43 Lebanon St. • Hanover, N.H. 03755-2513 • (603) 643-4138
Meeting for Worship each Sunday at 10:00 am
When entering meeting for worship, Friends should leave seats close to the door for late-comers and should try to find places farther into the room. • February 2011 •
Fritz Weiss, Clerk, Betsy Morse, Ass’t Clerk
Rhea McKay, Ministry & Counsel Clerk
Anne Baird, President of Incorporated Trustees
Beata Randall, Treasurer Patricia Higgins, Recording Clerk
Please send all contributions to the Newsletter via U.S. Mail to Edward Feustel, Newsletter Editor,
385 River Road, Plainfield, N.H. 03781-5036, or via E-mail to [email protected] so as to arrive
NOT LATER THAN 4:30 pm on the Tuesday following Business Meeting.
Please BE CERTAIN to include date, place, and time of events and announcements to go into the
Newsletter. It is not uncommon to receive contributions which do not contain all of this information.
Obtaining it either delays its publication in the newsletter or results in publication with inadequate
Newsletter Distribution and Meeting Directory
Change of Phone Number, Type of Subscription, E-Mail Address, or Postal Address: If you
have changed your phone number, e-mail address, or postal address or if you wish to change the way
in which you receive the newsletter, please let the maintainer of the Meeting Directory Information
know the new information as soon as possible. Contact Beata Randall, Hanover Friends Meeting, 43
Lebanon Street, Hanover, NH 03755 or E-mail her at [email protected].
In an effort to reduce costs those receiving the newsletter electronically will NOT receive a printed copy. Anyone wishing to change their subscription from e-mail (PDF) to paper or vice-versa should notify Beata Randall at her address above and/or Edward Feustel at [email protected]. WORSHIP GROUPS under the care of Hanover Monthly Meeting:
Kendal at Hanover, contact Barbara Gilbert, (603) 643-2237 Lancaster, NH, contact Melissa Keenan, (603) 788-3721 MEETING WEBSITE:
Webmaster: Tom and Sarah Monego
MEETING YAHOOGROUP: [email protected]
Site managers: Ed Feustel and Beata Randall
MEETING FACEBOOK GROUP: Hanover NH Friends Meeting
All Meeting Events are held at the Meetinghouse unless specified elsewhere. Regular Events and Times
Singing -- Adults and Children Each Sunday Meeting for Worship
Each Sunday
Meeting Room
Meeting for Worship
Each Thursday
Meeting Room
Meeting for Business a
See Note Below
Meeting Room
a. Members and attenders are encouraged to attend. Normally it will be the 2nd Sunday of each Month at the
Meetinghouse. Check the calendar each month for exceptions. Child care will be available.
b. Contact Judith Pettingell for directions/information at (603)643-2164.
Special Meeting Events and Times
February 17 (Thursday) – hearing at the NH Statehouse on legislation being introduced to repeal the
marriage equality act (contact Al Converse if you wish to attend or attend and testify)
February 20 after meeting – Adult Education: Jack Hunter will facilitate a program on references to
homosexuality in the Bible
February 28 after meeting – Peace and Social Concerns discussion about immigration facilitated by
Al Converse
March 5,6 – Quarterly Meeting at Hanover (see Penny Wright for details)
March 8 (Tuesday) – joint meeting with the Church of Christ in Hanover on immigration. Potluck at
5:30 pm and discussion at 7 pm with Liana Rowe, an activist and UCC pastor from Arizona. (Con-
tact Kathleen Shepherd for more details)
May 7 - Peter Stettenheim announced that Sandy Stettenheim’s memorial meeting will be held in the
early afternoon in the Gathering Room at Kendal, with a reception to follow. There will be opportu-
nities for those who wish to contribute with small tasks
See Business Meeting Minutes, ANNOUNCEMENTS and SHARING for details on all events.
tion among ourselves and with the outside world) Meeting for Business February 13, 2011
11-13. Focused worship: Holding our community in 11-16. January minutes were accepted as published our hearts and seeking to know where we are Donald Kreis was present at the meeting for 11-14. Present: Joan Ashley, Paula Rossvall, Beata Randall, Peter Stettenheim, Suzanne Elusorr, Rhea McKay, Hannah Putnam, Sarah Putnam, Craig Put- phrase in the second sentence, “over the next nam, Scot Drysdale, Al Converse, Sarah Monego, Kathleen Shepherd, Peter Bien, Crysanthi Bien, 11-17. Ministry and Counsel is continuing the pro- Katie Rawson, Liz Meller, Syd Jarvis, Shawn Dono- cess instituted last year in preparation of the annual State of Society report by asking each committee to Daubenspeck, Penny Wright, Merry Converse, Liz respond to three queries: How is God working Meller, Fritz Weiss, clerk, Betsy Morse, acting Are we being faithful in our labor? How is it Every Thursday at 7 pm - Mid-week meeting for Where is God leading us in the coming year? February 17 (Thursday) – hearing at the NH Penny Wright facilitated a worship sharing ses- Statehouse on legislation being introduced to sion around these queries after noting that the foun- repeal the marriage equality act (contact Al Con- dational query of all three is: How fares the truth verse if you wish to attend or attend and testify) with thee? Members of Ministry and Counsel took February 20 after meeting – Adult Education: notes during the rich worship sharing.
Jack Hunter will facilitate a program on refer- 11-18. House Committee brought forward a “Park- ing Awareness” concern to inform the meeting about February 28 after meeting – Peace and Social the parking situation and receive feedback about Concerns discussion about immigration facili- some ideas for improving it — a “mutual listening session.” Currently we have 14 parking spaces (one March 5,6 – Quarterly Meeting at Hanover (see for our house resident, the only one which should never be used by anyone else; three for Deer Creek March 8 (Tuesday) – joint meeting with the Associates, including one for Rhea McKay and one Church of Christ in Hanover on immigration. for Ray Chin, all three open after 6 pm on weekdays Potluck at 5:30 pm and discussion at 7 pm with and all day on weekends; one for HFM; one for dis- Liana Rowe, an activist and UCC pastor from abled drivers; and 8 rented to the Coop, all open after 5 pm, M-Sat). All spaces, except the resident’s, are open on Sundays. We also have a fire lane, May 7 - Peter Stettenheim announced that Sandy which the committee recently learned is not a Stettenheim’s memorial meeting will be held in requirement. The committee is considering making the early afternoon in the Gathering Room at two 10-15 minute parking spots in the fire lane, and, Kendal, with a reception to follow. There will be starting in May, letting the Coop know that their opportunities for those who wish to contribute spaces will no longer be available to them on Satur- days (as parking is available close by on Saturdays), Nominating Committee has placed on the fel- with no annual cost-of-living rate increase, but no lowship table yellow sheets containing descrip- rate decrease. Two plans for expanding the parking tions of what each committee does and pink lot have been created in the past, but at $30-40,000 sheets listing the various liaison and representa- to add 8-10 spaces, this does not seem like a good tive positions we fill (representing communica- idea. It was felt that the two short-term spots were agood idea. A request was made that the committee talk with the Coop about any potential hardship difficulty this issue has presented to the committee.
withdrawing Saturday parking might create. The discussion ended with a reminder to reduce our need 11-21. Minute: We have received the report from for parking by trying to avoid the use of cars to get Finance Committee, which addresses the distribu- tion of benevolent funds, and we are grateful for 11-19. The Treasurer read the following report from their work. We understand their recommendations as they prepare the annual budget for our consideration After at least four Finance committee meetings in March. There is discomfort among those present for discernment with respect to our corporate giving and in the Finance Committee with these recommen- – with different people in attendance at those various committee meetings – we have come to the same 11-22. The Clerk asked the Nominating Committee sense at every meeting: that the Monthly Meeting how the process is going. The clerk of Nominating should support those organizations of which we are reported that the work is going well in a timely fash- members and to which we, as a Meeting, have a ion at this still early stage, including some remark- able moments when people have come forward to We have also discerned that, as a Monthly Meet- ing, we should not take responsibility for directing 11-23. Ministry and Counsel reported on the work of true benevolent funds; those decisions are more its subgroup on worship groups. The position of a properly the responsibility of individuals and fami- liaison for the Kendal worship group was previously lies. We would like to encourage members and approved by the meeting, and the committee is now attenders to privately discern their own benevolent ready to present for approval a description of that priorities and to please personally direct funds to position. Kesaya Noda has volunteered to take on those organizations. This is preferable for the this position now. It will be a nominated position in Monthly Meeting because, as a Monthly Meeting, the meeting starting June 1. The committee plans to we have repeatedly been unable to come to a sense do more research on the other two worship groups of the Meeting as to which organizations should be under our care, Lancaster and Strafford, which may meet only during the summer, before asking for liai- However, that discernment does not seem to find approval with the Monthly Meeting as a whole. We Worship Group Liaison
therefore respectfully ask that the Monthly Meeting Proposed Position for HFM
either accept our budget with respect to the benevo- February 2011
lent funds or create a new mechanism for discerning The person from HFM who is nominated and approved to serve as a worship group liaison will A recommendation that will be included in our have the opportunity for making connections with budget as we will present it next month is a one of the worship groups under the care of HFM and in doing so, will help enrich, expand, and nur- Monthly Meeting by members and attenders by 10% to encourage individuals and families to direct those In this role, the liaison will visit a designated wor- funds for charitable giving as they are led.
ship group and get to know the contact person or 11-20. There followed a discussion of reactions to clerk of the worship group; when and where the the report, which ranged from support for the pro- group meets; and the usual number of attendees. posal to reduce our corporate giving by 10% to con- He/she will pursue with the contact person and/or cern that other Quaker organizations we have the whole group any current concerns and how HFM supported in the past appreciate and depend on our might nurture or provide more care to the spiritual corporate gifts. There was appreciation expressed well being of the group. He/she will also schedule for the care in the wording of the report and for the an annual meeting with the worship group and inter-ested persons from HFM to explore the group’s needs and concerns.
Through written correspondence, the liaison will the right and freedom to legally marry, and we remind the worship group of the available options emphatically oppose efforts to repeal or modify this for worshiping with HFM and will give HFM infor- mation about the worship group's activities and We sign below with joyful affirming support for schedule. If applicable, the liaison will inform the those who have made and wish to make such a life- group of the transportation options for attending HFM. This is especially applicable to our Kendal 11-27. Minute: Friends approved having our clerk, Fritz Weiss, sign the above statement for Hanover The liaison will serve under the care of M&C and Monthly Meeting as approved by the meeting for will check in with M&C quarterly or more often as needed. The liaison will work with the M&C wor- 11-28. The clerk acknowledged a thank-you letter from Sarah Putnam thanking the meeting for send- ing her to a weekend workshop on Spiritual 11-24. Minute: We received and approved the above description of a worship group liaison for worship 11-29. Penny Wright reported on plans for Quarterly Meeting, on Saturday night and Sunday morning, 11-25. Minute: We approved Kessaya Noda’s March 5 and 6. The Saturday night program will be appointment to the position of worship group liaison on Global Climate Change, when we will discuss for the Kendal worship group until May 31.
and respond to queries in facilitated groups. It is 11-26. The New Hampshire Religious Coalition for hoped that young people (middle school and up) will Marriage Equality has asked if we would endorse take the opportunity to come. The program is drawn from a FWCC program, which is being presented widely. Paula Rossvall volunteered to coordinate We, the undersigned leaders of New Hampshire childcare if it is needed. Friends should get in touch faith communities, declare our commitment to mar- with Penny Wright if they are able to provide hospi- riage, our own and others'. Among the most funda- tality — a bed Saturday night and breakfast Sunday mental of human rights are the rights to love and marry the one we love and to form a family. Our We closed with a moment of silent worship, joy- faith has called us and continues to call us to sup- fully anticipating meeting again on Sunday, March port, comfort, counsel, and for those who so choose, officiate for gay and lesbian couples as they partici- Betsy Morse, acting recording clerk pate in the sacred and legal institution of marriage.
We acknowledge that debate and discussion con- House Committee Minutes
tinue in many of our religious communities regard- October 18, 2010
ing the theological and liturgical issues involved. We Attendees: Craig Putnam, Mary Linares, Christine
draw on our many faith traditions, however, to arrive at a common conviction: we are resolved that the State may not favor the beliefs of one religious We got an update on the cost of the repairs, group over another to deny any individuals their fun- which we are very pleased with. The dry rot at the damental rights. The state does not compel faith front of the building has been removed and new leaders to officiate for same gender marriages; at the clapboards have been installed to replace the old, same time the state should not prevent faith leaders broken ones. Several other areas of dry rot have from doing so if they choose. In fact, for many of us, been addressed, the ceiling in the main entrance has our religious convictions dictate that we officiate for been removed and replaced with stained pine, and gay and lesbian couples who wish to marry, and to the storage closet has been vented. The repairs look deny us this opportunity interferes with our free There are a few more areas that the Committee As leaders of communities of faith we support thinks should be addressed while we’re working on the current law that gives gay and lesbian couples getting all of the dry rot repaired. These areas include repairing the door frame on the entrance to Most of the outdoor work was completed; we the building that is by the library and back stairwell, will still need to rake again. Any helpers are wel- installing larger rain diverters on the front porch roof, caulking around most of the windows, and the The picnic tables are falling apart and beyond replacement of the cabinet, counter top, and sink in repair. Roger Soderburg offered to come disassem- ble them and remove the rotting wood.
One of the main reasons that we have had so The meeting closed with a moment of silence, many problems with dry rot (other than at the front agreeing to meet again on November 15 at 7pm. of the building, where the problem was caused by a broken clapboard) is that we have a lot of backsplashwhen it rains. The committee discussed the areas in House Committee Meeting
which professional rain abatement advice is needed November 15, 2010
– by the main entrance there is a large rock that Attendees: Christine Ellis, Mary Linares, Hannah
water hits as it is coming off the roof, this splashes Putnam, Craig Putnam, Bob White, Dick Powell, up and caused damage to the wood on the corner of the house; by the propane tanks water falls off the roof heavily and the area rarely gets enough sun to The minutes from the October meeting were dry completely, this has led to the growth of algae on read and approved with a minor addition.
the clapboards, by the back entrance the gutters do Mary reported that Mark Nylund has installed not collect all of the water when it rains and a large larger rain diverters over the front door, repaired the amount falls on to the decking that makes up the door frame by the resident’s entrance, and caulked step, this splashes up and had led to rot around the around the windows that were installed last year.
door frame. We decided that it makes most sense to The carpets in the fellowship room and the fire- hire some gutter experts to advise us as to what can/ place room were professionally cleaned by Don should be done to improve drainage in each area.
Henry for $150.00. The results look great! There are The suggestion was made that the carpets in the a few areas of spot cleaning in the meeting room and fellowship room be professionally cleaned. The back hallway that we intend to ask him to address Meeting does have a steam cleaner that is used on a also. The tentative conclusion of the committee is monthly basis, but the thought was that a profes- that we should have the carpets professionally sional cleaner might get more of the raisins and cleaned every 6 months. We will continue to ask brownie crumbs off the rug. We decided to have it Eulalia to use the Meeting’s steam cleaner during the done professionally at least once to see if there is a months that we don’t have professional cleaning Work day was successful, though Hannah was We discussed the remaining work projects that not able to be with us to detail what was completed need to be addressed in the Meeting House: gutter and what is still left to be done. The knot weed installation, replacing the sink, counter, & cabinet removal project went well; it appears that the inva- around the sink in the resident’s apartment and sion is not as extensive as we feared. We discussed improving the overhead lighting in the resident’s options for keeping on top of it with out the use of chemicals. It was decided that next spring/summer Mark Nylund is coming on November 16 to give we will ask for volunteers to spend a week at a time us a quote on the repairs to the resident kitchen. monitoring the situation and digging up new shoots We have also asked Doug Weyer to quote the as they appear. Between several members of the meeting, the hope is that we’ll be able to keep it Hannah will ask Mark for a recommendation for There is a packet of cut knot weed wrapped up in Craig will ask Hugh for a recommendation on plastic on the grass by the high school driveway that needs to be taken to the dump. Mary Linares agreed We decided to contact Willy Loomis, the electri- cian the Meeting uses, to quote installation of overhead lighting in the resident’s apartment. The fire alarm system was inspected. A third This project may not be addressed before the floor smoke detector has a “bad sounder” that should be replaced; another smoke detector in the resident’s The subcommittee of Ministry & Council, apartment is not working at all. Hannah will contact House Committee, and Finance Committee met the fire alarm company to have them come replace/ regarding the use of the Meeting House and the attendant parking issues. There will be a full report Either the Stettenheim’s or Judith Pettingell will in the Ministry & Council minutes, but the report we take the rain barrel before we get much further into The biggest challenge seems to be when mem- Mary Linares, the convener of the committee to bers of the Meeting use the space without prop- this point, will be leaving town on January 1, 2011.
erly reserving the space with the resident House Committee will need a new convener for at least 3 to 4 months. We will determine who the new Some people did not know that the Library is convener will be at our next meeting.
never reserved for outside groups and is often We closed with silence, agreeing to meet next on available for Meeting groups. Groups wishing to use the space should first reserve it through the We do have space for a guest to stay that is uti- House Committee Minutes
lized occasionally; we plan to continue to offer December 20, 2010
Attendees: Christine Ellis, Mary Linares, Hannah
While there is rarely difficulty with members of the meeting finding parking at the Meeting House during the day, we would like to remind people that we do have a parking space that is thought it would be a good idea to cover how the reserved at all times for members of the Meeting Meeting handles snow. We have a standing contract to use when they are at the Meeting House. It is for plowing and sanding the Meeting House parking signed, but the sign is small. We will consider lot with Joe Landry. He comes when it snows or ways to make the space more visible to those when called, provides sand and salt for our use. Han- wishing to use it. We have also decided that the nah shovels and sands the steps and paths around the next time a parking space becomes available we building. Friends are encouraged to shovel and sand will convert it to a Meeting parking space.
any paths or steps that need it, should they arrive and The conclusion that we heard was that there is no reason to dramatically change our parking policy We discussed the appropriate method for storing at this time. The House Committee decided that the lawn mower for the winter. There were several we will no longer offer Saturday parking to Co- approaches suggested, Hannah agreed to call Joe’s op parking renters as of May 2011 in an effort to Equipment to ask them for their advice.
ensure available parking for groups using the We are still waiting to get quotes on the renova- We heard the Ministry and Council minute that There is still some outdoor work to be done. We came out of the Use of the Meeting House working will have another work day on November 28 from 8am to 10am. Hannah will post this on the listserv Friends appreciate the work of the working and Mary will announce it at the rise of meeting.
group but expressed their desire for more clar- A request was made to replace the long tables ity about how to address our perception of the with round tables. We decided that we need time to seriousness of the parking situation. We ask research new/different types of tables (round,smaller rectangles) before we can authorize a pur- the House Committee to address our concern about how limited parking available to Friends limits Friends’ access to the Meeting House town. Hugh agreed to convene the January meeting We felt that we began to address some of the We closed with silence, agreeing to meet again requests with the ideas we generated in November.
Other thoughts that we had for addressing the con- First Day School Committee Minutes
Moving the placement of the standing announce- January 16, 2011
ment regarding how to reserve space. It is cur- Present: Stacie Colwell - clerk, Phebe McCosker,
rently located in the “Announcements” section, Lisa Vallejo Sorensen, Goyo Amaro, Patricia Hig- but we think it might be more effective if it were gins - recorder, Linda Johanson - teacher, Shawn located directly beneath the “Calendar” section.
Donovan visiting from Ministry and Counsel. Writing an informative “nuts and bolts to Absent: Mary Linares, Sheilagh Smith, Joel
Hanover Friends Meeting” article in the newslet- ter that explains which spaces are available for Stacie opened our meeting by reminding us of outside & Meeting group use, how to reserve the steadfast work and love of Sandy Stettenheim, whose life ended earlier this week. She led us in a Including a similar “nuts and bolts” section in a moment of silence, remembrance, and deep appreci- Welcome to Hanover Friends Meeting brochure.
Possibly creating an online calendar / usage Old business
1. Review the minutes from last meeting and
We plan to keep the next parking space that comes up for rent and sign it as a Hanover - plans for middle schooler meetings and We will move forward with re-signing the cur- New business
rent Meeting parking space to make it more visi- 1. Discuss timing and process for submitting min- ble. We will also suggest to renters that they might like a name plate for their space at this time, and we will replace broken and incorrect 3. Ideas for honoring Sandy Stettenheim, eg. straw- signs. Hannah will contact the sign maker.
Hannah will also contact the Hanover Fire 4. Discuss questions from Ministry and Counsel for Department to learn about the fire lane regula- the preparation of the State of Society report.
tions & whether we can turn it into a 5 minute Old Business:
1. We approved the minutes from December 19, 2010, with appreciation for Patty's clarity and We borrowed round tables from the Black Cen- 2. Linda said she would speak with the Putnams ter for an event and there was a widespread positive about the May retreat proposed. We acknowl- response. We will continue to consider what our edged that the minutes were published in the table needs are. We were also reminded that the newsletter before the Putnams were approached. Meeting might have oak boards set aside for another We will discuss the procedures later today.
table like the one in the Fellowship room.
Hugh will call Wirth’s Seamless Gutters to set Linda requested a small committee to work with up a meeting and assessment of our needs.
her on logistics for the March middle school retreat.
Mary Linares, our current convener, is leaving Decisions need to be made regarding whether AMC for several months of travel on January 1st. We dis- or DOC cabin, location, and a good date for middle cussed having a rotating convener while she is out of schoolers. For the committee, Stacie will serve, and will ask Joel to do so as well. If Joel is unable to lum, for example, learning the Lord's Prayer and some psalms. She noted that these have been impor- The younger group continues to work on their chairs for the Meeting and requests help from We confirmed our desire to continue the 4 year grown-ups. Linda proposed helping the children cre- cycle, with particular interest in paralleling the ate cubbies for their things. She is beginning to think Adult Education program. We confirmed the guiding about how best to present the chairs to the Meeting.
principles formulated several years ago, that The next project will likely be the creation of bat although we as a group of adults/parents are unlikely houses to help their recovery in the area. Lastly, to ever be of one mind on the exact content of FDS Linda will present to Stacie her request for prior- curriculum, we agree that respect for myriad spiri- tual traditions is necessary. Quakers derive from aChristian tradition and our children will benefit from New Business:
1. We discussed a method for getting the minutes At our meeting in February, we will look more into the newsletter in a timely manner while closely at the Old Testament. Please come with your allowing for corrections and additions. The fol- Shawn visited our committee as a member of a. The recorder will send within one week the Ministry and Counsel in order to ask us a few ques- draft minutes to the committee members present via tions in preparation for writing the State of Society.
He found our discussion of the history of our work b. The subject line will read “FDS draft mins- so interesting that he ceded his time on the agenda in respond by ___” followed by the date one week We agreed that Linda should continue to speak c. All committee members present are asked to monthly at the rise of Meeting to continue to build review the draft minutes and respond to the recorder this bridge with the adults and encourage them to within that week with either approval or corrections/ sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship d. The recorder will follow-up with the commit- We closed with a moment of silence, intending tee members who were present but have not to meet again on Sunday, February 13 at 8:30am.
e. If corrections/additions of a substantive nature are indicated, a second round of approval will be Adult Education Committee
16 January, 2011
f. When the draft minutes are approved, the The January meeting of the Adult Education began recorder will send them as final minutes to commit- at 8:45 with a period of silent worship. tee members and to the newsletter to be published.
Present: Betsy Morse, clerk, Joan Ashley, Hope
Because the newsletter is normally published on the Rennie, Cathy Miles-Grant and Dulany Bennett. Tuesday following Business Meeting, which is nor- Regrets: Anne Crewe and Jack Hunter.
mally on the second Sunday of each month, FDS We discussed possible changes in meeting times. will usually have 3 weeks for all this to happen.
Evening times are a possibility. We will discuss 2. We discussed curriculum development! The 'big these possibilities with all members.
picture' has been a 4 year cycle: Old Testament, Past and Future Events
New Testament, Quaker History and Quaker Peter Bien spoke on prophecy to an appreciative Linda reported that she has not only been attend- ing Quaker teaching conferences, but has been asked Betsy Morse will present on her trip to Nicaragua to present at an upcoming retreat for teachers. Phebe shared her hope that we can include some Jack Hunter will present on homosexuality in the traditionally Christian elements in our FDS curricu- Hebrew Bible on 20 February. On 20 March and 17 April we will present panels on the historical and reserve space in the meeting house for a group or contemporary functions of the Queries, We will ask function. She will confirm your reservation and Ministry and Council to join in. On 20 March we will present the history of the Queries. On 15 May Dulany Bennett will present some thoughts on Electronic Directory Copies: Electronic copies
Joseph and lead a discussion. On 30 January Adult of the Hanover Monthly Meeting Directory are Education will lead a discussion on the working paper for Chapter One of Faith and Practice. [email protected]. Paper copies, with a request Exploring Quakerism will be presented again in the for a $2 contribution to the treasurer, are available in spring beginning on Wednesday the 2nd of March from 7-9 pm and run through 15 April. Hope will Submission of Committee Reports and Newslet-
put up a sign, reserve the room, and publicize the ter Announcements: Committee clerks and oth-
course, which was previously presented in winter ers who make reports or announcements in Meeting and spring and fall of '09' and Fall '10.
for Business or at the end of Meeting for Worshipare urged to give written copies to the recording We discussed the financial needs of our clerk or the newsletter editor at that time or to send committee. We need to see who needs financial help him/her electronic copies within 24 hours. This will with Pendle Hill pamphlets for the Exploring help to ensure that the communications are recorded Quakerism course. Our committee needs to review correctly and included in the newsletter.
our budget and see what our annual needs are.
Information on the Faith and Practice Revision
Penny Wright will meet with our clerk, Betsy Committee’s work: Website is
Morse, to review questions for the State of the fandp/ or call NEYM or request copies form NEYM office: 901 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA 06102- We will meet again on 1 February at the Meetinghouse at 6 pm, or 13 February at 8:45 if Kendal Worship Group: Kendal Worship Group
Dulany isn't able to make the 1st date due to surgery.
extends an invitation for all members and attenders to worship with them any Sunday at 10AM in the Chalmers Room at Kendal. Contact Jeanne Robin-son with any questions.
Donations Needed
Repeated Announcements
The house committee is looking for the following items as donations: The Meeting Calendar
a used Cuisinart or other type of food processor Friends are reminded that the resident caretaker, Hannah Putnam, is the sole keeper of the calen-
dar for reserving a room or scheduling an event in
Strafford Meeting for Worship
the Meeting House. Please speak to her directly Quaker meeting for worship the 2nd and 4th regarding any proposed internal or external use of Sundays. We will be seated at 10 AM in a private the house so she can ensure there is no duplication of home in the Strafford Upper Village. Please contact reservations and that correct communications Hilary Linehan for directions and questions 802- regarding the ground rules occurs. Hanover Friends Meeting requests donations for use of our property which goes into the general fund for maintenance Meals for Friends
and operations of the building. Hannah can provide Meals for Friends (MfF), a program under the each potential user a booklet of information about care of Hanover Monthly Meeting, will be two years the use of our House and the donation schedule.
old in April. MfF provides three evening meals a Reservation of Meeting Rooms: Be certain to call
week for members and attenders who are temporar- Hannah [(603) 643-4138] or leave a note in the “res- ily unable to cook for themselves. Meals are pro- ident” mailbox in the room next to the kitchen to vided Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for up to a month. Assistance can be extended, if there is fur- ther need. There will be openings on the roster for a regular, once-a-month cook, and substitute cooks are always needed. If you are interested in our MfF pro- Leaders and Committee Members Needed
Interested in getting involved in Hanover Friends Meeting even more? Now is your chance! Notice of Newsletter Editor’s Plan to Retire
The Nominating Committee is meeting weekly to I am willing to serve until May 30th as newslet- consider committee memberships. We follow a ter editor. After my four years as editor, it is time for spirit-led process, considering the needs of the com- another person to take over and reinvigorate the mittee and the gifts and talents of the individuals in our meeting. We do seek your help as we may not be The newsletter plays an important role in the aware of your talents, calling, interests. Please con- meeting. Please consider taking up the task and sider this and let us know if you have an interest in making the nominating committee aware of your serving on a committee of the meeting. Information willingness to serve. It would be a shame to lay it about what the various committees do, when they down in the event that no other or group is found meet, etc., is available in the Meeting House on the table in the Fellowship Hall. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Drivers Needed!
any of the members of the Nominating Committee: The Pastoral Care Committee would like to set Kathleen Shepherd (clerk), Scot Drysdale, Richard up an e-mail list of people who would be willing to offer Meeting members/attenders a ride to Meeting events, doctor or physical therapy appointments,errands etc. You would receive a group e-mail mes- Immigration and Migrants
sage when someone is in need of transportation and Who are our new neighbors? What are the risks? would respond only if you were able to help in that What is their experience and what is our Quaker particular situation. Please e-mail sarahmon- [email protected] if you would be willing to be on Two upcoming events may deepen our under- standing and help us to think together about a Quaker response to the increasing numbers of New Announcements
Woolman Hill Financial Management Course
Sunday, Feb 27, 12:00-1:00: Peace and Social Concerns committee hosts a general discussion of Rightly Ordered Financial Management for
this topic. Al Converse will facilitate the discussion.
Friends Meetings and Organizations
Some related reading materials will be circulated a February 25-27, 2011
week in advance via the listserv. Also, please look at the folders kindly prepared by Sarah Putnam on the P&SC shelf in the library. They may be signed out if How can thoughtful financial management sup- port Friends’ testimonies of integrity and simplicity? Tuesday, March 8, at the Church of Christ at From fundraising challenges to simply having an Dartmouth (the White Church on campus), P&SC is open conversation about how finances can better co-hosting the visit of Rev. Liana Rowe. together express Quaker values, we all labor to find rightly- with several Upper Valley congregations. ordered ways of working together on financial mat- Rev Liana Rowe has been advocating for ratio- ters. We urge meetings and organizations to encour- nal, humane immigration reform for ten years. A age and support the attendance of their treasurers, 2011 recipient of the City of Phoenix Martin Luther accountants, bookkeepers, finance, and fundraising King, Jr Living the Dream Award, Rev Rowe sits on the Board of Directors for Humane Borders, a humanitarian organization that maintains water sta-tions in remote desert regions of Southern Arizona.
She has also been active with Somos America/WeAre America Coalition in advocating for human andcivil rights in Arizona. Rev Rowe lives in NorthPhoenix with her husband of 29 years and three chil-dren, ages 16, 14, and 12, all well-trained, experi-enced volunteers in the maintenance of HumaneBorders water stations.
Soup and bread potluck at the White Church begins at 6:00, and Rev. Rowe will speak at 7:00.
Please let Kathleen know what you will bring.
[email protected] or 802 649-5152. Readers Invited: Readers are invited to share
information with one another about births, deaths,
illnesses and recovery, joys, sorrows, celebrations,
and special needs within or related to Hanover
Friends Meeting. If you have contributed during the
time of sharing immediately after Meeting for Wor-
ship, consider sharing with the wider community
through this newsletter. If the note is about another
person, please have the person’s permission to pub-
lish the notice when this is a practical alternative.
You are also invited to share spiritual messages, inspiration, or concerns, poems, articles, or photo-graphs with the community for publication in theNewsletter; send them to the editor. E-Mail submis-sions to [email protected] are preferred. U.S.
Mail may be sent directly to: SharingC/O Editor. Hanover Friends Newsletter385 River RoadPlainfield, NH 03781-5036 On Breaking the Silence
Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it necessary? Is it true? Does it improve on the silence? NATIONAL OFFICIALS (2011)
United States of America
First Congressional District
Honorable Frank Guinta*
President Barack H. Obama
Tel: (202)456-1111; Fax: (202)456-2461 [email protected] Second Congressional District
Honorable Charlie Bass*
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
Vermont Officials
Senator Patrick Leahy*
Secretary of Defense Robert M.Gates
Senator Bernie Sanders*
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.
US Government Agencies Available Online
Washington, DC 20515-4501Tel: (202)225-4115; (888)605-7270 New Hampshire Officials
*Go to the Congress persons's web page at Senator Kelly Ayotte* or and send them Senator Jeanne Shaheen*
520 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2841
Fax: (202)224-2841
Religious Society of Friends
43 Lebanon Street
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-2513

February 2011 Newsletter


Speakout summer 2003 6-16-03

SPEAK OUT Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. Volume 20 Number 1 • Spring/Summer 2003 338 Main Street • Niantic • CT • 06357 • 860-739-3089 v/TDD website: Parents may call toll-free: 800-445-2722 • Fax: 860-739-7460 email: [email protected] Satellite Office: Fair Haven Community Health Center, New Haven • 203-776-3211 In the last issue of

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Medikamentöse Behandlung der Spastik Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen Medikamentöse Behandlung der Spastik Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen Von Dr. rer. nat. Michael Speer , Möglichkeiten informieren. Die Wahl des faktoren (wie z.B. eingeschränkte Leber- on; Hauptarbeitsgebiet: Sichtung der internationalen medizinischen Fachliteratur auf Arzneimittelnebenwirkungen; Bearbei-

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