All prices are net and relate to the 2010/11 storage year

Annex IV - Price Sheet
Valid from 31/10/2013

All prices on this Price Sheet are net and relate to the 2013/14 storage year

Storage fee for annual products (firm capacity)

* The withdrawal rate for each storage bundle is 10 MWh/h. The working gas capacity and the injection rate per bundle for the
individual storage facilities are given in the two right-hand columns in the above table.

The prices for storage bundles break down as follows: 40 % of the price is for the withdrawal rate, 33 % is for the working gas
capacity and 27 % is for the injection rate. The prices for the unbundled components are derived from the bundle prices
based on these percentage rates.

The prices for interruptible capacity are 60% of the prices for firm storage capacity.
Products with an indexed price formula are primarily governed by the special terms and conditions of the respective
Specimen Storage Contracts, which are available for download at
Annex IV - Price Sheet
Valid from 31/10/2013
Special terms and conditions for the storage years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015

Special discounts: For storage contracts concluded for annual products there are special discounts for the storage years
2013/2014 and/or 2014/2015. These discounts are granted regardless of the term of the relevant storage contract. They apply
to all storage facilities except 7Fields (discounts for 7Fields are shown in brackets) as follows:
for the storage year 2013/2014:

These special discounts are granted on the annual storage fees and the annual fee for system services. They are not granted
on the fee for variable costs.
The long-term discounts for multi-year contracts pursuant to Section IV below remain unaffected; however, they only apply as
an alternative, i.e. not cumulatively
in addition to the above special discounts. In each storage year for which the special
discounts are granted, the storage customer will either receive the storage discount or the long-term discount, depending on
which is higher for the relevant year. For long-term contracts, storage customers can thus achieve a discount in excess of 10 %
and 5 % in the storage years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, respectively, but the maximum discount will continue to be 15 %.
Interruptible flat product: In addition to the firm curves, which continue to apply as set out in Annex III of the GTCS, customers
will receive for their firm withdrawal and injection rates at Epe H-Gas, Epe L-Gas, Etzel EGL and Rönne cavern storage
facilities for the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2015 an interruptible extension of their withdrawal and injection rates as a
curve-free flat product.
This means that when nominations are made for the above period, the storage customer’s obligation to observe the withdrawal
and injection curves pursuant to Article 2 (2), sentence 2 of the Specimen Contract and Article 10 (1) of the GTCS does not
apply. However, the storage customer continues to be bound by the obligation to observe the nomination limits resulting from
the agreed working gas capacity.
Up to the limits of the firm withdrawal and injection curves agreed with the storage customer, E.ON Gas Storage will treat the
relevant nomination made by the storage customer as firm withdrawal and injection rates. The part of the relevant nomination
exceeding this limit will be treated by E.ON Gas Storage as interruptible withdrawal and injection rates. The additional product is
provided free of charge to the customer.


Fee for variable costs (Article 4 of General Terms and Conditions)

48.95 €-Cent per MWh of injected working gas


Fee for contracts over several years

A long-term discount is granted for contract terms of 3 years and more. For all storage facilities except 7Fields (see 7Fields
percentages in brackets) this discount is 3 per cent (1.5 per cent) for a term of 3 years and rises by a further 1 per cent (0.5 per
cent) for each additional full year up to a maximum of 15 per cent (7.5 per cent).
The long-term discount is allowed on the annual storage fee and the annual system service fee but not on the fee for variable
A long-term discount will also only be allowed for storage capacities that are booked continuously for the entire contract term.
By way of exception however it will also be extended to other storage capacities if these are new storage capacities created
during the term of the original storage booking and the storage customer books them additionally and continuously up until the
end of the term of his original storage booking.
Fee for system services (Article 3 of General Terms and Conditions)

Per storage facility per year:
€ 11,630 including all changes in the annual contract; this does not include additional contracts for products of less than one year during the current year Annex IV - Price Sheet
Valid from 31/10/2013
Revision of the annual storage fee, the annual system service fee and the fee for variable
costs for annual product contracts

The fees quoted in this Price Sheet are for the 2013/14 storage year. In the case of bookings for subsequent storage
years, fees will be revised annually with effect from the beginning of the storage year (06.00 hours on 1 April)
according to the following formulas:
Annual storage fee
revision formula:

Et = (0.75 + 0.25 x Lt / L0) x E0
Key to variables used in the above price formula: Et: the annual storage fee payable by the storage customer for the respective E0: basic fee for the annual storage fee agreed in the storage contract Lt: index published by the Statistisches Bundesamt (German Federal Statistical Office) for the monthly pay-scale salaries without special payments (“tarifliche Monatsverdienste ohne Sonderzahlungen”) for employees in the energy supply industry (available at, GENESIS Online, Statistics Code 62221-0001) for the full calendar year preceding the particular new storage year L0: index published by the Statistisches Bundesamt (German Federal Statistical Office) of the monthly pay-scale salaries without special payments (“tarifliche Monatsverdienste ohne Sonderzahlungen”) for employees in the energy supply industry (available at, GENESIS Online, Statistics Code 62221-0001) for the base year defined in the particular storage contract
Annual system service fee
revision formula:

St = (Lt/ L0) x S0
Key to variables used in the above price formula: St: the annual system service fee payable by the storage customer for the particular S0: basic fee for the annual system service fee agreed in the storage contract
Fee for variable costs
revision formula:

Vt = (0.8 x Gt / G0 + 0.2 x Lt / L0) x V0
Key to variables used in the above price formula: Vt: fee for variable costs payable by the storage customer in the particular V0: basic fee for variable costs agreed in the storage contract Gt: the producer price index for industrial products in the energy supply sector published by the Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office) (available at, GENESIS Online, statistics code 61241-0001 GP09-35) for the full calendar year preceding the particular new storage year G0: the producer price index for industrial products in the energy supply sector published by the Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office) (available at, GENESIS Online, statistics code 61241-0001 GP09-35) for the base year defined in the particular storage contract Annex IV - Price Sheet
Valid from 31/10/2013
If the index values given in the price revision formulas are no longer published, they shall be replaced by the published index
values which closest approximate to these index values. The same applies if the publications are no longer made by the
Statistisches Bundesamt (German Federal Statistical Office).

Base year:
In the case of all newly signed storage contracts, the 2007 calendar year is the base year for the price revision formulas.
Basic fees for annual storage fee:
In the case of all newly signed contracts, the basic fees for revision of the annual storage fee are as follows:

Basic fee for annual system storage fee:
The basic fee for revision of the annual system storage fee is € 10,000.
Basic fee for variable costs:

The basic fee for revision of the fee for variable costs is 42.00 €-Cents per MWh of injected working gas.
Annex IV - Price Sheet
Valid from 31/10/2013
Storage contracts for annual products concluded for parts of a storage year
Storage contracts for annual products within the meaning of Section I of this Price Sheet (for monthly products, please refer to Section VIII below) may also be concluded for parts of a storage year as set out below. (a) For storage contracts for firm and/or interruptible storage capacities (annual product) concluded for parts of a storage
year, the annual storage fees detailed in Section I of this Price Sheet, the fees for variable costs detailed in Section III of
this Price Sheet and the fees for system services detailed in Section V of this Price Sheet will, as a rule, apply. However,
for each full storage month of the storage year not covered by the contract term, a discount of 1/12 of the annual storage
fee will be allowed on the annual storage fee and a discount of 1/12 of the system services fee will be allowed on the
system services fee. The foregoing shall be without prejudice to Article 3, Section 2 of the GTCS. Nevertheless, storage
capacities can, as a rule, only be requested or booked for parts of a storage year if the part of the storage year continues
until the end of the relevant storage year (“Incomplete Year”), unless E.ON Gas Storage has, by way of exception,
generally announced a deviating rule for a certain storage year.
If the storage customer contracts storage capacities pursuant to subsection (a) above for an Incomplete Year and if all other prerequisites as set out in the GTCS, including but not limited to the prerequisites pursuant to Article 2 of the GTCS and to Annex III of the GTCS, are met, the storage customer may, together with his request or booking for the part of the storage year, also contract the same storage capacities for storage years following the Incomplete Year. In case of such request or booking of storage capacities for storage years following the Incomplete Year and for the Incomplete Year, the storage customer must select the same storage capacities for each storage year, including the Incomplete Year. No special provisions apply to the storage fees in the subsequent years compared with the fees for the annual products. On account of not being a full storage year, the Incomplete Year will not be considered when calculating a long-term discount. General provisions: Requests or bookings for parts of a storage year pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) above can, as
a rule, not be made until the start of the relevant storage year, unless E.ON Gas Storage has, by way of exception,
selected and generally communicated an earlier point in time. Moreover, such requests and bookings can only be made if
annual storage capacities are still available for the relevant storage year.
The restrictions for bookings and requests of unbundled and/or interruptible storage capacities pursuant to Annex III of the GTCS shall apply, especially with regard to the ratio between unbundled and bundled storage capacity and with regard to the ratio between interruptible and firm storage capacity. Storage fees and fees for system services for storage capacities contracted for parts of a storage year are split proportionally among the relevant months of the relevant part of the storage year. The special terms and conditions according to Section II of this Price Sheet shall also apply to annual products contracted only for parts of storage years 2013/2014 and/or 2014/2015. Annex IV - Price Sheet
Valid from 31/10/2013

VIII Booking of intra-year firm storage capacities (monthly product)

The monthly prices in the table below will be charged for intra-year bundled firm storage capacities (monthly products):
Booking made
for the month
storage bundle
* The withdrawal rate for each storage bundle is 5 MWh/h. The working gas capacity for each storage bundle is 5 GWh. The injection rate for each storage bundle is 2.5 MWh/h. The maximum withdrawal and injection rates for each storage bundle are met regardless of the storage customer's working gas level. The GTCS and the general technical conditions of EGS for the marketing of monthly storage products apply. Fee for variable costs of monthly products (Article 4 of General Terms and Conditions)

48.95 €-Cent per MWh of injected working gas
Fee for system services of monthly products (Article 3 of General Terms and Conditions)

per storage facility per month:

€ 1,000 incl. of all adjustments necessary as a result of subsequent bookings of additional storage bundles for the relevant storage month


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