Successful Treatment of Recalcitrant Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria With Sulfasalazine Laura Y. McGirt, MD; Kavitha Vasagar, MS; Laura M. Gober, MD; Sarbjit S. Saini, MD; Lisa A. Beck, MDBackground: Antihistamines are the standard treat-
who required systemic steroids to control their urti-
ment for chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU). For pa-
caria, all were able to reduce or discontinue steroid use
tients whose urticaria is unresponsive to antihista-
during sulfasalazine therapy. Although 7 patients (37%)
mines, the treatment options are limited. During the
had adverse effects (eg, nausea, headache, mild or tran-
previous decade, there have been several case reports dem-
sient leukopenia, and transaminitis) that were thought
onstrating success with sulfasalazine therapy. In this ar-
to be caused by the use of sulfasalazine, they all kept tak-
ticle, we present a case series evaluating sulfasalazine
therapy for antihistamine-unresponsive CIU. Conclusions: This case series demonstrates that sul- Observations: Nineteen patients with antihistamine-
fasalazine can be a successful and safe treatment option
unresponsive CIU were treated with sulfasalazine be-
for patients with CIU who have not responded ad-
tween 2002 and 2005. During sulfasalazine therapy, 14
equately to treatment with antihistamines. Sulfasala-
patients (74%) reported significant improvement, 4 pa-
zine was steroid sparing in all subjects who were steroid
tients (21%) reported minimal improvement but were not
satisfied with their symptom relief, and 1 patient (5%)reported a worsening of symptoms. Of the 13 patients
CHRONICIDIOPATHICURTI- beinganinfectiousorautoimmuneori-
thought to play a role in the development
of CIU, but definitive proof is still lack-
ing. For example, Helicobacter pylori has
least 6 weeks, without an obvious cause.
been extensively studied as a possible caus-
The wheals usually resolve in less than 24
ative agent, specifically in reference to its
ability to cause formation of autoantibod-
ies through the immunogenicity of its cell
acute or chronic urticaria at some point in
envelope.8 Currently, there is conflicting
evidence in the literature as to an associa-
mately 0.5% lifetime prevalence of CIU in
tion between the eradication of H pylori
such as Candida albicans and Malesseziafurfur, have also been implicated.13,14
ies that have found that approximately 30%
90% of cases.5,6 The discomfort and nega-
Author Affiliations:
chronic urticaria, as well as the elusive
pathogenesis and the lack of satisfactory
the ␣ chain of the high-affinity IgE recep-
tor found on mast cells, basophils, and an-
pies, can be very frustrating for patients and
tigen-presenting cells have been isolated
health care providers. It has also been es-
from the serum of patients with CIU.18-20
timated that the disability suffered by those
is also supported by the association of CIU
Dr Beck is now with theDepartment of Dermatology,
tify the pathogenesis of this disease, with
12% to 19% of patients with CIU,21-23 with
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
of patients with CIU have thyroid autoantibodies com-
and antimicrosomal and antithyroglobin antibodies, was per-
pared with 6% of the general population.23,24
formed. A punch biopsy of an urticarial wheal was performed
Currently, antihistamines, which generally work by
to rule out other diagnoses such as urticarial vasculitis and to
alleviating the symptoms rather than enacting a cure, are
further characterize the urticaria as lymphocyte or neutrophil
the standard treatment for CIU.25,26 With the recent ad-
predominant. Patients were counseled on the potential ad-verse effects of sulfasalazine, including headache, photosensi-
vent of nonsedating or minimally sedating H1 receptor
tivity, gastrointestinal distress, liver and kidney abnormali-
antagonists, some patients with CIU have found relief from
ties, leukopenia, and reversible oligospermia. The sulfasalazine
symptoms without the adverse effect of excessive drowsi-
therapy was started at a dosage of 500 mg/d and increased by
ness. Unfortunately, there are those whose urticaria does
500 mg each week until a satisfactory clinical response was
not respond to treatment with antihistamines, with some
achieved or until a daily dose of 2 to 4 g/d was reached. Dur-
studies reporting a 5% to 12% failure rate with fexofena-
ing dose escalation, blood work was repeated weekly and then
dine hydrochloride therapy.27,28 For those individuals, H
every 3 months after the final dosage had been reached.
receptor antagonists, leukotriene antagonists, and sys-
Based on subjective reports, the patients were categorized
temic corticosteroids have also been used, with varying
into the following groups: significant or nonsignificant im-
degrees of success.29,30 The potential role of an autoim-
provement, no change, or worse with the use of sulfasalazine. Patients with significant improvement had at least a 50% re-
mune mechanism in at least some cases of CIU has led
duction of their urticaria according to a subjective report of re-
to the use of alternative therapies focusing on immuno-
sponse using either a symptom severity scale from 1 to 10 or a
modulation. For example, recent randomized trials have
report of symptom frequency. One of patients with significant
demonstrated the efficacy of cyclosporine.31,32 There have
improvement was classified as such based on the statement in
also been smaller, uncontrolled studies indicating a po-
his medical record that during sulfasalazine therapy his urti-
tential benefit from dapsone33 and hydroxychloro-
caria was “minimally symptomatic.” Nonsignificant improve-
quine,34 and additional case reports have shown prom-
ment included those who noted a minimal decrease in urti-
ise with other medications such as methotrexate35,36 and
caria but were not satisfied enough to continue taking
cyclophosphamide.37 Despite these advances, many per-
sulfasalazine. Anyone not classified as having significant im-
sons still suffer from therapy-resistant CIU. There is a
provement was considered a treatment failure. Patients gener-ally had a clinical response to sulfasalazine within 2 to 4 weeks
need for further investigation of immunoregulatory agents
but required a full 8-week course before being classified as a
with more benign adverse effect profiles that can effec-
tively reduce or eradicate the symptoms of urticaria anddecrease the need for systemic steroids.
Over the last decade, there have been sporadic case
reports demonstrating successful alleviation of symp-toms with the use of sulfasalazine.38-40 We present a re-
A computer search of the MEDLINE database (http://www.ncbi
view of the literature and a retrospective review of our was performed, as was a re-
own institutional experience with sulfasalazine for the
view of the reference section of each primary source. All cases
treatment of recalcitrant CIU. In 2 patients taking sul-
of chronic urticaria that were treated with sulfasalazine and de-
fasalazine, we also noted a functional change in the his-
scribed in the English-language medical literature between the
tamine-releasing capabilities of their basophils before and
years of 1966 and 2005 were identified.
after sulfasalazine treatment, a finding that coincided withclinical improvement (data not shown).
Nineteen patients from the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medi-cal Center were diagnosed as having CIU and started sul-fasalazine therapy between the years of 2002 and 2005. RETROSPECTIVE CHART REVIEW
Fifteen patients (79%) were female, and the mean ± SDage was 39 ± 3 years. The mean ± SD duration of CIU
We performed a retrospective medical chart review of 19 pa-
symptoms before the initiation of sulfasalazine therapy
tients diagnosed with CIU and subsequently treated with sul-
was 81 ± 25 months, with a median of 60 months. The
fasalazine at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Balti-more, Md, from 2002 to 2005. The study was approved by the
dosage ranged from 0.5 to 4 g/d, with a mean ± SD dose
institutional review board at the Johns Hopkins Medical Insti-
of 2 ± 0.16 g/d. Fourteen patients (74%) had a history of
tutions, Baltimore. The diagnosis of CIU was based on clinical
angioedema, and of the 16 patients with thyroid stud-
history and physical examination and was supported by skin
ies, 6 (38%) had evidence of thyroid autoimmunity
biopsy findings in 17 cases (89%). The remaining 2 patients
(Table 1). All 19 patients had tried at least 2 different
did not have any biopsy data on record and were diagnosed as
antihistamines (including sedating and nonsedating). Ac-
having CIU solely on their disease presentation. The follow-
cording to the patients’ reports, they had taken as much
ing information was obtained: disease duration, history of an-
antihistamine as they could tolerate (in terms of adverse
gioedema, presence of thyroid autoantibodies (antimicro-
effects) and still did not have adequate control of their
somal and antithyroglobin), thyroid function, dosage of
sulfasalazine therapy, subjective clinical response to sulfasala-zine therapy, adverse effects during sulfasalazine therapy, thera-
Fourteen patients (74%) reported significant improve-
pies for CIU used before and after sulfasalazine therapy, and
ment with the use of sulfasalazine. Four patients (21%)
skin biopsy findings. Before the initiation of sulfasalazine therapy,
reported nonsignificant improvement, and 1 patient (5%)
baseline blood work, including kidney and liver function tests,
felt that the urticaria worsened during sulfasalazine
a complete blood cell count, and determination of thyrotropin
therapy (Table 2). The average maximum dosage of
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Table 1. Individual Patient Demographics and Response to Sulfasalazine Therapy Duration of % Symptom Previous Systemic Systemic Duration Sulfasalazine Reduction or Steroids Before Steroids During Response to Sulfasalazine Therapy, Subjective Antihistamine Sulfasalazine Sulfasalazine Sulfasalazine Sulfasalazine Dose, g/d
(180 mg/d),hydroxyzine HCl(75 mg nightly)
(180 mg/d), cetirizineHCl (10 mg twice daily),hydroxyzine HCl(50 mg nightly)
(4 mg 3 times daily),cetirizine HCl(10 mg/d)
Abbreviations: approx, approximately; CIU, chronic idiopathic urticaria; ellipses, not applicable; HCl, hydrochloride.
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
the urticaria was seen in all patients after they took the
Table 2. Clinical Response to and Adverse Effects
sulfasalazine for anywhere from a few days to multiple
Associated With Sulfasalzine Therapy
weeks. The dosage of sulfasalazine therapy required forresponse ranged from 2 to 4 g/d, with a mean of 3.2 g/d. Variable
All subjects were able to stop using corticosteroids but did
require a maintenance dose of sulfasalazine (2-3 g/d). The
urticaria flared in 3 patients who attempted dose reduc-
tion below their maintenance dose. The mean follow-up
period was 9 months. No adverse effects were reported,
and 50% of the patients were reported to have undergone
routine blood work during the treatment. Two patients also
received folate supplementation (1 mg/d) during treat-
ment. In summary, these patients were reported to have
Adverse effects due to sulfasalazine therapy
complete clearance of their urticaria, were able to stop
(eg, headache, gastrointestinal complaints, leukopenia,and transaminitis) (n = 19)
taking systemic steroids, and had no reported adverse
sulfasalazine therapy was 1.8 g/d for those with signifi-
cant improvement and 2.6 g/d for those who failed treat-ment. Treatment failure was not associated with sex, eth-
Sulfasalazine is composed of a sulfapyridine covalently
nicity, duration of CIU symptoms, characteristics of the
linked to 5-aminosalicylic acid. The sulfa moiety is known
cellular infiltrate in the biopsy specimen, history of an-
to have antimicrobial properties, whereas the salicylate com-
gioedema, thyrotropin level, presence of antimicro-
ponent acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Despite our
somal or antithyroglobin antibodies, or previous ste-
knowledge of the structure and activity of sulfasalazine, we
have a poor understanding of how it produces therapeutic
Thirteen patients required intermittent or long-term
effects in disease. It has been used most extensively in the
daily treatment with systemic steroids before initiation
treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (ie, Crohn dis-
of sulfasalazine therapy for control of their urticaria. Of
ease and ulcerative colitis), and it also been used to treat
those patients, 9 did not require any steroid use during
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, and
treatment with sulfasalazine, and the other 4 were able
to reduce their dose of steroids 3- to 4-fold. One patient
We are reporting our use of sulfasalazine over the pre-
classified as a treatment failure did require steroids dur-
vious 3 years to treat 19 patients with CIU that was not
ing sulfasalazine therapy, whereas she had not required
adequately controlled with standard therapy. We classi-
fied 14 patients (74%) as having significant improve-
Six patients have been able to completely stop taking
ment with sulfasalazine therapy, and 6 of the patients were
all other urticaria medication, including antihistamines
able to stop taking all other medication for CIU. Five pa-
and systemic steroids. Two of the aforementioned pa-
tients (26%) were not satisfied with sulfasalazine and were
tients have tapered off sulfasalazine, and another has re-
considered treatment failures despite the fact that 4 of
duced her dosage of sulfasalazine by 50%, all without a
them did experience minimal improvement in symp-
recurrence of urticarial symptoms. Sulfasalzine therapy
toms. We also found that all 13 patients who had previ-
was tapered in the 3 others, and they developed in-
ously required systemic steroids for CIU control were able
creased urticaria, requiring a reinitiation of or an in-
to completely stop or reduce their steroid intake during
Adverse effects attributed to sulfasalazine use were re-
It is also worth noting that the patients in our study
ported by 7 patients (37%). They ranged from mild head-
had different demographics from those of previously de-
ache and gastrointestinal discomfort to mild leukopenia
scribed CIU populations. Our cohort had a greater female-
(white blood cell count, 3.7ϫ103/µL and 4.2ϫ103/µL) in
male ratio (4:1 vs 2:1)4 and an increase in thyroid auto-
2 patients and elevated liver enzyme levels (aspartate ami-
immunity (38% vs 14%-27%).23,24 Although we were
notransferase/alanine aminotransferase, 54/75 IU/L) in
unable to perform quality-of-life measurements owing to
1 patient. All of these patients were able to continue the
the retrospective nature of this study, it is likely that our
use of sulfasalazine, and the cases of leukopenia and el-
cohort represents a more severe form of the disease. All
evated liver enzyme levels resolved spontaneously or with
patients seen in clinic were referred for recalcitrant CIU,
as their urticaria had been inadequately controlled by an-
There have been a few small case reports in the litera-
tihistamines and other standard therapies. Also, more than
ture citing successful treatment of CIU with sulfasalazine
half of the patients (68%) had required systemic ste-
in 6 subjects (5 men and 1 woman; mean age, 39.6 years).
roids, and the mean CIU duration before the initiation
Three subjects were diagnosed as having CIU and 3 as hav-
of sulfasalazine therapy was 81 months. It is possible that
ing pressure-induced urticaria.38-40 All 6 subjects had been
being female and having evidence of thyroid autoimmu-
diagnosed as having urticaria that was refractory to stan-
nity may be associated with a more severe form of CIU,
dard antihistamine treatment, and all required treatment
as both females and thyroid autoimmunity were over-
with systemic steroids for control. Complete resolution of
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Our follow-up period ranged from a few months to 3
CIU may help to elucidate the mechanism of action ex-
years, and because of that we have extremely variable lon-
erted by sulfasalazine. Overall, there has not been enough
gitudinal data on our patients. We do know that 6 pa-
evidence to firmly establish a causal relationship be-
tients with significant improvement were able to taper
tween any infectious agent and CIU,47 but if there were
their sulfasalazine dosage. Two of the 6 patients were able
such a relationship, sulfasalazine might be able to re-
to stop taking all other urticaria medications and then
duce the urticaria, at least in part, through its antimicro-
successfully tapered off sulfasalazine therapy and have
bial properties. Interestingly, sulfasalazine has also been
been urticaria free for anywhere from 3 to 13 months.
effective in the treatment of other autoimmune diseases
Another 2 were able to taper off sulfasalazine and all other
such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel dis-
urticaria medication for 4 to 12 months but then devel-
ease. While we do not know whether our patients have
oped a recurrence. The last 2 patients tapered their dos-
an autoimmune basis for their urticaria, it is possible that
age of sulfasalazine therapy from 2 g/d to 1 g/d, and 1
sulfasalazine therapy is combating the autoimmune pro-
developed a mild increase in urticaria.
The dosage of sulfasalazine therapy for various in-
In addition to a potential autoimmune component
flammatory conditions has ranged widely from 2 to 6 g/d.
and/or infectious pathogenesis, basophils and mast cells
We initially set our maximum dose at 4 g/d, but after we
are thought to play a role in CIU. A recent publication
treated a number of patients, it became apparent that those
reports a difference in the FcεRI-signaling molecules in
without improvement at 2 g/d rarely improved at higher
basophils and mast cells of patients with CIU that may
doses. Also, adverse effects have been reported to occur
be critical for development of urticaria.48 In the 1990s,
with greater frequency at higher doses, so we rarely pre-
Lee and Kim49 demonstrated reduced histamine release
scribe a dose higher than 2 g/d. Of the patients who re-
in the peritoneal mast cells of rats, when treated with sul-
sponded, most started to see an improvement after a few
fasalazine. Similar studies on human mast cells and ba-
weeks, although some required closer to 1 month for any
sophils found the opposite, ie, that sulfasalazine en-
hanced IgE-induced histamine release.50,51 Interestingly,
Seven patients (37%) reported adverse effects from the
the metabolite of sulfasalazine, 5-aminosalicylic acid,
use of sulfasalazine, including gastrointestinal discom-
caused a reduction of IgE-induced release of histamine
fort, nausea, and mild headache, as well as leukopenia and
in human basophils and mast cells.50 Although it is un-
elevated liver enzyme levels. These complications have been
clear how this alteration in basophil and mast cell func-
reported previously, and all of the patients were able to con-
tion affects the presentation of CIU, we believe that it is
tinue taking sulfasalazine, although some reduced their dose
possible that the clinical improvement seen with sul-
from 2 g/d to 1.5 g/d. Also, the abnormal liver enzyme lev-
fasalazine therapy may be associated with a distinct phe-
els and leukopenia had resolved on follow-up testing. Be-
notypic change in the histamine-releasing capabilities of
cause of the adverse effect profile of sulfasalazine and the
laboratory monitoring required, we do not suggest it as a
Chronic idiopathic urticaria continues to be a frus-
first-line agent for CIU. Instead, we believe that sulfasala-
trating disease for many patients. Therefore, we must look
zine therapy is most beneficial when antihistamines and
for new treatments and evaluate potential causes of this
other common medications with a more benign adverse
disease. In summary, we believe that the findings we re-
effect profile (eg, H2-receptor antagonists and leukotriene
port suggest that sulfasalazine therapy can be an effec-
antagonists) do not adequately control symptoms. Based
tive and safe treatment for patients with recalcitrant CIU.
on the current risk-benefit profile, it is reasonable to try
Its ability to improve symptoms in the majority of our
sulfasalazine therapy instead of treatment with medica-
patients and to greatly reduce systemic steroid use indi-
tions such as systemic steroids or cyclosporine. Because of
cates that it should be considered when standard thera-
concerns about prescribing sulfasalazine for patients re-
pies fail. We also believe that our initial results warrant
ported to be sulfa allergic, 1 patient (not included in our
further studies to better elucidate the efficacy of sul-
data set) was started on olsalazine therapy (maximum dose,
fasalazine in the treatment of CIU and to help clarify the
1.5 g/d). Of note, she also experienced significant improve-
mechanism of action of sulfasalazine in patients with CIU.
We are aware that the retrospective nature of our case
Accepted for Publication: March 31, 2006.
series does introduce certain biases, as we are relying on
Correspondence: Lisa A. Beck, MD, Department of Der-
the patient record as the sole source of information. We
matology, University of Rochester, 601 Elmwood Ave,
were not able to have any objective measurement of
PO Box 697, Rochester, NY 14642 (lisa_beck@URMC
change in disease during sulfasalazine therapy, and we
were not able to standardize follow-up for all patients. Author Contributions: Dr Beck had full access to all the
Despite these problems, we do believe that the steroid-
data in the study and takes responsibility for the integ-
sparing effects and the impressive reduction in urticaria
rity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study
that the majority of our patients with fairly severe and
concept and design: McGirt and Beck. Acquisition of data:
long-standing, recalcitrant CIU experienced indicate that
McGirt, Vasagar, Gober, Saini, and Beck. Analysis and in-
sulfasalazine threapy should be considered for patients
terpretation of data: McGirt, Vasagar, Gober, Saini, and
with CIU that does not respond adequately to antihista-
Beck. Drafting of the manuscript: McGirt, Saini, and Beck. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellec-
It is not clear how sulfasalazine is able to reduce and
tual content: McGirt, Saini, and Beck. Statistical analysis:
even resolve CIU, but looking at the proposed causes of
McGirt and Beck. Obtained funding: Saini and Beck. Ad-
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. ministrative, technical, and material support: McGirt. Study
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2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Diário da República, 1.ª série — N.º 19 — 28 de janeiro de 2013 efeitos a partir do período de faturação imediatamente 2 — No caso de gozo interpolado de férias, a parte do subsequente à sua entrada em vigor. subsídio referida na alínea a ) do número anterior deve ser paga proporcionalmente a cada período de gozo. 3 — O disposto nos números anteriores não se aplica
Review Article Treatment of Refractory Status Epilepticus: Literature Review and a Proposed Protocol Nicholas S. Abend, MD*† and Dennis J. Dlugos, MD, MSCE*† Refractory status epilepticus describes continuing sei- conditions. The prognosis is dependent on management of zures despite adequate initial pharmacologic treatment. the underlying condition and on treatment of seizu