SHINE magazine Implant offer terms & conditions
 Appointments subject to availability  Consultation with the Dentist does not include x-rays  Timing of procedure, duration or treatment and number of appointments to be agreed  Offer available to new and existing patients  Consent form to be signed prior to treatment  Tomography and surgical guide may be required at an additional cost  If bone grafting is required to make implant viable, an additional fee will apply  If tooth extraction is required, an additional fee will apply  Porcelain crowns are porcelain fused metal crowns (PFM)  Patient needs to be otherwise dentally healthy  Any additional treatment identified as necessary before undergoing the treatment  Treatment subject to consultation and clinical assessment, which may include X-rays FAMILY REWARD PROGRAM
 New patient: A patient who does not have a patient record and has not filled in and signed a New Patient form with VIP Dental Clinic. A new patient who is referred by  Existing patient: A patient who has a patient record and has filled in and signed a New Patient form with VIP Dental Clinic. An existing patient who refers a New Patient  The scope of this promotion includes: a free comprehensive oral examination (item 011) and a free panoramic x-ray OPG (item 037) or a free bitewing x-ray (item 022); any other treatment outside this scope incurs a fee. The use of a panoramic x-ray or bitewing x-ray is at the Practitioner’s discretion.  The items under this promotion are provided to the patient at VIP Dental Clinic  When booking an appointment the new patient must provide the name of the existing patient that referred them to the Clinic. The existing patient will then be given a 10%  This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount, voucher offered by VIP Dental Clinic or Government Scheme.  This promotion is not valid for any cash backs, exchanges or transfers for any other products or services not offered by VIP Dental Clinic.  The 10% discount for the existing patient is only valid for patients who have not already been given a discount on their existing treatment plans.  Participation in this family referral program is deemed the acceptance of these terms UNZIPADEAL PROMOTIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS
 Appointments subject to availability  Offer includes Comprehensive oral examination, prophylaxis clean, scaling, fluoride  Offer available to new and existing patients  Prophylaxis clean removes stains caused from drinking black coffee, red wine and other dark drinks and eating dark foods. Stains from birth, fluorosis, tetracycline cannot be removed with a prophylaxis clean.  If the patient hasn’t had a professional dental clean in more than 6 months an additional session of clean needs to be arranged and will incur an extra cost.  Appointments subject to availability  Consultation with the Dentist does not include x-rays  Timing of procedure, duration or treatment and number of appointments to be agreed  Offer available to new and existing patients  Consent form to be signed prior to treatment  Tomography and surgical guide may be required at an additional cost  If bone grafting is required to make implant viable, an additional fee will apply  If tooth extraction is required, an additional fee will apply  Porcelain crowns are porcelain fused metal crowns (PFM)  Patient needs to be otherwise dentally healthy  Any additional treatment identified as necessary before undergoing the treatment  Treatment subject to consultation and clinical assessment, which may include X-rays NEW PATIENT OFFER
 Appointments subject to availability  Offer includes Comprehensive oral examination, prophylaxis clean, scaling, fluoride  Offer available to new patients only  Prophylaxis clean removes stains caused from drinking black coffee, red wine and other dark drinks and eating dark foods. Stains from birth, fluorosis, tetracycline cannot be removed with a prophylaxis clean.  If the patient hasn’t had a professional dental clean in more than 6 months an additional session of clean needs to be arranged and will incur an extra cost. RECALL OFFER
 Appointments subject to availability  Offer includes Comprehensive oral examination, prophylaxis clean, scaling, fluoride  Offer available to existing patients only  If the patient hasn’t had a professional dental clean in more than 6 months an additional session of clean needs to be arranged and will incur an extra cost.


Brief information on wobenzym n

B R I E F I N F O R M A T I O N O N W O B E N Z Y M N 1. Name of the pharmaceutical agent 2. Composition 2 . 1 . S u b s t a n c e a n d i n d i c a t i o n g r o u p !" Antiphlogistic !" Fibrinolytic !" Immunotherapeutic agent 2 . 2 . E f f e c t i v e c o m p o n e n t s w i t h r e g a r d t o t y p e a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n !" 1 enteric-coated tablet

LA DEPRESIÓN NOTA IMPORTANTE La depresión es un tema tan amplio y tenemos tan poco tiempo, que obviamente tendremos que resumir y condensar a muchas ideas. OBSERVACIONES PRELIMINARES I. La consejería bíblica no es para los “expertos”. Es para cada hijo de Dios que desea ser obediente y ayudar a otros a que también lo sean (Romanos 15:14). II. En la consejería, el que acon

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