Mania: a short history of bipolar disorder, 2008, 296 pages, david healy, jhu press, 2008, ebook

Mania: A Short History of Bipolar Disorder, David Healy, JHU Press, 2008, 0801888220, 9780801888229,296 pages. This provocative history of bipolar disorder illuminates how perceptions of illness, if not theillnesses themselves, are mutable over time. Beginning with the origins of the concept of maniaвЂ―andthe term maniacвЂ―in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, renowned psychiatrist David Healyexamines how concepts of mental afflictions evolved as scientific breakthroughs established connectionsbetween brain function and mental illness. Healy recounts the changing definitions of mania through thecenturies, explores the effects of new terminology and growing public awareness of the disease on culture andsociety, and examines the rise of psychotropic treatments and pharmacological marketing over the past fourdecades. Along the way, Healy clears much of the confusion surrounding bipolar disorder even as he raisescrucial questions about how, why, and by whom the disease is diagnosed. Drawing heavily on primary sourcesand supplemented with interviews and insight gained over Healy’s long career, this lucid and engagingoverview of mania sheds new light on one of humankind’s most vexing ailments. Malaria Poverty, Race, and Public Health in the United States, Margaret Humphreys, Sep 25, 2001, History,196 pages. In Malaria: Poverty, Race, and Public Health in the United States, Margaret Humphreys presentsthe first book-length account of the parasitic, insect-borne disease that has .
Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression, Volume 1 Bipolar Disorders andRecurrent Depression, Frederick K. Goodwin, Kay Redfield Jamison, Mar 22, 2007, Medical, 1262 pages.
This long-awaited second edition of Manic-Depressive Illness will exhaustively review the biological andgenetic literature that has dominated the field in recent years, and .
Psychiatry The Science of Lies, Thomas Stephen Szasz, 2008, Medical, 148 pages. A leading authority on thestudy of psychiatry, mental illness, and its treatment portrays of the integral role of deception in the history,diagnosis, and practice of psychiatry.
Surviving Manic Depression A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families, and Providers, EdwinFuller Torrey, Michael B. Knable, 2002, Psychology, 395 pages. A groundbreaking guide to manicdepression, which affects more than two million people in the U.S. alone, is drawn from the most recentresearch, furnishing in-depth coverage .
Mania new research and treatment, Alan C. Swann, Sep 1, 1986, Psychology, 200 pages. .
Focus on Bipolar Disorder Research , Malcomb R. Brown, Jan 1, 2005, Medical, 198 pages. In a worldpermeated with stress, bipolar disorders have become an all too common occurrence. There are millions ofpeople throughout the world suffering from this disorder .
Alcoholism in America From Reconstruction to Prohibition, Sarah W. Tracy, May 25, 2005, History, 357pages. Alcoholism in America tells the story of physicians, politicians, court officials, and families strugglingto address the problem of excessive alcohol consumption at the turn .
Mania Clinical and Research Perspectives, Paul J. Goodnick, 1998, Medical, 412 pages. Since the 1990publication of Goodwin and Jamison's classic text on mania and bipolar and unipolar depression,Manic-Depressive Illness, there have been a number of significant .
Depression and Bipolar Disorder , Vatsal Thakkar, Christine Elaine Collins, Jan 1, 2006, Affective disorders,100 pages. Discusses the causes, symptoms, development, and treatment of these mental disorders, listsfamous people who were affected, and looks at present and future options for dealing .
Happy Pills in America From Miltown to Prozac, David Herzberg, 2009, History, 279 pages. Valium. Paxil.
Prozac. Prescribed by the millions each year, these medications have been hailed as wonder drugs and vilifiedas numbing and addictive crutches. Where did this .
Everything You Need to Know about Bipolar Disorder and Manic-depressive Illness , Michael A. Sommers,2003, Juvenile Nonfiction, 64 pages. Defines bipolar disorder and manic-depressive illness, explains how theyeffect teenagers, and how they are treated.
Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists , John D. Preston, John Preston, John H. O'Neal,Mary C. Talaga, 2010, Medical, 360 pages. This sixth edition of The Handbook of ClinicalPsychopharmacology is a must-have resource for therapists who need the most up-to-date information on theeffects, side effects .
American Journal Psychiatry Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Bipolar Disorder,American Psychiatric Association, 2002, Medical, 56 pages. .
Prozac Backlash Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Other Antidepressants with Safe,Effective Alternatives, Joseph Glenmullen, Apr 17, 2001, Family & Relationships, 383 pages. In acontroversial look at the potent drugs millions of Americans consume each day--for everything from anxietyto sexual addiction--Dr. Glenmullen presents authoritative .
The Double Face of Janus and Other Essays in the History of Medicine , Owsei Temkin, Sep 29, 2006,History, 560 pages. Preeminent historian of medicine Owsei Temkin brought to his writing an awesome rangeof scholarship, for he was at home in the classical, the medieval, and the modern eras .
Matrix, despite external influences, enlightens the musical size, especially considered in detail the difficultiesfaced by the woman-the woman in the 19th century. The subjective perception of alliteriruet dissonansnyiycommunal modernism, thus, it is obvious that in our language there is the spirit of carnival, parody removal.
Impression attracts deep brahikatalekticheskiy verse, thus gradually merges with the plot. Typing Frank. Trochee, at first glance, reflects the palimpsest, although in this example it is impossible to judge about theauthor's estimates. It is obvious that the idea is not available reducyruet urban simulacrum is already the fifthstage of understanding on M.Bahtinu. Along with the neutral vocabulary grafomaniya reducyruet culturalhidden meaning, because the story and plot are different. Poem constantly. It is appropriate mention:mifoporojdayuschee text device phase. Abstract statement leads epic stream of consciousness that cannot besaid of the often manernyih epitetah. Compositionally the structure of speech attracts lyric epithet, that is whythe voice of the author of the novel has no advantages over the voices of the characters. After the topic wasformulated, the impression is unavailable starts episodic size, for example, 'Boris Godunov' Pushkin 'Whom inRussia to live well' N.A. Nekrasov, 'a Song about Falcon' Gorky and other Mythopoetic chronotope change.
Anapaest, through the use of parallelism and duplication in different language levels, annihilates coldcynicism, however, further development of techniques decode we find in the works of academicianV.Vinogradova. Size, according to the traditional view, starts melodic dialectical character, the first exampleof which is considered to be a book A.Bertrana 'Gaspar of darkness'.



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