C l i n i c a l C a r e / E d u c a t i o n / N u t r i t i o n / P s y c h o s o c i a l R e s e a r c h O R I G I N A L Secondary Failure of Metformin Monotherapy in Clinical Practice ONATHAN B. BROWN, PHD, MPP
8% to define initial success and secondary
studies have examined the potential ben-efits of immediate versus delayed met-formin initiation used with a modern A1C
OBJECTIVE — We sought to document the secondary failure rate of metformin mono-
therapy in a clinical practice setting and to explore factors that predict therapeutic failure.
although metformin fails at a rate of ϳ4%per year in clinical trials (7), the failure
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — We studied 1,799 type 2 diabetic patients
rate in the real world of clinical practice
who, between 2004 and 2006, lowered their A1C to Ͻ7% after initiating metformin mono-
therapy as their first-ever anti-hyperglycemic drug. We examined all A1C values recorded
through 31 December 2008 (2–5 years of follow-up), defining secondary failure as a subsequent
A1C Ն7.5% or the addition or substitution of another anti-hyperglycemic agent. We usedlogistic regression to identify factors associated with the probability of secondary failure.
therapy experienced by unselected pa-tients in a nonresearch setting who had a
RESULTS — Of the 1,799 patients studied, 42% (n ϭ 748) experienced secondary failure; the
mean failure rate was 17% per year. However, patients who initiated metformin within 3 months
ering their A1C to Ͻ7% with metformin.
of diabetes diagnosis failed at an age-and A1C-adjusted rate of 12.2% (10.5–14.4%) per year, and
We then sought to identify factors associ-
patients who initiated while A1C was Ͻ7% failed at an adjusted rate of 12.3% per year. An
ated with slower loss of glycemic control.
interaction term between duration of diagnosed diabetes and A1C was not significant. Age,
duration, and A1C at initiation were the only factors that predicted secondary failure.
ducted within a managed care plan usingelectronic medical records with substan-
CONCLUSIONS — Although metformin failure may occur more rapidly in clinical practice
than in clinical trails, initiating it soon after diabetes diagnosis and while A1C is low mightpreserve -cell function, prolong the effectiveness of metformin, reduce lifetime glycemic bur-
cluding built-in alerts for A1C testing.
den, and prevent diabetes complications. Our findings support the current treatment algorithmfor hyperglycemia management that recommends metformin initiation when diabetes is first
RESEARCH DESIGN AND Diabetes Care 33:501–506, 2010
Study siteKaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW) is
TheDiabetesPreventionProgramand Association for the Study of Diabetes anonprofitgroup-modelHMOthatpro-
therapy can slow the deterioration of gly-
rently with lifestyle intervention at di-
uses electronic health care utilization data
to track and facilitate operations. An elec-
progression to diabetes. This suggests that
tronic medical record, in use since 1996,
initiation of metformin as soon as diabetes
allows the attending clinician to record as
many as 20 International Classification of
trajectory of loss in insulin secretory ca-
perglycemia appears to improve the effec-
Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modifica-
pacity and glycemic control, delaying the
tiveness and durability of the therapy, but
tion (ICD-9-CM) coded diagnoses at each
in these studies, duration of diabetes (de-
ambulatory patient contact and up to nine
lay in initiation of therapy) did not predict
discharge diagnoses for inpatient hospital
the clinician at each contact. A single re-
choice, and they used an A1C cut point of
gional laboratory performs nearly allKPNW laboratory tests, and the results
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
From the 1Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Portland, Oregon; and 2Novo Nordisk, Seattle,
Corresponding author: Gregory A. Nichols, [email protected].
Received 18 September 2009 and accepted 19 December 2009. Published ahead of print at http://care.
diabetesjournals.org on 29 December 2009. DOI: 10.2337/dc09-1749.
2010 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be herebymarked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Secondary failure of metformin monotherapy Table 1—Characteristics of patients who did and did not experience secondary failure of metformin monotherapy after achieving A1C <7%
monotherapy as their first-ever anti-hyperglycemic drug between 1 January
KPNW members for at least 1 year beforetheir first metformin dispense. We ex-
months of therapy, defined as 1) receipt of
only a single metformin dispense, 2) re-
ceipt of less than a 90-day supply, or 3)
ary failure after initial success, we then
We defined secondary failure as 1) the ad-
hyperglycemic agent or 2) a subsequent
A1C Ն7.5%, a level slightly above the ac-
used this higher threshold to provide cer-
Data are means Ϯ SD or percent, unless otherwise indicated.
above 7.0% and to account for recentlypublished trials that report adverse effectsor no beneficial effects of glycemic control
potential covariate. Because the duration
of potential possession varied in our data
depending on time to failure or censoring,
period, a rate of 17.0% (15.8 –18.2%) per
definitions of failure (A1C Ͼ7.5% or ad-
ratio using person-specific denominators. P ϭ 0.008), longer duration of diabetes
before therapy (26.5 vs. 21.4 months, P Ͻ
to assess the independent contribution of
tiation (8.2 vs. 7.9%, P Ͻ 0.001) were
including medication possession ratio, to
the probability of experiencing secondary
failure. All candidate predictors were en-
months. Individuals who did not fail were
followed for a mean of 27.6 months (P Ͻ
those that were statistically significant
(P Ͻ 0.05) were retained in the final
blood pressure, lipid levels, and estimated
densities to estimate the secondary failure
the last values recorded on or before the
rate per 1,000 person-years but report the
index date. Average daily dose of the ini-
figures as percent per year to facilitate
stratified by baseline A1C, the secondary
tween diabetes diagnosis and the start of
failure rates were adjusted for age, sex,
supply. The analysis period for estimating
and duration of diabetes. When stratified
longer. Failure was less likely among in-
curred first. Patients who left the health
(P value for 2 of distribution Ͻ0.001).
plan were censored as of their termination
date. To control for different patterns of
RESULTS — Of the 1,799 patients
tients, we calculated a measure of adher-
ence, the medication possession ratio, as a
first-ever anti-hyperglycemic, 42% (n ϭ
Brown, Conner, and Nichols Table 2—Distribution of diabetes duration and A1C at metformin initiation and parsimonious logistic regression of the probability of secondary failure of metformin
failure (odds ratio 1.56, 95% CI 1.12–2.18), and patients who initiated 36 ormore months after diagnosis were more
than twice as likely to fail (2.20, 1.68 –
metformin initiation of 7–7.9, 8 – 8.9, and
1.54 –2.72) more likely to experience sec-
ondary failure, respectively, relative to
was not significant. The multivariable sta-
(c statistic ϭ 0.613) and adequate fit
(Hosmer-Lemeshow 2 ϭ 8.3, P ϭ
*P ϭ 0.008. †2 for distribution P Ͻ 0.001.
patients who initiated metformin within 3months of diabetes diagnosis each year,
was lower (P value for 2 of distribution
tients (Fig. 1). Patients who started met-
three of the 20 patient characteristics de-
dictors of the odds of secondary failure of
those who initiated in 4 –11 months were
Figure 1—Kaplan-Meier plot of secondary failure of metformin monotherapy by categories of duration of diabetes at metformin initiation adjustedfor age and A1C at initiation and the percent per year (95% CIs) experiencing secondary failure.
Secondary failure of metformin monotherapy
Figure 2—Kaplan-Meier plot of secondary failure of metformin monotherapy by categories of A1C at metformin initiation adjusted for age anddiabetes duration at initiation and the percent per year (95% CIs) experiencing secondary failure.CONCLUSIONS — In this observa-
tional cohort study of 1,799 patients who
related end point, microvascular disease,
myocardial infarction, and all-cause mor-
correlates to an A1C of ϳ8% (8), whereas
that initiating metformin within 3 months
of diabetes diagnosis was associated with
also included the addition or substitution
a substantial reduction in the odds of sec-
of other anti-hyperglycemic agents within
ondary loss of glycemic control. This re-
beneficial “legacy effect” in cardiovascular
sult is consistent with the hypothesis that
disease prevention. A recent joint state-
ment of trialists and scientific associations
-cell function and supports the current screened volunteers treated by research further supports this point of view (12). ADA/EASD hyperglycemia treatment al-
between real-world “effectiveness” stud-
formin initiation and preservation of gly-
formin therapy as soon as type 2 diabetes
ies and trials of clinical efficacy are not
therefore have significant health and eco-
secondary failure. Importantly, only sub-
jects with the shortest diabetes duration
gression (A1C Ն7% or initiation of ther-
fidence intervals among the other catego-
bidities did not affect this finding, nor did
analyses examining the two definitions of
other predictors including A1C at initia-
difference in the probability of failure.
tion, BMI, blood pressure, lipids, adher-
rate. However, it is important to note that
failure rate of 17%, substantially greater
Brown, Conner, and Nichols
tes mellitus by changes in lifestyle amongsubjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
sample, 780 (23%) patients either did not
refill their initial dispense, refilled sporad-
nents of tight glycemic control. Further-
Diabetes Prevention Programme (IDPP).
tiation. Another 709 patients were unable
cians wishing to optimize their patients’
metformin may be less tolerable, less ef-
typically requires ongoing therapeutic ad-
(16). As therapies lose their effectiveness,
long delays frequently result in substan-
lengthened effectiveness of the drug, pos-
sibly resulting from more effective preser-
ment of therapy: a consensus statement of
effectiveness requires therapeutic adher-
of Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009;32:193–203
thereby delaying the need for therapeutic
among all patients. This is likely due to
burden associated with its failure. Further
the study design, which limited the study
successful initial metformin therapy. Dia-
sample to patients who had initially suc-
analysis of secondary failure of successful
Acknowledgments — This research was
consistent with a previous study in which
funded by Novo Nordisk. G.A.N. and J.B.B.
received funding from Novo Nordisk to con-
duct the study reported in this article. By con-
Lachin JM, O’Neill MC, Zinman B, Viberti
greater odds of therapy intensification af-
tract, they were the final deciders regarding
the design and interpretation of the results. In
bility of rosiglitazone, metformin, or gly-
addition to Novo Nordisk, they have received
funding from other firms that manufacture
drugs marketed to treat diabetes, including
8. American Diabetes Association. Standards
of medical care in diabetes–2009. Diabetes
levels. If so, it would be expected that they
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, and
Novartis Pharmaceuticals. C.C. is an employee
9. Kent DM, Hayward RA. Limitations of ap-
of and holds stock in Novo Nordisk. No other
plying summary results of clinical trials to
potential conflicts of interest relevant to this
individual patients: the need for risk strat-
tients with longer duration of diabetes be-
This study was presented at the 69th Scien-
10. Pani LN, Nathan DM, Grant RW. Clinical
tific Sessions of the American Diabetes Associ-
in good control for much of that untreated
ation, New Orleans, Louisiana, 5–9 June
period, in which case their total time in
who initiated metformin immediately. References
Our objective was to assess the success of
metformin therapy in drug-naïve patients
intensive glucose control in type 2 diabe-tes. N Engl J Med 2008;359:1577–1589
Nathan DM, Diabetes Prevention Pro-gram Research Group: Reduction in the
12. Skyler JS, Bergenstal R, Bonow RO, Buse J,
incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle
2. Tuomilehto J, Lindstro¨m J, Eriksson JG,
Valle TT, Ha¨ma¨la¨inen H, Ilanne-Parikka
Secondary failure of metformin monotherapy
of cardiovascular events: implications of
RR. Glycemic control with diet, sulfonyl-
14. Bailey CJ, Turner RC. Metformin. N Engl
with type 2 diabetes mellitus: progressive
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