SHINE magazine Implant offer terms & conditions
Appointments subject to availability
Consultation with the Dentist does not include x-rays
Timing of procedure, duration or treatment and number of appointments to be agreed
Offer available to new and existing patients
Consent form to be signed prior to treatment
Tomography and surgical guide may be required at an additional cost
If bone grafting is required to make implant viable, an additional fee will apply
If tooth extraction is required, an additional fee will apply
Porcelain crowns are porcelain fused metal crowns (PFM)
Patient needs to be otherwise dentally healthy
Any additional treatment identified as necessary before undergoing the treatment
Treatment subject to consultation and clinical assessment, which may include X-rays
New patient: A patient who does not have a patient record and has not filled in and
signed a New Patient form with VIP Dental Clinic. A new patient who is referred by
Existing patient: A patient who has a patient record and has filled in and signed a
New Patient form with VIP Dental Clinic. An existing patient who refers a New Patient
The scope of this promotion includes: a free comprehensive oral examination (item
011) and a free panoramic x-ray OPG (item 037) or a free bitewing x-ray (item 022);
any other treatment outside this scope incurs a fee. The use of a panoramic x-ray or
bitewing x-ray is at the Practitioner’s discretion.
The items under this promotion are provided to the patient at VIP Dental Clinic
When booking an appointment the new patient must provide the name of the existing
patient that referred them to the Clinic. The existing patient will then be given a 10%
This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount,
voucher offered by VIP Dental Clinic or Government Scheme.
This promotion is not valid for any cash backs, exchanges or transfers for any other
products or services not offered by VIP Dental Clinic.
The 10% discount for the existing patient is only valid for patients who have not
already been given a discount on their existing treatment plans.
Participation in this family referral program is deemed the acceptance of these terms
Appointments subject to availability
Offer includes Comprehensive oral examination, prophylaxis clean, scaling, fluoride
Offer available to new and existing patients
Prophylaxis clean removes stains caused from drinking black coffee, red wine and
other dark drinks and eating dark foods. Stains from birth, fluorosis, tetracycline
cannot be removed with a prophylaxis clean.
If the patient hasn’t had a professional dental clean in more than 6 months an
additional session of clean needs to be arranged and will incur an extra cost.
Appointments subject to availability
Consultation with the Dentist does not include x-rays
Timing of procedure, duration or treatment and number of appointments to be agreed
Offer available to new and existing patients
Consent form to be signed prior to treatment
Tomography and surgical guide may be required at an additional cost
If bone grafting is required to make implant viable, an additional fee will apply
If tooth extraction is required, an additional fee will apply
Porcelain crowns are porcelain fused metal crowns (PFM)
Patient needs to be otherwise dentally healthy
Any additional treatment identified as necessary before undergoing the treatment
Treatment subject to consultation and clinical assessment, which may include X-rays
Appointments subject to availability
Offer includes Comprehensive oral examination, prophylaxis clean, scaling, fluoride
Offer available to new patients only
Prophylaxis clean removes stains caused from drinking black coffee, red wine and
other dark drinks and eating dark foods. Stains from birth, fluorosis, tetracycline
cannot be removed with a prophylaxis clean.
If the patient hasn’t had a professional dental clean in more than 6 months an
additional session of clean needs to be arranged and will incur an extra cost.
Appointments subject to availability
Offer includes Comprehensive oral examination, prophylaxis clean, scaling, fluoride
Offer available to existing patients only
If the patient hasn’t had a professional dental clean in more than 6 months an
additional session of clean needs to be arranged and will incur an extra cost.
B R I E F I N F O R M A T I O N O N W O B E N Z Y M N 1. Name of the pharmaceutical agent 2. Composition 2 . 1 . S u b s t a n c e a n d i n d i c a t i o n g r o u p !" Antiphlogistic !" Fibrinolytic !" Immunotherapeutic agent 2 . 2 . E f f e c t i v e c o m p o n e n t s w i t h r e g a r d t o t y p e a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n !" 1 enteric-coated tablet
LA DEPRESIÓN NOTA IMPORTANTE La depresión es un tema tan amplio y tenemos tan poco tiempo, que obviamente tendremos que resumir y condensar a muchas ideas. OBSERVACIONES PRELIMINARES I. La consejería bíblica no es para los “expertos”. Es para cada hijo de Dios que desea ser obediente y ayudar a otros a que también lo sean (Romanos 15:14). II. En la consejería, el que acon