de Pomis and Domenig - Architecture in Eggenberg
Why was it built that way? Find out more about Günter Domenig’s “Pädak” and other architecturally interesting buildings in the area.
You will be given some information about architecture in Graz in general and will be learning more about selected buildings in the area by visiting them and doing some practical work about them.
Berufswahlvorbereitung (E)
Berufswahlvorbereitung I -- Persönlichkeitsorientierung,
Im ersten Teil des Kurses kannst du dich mit Berufsfeldern, Berufsbildern undWegen nach der Matura (Fachhochschule, Universität, Ausland)auseinandersetzen. Weiters arbeitest du in der Gruppe an deinenFähigkeiten, Stärken und Interessen und hast die Möglichkeit durchFeedback, Fremdbild- und Selbstbildübungen mehr über dich zu erfahren.
Die Erstellung deines Interessensprofils, ein 2 tägiges Praktikum in einemvon dir gewählten Arbeitsfeld und der Besuch eines Betriebs werden deineVorbereitung auf die Berufswelt noch zusätzlich unterstützen. Mit deiner Artzu kommunizieren, im Team zu arbeiten und zu präsentieren beschäftigst dudich im 2. Teil des Kurses. Durch gruppendynamische Übungen undFeedback der Gruppe kannst du dir diese Bereiche bewusster machen unddort erweitern, wo für dich Lernbedarf besteht. Betrachten von nonverbalerKommunikation Körpersprache und Zielarbeit nach dem Modell von NLPbieten dir weitere Übungsfelder, wie auch Körperarbeit, und das Finden der inneren Balance. Ein Handapparat mit einschlägiger Literatur steht uns in der Bibliothek zur Verfügung.
Uni, FHS and other ideas for your future
In this course we will deal with questions that are related to your life after GIBS. We will develop strategies for finding and using sources of information on further education. You will have the chance to be a guest student at a university or FHS for a short time and share your experiences with the other students in the course. We will also investigate the situation of the job market and find out about the most important human resources that are needed in business.
Biology (E)
Singer, Stierschneider
Aspects of Medicine, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
This course focuses on various diseases, such as cancer, infectious diseases and allergies as well as general aspects of keeping healthy. Possible therapies like transplantation and alternative methods like homeopathy will be discussed with doctors.
Get to know the excitement of genetic engineering. You will be isolating genetic material and investigating it. This course also provides insight into the biotechnological production of goods for medicine, technical and other uses.
Safety measures, fears and ethical implications will be dealt with.
If you intend to study medicine this course will provide you with useful Information, practical insight and tips for the entrance exam. You will also get to know university departments and how work is done there.
Singer, Stierschneider
Dissection and Microscopy
Get to know the vastness of the micro cosmos around you. Microscope, scalpel, scissors and mounting needles will not be the only tools for investigating this biological world, mostly hidden from the naked eye. Learn to make your own specimens for microscopy, the usage of dyes and how todissect fish and chicken (before eating them). Other organisms like insects and parts thereof will also be intensively examined.
Klar, Stierschneider
Lifestyle: Nutrition, fitness and beauty in modern times (CC with
This course is designed to give you a fresh look at life from a biological and chemical perspective. The topics include healthy food, nutrients and how they can be analysed. Physical workout and its effects on respiration, cardiovascular and muscular systems will be investigated. You will measure relevant parameters under the supervision of a medical doctor. Skin and cosmetics supplement the programme.
You will approach topics in different ways including making your own cosmetics, using lab equipment, analysing food, visiting institutions (fitness studio, university institute), doing research and attending talks.
Cross-curricular course Biology - Chemistry (2 credits each). Must be booked together with CHE105320A. BIO106240A
Singer, Stierschneider
Outdoor Biology (Ecology and Behaviour)
Excursions, field studies and outings are essential aspects of biological work.
Learn about the plant and animal communities in their environment (e.g. in a National Park) and study their relationships. Discuss the consequences of human influences on biodiversity, ecological balance and what conflicts of interests can arise utilizing natural resources. Investigate the effects of pollution on organisms. How do animals behave? Why do they behave in such a way? The answers to all the questions you have may not be found but you will learn to perform experiments, make observations, interpret and draw conclusions.
"Behaviour" is an optional supplement to the course "Social Psychology“ (Psychology) BIO106340A
Singer, Stierschneider,

Neuroscience - The brain, the eye and the ear
The brain has always been a fascinating organ. What lies at the basis of our thinking, emotions, what are the biological functional units and how are they linked – but even more intriguing: what controls our behaviour? What can we learn from brain pathology?The two most important organs of communication are the eye and the ear. In this course we will look at both the biological and the physical aspects of seeing and hearing. We will discuss organic structures, colours, brightness, loudness, sound and noise and other aspects. We will learn how to support our senses to widen our range of seeing or hearing. Further, we will look at malfunctions of these two organs, and what can be done to counteract them.
Excursions to an optician and an institute for hearing aids are planned. One other aspect of the course will be exposure to noise and its biological consequences. We will also measure loudness in different places.
Singer, Stierschneider
Do you want to get a good overview of biological methods? Do you want to study medicine or any other science related subject? Then this is the course for you! You will be performing experiments in plant, animal and human physiology. Microbiology (bacteriology) and evolution are also part of the syllabus. A selection of experiments from the topics blood, enzymes, osmosis, photosynthesis, plant reproduction and germination will be performed.
Acquire practical skills in lab techniques by usage of equipment especially important in a bio lab.
Chemistry (E)
Inorganic Experiments and Analytical Chemistry
This course is mainly based on qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry. Here we want to find out what chemical substances, polymers in our daily life, such as "plastics" and different salt mixtures, consist of. For instance, we can dissolve an Austrian Schilling or a EURO coin with HNO3 and try to identify the alloy. This is called a qualitative analysis. During the second half of this course we will concentrate on quantitative analysis; for instance, how much of an acid can be found in vinegar? CHE105320A
Klar, Stierschneider
Lifestyle: Nutrition, fitness and beauty in modern times (CC with
This course is designed to give you a fresh look at life from a biological and chemical perspective. The topics include healthy food, nutrients and how they can be analysed, food technology, physical workout and the cardio-vascular system, the skin and cosmetics. We will approach topics in different ways including making your own cosmetics, using lab equipment, analysing food, visiting institutes and companies, doing research and attending talks. The course is designed to give you the opportunity to get some idea of the daily work done by scientists in our community.
Cross-curricular course Biology - Chemistry (2 credits each). Must be booked together with BIO105320A. CHE108180A
Experimental Chemistry: from the laboratory to industry
Soap, aspirin, oil and nylon are just some of the products that are produced daily in the chemical industry. Ever wondered how they are made? In this course you will get the opportunity to make some of these products in the laboratory. You will get the chance to develop advanced experimental skills, such as handling equipment and experimental design. All experiments will be done with great emphasis on safety in both the design and practical stages. This course will also concentrate on economic and environmental problems posed by producing everyday products on an industrial scale. CHE1095240A
Experimental Chemistry: Basic Laboratory Skills
Chemistry - a subject where you only learn theory but never do experiments? This course is especially for those who want to gain practical skills for the chemistry lab. In this course you will separate chemical substances and identify them. Further, you will see the effects temperature has on substances and what it means when a substance is solid, liquid or gaseous. Why do we put salt on icy roads in winter? In this course we can answer questions like these by means of experiments. Computing (E)
Webdesign for beginners
In this course students will learn how to create their own homepage. We will uselicensed software (Macromedia Dreamweaver) and some freeware tools. Wewill put emphasis on how to plan, structure and create a homepage.
Additionally, students will acquire basic html-programming skills -- studentswill learn how to produce html-code and change it for their own use. Basicknowledge of flash-programming will be covered in this course, too.
ECDL advanced – becoming real experts
Thousands of students have already taken the ECDL exams in Austria. For those of you who want to have a real advantage of competition this course will prepare you for the ECDL advanced which you can take again at GIBS. We will revise the most important ECDL features and then go into more detail. We will cover things that will be important for you as future students at university. For lovers of freeware tools students can choose to work with MS Office or OpenOffice/StarOffice.
Speer + Knasar
Die Macht der Schlagzeile
Die Macht der Schlagzeile oder: Die Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit – Zeitungen! In dem Kurs werden wir der Frage nachgehen, wie eine „Story“ ihren Weg zu den LeserInnen findet. Wir werden uns selbst auf die Suche nach „Stories“ begeben und Möglichkeiten erarbeiten, diese aufzubereiten. Mit verschiedenen journalistischen Darstellungsformen werden wir uns beschäftigen und an konkreten Beispielen entscheiden, wann etwa Fakten gefragt sind und wann Meinungen. PCs und unterschiedlichste Software bieten eine breite Palette von Möglichkeiten, eine Nachricht attraktiv zu verpacken, um sie so auch äußerlich möglichst interessant für die LeserInnen zu machen. – Wir werden sie kennen lernen und damit arbeiten! Cross-curricular course German - Computing (2 credits each). Must be booked together with GER105620A. COM106140A
Video Editing for beginners – create your own “youtube” video
In this course students will learn how to produce their own short digital film (2-5minute film). Students will draw storyboards, shape their movies and put scenes together andafterwards edit them with Video editing software (Adobe Premiere, MS MovieMaker, freeware). Participants of this course will also deal with the basics of"directing a movie" and be introduced to some simple camera tips. At the end we will upload our movies to youtube and see what other people think about it.
Search Engines: Searching the unknown
Absolute Beginners are very welcome! How to search more than just a few percent of the internet as normal google search routines do. We will explore the “deep web” and refine our searching methods so that students will be experts on online research afterwards. Find out what “google hacking” means and how to use the billions of bits of information available online to your advantage. Also covered by this course: proper referencing of internet sites and useful tools available.
Descriptive Geometry I
Die moderne Technik setzt in vielen Bereichen ein hoch entwickeltes räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen voraus (CT-Bilder, Computergraphik,…). Das rasche Erfassen von räumlichen Gegebenheiten ist in vielen Situationen nahezu lebensnotwendig (Straßenverkehr,…).
Im ersten Lernjahr setzen wir daher diesbezüglich viele Schwerpunkte. Wir beschäftigen uns mit speziellen Raumvorstellungs- und Rissleseübungen. Anhand von vielen Beispielen „übersetzen“ wir räumliche Objekte mittels Freihandskizzen in Bilder. Wir stellen ein und dasselbe Objekt in verschiedenen Rissen dar und beurteilen dabei die Bildwirkung. Außerdem beschäftigen wir uns mit der Schattenkonstruktion ebenflächig begrenzter Objekte. Die Abbildung von Kugeln und Kegelteilen rundet diesen Kurs ab. Ca. ein Drittel des Kurses wird mit einem leicht verständlichen geometrischen Computerprogramm gearbeitet, welches die Umsetzung der Inhalte unterstützt. (Es sind dazu aber keine Vorkenntnisse aus Informatik erforderlich.) Students who take this course must take Descriptive Geometry II the following year. DEG107280A
Descriptive Geometry II
In diesem Kurs werden wir dreidimensionale Objekte hinsichtlich ihrer Formen, Strukturen und geometrischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten analysieren und durch die zur Festlegung notwendigen Parameter beschreiben. Dies bildet die Grundlage für die konstruktive Erfassung und die 3D-Modellierung von Raumobjekten. Wir werden dabei vorwiegend mit gekrümmten Objekten bestehend aus Kugel-, Zylinder- und Kegelteilen arbeiten, wobei die Schwerpunkte in den Bereichen Architektur, Bauwesen und Technik liegen. Speziell werden wir uns mit ebenen Schnitten und Durchdringungen zweier gekrümmter Flächen beschäftigen. Wir werden auch das Abbildungsverfahren der Perspektive kennen lernen und es zur Darstellung von Objekten aus unserer Umwelt verwenden. Ein Kapitel über Drehflächen und Regelflächen im Bereich der Architektur rundet den Kurs ab. Auch in diesem Kurs werden wir einige Kapitel und Projekte mit Unterstützung geeigneter 3D-CAD-Software durchzuführen. For students who are currently taking Descriptive Geometry I. English (E)
Business English
English is the language of the international business world, a world you may well be part of in a few years´ time. As a multilingual member of an international business concern you will have to be able to negotiate with your business partners on the telephone, face to face and in writing, give presentations and talks, entertain and socialize, and you will have to know the most appropriate ways of expressing yourself in English in all these situations. You can find out how to do this and put in lots of practice in this course. ENG105240A
The Other Side of the Story
In this course we are going to read works and excerpts by well-known women writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. The main focus will be on modern and contemporary women writers. We will identify the main themes and strategies of feminist narratives and see how these writers experience mainstream culture, society and literary tradition.
Narrative Writing Workshop
Do you enjoy creating characters, putting words in their mouths, having them interact with other characters, bringing them to life on the page? Do you enjoy thinking up an original story-line, maybe one with a twist at the end to surprise the reader? Are you prepared to put some effort into revising and editing your writing to produce your best possible piece of work? This course will take the form of a workshop in which you can practise various aspects of narrative writing with the benefit of individual help, expanding your vocabulary and improving your language skills at the same time. We will collate our best work and the Yearbook will not be short of a good story or two! ENG106140A
Scandals in Literature
What do The Catcher in the Rye, Lady Chatterly’s Lover and A Clockwork Orange have in common?They have all been banned at some time in their printed life.
Many classics of world literature were regarded as scandalous when they were first published, but have in the meantime become famous and highly appreciated books. In this course we are going to read examples of once banned novels and analyse the reasons why they were banned. Books have been banned or challenged for several reasons. They have been called obscene, immoral, disturbing or subversive. Let’s see if any of these accusations are true.
We will analyse the emotional, social and historical dimensions of song lyrics using popular songs of the last few decades as our sources. The course will offer scope for both background studies and personal interpretation of song lyrics. Studying the song lyrics will trigger off a creative writing process resulting in a narrative closely related to your chosen song. An oral presentation of an analysis of a song will be another aspect of the course. We will cover such topics as English-speaking countries and / or cities, crime, love and emotions, protest songs and historical eras / incidents.
Politics in Fiction
'The painter paints, the musician makes music, the novelist writes novels. But I believe that we all have some influence, not because of the fact that one is an artist, but because we are citizens. As citizens, we all have an obligation to intervene and become involved, it's the citizen who changes things. I can't imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement. (Portuguese novelist Jose Saramago) From Isabel Allende to George Orwell and from Shakespeare to Sartre, literary works have often engaged political issues, and many political writings give close attention to literary concerns. In this course we will discuss the question if literature should be political or if the label “political” makes a play, a novel or poem unreadable. Should poets speak out on the politics that shape our lives or should the pen sleep? Can Philip Roth's "Plot Against America" be interpreted as an allegory of the current White House?Furthermore we will investigate what political literature can teach us. Maybe reading is the best way to come to an understanding of human beings and the way they act and feel. Maybe "Lord of the Flies" can provide us with an answer what may happen to a society in the absence of rules and order. Or "1984" explain totalitarianism? Finally we will also examine whether authors have got something to say about the conflicts we now face or fear, e.g. terrorism.
Murder, Madness and Mayhem in English and American Literature
Mad, mental or merely maltreated? Strange, sick or simply sad? Daft, dangerous or delightfully different? Many novels, short stories and plays feature characters who do not fit in with their surroundings, who appear to be mad or bad. But are they really, and if so, why? We will study some of these characters and the often bizarre situations they find themselves in and discuss who or what is to blame for their predicament.
French (E)
Préparation au DELF
Qu’est-ce que je sais dire et faire en français ? Comment valoriser et faire reconnaître mes compétences en français pour mes études ou ma future vie professionnelle ? Ce cours vous prépare à passer le DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes de Langue Française) qui est un diplôme officiel délivré par le ministère français de l'Education nationale pour certifier les compétences en français des candidats étrangers. C’est un examen reconnu internationalement qui permet l’accès aux universités françaises et francophones. L’examen a lieu à l’Institut culturel franco-autrichien à Graz. Dans ce cours vous améliorerez vos compétences à l’écrit et à l’oral et vous développerez des stratégies de compréhension et de production langagière pour vous aider à réussir à cet examen.
L’inscription au DELF est payante, mais l’association des parents de GIBS prend en charge la moitié des frais d’inscription.
Donnerer, Rieger,

Cinéma et société
Le cinéma, c’est la vie. Pas toujours, d’accord ! Mais souvent le cinéma reflète les bonheurs ou les problèmes d’une société. Dans ce cours nous vous proposons un petit voyage dans la société française, son histoire, ses caractéristiques, ses héros, comme ses anti-héros, à partir d’extraits de films.
Donnerer, Rieger,

La Tchatche
Parler, discuter, jouer et faire peut-être un peu de théâtre, mais en français ! Parler de la vie de tous les jours, de ce qui vous intéresse, discuter de ce qui vous touche, tout cela est au programme de ce cours pour vous permettre de « tchatcher », c’est à dire de parler librement en français.
Voyage interculturel - Cinéma, Histoire et Culture du Maghreb
On regarde, on écoute, on discute et on apprend! Le bleu de la mer, la culture arabe, l' odeur du couscous et du thé à la menthe traceront notre chemin dans des pays où l' Occident et l' Orient se touchent. Dans ce cours tu as la possibilité de t' approcher des pays du Maghreb, du Maroc, de l' Algérie et de la Tunisie à l`aide des films actuels , de la musique orientale. Tu peux aussi approfondir tes connaissances en Islam et en danse orientale.
La cuisine va accompagner la découverte de la culture de nos voisins sur l' autre rive de la Méditerannée, proche de la France et en même temps du désert du Sahara.
Excursion d'étude possible. La diversité est une richesse! FRE105440A
BILAN PLANÈTE/ L’ ESSENTIEL des Relations Internationales
Focus sur les relations internationales ; Diplomatie et affaires stratégiques, Géopolitique de la Méditerranée, les enjeux stratégiques de la France dans l`Union Européenne et la Chine-Afrique, Acteurs et initiatives. Climat, énergies renouvelables, sécurité alimentaire.
En intégrant les informations d‟Arte, de France 2 et France 3, de Jeune Afrique et d‟autres sources internationales tu es invité(e) à analyser, commenter et discuter des documents actuels , des sujets stratégiques de la géopolitique, de l‟environnement , de l‟économie et du développement durable dans le but d‟approfondir et d‟enrichir tes connaissances.
Vivre à la française
C’est quoi la vie « à la française » ? Bien manger ? Bien s’habiller ? Comment est-ce qu’on vit en France ? Qu’est-ce qui rythme la vie (les fêtes, les moments forts d’une année, …)? Qu’est-ce qu’on écoute comme musique ? Qu’est-ce qu’on cuisine et comment? Qui sont les stars dont tout le monde parle ? Et est-ce que c’est la même chose dans toutes les régions ? Ce cours va vous emmener faire un petit voyage dans les régions françaises à la découverte de leurs coutumes et de leurs plats (oui, on va aussi faire la cuisine !), il va vous faire découvrir, à travers la télévision, la musique et les journaux, ce qui influence et conditionne la vie en France aujourd’hui. Est-ce qu’on peut vraiment vivre wie Gott in Frankreich (« vivre comme un coq en pâte ») ? Ce sera à vous de décider ! FRE106410A
Schatz, Hofer, Rieger
Mater Latina and her daughters (CC with Spanish and Latin)
Buon giorno. Parla inglese? – No, mi dispiace, ma non lo parlo. – Non far niente. Riesco a capirla. Easy to understand – if you know Latin, Spanish, French. This course will allow you to get a deeper insight into the family relations of European languages. Not only is Latin the “mother” of the Romance Languages, it also had a great influence on English and German. Explore the history of words (etymology), learn about the laws working within some of the Romance Languages (basic linguistics, morphology) and focus on foreign loan words and their change in meaning (basic semantics). A taste of Italian is included. Open to all students of years 6 + 7.
Cross-curricular course Latin (2 credits) - Spanish (1 credit) - French (1 credit). Must be booked together with LAT106420A and SPA106410A. FRE108180A
Radl, Thurner, Donnerer
Mosaïques: une société sous influences
Dans ce cours tu peux approfondir à l’aide des documents récents tes connaissances en tendances françaises – société pluraliste et multiculturelle, culture, chansons, auteurs et chanteurs contemporains, la France dans le monde méditerranéen et francophone. A l’aide de documents vidéo et audio ou de journaux tu t’entraînes et tu améliores tes compétences de compréhension et d’expression (orale et écrite).
Pour que les petites pierres de la mosaïque forment une image complète! Geography (E)
Görög, Hermann
The United States of Europe (EU)
The United States of Europe - dream or reality? Let´s find out about the future of Europe. This course will give you an insight into the hot issues discussed in the EU. * Enlargement: Where does Europe end? Is Turkey part of Europe or just the American candidate? * Organisations: How will the EU work in the year 2020? Will it still be as complicated or more people-friendly? Will Europe have one president for all member states? * EU Projects in Austria: Which projects are actually funded in Graz, Styria and Austria? How much money is really involved? * Strasbourg: A trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg will be part of this course.
Görög, Hermann, Kozak,

World Geography / World Politics (CC with History)
“America at War”, “Intifadeh in Gaza“, “Osama bin Laden….“ Let´sunderstand current events in the context of geography. Let´s find out aboutthe world around us. This course will systematically explore the resources,people and interactions of different regions focusing on current topics. At theend of the course you should know and understand how economic, politicaland social processes shape patterns of human population, cooperation andconflict. You have to book this course together with World Politics inorder to get a complete understanding of current world events. This would bea suitable combination for a cross-curricular topic at the Matura.
Cross-curricular course Geography - History (2 credits each). Must be booked together with HIS105220A. GEO105340A
Görög, Hermann - a young state in the european union
Let´s go and discover our neighbouring country Slovenia without any border control only 60 km from Graz. How has being a member of the European Union changed the life of the people, the economy and the infrastructure there? Outings to Maribor/Slovenia are planned to get a deeper insight view of this country.
Görög, Knasar
How to Plan a Project … Theory and Practical Work in Project
Would you like to know how today’s business world works as well as how tobe successful in delivering results on time and within the budget you have?This course will both explain the theoretical framework of project management (such as starting a project, e.g.: your Matura ball, problem solving, coordinating, motivating a team etc.), as well as give you the opportunity to do your own practical work-like planning and carrying out a real project such as the graduation ceremony for our year 8 students.
There will be the option to get an official certificate by Project Management Austria. ( GEO106340A
Görög, Hermann
Disaster! Natural or Human-induced?
This course will take us on a journey around the world. We are going to look at recent examples of places struck by different kinds of disasters, for example hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, floods, avalanches, earthquakes, drought, forest fire. What were they caused by? Are they purely natural or can man be blamed for them?Later we are going to concentrate on the following questions: Does knowledge of the causes of disasters help to prevent them or their worst effects? Why do places frequently hit by disasters still attract so many people? Again, we will work on topical examples if possible.
Görög, Hermann
Advanced Economics
“Economic Growth is Slowing”, “ Labour Market Still Weak”, “US Labour Cost Growth Decreases” Not only the basic concepts of Economics will be taught in this course but also more detailed information for those who are interested in understanding the economic pages of business papers and in taking part in discussions on current economic issues.
Görög, Hermann
Latin America
From the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego – from slums (favellas) to megacities - we are going to explore a continent full of contrasts. From the snow-covered peaks of the Andes to the humid rain forests of the Amazon, from Castro’s centrally governed Cuba to the market-orientated metropolitan areas of SE Brazil… There is a wide variety of topics for you to choose from.
Suitable for cross-curricular Geography/Spanish at Matura German (E)
Rhetorik und Präsentation
Wie entwickle ich meine persönlichen Stärken in der Kommunikation? Wie bereite ich mich auf freies Reden vor und bringe meine Argumente überzeugend zum Ausdruck? Wie gestalte ich eine erfolgreiche Präsentation? Was hilft gegen Lampenfieber, „Killerfragen“ aus dem Publikum, Blackout? Mittels Videoanalyse und vielen praktischen Übungen erarbeiten wir Strategien für eine gelungene Präsentation. Anhand bekannter historischer und aktueller Reden untersuchen wir weiters welche rhetorischen Kunstgriffe eine faszinierende rednerische Ausstrahlung bewirken können. Worin liegt dabei der Unterschied zwischen Überzeugung und Manipulation? Was können wir von erfolgreichen Rednern lernen? GER105240A
Man muss nur Augen und Ohren dafür haben
Wie wird man AutorIn? Wie entsteht ein Stück? Wie bringt man es auf die Bühne? Ein Blick vor und hinter die Kulissen. - Ein Streifzug durch das Theaterleben in Graz, der heimlichen Theaterhauptstadt Österreichs, führt uns von den Vereinigten Bühnen bis zu den sogenannten Alternativtheatern der Stadt. Am Programm stehen regelmäßige Theaterbesuche, die im Kurs vor- und nachbereitet und durch Begegnungen mit SchauspielerInnen, RegisseurInnen, DramaturgInnen und AutorInnen ergänzt werden.
Was ZUR ZEIT geschrieben wird
Von sogenannten „Mega-Bestsellern“, jungen AutorInnen als „Shooting Stars“, von „Pop-Literatur“ ist die Rede, über Literatur als Ware einerseits und Avantgarde und Innovation andererseits wird gesprochen. – Die gegenwärtige Literaturszene stellt vielfach ein Abbild unserer Gesellschaft dar, das – so wie die Gesellschaft selbst – vielfältiger nicht sein könnte. In diesem Kurs wird auf einige der gegenwärtigen Strömungen eingegangen und wir werden uns (exemplarisch) mit Werken auseinandersetzen, die für diese Tendenzen typisch sind.
German Teacher +
Kozak, Pfistermüller-

Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust - Gedächtnis und Gegenwart (CC
with History)
Erinnerungskultur, Schuldgefühl, Opferrolle, Historisierung, Verdrängung. Der Umgang mit der NS-Vergangenheit in Österreich und Deutschland ist teilweise immer noch problematisch, aber immer noch aktuell. Der Kurs wird sich mit den politisch-historischen Aspekten (Kompensationszahlungen, Rückführung von arisiertem Besitz, Ulrichsbergtreffen etc.) und mit der literarischen Aufarbeitung (zeitgenössische österreichische/deutsche Literatur und Filme) auseinandersetzen. Der theoretische Teil des Kurses wird durch den Besuch der Grazer Synagoge, der Gedenkstätte Mauthausen sowie aktueller Ausstellungen ergänzt. Beurteilung: Aktive Mitarbeit im Kurs, Gruppenarbeit und Präsentation, Überprüfung des historischen und literarischen Grundlagenwissens. Cross-curricular course German - History (2 credits each). Must be booked together with HIS105520A. GER105620A
Speer + Knasar
Die Macht der Schlagzeile
Die Macht der Schlagzeile oder: Die Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit – Zeitungen! In dem Kurs werden wir der Frage nachgehen, wie eine „Story“ ihren Weg zu den LeserInnen findet. Wir werden uns selbst auf die Suche nach „Stories“ begeben und Möglichkeiten erarbeiten, diese aufzubereiten. Mit verschiedenen journalistischen Darstellungsformen werden wir uns beschäftigen und an konkreten Beispielen entscheiden, wann etwa Fakten gefragt sind und wann Meinungen. PCs und unterschiedlichste Software bieten eine breite Palette von Möglichkeiten, eine Nachricht attraktiv zu verpacken, um sie so auch äußerlich möglichst interessant für die LeserInnen zu machen. – Wir werden sie kennen lernen und damit arbeiten! Cross-curricular course German - Computing (2 credits each). Must be booked together with COM105620A. GER106140A
Werbewelten - Sprachwelten
Genau abgestimmte Mini-Geschichten, die Millionen kosten? Kleine Verführer, die lustig sind, über die man spricht? Sprache als „typisch männliches“ Element der Machtausübung? In diesem Kurs wirfst du einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Werbung. Es geht um die geschickte Sprachverwendung, um Bild- und Toneinsatz, um Werbestrategien und um das Rollenbild Mann-Frau.
Wir untersuchen die Sprache als Kommunikationsmittel, als Werkzeug der Information und Manipulation. Material: ausgewählte Werbungen in Zeitungen, Radio und Fernsehen sowie Plakatwerbungen GER106240A
Verwirrung der Gefühle - Verwirrende Gefühle: Liebe und Sexualität in
der Literatur
Es gibt sie, die AutorInnen, die über Liebe schreiben können, ohne dass es kitschig klingt, und die sich Sexualität zum Thema ihrer Werke machen, ohne dabei Tabus zu verletzen! – Wer sie sind und wie ihnen das gelingt, werden wir in diesem Kurs erfahren. Wir werden aber auch sehen, was passiert, wenn die Grenzen zum Kitsch – bewusst oder unbewusst – überschritten und Tabus – bewusst oder unbewusst – gebrochen werden.
In den Schreibfluss eintauchen.
Du schreibst gerne? In dieser „Werkstatt“ sind nicht Erwartungen anderer zu erfüllen. Hier hast du die Freiheit zu fabulieren, zu dichten und zu parodieren sowie mit Textsorten und Schreibstilen zu experimentieren. Du kannst aus deinen Entwürfen lesen, anderen zuhören, Rückmeldungen entgegennehmen, feedback geben, mit Gästen diskutieren und an deinen eigenen Texten feilen.
Du wirst mit anderen schreibend ins Gespräch kommen, Mut gewinnen dich auszudrücken, einen Gedanken festzuhalten und schließlich deine persönliche Schreibweise entwickeln.
Was dabei herauskommt, bestimmst du: assoziative Texte, Gedichte, Erzählungen, Textcollagen, und vielleicht sogar eine Publikumsbegegnung oder Veröffentlichung deiner besten Werke. Wenn du mehr darüber wissen willst - schlag nach in der ersten Ausgabe von „Eingetaucht“! GER106440A
Skandal & Krawall: Literaturskandale und politische Aufreger in der
Die Literaturgeschichte ist oft auch eine Skandalgeschichte. Wer sich in der deutschen Literatur wann auf welche Weise gegen wen aufgelehnt hat, werden wir in diesem Kurs erfahren. Dazu lesen wir nicht nur Texte, die als „Aufsehen erregendes, schockierendes Vorkommnis“ empfundenwurden und werden, sondern wir beschäftigen uns auch mit AutorInnen aus verschiedenen Epochen, die über Auflehnung, Terrorismus und gegen „die da oben“ schreiben. Wir gehen außerdem den moralischen Normvorstellungen der jeweiligen Zeit und Gesellschaft nach.
Was für ein Text muss das sein, der erst Jahrzehnte nach seiner Entstehung aufgeführt oder verkauft werden darf? Gibt es überhaupt konstante Tabus,Schocker und ewig Skandalöses? Was sagt die Reaktion „des gesunden Volksempfindens“ über die Grenzen der Gesellschaft aus? Welche Konsequenzen hatten die AutorInnen zu tragen, die sich mit politischem Protest und Terrorismus befassten? GER106540A
Filme im Kopf
Wir filmen jeden Tag freilich, ohne uns dessen bewusst zu sein und ohne einen wirklichen Film zu drehen. Und doch haben wir in unserem Kopf unzählige kleine und große Filme gespeichert und fortwährend denken wir uns neue aus.
In jeder Kunst gibt es ein Material, einen Rohstoff, und eine dieser Kunst eigene Methode der Komposition des Materials. In diesem Kurs beschäftigen wir uns mit der Frage, welches Material einem Filmregisseur zur Verfügung steht und welche Methoden es zu seiner Komposition gibt. Wir hinterfragen die häufig herrschende Einstellung gegenüber Literaturverfilmungen („Das Buch war aber viel besser.“), analysieren Filme und werfen einen Blick auf die historische Entwicklung des Films.
Anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen werden wir untersuchen, wie Literatur der Gesellschaft einen Spiegel vorzuhalten versucht und wie die AutorInnen die Gesellschaft abbilden, belehren, läutern, kritisieren, provozieren oder gar zum Handeln zwingen wollen.
Wir Außenseiter
Sonderlinge, Rebellen, Verräter, Schelme, Hochstapler, Teufelsbündner, Narren: „Schräge Vögel“ haben einen festen Platz in der Literatur – als HeldInnen wie auch als AutorInnen. Vielleicht lesen wir nur deshalb so oft und so gerne über sie und von ihnen, weil wir uns in ihnen wiedererkennen. Erforsche einige literarische Außenseiter. In welchem Sinne sind sie uns ähnlich? Was macht sie so besonders? In den Stunden wird gelesen, reflektiert und diskutiert (wenn möglich auch mit AutorInnen) sowie in Gruppen an Kleinprojekten gearbeitet. History (E)
Görög, Hermann, Kozak,

World Geography / Word Politics (CC with Geography)
Understanding current events in the context of history is the aim of thiscourse. We will systematically explore countries and their history and the waypeople act/react in response to historical adversaries and sympathies.
What does Jerusalem mean to both the Palestinians and Israelis and why isthere so much terror in Palestine? Why was it so ground-breaking whenBruno Kreisky shook hands with Yassir Arafat? Will the 25 million Kurds everhave their own state? What is going on in China, the state with a population of1.3 billion? Further topics to be included in our analysis cannot be named asyet: it will depend on what‟s in the news in 2010.
Cross-curricular course Geography - History (2 credits each). Must be booked together with GEO105220A. HIS105440A
Kozak, Pfistermüller-

Who, what, where, when, why? - Historical biographies
Who, what, where, when, why: An introduction into the modern world.
We all know about Nazi Germany and World War II or the fall of Communismin Eastern Europe. But we often don‟t see the worldwide implications of suchhistorical events.
This course is meant as an introduction into the political history of the 20thand 21st century. What do all these terms that end with –ism (e.g. Fascism,Maoism) mean? Are they still relevant today? We will also hear about thepeople who wrote history such as Nelson Mandela, Ayatollah Khomeini orFrida Khalo. Who were the heroes, who the villains?And finally we will look at current events in today´s world and the politicalchallenges we face such as migration or nationalist conflicts.
German Teacher +
Kozak, Pfistermüller-

Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust - Gedächtnis und Gegenwart (CC
with German)
Erinnerungskultur, Schuldgefühl, Opferrolle, Historisierung, Verdrängung.
Der Umgang mit der NS-Vergangenheit in Österreich und Deutschland istteilweise immer noch problematisch, aber immer noch aktuell. Der Kurs wirdsich mit den politisch-historischen Aspekten (Kompensationszahlungen,Rückführung von arisiertem Besitz, Das „dritte“ Lager etc.) und mit derliterarischen Aufarbeitung (zeitgenössische österreichische/deutsche Literaturund Filme) auseinandersetzen. Der theoretische Teil des Kurses wird durchden Besuch von Vorträgen, der Gedenkstätte Mauthausen sowieaktueller Ausstellungen ergänzt. Beurteilung: Aktive Mitarbeit im Kurs,Gruppenarbeit und Präsentation, Überprüfung des historischen undliterarischen Grundlagenwissens.
Cross-curricular course German - History (2 credits each). Must be booked together with GER105520A. HIS105640A
Kozak, Engel
Immigration and the Media in Austria
This course examines immigration, minority communities, and the role of religion, such as Islam, in Austrian society. In particular we will be looking at how both traditional and digital media shape our understanding of these issues. We will be looking at what and how ideas are communicated, the uses of stereotypes, the omitted and untold stories of people like Arigona Zogaj, and alternative perspectives. Students will then produce their own media projects (a video, slideshow, radio program or blog) which will be posted on the Internet for feedback. Since many of you will be able to vote in the next election, you should be able to articulate your views on immigration problems.
Upon completion of this course you should be able to:-- understand some of the elements of visual and audio communication.
-- assess bias, stereotypes and information sources in the media.
-- understand how media construct meaning and frame issues.
-- critically evaluate a website.
-- use search engines effectively.
-- have an historical and cultural understanding of minorities in Austria.
-- appreciate different cultural perspectives to immigration issues.
-- think about and propose solutions to immigration problems.
-- produce your own video, slideshow or audio production.
-- know how to post your productions and comments on the Internet.
Kozak, Pfistermüller-

Political Studies - Understanding Politics
You don´t care about politics because you don´t vote although you are alreadyallowed to vote. In your opinion politicians are greedy for power and moneyand only work in their own interests. You believe that it doesn´t matter who iselected because politicians only do what they want anyway.
Hopefully some of your misconceptions about politics and politicians can becorrected in the first part of this course, because now it is time to work onyour political awareness. Our topics will cover forms of government, politicaldecision-making, democracies and how they work as well as serious andfunny episodes from political life. You are allowed to vote, so it is hightime you knew your political rights. Later we will deal with differentconstitutional models (e.g. USA, Austria, Iran), include current politicalevents in our discussion and deal with issues like political extremism.
We will also meet with politicians at local and state level and discuss currentevents and general political topics and visit the Austrian parliament in Vienna.
Connections – History in film, music and literature
After six years of history at school there might still be things you would like to know. You might wonder what issues were perhaps relevant in between “important” events. This course is designed to bridge the gaps and create a complete picture out of the jigsaw puzzle you have in your mind. However, history is more than names of politicians, places where declarations were signed, dates of battles and facts and figures that we deal with and – after some time – most likely forget. What remains in our minds are the things that have touched us emotionally, often through music, poetry, films or novels.
In addition to bridging the gaps we will analyse how events like the St. Bartholemew’s Night massacre are portrayed in films or how different the effects of modern terrorism can be interpreted by different filmmakers (“Munich”) and explore early American history in connection to Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”.
Latin (E)
Carpe diem…. Mens sana in corpore sano…. et al.: Anecdotes and
famous Latin quotes in context
Omnis cursus eligendus (qui nostra lingua “elective course” appellatur) est divisus in partes duas, quarum una est de clarissimis sententiis Latine compositis, in altera autem narratiunculas (vel fabulas breves de hominibus illustribus scriptas) legimus.
Venite, videte, vincite. Orate et laborate. Et cetera.
Schatz, Conrad
Eudaimonia - Happiness (CC with Philosophy)
All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! (B. Russell)A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth. (G.B. Shaw)The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet (J. Oppenheim) What is it that makes life worth living? Starting with ancient philosophers we will explore different approaches towards the meaning of life and find out if any of them are valid for us today.
Cross-curricular course Latin - Psychology (2 credits each). Must be booked together with PUP105420A. LAT106420A
Schatz, Hofer, Rieger
Mater Latina and her daughters (CC with Spanish and French)
Buon giorno. Parla inglese? – No, mi dispiace, ma non lo parlo. – Non far niente. Riesco a capirla.
Easy to understand – if you know Latin, Spanish, French. This course will allow you to get a deeper insight into the family relations of European languages. Not only is Latin the “mother” of the Romance Languages, it also had a great influence on English and German.
Explore the history of words (etymology), learn about the laws working within some of the Romance Languages (basic linguistics, morphology) and focus on foreign loan words and their change in meaning (basic semantics). A taste of Italian is included.
Cross-curricular course Latin (2 credits) - Spanish (1 credit) - French (1 credit). Must be booked together with SPA106410A and FRE106410A. Mathematics (E)
Rathofer, Wetzlmair,

Fit for University?!
In this course we will try to put an emphasis on those aspects of maths that are necessary for studies of Economics (BWL) and most courses at the Technical University, but are not sufficiently or not at all covered in our type of school. The following topics will be dealt with in detail: sequences / series and the existence of limits, business math, matrices, equations and their solutions.
Lambauer, Rathofer
Descriptive Statistics and Two Dimensional Statistics
In the first part of this course you will learn how to collect and analyze data and how to make the computer do most of the work of analyzing it. We will focus on several ways data can be described in different kinds of graphs and how these graphs can be used to manipulate data. An important part of this course will be a project where you collect data (we can decide on the topics together) and analyze it using all the technical resources at your disposal. Having become familiar with statistical data, you will be looking at two pieces of data at the same time – working in two dimensions. When we start doing this, you will meet the bell curve, the curve that describes normally distributed variables. This curve will also be the basis for the second half of the course. You will learn to visualize available paired data and how to predict further data-pairs. We will calculate correlations, which are a measure for dependency. Finally, we will study a probability distribution that measures the independence between two random variables, like income and intelligence.
Conrad, Wetzlmair,

Logic: philosophical and mathematical aspects (CC with Philosophy)
Logic lies at the border between philosophy and mathematics. We will approach the subject from both sides to give you a good insight into the classical art of reasoning. Have you ever felt lost in a discussion? Somebody is saying something, you just know that the person's argument is not valid but you cannot precisely spot the flaws? Does it happen that people say there is a mistake in your reasoning? In philosophy, logic is the art of correct reasoning. By use of examples we will investigate the structure of arguments. You will learn how to state your opinion in a logical way and we will diagnose invalid or improper argumentation. Mathematics, in principle, is the formal language of logic and we can use it to analyze the structure of an argument and assess its formal validity. You will learn to express statements in compact symbolic form. We will also examine the validity of arguments by use of truth tables and deal with some forms of mathematical proofs.
Cross-curricular course Mathematics - Philosophy (2 credits each). Must be booked together with PUP106120A. MAT106240A
Rathofer, Wetzlmair
Business Maths
In this course we will be using and developing what we learned about series in the core corses of year 6. We will have two points of focus: different ways of saving / making money (‘Bausparverträge’, ‘Aktien’, ‘Fonds’) and what to do when you have no money. You need to buy a car but have no savings in your account: is it more sensible to take out a loan or to lease the car? You want to build a house and need a lot of money: what are the advantages / disadvantages of a foreign currency credit - how much do you actually pay back? MAT108160A
Rathofer, Wetzlmair,

Advanced Calculus & Optimization
Calculus (differentiation and integration) is a very powerful mathematical tool. You will learn some calculus in the core courses of Year 7 and Year 8, but there is room for further study. This course is based on the calculus of the core courses and points the way to some applications such as optimization or differential equations is physics. Also further integration techniques (partial integration, integration by substitution, partial fractions) will be taught.
Music (E)
Kootz, Murray
Advanced Choral Literature Studies
In this course you will learn to sing choral literature in various styles (jazz, pop/rock, gospel, folk, classical sacred and secular, musical, opera and operetta), covering several different historical eras. We will take an in-depth look at aspects of music and music history, such as melodic technique, harmony, texture, aesthetics etc., revealing how these aspects are exemplified in the choral works covered. We will also perform for the school if required.
We will listen to choirs and singers from each historical era and genre. Assessment will include a written exam, performances (either solo or in small groups) and concert attendance.
Can be booked again in successive years Philosophy (E)
Conrad, Wetzlmair,

Logic: philosophical and mathematical aspects (CC with Mathematics)
Logic lies at the border between philosophy and mathematics. We will approach the subject from both sides to give you a good insight into the classical art of reasoning. Have you ever felt lost in a discussion? Somebody is saying something, you just know that the person's argument is not valid but you cannot precisely spot the flaws? Does it happen that people say there is a mistake in your reasoning? In philosophy, logic is the art of correct reasoning. By use of examples we will investigate the structure of arguments. You will learn how to state your opinion in a logical way and we will diagnose invalid or improper argumentation. Mathematics, in principle, is the formal language of logic and we can use it to analyze the structure of an argument and assess its formal validity. You will learn to express statements in compact symbolic form. We will also examine the idea of a logical mathematical proof, a jewel of reasoning.
Cross-curricular course Mathematics - Philosophy (2 credits each). Must be booked together with MAT106120A. Physics (E)
Astronomy - Diving into the Universe
In this course we will go on a journey from our planet and its companion, the moon, via the other eight planets and the sun to the stars and the depths of the universe. You will hear about the development of the way people have viewed the universe, and you will learn about different types of stars and their life cycles. Eventually, after talking about the galaxies we will focus on the everything, the all-containing, the universe itself. A trip to the observatory and other outdoor observations are planned.
Einstein and the Theory of Relativity
In this course we will take a look at the fascinating personality of Albert Einstein. We will look at both his private life and his scientific achievements. We will follow him on his journey from Bern, where he worked out his scientific theories while working as an office clerk, to the USA, where he wrote his famous letter to President Roosevelt that triggered off the Manhatten Project (the program for the development of the nuclear bomb). We will look at the research that A. Einstein did in the course of his life, its foundations and its consequences.
Laboratory - Electricity, Electronics
Now it’s time for "hands on”. Using our new lab equipment, you will try out more experiments and further your knowledge of the direct current relations you studied in the core course. But direct current is not what you get out of a socket. So we will move on to the real thing, alternating current. We will investigate the characteristics of circuits under alternating current, which will lead us on to the electromagnetic wave (radio wave, mobile communication, TV signals). After dealing with AC we will look at semiconductors, which to some extent rule our world. No computer works without them, amplifiers use them, photovoltaics (the science of turning sunlight into electric energy) depends on them and that´s not all. After a theoretical introduction you will be experimenting with diodes and transistors, two typical electronic elements. PHY108180A
Quarks and Questions
Why do people do physics at all? What are the reasons for being reasonable about nature? We will start out by tackling questions that deal with the role of physics and its methods in our society. After that we will look at some fundamental models and methods that physics uses in its aim to understand nature. For the main part you will be introduced to the standard model, the theory that describes the fundamental particles of matter. We will talk about quarks and antimatter, the unification of all forces and new developments in scientific research, and have a look at the as yet unanswered questions in the basic natural science - physics.
Psychology (E)
Social Psychology
In this course you will have the chance to focus on various aspects of individual and group psychology. We will deal with the phenomenon of mass psychology and the readiness of people to obey authorities, which has been impressively demonstrated in the famous Milgram experiment. Other topics are love and attractiveness, the acquisition of gender roles and the development of attitudes and stereotypes. Choosing from a broad range of topics students will decide on the final contents of the course.
Optional supplement to the course "Outdoor Biology“ (Biology) PUP105240A
Psychology of the Exceptional
When someone displays behavior that is obviously different from the average, the person affected and the person’s environment have to find appropriate coping strategies. Overcoming discomfort, fear and other problems that arise in everyday life is a big challenge, especially for people in a state of instability. We will have a look at different forms and symptoms of psychological disorders and possible therapies and treatments. One important goal of the course is to create a better understanding and awareness of mental illnesses as medical conditions rather than personal traits.
Schatz, Conrad
Eudaimonia - Happiness (CC with Philosophy)
All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! (B. Russell)A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth. (G.B. Shaw)The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet (J. Oppenheim) What is it that makes life worth living? Starting with ancient philosophers we will explore different approaches towards the meaning of life and find out if any of them are valid for us today.
Open to all students of years 7 + 8 Cross-curricular course Latin - Psychology (2 credits each). Must be booked together with LAT105420A. PUP106240A
Applied Psychology
If we want to find out about humans and human behavior, and if we want to be able to predict human behavior, we have to use scientific research methods. In this course we will look at ways of finding out about human social life. We will have a look at different research methods commonly used in psychology and try them out. Our goal is to become familiar with a number of research methods used in psychology and to find out about their advantages and disadvantages.
Developmental Psychology
In this course you will have the chance to focus on various aspects of developmental psychology according to your personal interests. We will investigate human behavior from birth to puberty and adulthood. We can explore the development of thinking and social behavior, the main influences of upbringing (educational styles, abuse etc.) on the growing child as well as the consequences of separation and divorce. Another interesting area is the process of socialization, which includes dating and the sexual behavior of young adults. These are just a few examples of the wide variety of topics you can choose from.
Spanish (E)
Hofer, Ritter
Preparación para DELE
¡Ya has alcanzado el nivel!Completa tu CV con un diploma internacionalmente reconocido: el Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE). Demuestra tus conocimientos en el certificado “Nivel Inicial” (B1) o en el más avanzado “Nivel Intermedio” (B2).
Eres capaz de hacerlo – este curso te preparará.
Hofer, Ritter
¡Hablar como los españoles, utilizar gestos y exclamaciones, entender la lengua de los jóvenes y de la calle! Vamos a charlar en diálogos y discusiones, y vamos a trabajar con música y con materiales visuales (películas, fotos, etc.) del mundo hispano. SPA105320A
¡Abre los ojos! Descubre el cine del mundo hispano.
¿Conoces el humor negro del cine Almodóvar?¿Has visto alguna vez una peli de fantasía en español?¿Quiénes son Amenábar, Coixet, León e Iñarritu? En este curso recibirás entradas para una “visita guiada” por el cine hispano actual.
¡Verás y comentarás escenas que nunca olvidarás!Hablaremos al máximo, escribiremos poco. ¡A disfrutar y discutir! SPA106140A
Psilinakis, Ritter
¡Al habla!
Juegos de rol, escenas breves, diálogos espontáneos. ¡Aprende a reaccionar en situaciones diarias! ¡Utiliza la lengua coloquial de España, la lengua de la calle! Usaremos música y otros materiales audiovisuales como impulsos. Hablaremos mucho, escribiremos lo mínimo.
Schatz, Hofer, Rieger
Mater Latina and her daughters (CC with French and Latin)
Buon giorno. Parla inglese? – No, mi dispiace, ma non lo parlo. – Non far niente. Riesco a capirla. Easy to understand – if you know Latin, Spanish, French. This course will allow you to get a deeper insight into the family relations of European languages. Not only is Latin the “mother” of the Romance Languages, it also had a great influence on English and German. Explore the history of words (etymology), learn about the laws working within some of the Romance Languages (basic linguistics, morphology) and focus on foreign loan words and their change in meaning (basic semantics). A taste of Italian is included. Open to all students of years 6 + 7.
Cross-curricular course Latin (2 credits) - Spanish (1 credit) - French (1 credit). Must be booked together with LAT106420A and FRE106410A. SPA108180A
Hofer, Psilinakis
¡Seguiremos adelante! Trataremos temas actuales sociopolíticos y culturalesdel mundo hispano. La redacción de varios estilos de texto y lalectura de fragmentos de textos auténticos formarán parte de este curso. Nosfijaremos principalmente en la expresión ORAL (temas según los interesesdel grupo) en vista de la selectividad oral.
Hofer, Ritter
Español para latinos II (Spanish for Latin students)
Aprende más del mundo hispano, de la música y de las costumbres y tradiciones en España y Latinoamérica. Practica el español en situaciones diarias. ¿Ya sabes pedir una ensalada mixta o comprar una entrada al cine? ¿Ya sabes expresar tu opinión? ¡Adelante! SPX107180A
Hofer, Ritter
Español para latinos I (Spanish for Latin students)
¡Bienvenidos al mundo del español! Welcome to the Spanish-speaking world! Learn the basics of the Spanish language, how to communicate in everyday situations and get to know the cultural variety of over twenty Spanish-speaking countries!



Eine Auswahl schlafmedizinischer Veranstaltungen Postgraduate Course: PG5 Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Organised jointly by the Clinical physiology and integrative biology Assembly and the Paediatrics Assembly Aims: To provide a basic overview on obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Topics covered will include: epidemiology and risk factors, pathophysiology of OSA, polysomnography and c

Thyroid assessment.pdf

THYROID ASSESSMENT Hair tissue mineral analysis offers excellent information about thyroid activity and often very different information than blood tests. The hair assessment can be extremely helpful, especially in a common syndrome that one might call secondary hyperthyroidism. Most confusion arises because blood thyroid tests do not reveal much about thyroid physiology. Standard tests only

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