25, 2007 Structure of the Essay:
1. Introduction 2. What is Corporate Governance?
4. Corporate Governance and Bangladesh: Principles Overviewed
5. Practice of good corporate governance in Bangladesh
1. Introduction
After the East Asian Crisis in 1998, when many corporate houses especially financial
institutions failed, defaulted and got bankrupt, a new dimension was necessary to stop
these types of crisis. Corporate governance has therefore been a critical pathway through
which corporate sector failures could be prevented and the performances of the
corporations could be regulated. A corporate entity is an interest centre for different
related groups and these groups are to be satisfied when it operates in the society.
Therefore, the legitimacy theory suggests that corporate houses have to be legitimate
which means they have to justify their existence in the society positively contributing to
every group of people in the society which we call the stakeholder groups.
2. Corporate Governance: More Focus on Stakeholders
Corporate governance means a framework which ensures the satisfaction or trade off of
every stakeholder group – shareholders, employees, community, customers, government,
suppliers etc. The aforementioned stakeholders have different goals while they engage
with a corporation. Corporate Governance ensures that there is congruence of goals – the
organization’s goal is set considering the individual goal of every stakeholder. The goal
congruence leads the corporation to tradeoff among all stakeholder groups. By a good
corporate governance framework, an organization is administered and operated in a
transparent, accountable and responsible way. Thus, it helps the stakeholders to protect
their interest in a corporation and exercise their every right which they deserve.
3. Why Corporate Governance?
What happened in December 2001 when Enron in USA was declared bankrupt? The top
management admitted that they had misstated their income and that the company’s equity
value was a couple of billion dollars less than its balance sheet said. In many ways,
WorldCom is just another case of failed corporate governance, accounting abuses, and
outright greed. Giants failed. Why? For insider trading, lack of transparency through
material misstatement of actual information, and intentional fraudulency. What the result
came out? The stakeholders of the organizations had to bear great losses. Thousands of
people were thrown out of work, and thousands of investors -- including most of the
company's employees -- lost billions of dollars as the companies’ shares shrank to penny-
stock levels and there was the room where corporate governance had its own importance.
To protect the stakeholders’ interests, to ensure they can exercise their rights properly, to
ensure information regarding the corporations’ activities and performances are
adequately and properly disseminated to every related party and last but not least, to
ensure a transparent, responsible & caring way out for the progress of the corporations
there must be well clarified, well defined and generally accepted principles & guidelines.
As a corporation is a member of the society, accepted as a citizen of the country, its
failure affects adversely every part of the society. A good corporate governance
framework helps to protect this collapse.
4. Corporate Governance and Bangladesh: A Brief Overview of Principles
There has been a momentum for Bangladesh for the last couple of years. The issue of
corporate governance has been largely discussed, analyzed, propagated in many ways by
specialists, researchers, government bodies and also development partners. In the
existence of weak form of efficiency of financial market, the emergence of corporate
governance framework for the financial sector of Bangladesh has been well
acknowledged. Since information asymmetry, moral hazard – these two major but
common problems of our financial sector is prevailing at large, ensuring corporate
governance has become more in light with the growth of the country. Practitioners and
specialists therefore have devoted their efforts to formulate some basic principles and
guidelines to ensure a strong corporate governance framework for Bangladesh.
In 2005 March, a conference, first of its kind labeled “International Conference on
Corporate Governance in Bangladesh” was organized jointly by Dhaka Stock Exchange,
Center for Corporate Governance and Finance Studies at Department of Finance of the
University of Dhaka, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) and The Asia Foundation. This was one major and well organized effort for
promoting corporate governance in Bangladesh to come up with some recommendations,
OECD has proposed some principles on corporate governance to strengthen the corporate
sector. These are known as OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The 2004
document shows the principles are divided into two parts. The Principles presented in the
first part of the document cover the following areas: I) Ensuring the basis for an effective
corporate governance framework; II) the rights of shareholders and key ownership
functions; III) the equitable treatment of shareholders; IV) the role of stakeholders; V)
Disclosure and transparency; and VI) the responsibilities of the board. Each of the
sections is headed by a single Principle that appears in bold italics and is followed by a
number of supporting sub-principles. In the second part of the document, the Principles
were supplemented by annotations that contain commentary on the Principles and are
intended to help readers understand their rationale. The annotations may also contain
descriptions of dominant trends and offer alternative implementation methods and
examples that may be useful in making the Principles operational.
Another specialist institution Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) has detailed a full
code of corporate governance for Bangladesh. This code presented in 2004 shows 3
major divisions of principles such as board issues, role of shareholders, financial
reporting, auditing and non-financial disclosures. The codes also show sector specific
principles and guidelines such as for Sate Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Private Enterprises
etc. As a matter of fact, BEI has been working with deep insight of the principles related
to every stakeholder. Some major areas covered in these principles are stated below:
• Duties, Responsibilities and formulation of Board of Directors of a Corporation:
These include nomination of a board, directors’ qualifications and qualities, inclusion and
no. of Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) or Independent Directors (IDs), duties and
responsibilities of the EDs and NEDs, ensuring CEO and Chairman are separate persons
to remover one man show etc. These in fact provide strong guidelines to structure an
efficient board which would be benefiting every stakeholder group.
There are guidelines sought to ensure adequate, accurate and reliable information flow to
the stakeholder groups. Adoption of appropriate reporting system, quality of reports,
more financial and non financial disclosures are also emphasized in the codes.
Codes detail on how to stop the insider trading for example there should be no fiduciary
relationship of an NED before joining the corporation, ownership holding limit in a
There are more than 45 principle formulations by BEI. In addition to the above, there are
principles regarding voting rights of shareholders, appointment of auditors, and ethical
Finally, even though there are principles and codes formulated by BEI and OECD,
problem lies with their application. Yet now formal pressure has not been created by the
5. Practice of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh
Corporate sector in Bangladesh is yet to be capable enough to provide a setup for good
corporate governance institutionally. Most importantly, the listed companies do not
supply actual and adequate information to the investors, employees and other
stakeholders. This is causing a severe crisis in the market. Traditionally, this information
asymmetry has not been wiped out from Bangladesh. Therefore, what the corporations
are doing in terms of decision making, voting rights, duties to society, distribution of
profits and actual information flow, are simply depriving the stakeholders. In many cases,
thus stakeholders’ interest is overlooked and not given preference by the very common
nature of morale hazard. Some problems associated with the governance of corporation
Private information supply by the management of the corporations for individual
benefit are benefiting their own interest but at the same time damaging the
corporations’ and stakeholders’ interests.
• Fabricated Financial Statements
There are many companies who provide financial statements prepared at the
management discretion where numbers and figures are artificial and fabricated that do
not represent the true and real picture of the firm.
• Disseminating Inadequate Information
Corporations in Bangladesh do not tend to let free flow of information and hence do
not intend to provide much information to the related stakeholder groups. This
violates the norms to protect the stakeholders’ interests and value their goals.
In Bangladesh this is very common that when management sets the goal of an
organization it does not take all the stakeholders into account and therefore arises
agency conflicts. This increases the cost of the firm.
Many public listed companies are closely held and thus closely held owners hold
majority share of the ownership which gives them the power to decide for their own
Corporations make profit in Bangladesh; do not engage themselves much in the
community movements. Most of the companies do not respect their responsibility
towards the society and the community. Moreover, when green movers or
environmentalists create pressures, corporations either do not pay attention or try to
Listed companies in Bangladesh are often accused of non-compliance with the rules,
regulations and laws enforced by the regulatory agencies like Dhaka Stock Exchange
(DSE) or Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).In many cases, listed public limited
companies do not provide dividend regularly, do not hold AGM for years or do not
send financial statements to the stakeholders.
However, the list can be prolonged with numerous problems associated with the
governance status of corporations in Bangladesh. But the most important fact is that, the
principles have addressed very successfully almost all key aspects though corporations in
Bangladesh are still reluctant to follow those. Therefore, principles are there, but even the
government regulatory authorities like DSE or SEC are also not acting to the desired
level and efficiency to induce the companies to adopt the principles.
6. What is needed to be successful?
The prior and prime requirement is “Proper Action”. It means inducing the corporations
to comply with the principles. This may be made also mandatory. DSE or SEC or the
government regulatory agencies can create pressure to implement the actions required.
Moreover, all stakeholders should also be aware in doing business with the corporations.
7. Some Proposals and Recommendations for Better & Effective Understanding
Stakeholders in a country like Bangladesh are not much aware of what is happening in
and outside the corporations. They do not get much information and also do not want to
pay much effort regarding the status of transparency and accountability of the corporate
entities. Therefore, awareness among the stakeholders group must be induced regarding
For better understanding, when general people cannot learn all the principles and
examine critically the corporate governance compliance by the companies, some
additional efforts may be given to develop some common practices to indicate the status
of corporate governance in a company. Some of my recommendations are listed below.
• Suggestion I: Corporate Governance Rating (CGR)
General people may not know every of the hundreds of principles. So to evaluate a
company whether performing well complied with a good corporate governance practice,
a corporate governance rating can be introduced. To construct a corporate governance
rating, a generalized framework is given below in brief.
Stakeholder Code Stakeholder Title Key Aspects of Interest
Voting Rights, free, accurate and adequate
information flow, contribution level in decision making, companies’ profitability, shareholders’ wealth, value of the firm etc.
Ethical stand of the company, ethical treatments
towards employees, behavior quality between
management and employees, financial and non financial benefits given to the employees, value and priority given the employees in firm’s decision making etc.
Customers feelings and attitude towards the
company, client feedback on the products or
services, satisfaction level, ethical operation of the company, quality of the products and services etc.
organizational decisions, regular and adequate
payment to the creditors, morale hazard faced by the suppliers, degree of leverage in the company, risks associated with the company etc.
development, degree of corporate social responsibility maintained, protection of environment, etc.
Regulatory Agencies or Degree of compliance with the regulations,
regular payment of taxes, holding AGMs regularly etc.
Table 1 shows 6 key variables as inputs for the rating. For every key input there should
be a detailed analysis on the key aspects shown at the right column. Then there will be
scores assigned depending on the condition of every variable. This process is very
Stakeholder Group Shareholders Employees Customers Suppliers Moderate Community Regulatory Very Good Agencies or Government
For every stakeholder group a score or point will be assigned to the company which will
indicate how much the company is entertaining the needs and rights of the particular
stakeholder group. At the final stage, just get the simple average of the 6 scores that have
been derived from individual stakeholder assessment and get a final simple average
score. This final score will tell the overall degree of corporate governance existing in the
Points from Overall Status Shareholder Employees Customers Simple or weighted Suppliers Moderate Community Regulatory Very Good Agencies or Government Implication of the Model:
A single number can say the whole set of conditions prevailing in the corporation. The
status regarding maintenance of corporate governance is better revealed when general
people would know low score means low rating and indicates worse condition of
corporate governance status and vice versa. Therefore, this makes the assessment and
Who will do this?
This rating can be done by SEC or DSE. Then just like a credit rating on which a
company’s fortune will depend. Any third party like the credit rating agencies also can do
this rating. This rating also have to be mandatory, recognized and published regularly.
Government has to make it mandatory. A company’s functioning like access to finance,
issuing securities, operating business, everywhere this rating would help to go for any
deal. Investors in the stock market should also take decision to investment considering
• Suggestion II: Third Party Web Based Solution
Employees think that their company is not doing good, not treating fairly, they feel
deprived. But they might not have a way to raise their voices in the fear of getting fired.
Companies do not like to hear from the shareholders. They always try to avoid green
groups who they think, might create obstacles in making profit. Consequently we see the
stakeholders do have much scope to express their views, interests, complains and
Now if there is a third party – who may be the government or any regulatory agency or
any private initiative, which will provide a room for the stakeholder groups to express
themselves, it would really work a lot. Let’s have a look how third party solution system
1. This service would be basically web based.
2. Every public listed company will include their updated detail in the website.
3. For every company there are stakeholders. Therefore any stakeholder with a
confidential password can access the information and express his or her
comments, complains, opinions on any issue of a company
4. For membership, stakeholders have to be registered with third party who will be
handling the whole service with proof that he or she is not a part of the
management or beneficiary of the management.
5. This third party would then accumulate all queries, views, opinions, complains
after a certain interval (may be monthly, weekly or daily) for every particular
company category and a report on every company would be prepared. The report
would incorporate all comments of the stakeholders, hence the satisfaction of the
6. Finally these reports would be sent to the regulatory authorities like Dhaka Stock
Exchange (DSE) or Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) or other government
offices as may be necessary. After due investigation, these comments would be
published publicly in the market through different media with valid proof. The
Third Party can be authorized for primary investigation or the whole investigation
duty would lie with the regulatory agencies.
7. The stakeholder who will provide their opinions or comments or complains would
be required to meet physically, would not require giving any personal detail like
Photo or others. Therefore they would be secured from any possible future
Thus, we see that this approach of third party web service where registered
stakeholders’ information would be fully confidential may gather the real information
from them which normally they would not reveal.
• Suggestion III: Establishing Separate Monitoring Unit
A separate “Corporate Governance Monitoring Cell” can be set with DSE or SEX
which would closely observe the listed company activities. The previous web base
solution can also be monitored by this cell.
• Suggestion IV: More Issues in CG Assessment
Today good corporate governance can bring sustainable development for a country.
Therefore some factors like uses of natural resources, renewable resources,
environment pollution etc should be considered while we are assessing a firm’s
corporate governance status. Importantly these factors also can be incorporated to the
corporate governance rating previously proposed and then we can get a combined
• Suggestion V: Corporate Governance Report And CSR
Corporate Governance Report and Corporate Social Responsibility Report must be
made mandatory to publish by the companies which would be considered in valuing
the company by the stakeholders for a particular period. The society would also value
the company based on these statements. The reports should be made specific for
example – a report must be of at least 2 pages or 2500 words that would specify the
actions to ensure corporate governance and corporate social responsibility by the
company for a given financial year. These parts would be annexed to the annual
• Suggestion VI: Mandatory Separate Environmental Reporting
In today’s world, there are many organizations simply damaging the environment in
different ways but also overlooking it and making profit. This information is not
properly accumulated and disseminated. Therefore there should be mandatory
Environmental Reporting in the annual report stating what damages have been done
by the company and what measures have been taken to recover and compensate the
damages. This report would also detail about the results or outcomes of already taken
actions. In Australia, Canada this has been made mandatory for all publicly listed
• Suggestion VII: Punishment for Non-compliance
If any company doesn’t comply with the basic codes and principles to corporate
governance, there may be provision for punishments. Penalties may include –
- Closed observation on the management for a given period until improves
- Financial penalty or charge on the management body.
However, there may be low or high degree and many more types of punishments, but
these punishments would induce the companies to act better on the issue of corporate
8. Conclusion
At the end, the summary is, corporate governance is extremely important nowadays.
Without a holistic approach for good corporate governance, an organization’s success
will not far worse. In Bangladesh, companies have realized this fact even though there are
many principles given by OECD or BEI. Still now adoption of these principles is far
away. Yet our corporate sector is fragmented. And mostly our stakeholders are deprived.
It indicates the practice of corporate governance is poor in Bangladesh. To recover from
this situation we need proper action immediately now without any delay. The government
as the regulator is expected to lead the way on. To make the general people understand
clearly about the status of corporate governance of a corporation, the corporate
governance rating, third party web service and many other issues can be focused
immediately. As the rating indicates through a single number of the whole situation
consisting CSR, internal governance of the company, environmental actions etc., this
may be a very useful way to implement immediately. For non compliance with principles
or corporate governance punishments would be tough. With all these, I hope the future
corporate world of Bangladesh would be very strong, transparent, responsible, caring and
Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh Mr. Ibrahim Mohammad Siraj Department of Economics University of Dhaka May 25, 2007 Introduction of Corporate Governance
Definition: corporate governance is an issue that is concerned about the
transparency and accountability of the work and dealings of corporations. It
incorporates the issue of supervisory and regulatory body, the distribution of
profit among the shareholders and stakeholders, the structure of ownership, etc.
In a broader view, it entails every agent related to the activities of the incorporated
entities. For example, if we consider an industry, say for example, ABC Leather Industry
where a lot of agents are related to their production and selling activities directly and
indirectly. From supply side, the people who provide the raw materials, production of
labor, in management the Chairman, Managing Director, as a whole the board of
directors, the employees, the sellers, everyone including the people living beside the
factory or tannery who are suffering from the pollution created by ABC also the agents
come under the issue of corporate governance.
An immature view about corporate governance – There is prevailing a narrow view
about corporate governance mostly due to popularly marketed definition from U.S.A. and
U.K. about corporate governance like “It is the issue of maximizing profit of the
shareholders.” The theory of free market economy is partly the reason behind this
immature view. This theory states that the market is efficient when it is totally free and
the matter of welfare depends on the rational choice of the buyers and sellers. So then,
concentrating on the profit maximization of shareholders becomes very relaxing and
But now, it is proved that the free market is not fully efficient without proper
intervention from government timely. And the matter of the distribution of profit among
the stakeholders is also very important. In developing economies, inequality of income is
rising rapidly and the pollution created from the industries is also an unavoidable issue
So, I think, the broader view of corporate governance that incorporates all directly and
indirectly affected agents of a corporate entity is much more acceptable.
Besides, in economics, we know the impact of negative and positive externality. The
matter of externality and removing the externalities that is inefficient for an economy also
should be included in the definition of corporate governance. If we search the history of
corporate governance, then it will be uncomplicated to realize why a broader view of that
Before the recessionary period of 1929 in U.S.A., the economists riding on the free
market economy concept were in a very much confidant state of mind. But after the
crisis, they could not find any solution to redress the problem. Then Keyes came out of
the light with new macroeconomic theoretical framework where he asserted the need of
government intervention in the free economy for ensuring the efficiency. After the crush
of Soviet Union, the world became more inclined to the market economy and thereby
started to suffer from that economy. The recent problem from this was in 1997, when,
Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia fell into a severe financial crisis. The most of
the foreign investors of their country went out with their asset. Then after the shocking
scandal of Enron, and other big giants of world economy, the policy makers began to
think about the corporate governance in a more disciplined and academic way. Actually, I
think the issue of corporate governance started to address the policy maker from the
beginning of institutionalized economy or from 1776. Since after the industrial
revolution, the economy is moving faster and faster and in everyday numerous kinds of
products and services have been producing. The growing complicated economy demands
more attention to make viable contracts, more feasible laws and regulations. Even, the
theory of class conflict of Karl Marx also aroused from bad corporate governance. So, if
we keep our minds in a deeper sense about the development economics, the matter of
corporate governance has been evolving for a long time.
Approaches and concepts of corporate governance: -
There are mainly two factors which contains most of the interest of corporate governance.
1. The process of distribution of wealth and profit among the shareholders of the
company and the accountability and transparency of the financial activities of the
2. The rules and regulations imposed by the authorized controlling body, their
Besides, there are another two approaches to corporate governance.
A. Shareholder approach – It is concerned about ensuring the rights of
B. Stakeholder approach – It is concerned about ensuring the profits of the
We will take both of the matter of shareholder and stakeholder for a standard definition
Why corporate governance is so important?
Corporate governance is needed for sustainable development. Because,
1. It ensures a strong capital market - With good corporate governance, people are
more keen to invest in capital market and the producers become interested to raise
2. It ensures strong financial backbone - If better corporate governance exists,
thereby the banking and non banking financial institutions can operate their work
more efficiently. They can manage their credit risk in a better format.
3. It helps for industrial development – In the presence of better corporate
governance, it helps the industry to raise their capital and minimize their risk and
4. It minimizes the cost of doing business – As in the presence of better corporate
governance, the rules and regulations are in favor of doing business efficiently,
the cost of starting a business, the cost of fulfilling the legal requirements become
5. It ensures the strong property right.
6. It attracts more foreign direct investment.
7. It decreased the amount of pollution.
8. As a whole, it helps to remove the negative externality in an economy.
Principles of corporate governance
There are a lot of principles about corporate governance. But Organization of Economic
Cooperation and Development or OECD gives the standard one that is mostly acceptable
in the world. Below I am going to write down their confined principles about corporate
1. Ensuring the basis for good corporate governance: - The number one principle is,
at first, we must have to ascertain the basis for good corporate governance. For
that purpose, we know that for good CG system, the supervisory and regulatory
body is very important. It must be written down evidently about the required law
and order, the extent of exercising the power of regulatory body, the minimum
requirement to be fulfilled by corporation. So, for a good CG, the judicial system,
transparent legal system and its responsible authorities are the most important.
2. Ensuring the rights of the shareholders – Then we must have to ensure the rights
of the shareholder. Whether the shareholders get their profit-stake or not, whether
they can exercise their power on the board of directors or not, have to be
monitored. Besides they have the voting rights. They can appoint or remove the
director by applying their vote, they are the ones, who get the right to participate
3. Evidently stating the structure of ownership.
4. Ensuring the rights of owners and stakeholders: - There is a difference between
the owners and the stakeholders. But the interest of the stakeholders must have to
be fulfilled by the owners. The investors, whether they are getting the maximum
returns or not, the employees whether they are exploited or not, these have to be
5. Equal treatment of the shareholders: - There are various kinds of shareholders in
the company. Any kind of illegal influence or exploitation on a shareholder must
6. Transparency and accountability: - Every transaction of a corporation, including
its dealings, revenues, profit and loss, its financial activities, audit reports must
have to be in transparent to the shareholders.
7. Ensuring a good audit report: - The company will provide the authentic report as
required by the auditors. The auditors have the right to check every kind of
Corporate governance in Bangladesh: Principles and practices
I want to show the principles and practices of corporate governance simultaneously. At
first I will focus on the law related to this subject. The main laws are –
The company act 1994: - Under this law, a company can be formed or can be
closed. The articles of association of the company will be written down. The
member of the boards will appoint the board of directors.
Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969 and Securities and Exchange
Commission Act 1993: - Under the Securities and Exchange Commission act
1993, the SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission has formed. Under this
act, the SEC can issue the share; they monitor the activities of the public listed
companies. They can exert their influence on the company for proper activities,
even they can charge fine for illegal or transparent less act of a company. Their
range of power is so broad that they can impose any restriction on the market if
they consider that will be good for the wealth of capital market.
Bangladesh Bank order 1972 and Bank act 91: - Under the bank act 1991, the new
bank can be formed. Bangladesh bank under the order of 1972 monitors every
kind of activities of the bank and non-bank financial institution. Under the bank
act 1991, the bank got the power of doing financial activities. Bangladesh bank or
central bank will monitor the banks and they can decide about the monetary
Bankruptcy act 1997 and Artho Rin Adalat Ain 2003: - Under the bankruptcy act
97, the bank can take the legal step against the classified client.
Artho Rin Adalat Ain 2003 is very much strong act on bankruptcy.
1. Under the company act, the activities of most of the companies are not so
2. The audit reports are not totally transparent. The board of directors exercises their
3. Like other government agencies, the Bangladesh Bank is not occupied with
4. In an AGM or annual general meeting, the shareholders tend to create pressure on
the director to announce greater dividend for them.
5. Recently, on 22nd May, 2007, SEC charged fine for 16 directors of some
companies. This is an unequivocally laudable step taken by SEC.
6. The incentive of coming to capital market is not enough here in our country. But
we know that, the better the capital market, the better the health of the economy
will be. The contribution of our capital market in GDP is 6.5% where in India it is
7. Recently government has taken steps to include the share of the
telecommunication industry in the capital market.
8. The ministry of industry also has taken steps to make for each garments firm to
start to maintain Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP.
9. State owned enterprises are not interested about the corporate governance in
10. The practice of independent director is not efficient. Because most of the
independent directors come from the government agencies and they are used to be
11. The mindset of the board of directors is very much family oriented. That’s why
12. The banks are reluctant to go to the court for legal complexities and fear of
13. Recently, the Oriental bank has been closed for illegal practices. This is a very big
example of bad corporate governance in banking sector.
14. The bankers are tending to sanction loan to the interested group.
The position of the pressure group: - The government agencies for corporate governance
are Bangladesh Bank, SEC and the registrar of joint stock companies. All of these
institutions are suffering from inadequate supply of expert. Moreover, the
nongovernmental agencies like DSE, CSE, ICAB (Institute of Chartered Accountants of
ICAB cannot comply with the rule of International Standard Accounting (ISA).
Concluding points and recommendation
We need some necessary steps to achieve better corporate governance
1. A better auditing system. We must have to comply with the ISA.
2. The companies, banks should be freed from any political and family pressure.
3. The government agencies should be occupied with a lot of experts to monitor
4. E-governance should be number priority in government agenda to get
transparency and accountability everywhere.
5. For a better capital market, we have to make sufficient incentives to induce the
companies to come to the capital market.
6. The independent directors should be really independent.
7. The judiciary system should be straighter looking about CG behavior.
8. Government should create a high-powered committee with experts under a
ministry to monitor the CG situation of Bangladesh centered on some universal
9. There is a code of corporate governance of Bangladesh made by ICAB. We have
11. To create awareness among the people about CG.
12. We have to make a smooth independent judiciary body in conducting the case
13. Our shareholders are not so conscious and educated. We can make them more
conscious about their rights through media.
14. Directors should be freed from the influence of the investors.
15. Our regulators are not well concerned about the issue of CG. The government
should take some steps to remove that problem.
16. To make SEC and RJSC more efficient. For that purpose, they have to be
17. Government can get help from the academicians, educationalists, and
practitioners of CG to make their monitoring body stronger.
18. Again and again, the auditing system is important on for ensuring CG. We have
to make sure that the chartered accountants are not influenced by the interest of
the directors. For Islamic banking, they should comply with appropriate auditing
system for their different kind of modes of financing. The Islami banks tend to not
to comply with shariah. Oriental bank is an example. So, Bangladesh bank should
19. We have to make the board of investment stronger. Our complicated legal system
and bureaucratic problems increase the cost of doing business here. We have to
ensure that the cost of doing business will be decreasing.
Most of all, I think, we should concentrate on acquiring economic efficiency for the
society rather than just maximizing profit.
Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh Mr. Miraj Hossen Department of Management Studies University of Dhaka May 25, 2007 “Principles and practices of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh” (1) Introduction:
The Corporate Governance is a set of processes, customs, rules and regulations by which
the companies or business corporation are controlled and maintained. In Bangladesh, we
are not a country, where the practices of corporate governance are poor. Bangladesh is
typically a developing country in South Asia with a large population low per (capita
income and the standard of living is not satisfactory. So, we need to improve our
economy and also the repaid growth & development of our country. To develop our
country, we should emphasis on the development of our industrial sectors. In case of
industrial or corporation level we need to practice more corporate governance.
2. What is corporate Governance?
Corporate governance is the process through which an organization or corporation goes
on. It indicates the rules, regulations, customs, principles, practices, and the structure of
an organization through which the organization carry on its activities.
It may be defined by the following ways from different views-
I. “Corporate governance is a system which ensures the investors to get returns
from their investment.” The Journal of Finance, Shearer & Vinashey, Page: 737 II. “Corporate governance is the process, narrowly it can be said the relationship
between the corporations and the shareholders and broadly the relationships between the
corporations and society”. The Financial Times 1997 III. Corporate governance is a system which is accommodating the practices of
corporations’ transparency responsibilities and accountability.”
James Wolfensohn (21 June 1999), WB president (former) IV. “Corporate governance is the relationship between the shareholders,
“Managers Board of Directors, Chief executive officer, employees, customers, suppliers
and other stakeholders with a view to corporations activities. It also deals with the rules,
regulations, principles, strategies & others activities of an organization.”
--Sir Adrin Cadbury, Global corporate Governance Forum (GCGF), 2002 V. “Corporate government is the relationship between the shareholders, BOD, CEO
and other stake holders.” ----Arthur Levitt (109:2002) VI. “Corporate governance is the set of process rules & regulations. Customs and
other strategies of an organization on which ensure the investors to the corporations to get
return and also ensure the management of the corporation will not misuse their capital
(investment).” ----American Management Association
So, by corporate governance we mean the organizational rules regulations,
relationships between the parties and the organizational goals, objectives and planning
Levels and sides of CG:
We can find the following levels and sides of corporate governance:
Corporate Governance 3.1 Levels: Country level:
In country level corporate government mean the good governance and
governing rules, regulations of a country.
Corporation level:
In corporation level, corporate governance means governing rules and
3.2 Sides of CG: Behavioral side:
It is the relationship between the BOD, CEO, Management and employers,
employees, customers and also suppliers. It is called the ‘Behavioral side’ of
Normative side:
Rules, regulations of a corporation through which an organization is moving
4. Parties of corporate governance: Corporate Governance Shareholders Shareholders
The major parties of corporate governance are the shareholders and the stakeholders who
are involved in the activities in the corporation.
4.1 The interests/benefits of the parties:
The parties of corporate governance have the following interests:
BOD, CEO, Management – receive benefits, salary, reputations Customers Suppliers - receive compensations for their good & services. Society - receive services & goods.
By getting these services and benefits the individual do his work for the corporation by
providing human skills and applying managerial and technical knowledge. Individual
person are the driving force of Corporate Governance
5. Models of Corporate Governance:
The corporate Governance model can be shows in the following way-
CG Models 5.1 Stakeholders Vs Shareholder Models:
It indicates the BOD, CEO, Mgt, customers, suppliers, employees, and other related
actors. Who are engage in the organizational activities?
5.2 Behavioral Vs Normal Models:
Behavioral model represents the relationships among the parties (shareholders &
stakeholders) and the normative model represents the rules, regulations, laws, process of
6. Factors of corporate governance:
The corporate governance has the following two major factors:
The commitment of the management of the corporations.
The rules, regulations of the government of a country.
According to the organization for Economic Corporation & Development (OECD) According to World Bank Booklet it has the following four pillars: 7. Principles of Corporate Governance: 7.1 A number of multinational organizations (UNDP, WB, and OECD) suggest the
following general principles must be in the form of corporate governance
7.2 The OECD specifies the following principles of Corporate Governance: Rights of shareholders:
The rights of shareholder are to get the return from their investment. They can
attend the general meeting and also can play role in AGM.
Equitable treatment of stakeholders:
The stakeholders have the right to get equal treatment from the CG and the
CG’s duty to treat its stakeholder equally.
Accountability and responsibility:
It is one of the principles of corporate governance to maintain accountability
and responsibility property to the stakeholders, society and within the
The activities of the corporate governance should be transparent and fair
which is helpful to the economical development of the country.
Honesty and fairness :
The corporate governance should be honest and fair in their activities which
are good for the society & for the stakeholder as will as shareholders.
Openness and integrity:
The corporate governance should have the integrity and open to the parties
which can help to carry on their activities.
Good ethics & behaviors:
The corporate governance should be show good ethics and behavior which
can help to raise the investment and also increase the private sectors.
Mutual respects to the parties:
The shareholder and the stakeholders both have some rights and duties in the
corporation. So, it should show mutual respect to each other.
7.3 Some other common principles of CG:
It should have an oversight about the countries economy.
It must play welfare role to the society.
It should be independent and fair in preparing financial statement.
It should be equally treated to all the employees and other related parties.
8. Roles of Corporate Governance:
The major role plays by the CEO, BOD and the management in the corporations. The
8.1 CEO, BOD roles:
In case of Corporate Governance the chief executive officer and Board of Directors have
The CEO, BOD need to plan for the annual budget and other strategy
Take the succession planning in case of organizational management and other top
Take strategic plan go to deal with the customers, suppliers and others.
Prepare and maintain accurate financial statement.
Give suggestions to the management about what to do.
Take necessary steps in case of any loss or damage of the corporation.
Attend and arrange annual general meetings and give reasonable speech to the
8.2 Roles of Management in CG:
In case of Corporate Governance the management has to play the following roles in the
The managers’ major role is to operate the corporation nicely with prosperity.
The manager plays role to prepare financial statement.
They help the BOD and CEO to set the plan for budget and other issues.
Take initiative to do betterment for the organizations.
Appoint the entry level and midlevel executives for the corporation.
Prepare monthly and yearly statement of finance.
Give suggestions to the down chairs for doing their jobs properly.
Monitoring the day to day words of the corporation and take necessary steps
Make sure that the branch or office has a good working environment.
Maintain good ethics, integrating which helps to maintain better relationship
These are the roles play by the CEO, BOD and Management in case of CG.
9. Practices of CG in Bangladesh:
In Bangladesh the scenario of practicing the Corporate Governance is poor because of the
I. Family orientation:
Most of the corporations of our country is family oriented. So, there is a lack of
outside shareholders and also the practices of Corporate Governance.
II. Poor Bankruptcy Laws:
The Bankruptcy laws in our country are back-dated and poor in its applicability,
which may create some problems in practicing the Corporate Governance.
III. Independent corporation system:
Our private organizations are inadequate to practice Corporate Governance
because of their BOD, CEO and top mgt are their own relatives.
IV. Inconsistency with BAS, IAS, company Act: Most of the corporation of our
country drive its activities which are inconsistent with Bangladesh Audit Standard
(BAS), companies Act requirement. So, it is impossible to practice CG in this
V. Non- Practice of Companies Act: The corporations in our country most of the
time operates in its own way. They do not follow the rules, regulations of the
company act 1994 which may create problems to practice Corporate Governance
culture and activities in their organizations.
VI. Lack of proper control:
Our private corporations are out of government control which may create some
problems to practice Corporate Governance.
VII. Inappropriate rules in capital market:
Our capital market is totally maintained by the two stock exchanges: DSE and CSE.
So, it is difficult to maintain the whole process of the all organizations by them.
VIII. Lack of pressure group:
We do not have a lot of pressure groups who create pressure to the corporation to
practice CG which is also a problem to implement CG.
IX. Lack of shareholder Activism:
In case of our country most of the shareholders are not perfectly educated and
X. Lack of awareness of public:
In our country, we have the lack of public awareness among the mass people. So,
it plays an important role not practicing CG.
XI. Lack of good Governance:
In our country, we do not have the good political governance that can play role to
implement the CG. So, it is a cause for not practicing the Corporate Governance
XII. Low per capital income & economic development:
Most of the people of our country live under poverty. So, they are not conscious
of CG, for this reason the corporations get a change to avoid the CG practices.
These are the major impediments to practice CG in our country.
10. Why we need Corporate Governance:
Bangladesh is a developing country. We need to practice Corporate Governance to get
rapid economic development. And also implement the equal treatment among the
employees in the organizations. The following are the reasons why we need Corporate
I. Economic development:
To get rapid economic growth and also the national development we need to
practice Corporate Governance in our corporations which can ensure us the
development of our culture & economy.
II. Equal treatment among the employees:
To ensure equal treatments among the employees of the organizations we need to
III. Democratic practice:
We need Corporate Governance to ensure the participative management in the
IV. Maintain good relations:
To maintain good relationship among the organizational parties we need to
V. Keep shareholders rights:
The shareholders are the key persons for the corporation. But, because of lack of
CG practice in the corporation they can’t play a sufficient role in the AGM.
VI. Improve employee Behavior:
To get good ethics, integrity and good behavior from the employees we need to
ensure the practice of good Corporate Governance in the corporations.
VII. Increase firm’s performance:
To increase the performance of the firm we need motivated and satisfied
employees. Proper practices of the firm we need motivated and satisfied
employees. Proper practice of CG can ensure the satisfaction of employees which
VIII. Maintain the capital market structure:
The structure of the capital market of our country controls by two stock exchange
commissions, it is difficult for them to maintain it properly. So, we need to
IX. Maintain gook org relationship:
The proper use of Corporate Governance can ensure the good relationship among
the organizational parties. So we need to practice CG in our organization or every
X. Attract foreign investment:
To attract foreign investment we need to show we have the proper practice of CG.
XI. Adequate plan & strategy:
To implement plans and strategy of the organization we need to practice CG.
XII. Independent Auditors:
To get fair and reliable financial statement we need true independence of auditors
which can be gives by the proper use of CG.
XIII. Proper audit report:
Proper audit report is needed to get the real picture of the organization. By
practicing CG and giving independence to the auditors we can get proper audit
For these reasons we need Corporate Governance in our corporations
11. How can we improve our CG practices?
We need to practice Corporate Governance in our corporations. So, to get good practices
in CG in the orgs we can follow the following ways:
I. Properly follow the SEC rules:
In our capital market we have two stock exchange commissions (DSE, CSE). We
need to practice & follow the rules & regulations of our SEC to get proper
II. Obey and maintain companies Act:
We have latest companies Act 1994. For proper practices of CG we need to
follow the companies Act 1994 for all the provisions of the organization such as
recruitment, selections, competition and performance appraisal. By practicing this
provision, we can ensure a good Corporate Governance.
III. Identify a national champion:
To get proper treatment of our employees we can follow a national champion.
Like as company acts, Bank laws and other acts.
IV. Maintain good industrial relations:
We need good industrial relations to get good CG in our Corporation.
V. Corporate Governance:
We need a good political governance to improve the CG in the corporation.
VI. Independent Audit committee:
We need independence of our audit committee to censure fair and transparent
financial statement and also ensure the practice of CG.
VII. Increase the BOD & CEO’s power:
To improve the present condition of our CG practice we need to increase the
power of CEO’s and Bud’s which can help us to practice more dynamic way of
VIII. Increase the relationship:
By increasing the relationship among the parties of CG in our corporations we can
improve the practice of our Corporate Governance.
IX. Taking help from global organizations:
We can increase the present condition of practicing CG by getting help or support
from World Bank, UNDP, OECD, and GCGF. They arrange international
seminars and also roundtable conference which can be helpful for us.
X. Taking new actions by the authority:
By taking new actions by the proper authority of corporation in case of practicing
CG, we can get a good Corporate Governance in our corporation which will be
helpful for us and also for our economic development.
Corporate Governance is an important issue in the present business world. So, we need to
practice Corporate Governance more in our organizations to get the economic
development and also ensure the equal treatment of rights and responsibilities of the
employees. It will play a vital role in our economic development if we are able to practice
The Haiti Response Plan office in Haiti is aware of the unfortunate outbreak of cholera which began occurred in the Artibonite region of Haiti and continues to be a health concern in the country. The Haiti Response Plan staff at the Methodist Guest House in Petionville have been assured that as long as safe drinking water and properly cooked food are available that there is no danger of
Although none of the original manuscripts written • Consistency of church ordinances (baptism, by Moses or Paul or the other biblical writers have been Lord’s supper) as practiced by the early church preserved (no doubt providentially; otherwise they prior to the circulation and collection of the New might have become objects of worship), we can have Testament books, with their initiati