"P" - Medical Abstracts:


Bundestagsfraktionen von SPD und Bündnis90/Grüne Beschlußempfehlung des Ausschusses für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit zur Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und das Europäische Parlament:“Strategie für das Auslaufen der Verwendung von FCKW in Dosieraerosolen”KOM(1998) 603 endg. Der Ausschuß für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit begrüßt die von derEuropäisch


Die Geschichte der Gerontopsychiatrie ist relativ kurz, mende Verfahren wie CCT, MRT, SPECT, PET und einiged. h. die Gerontopsychiatrie ist ein junges Spezialfachder Medizin. Nicht zufällig existiert ein Verständnis der Gerontopsychiatrie als eigenes Fachgebiet etwa seit den In der modernen Gerontopsychiatrie steht daher der äl- 70-er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, da ab etwate

Prhutson_uw_cv oct11.doc

PAUL R. HUTSON CURRICULUM VITAE CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: ACADEMIC DEGREES: 1975 Biochemistry, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles, California1976 Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington1979 Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington1981 University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee LICENSURE: Wisconsin (Pharmacist, #11276)

Medco prescription drug plans

Express Scripts Prescription Drug Plans For Members with UnitedHealthcare POS Plans Effective January 1, 2012 You must use a pharmacy in the Express Scripts network. Prescription drug copayments are identified below. UnitedHeathcare Base Plan Retail Benefit Up to 90-Day Retail (up to the lesser of 31-day supply or 100 units) or Mail Order Benefit Cost of pres

Clp323116 14.17

Management of Infantile Colic: A Review Justine Cohen-Silver and Savithiri Ratnapalan CLIN PEDIATR 2009 48: 14 originally published online 2 October 2008The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Clinical Pediatrics Additional services and information for Clinical Pediatrics Management of Infantile Colic: A Review Justine Cohen-Silver, MD, MS


RNO A VENERDÌ 7 GENNAIO 2011 ORE 20.30 TURNO B DOMENICA 9 GENNAIO 2011 ORE 16.00 IL RATTO, OVVERO TUTTE LE NOTE INDISPENSABILI Di Massimo Contiero “Con tutta la buona volontà, un nuovo Ratto non avrebbe più potuto scriverlo. In esso mi pare di scorgere l’età giovanile dell’uomo, la fioritura impossibile a rinnovarsi, che fugge lasciando attenuati i difetti ma trascinando vi


Public Health Entomology Research & Education Center .A publication of Florida A & M University EG#8 John P. Smith, Ph.D., B.C.E. John A. Mulrennan, Sr. Public Health Entomology Research & Education Center INJURY & SPREAD Scabies is a skin condition, also known Mature female mites are responsible for as “seven year itch” or “Norwegian itch,” the


A N T I P A R A S I T I K U M FÜR TIERE: HUNDE bis 15 kg KGW ■ ZUSAMMENSETZUNG 744 mg Permethrin (cis: trans /40:60/m/m)sonstiger Bestandteil: Isopropylmyristat ■ DARREICHUNGSFORM UND INHALT 6 Tropfapplikatoren à 1 ml (744 mg Permethrin / ml) ■ STOFF- ODER INDIKATIONSGRUPPE Insektizid, Ektoparasitikum (Pyrethroid) ■ PHARMAZEUTISCHER UNTERNEHMER Rögen 20 · 23843 Bad Ol


Bogotá Sur Bogotá Sur pues como todo buen sur que se precie de tal: Italia Sur, España Sur, Grecia o Asia del Sur, África, América del Sur. Sur de basur, de absur. Desurbanicexprimesur. Típicolormiserisur. Costrocalor. Subdesarsur. Duro, eterno subsur solar siempre curioseado, pisoteado y algo así como vagamente amado por los señores del Nor. Fernando Quiñones Damas de la vecindad II S


This formulary is a closed, non-tiered formulary. It is a supplement to the alphabetic listing. (C) means that the drug is only available for administration at the clinic. (B) means the drug is available through BuyRite Pharmacy for contract eligible patients only. (S) means that the drug is not stocked, but wil be ordered if requested. (R) means that there is one or more restrictions on the d

Microsoft powerpoint - alopecia areata.ppt

Alopecia Areata Freitas, V.M.P.²; Schmitt, A.N.H.²; Motta, R.R.²; Carvalho, V.M.C.²; Hungria, L.F.F.S.¹; Villa, R.T.¹; Bedin, V.³ (1) Professor (a) da Fundação Técnico Educacional Souza Marques e Fundação Pele Saudável (2) Pós-graduando (a) da Fundação Técnico Educacional Souza Marques e Fundação Pele Saudável (3) Coordenador da Fundação Técnico Educacio

Material safety data sheet

For R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. Click for suppliers of this product. Cas: 1229-29-4 Code: M RTECS: HQ4375000 Code: X Name: DOXEPIN HYDROCHLORIDE Other REC Limits: N/P OSHA PEL: N/P OSHA STEL: N/P Code: ACGIH TLV: N/P Code: ACGIHSTEL: N/P Code: Respiratory Protection: USE SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS DURING A FIR

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PestXpert DIY Pest Control Like The Professionals Pro-Fogger Multi-Insect Fogger Bomb SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Product Name: PestXpert DIY Pest Control Like The Professionals Pro-Fogger Multi-Insect Fogger Bomb Other Names: Recommended Use: Company: Address: Telephone Number: (02) 8752 9000 (M


Early release, published at www.cmaj.ca on December 3, 2012. Subject to revision. Risk of venous thromboembolism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a population-based matched cohort analysis Steven T. Bird PharmD MS, Abraham G. Hartzema PhD PharmD, James M. Brophy PhD MD, Mahyar Etminan PharmD MS, Joseph A.C. Delaney PhD Competing interests: Abraham Hartzema has Background: There

Microsoft word - influenza pandemic reference guide.doc

N O R T H A M E R I C A N E L E C T R I C R E L I A B I L I T Y C O U N C I L P r i n c e t o n F o r r e s t a l V i l l a g e , 1 1 6 - 3 9 0 V i l l a g e B o u l e v a r d , P r i n c e t o n , N e w J e r s e y 0 8 5 4 0 - 5 7 3 1 Electricity Sector Influenza Pandemic Planning, Preparation, and Response Reference Guide Introduction Business continuity planning


George H Elder, Richard J Hift, Peter N MeissnerPublic attention has been drawn to the acute porphyriasin the past few years by speculation that they affected thecharacter of George III and the creative genius of VincentAcute intermittent porphyriaAutosomal dominant; acute attacks only; no cutaneousvan Gogh. During the same period, there have beenmanifestations. Three families with homozygous


Haben Sie alles, was Sie für die Pflege Ihres kranken Kindes benötigen? In der nachfolgenden Liste finden Sie das, was Ihre Haus- bzw. Reiseapotheke enthalten sollte. Zeigen Sie Ihre Hausapotheke auch den Personen, die Ihre Kinder hüten. Medikamente / wichtige Utensilien Digitaler Fiebermesser (Achtung: bei Kindern unter 2 Jahren Temperatur immer rektal messen). Bei Fieber und Schmer

watson licenses population council's novel contraceptive ring

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Investors: Patty Eisenhaur Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (973) 355-8141 Media: Charlie Mayr Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (973) 355-8483 Diane Rubino Population Council (212) 339-0617 [email protected] Watson Licenses Population Council’s Novel Contraceptive Ring Phase 3 clinical development product expands Watson’s global brand contrace

Facilitating women’s access to misoprostol through community-based advocacy in kenya and tanzania

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetricsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j g oFacilitating women’s access to misoprostol through community-basedadvocacy in Kenya and TanzaniaFrancine Coeytaux ,Leila Hessini Nondo Ejano Albert Obbuyi Monica Oguttu Joachim Osur , Kristen Shuken a Public Health Institute, Oakland, USAb Ipas, Chapel Hill

Screening of antimycotics in swedish sewage treatment plants – waters and sludge

Levels of antivirals and antibiotics in the river Thames, UK, during the pandemic 2009 Hanna Söderström1, Josef Järhult2, Jerker Fick1, Richard Lindberg1, Andrew Singer3, Roman Grabic1, and Björn Olsen2 1Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, 2The Section for Infectious Diseases, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden, 3Centre for E

Protocolo de insuficiencia cardíaca.pdf

Diretrizes Para Abordagem da ICC A Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) pode ser considerada hoje um problema de saúde pública. Tem alta prevalência, alto custo , é freqüentemente incapacitante e tem elevada mortalidade. O diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento efetivo diminuem a morbimortalidade e os custos, daí a importância de estabelecerem-se diretrizes para sua abordagem na atenção prim�

X / diabetes /important information…

Premier Health Team Bridgewater Medical Centre Henry Street LEIGH WN7 2PE Telephone: 01942 481851 FOR THE ATTENTION OF ALL DIABETIC PATIENTS - Please read and sign this document at the foot of the page and return to your GP Important diabetes information that you MUST read and may need to act on Hypoglycaemia - an abnormally low blood sugar described as a blood sugar l


Clinical and nutritional benefits of cysteine-enrichedprotein supplementsRobert A. and Gil aCulcairn, New South Wales, Australia and bInstitute ofFood Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University,To review recently published research into the use of dietary cysteine and/or itsderivatives as functional food supplements that will enhance antioxidant status andCorrespondence to Gil Hardy, PhD,

Microsoft word - exercise stress echo consent form - treadmill.doc

You have been booked to have an EXERCISE STRESS ECHO (Treadmill) at Hearts West Purpose of the test Exercise stress echocardiography (ESE) is used to measure how your heart responds to stress, under medically supervised conditions. The test gives us very important information, which we perform ESE if you have suspected coronary artery disease, or if we know you have coronary

Saying grace week one - receiving grace

Read Matthew 18 The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[] 23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24 As he bega

MunicÍpio de salvador das missÕes

PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE SALVADOR DAS MISSÕES Avenida Independência, 1131 – Fone (55)3358.1101 – Fax (55)3358.1102 – CEP 97940-000 MUNICÍPIO DE SALVADOR DAS MISSÕES LICITAÇÃO MODALIDADE TOMADA DE PREÇOS nº 004/2013 O MUNICÍPIO DE SALVADOR DAS MISSÕES , de conformidade com a Lei Federal nº. 8666/93, de 21 de julho de 1993, TORNA PUBLICO pelo presente Edital de TOMADA D


According to legend, tea was first discovered by the chinese strong, sleek & sharp – just how we know you like thememperor and inventor shennong in 2737 bc. It is said that the emperor liked drinking his water boiled, so that is what his servants did. One day, on a trip to a distant region, he and his army stopped light lively & clean, with the classic keemun long, strawberry and c


Publications Prof. Dr. med. C. Korbmacher Original articles Rauh R, Soell D, Haerteis S, Diakov A, Nesterov V, Krueger B, Sticht H, Korbmacher C. A mutation in the β-subunit of ENaC identified in a patient with cystic fibrosis-like symptoms has a gain-of-function effect. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol . 2013;304:L43-55 L'Hoste S, Diakov A, Andrini O, Genete M, Pinelli L, Grand T,

17_17 news parking

17_17 NEWS PARKING 17-04-2007 12:01 Pagina 17Combinazione vincente Da due strutture preesistenti eccone una terza, appenarealizzata, con le caratteristiche modulari del sistema Fast ParkAmmonta a 1.380.000 euro il finanziamento peril parcheggio di scambio multipiano che saràI lavori inizieranno a settembre. L’uso delrealizzato entro il 2008 a Roviano, comune inpa

Microsoft word - facv no.doc

SHIU WING STEEL LIMITED Court: Mr Justice Bokhary PJ, Mr Justice Chan PJ, Mr Justice Ribeiro PJ, Mr Justice Mortimer NPJ and Sir Gerard Brennan NPJ The requirements of the SB and the TM 31. SWS submits that the EIA report failed to meet the requirements of the SB and the TM because it did not contain a QRA in respect of all hazardous risk scenarios associa

Microsoft word - publications_2010

Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET Publications 2010 Doctoral theses and PhD theses defended during the year of 2010 De Nijs, R. Corrections in clinical Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and SPECT: Motion correction in MR spectroscopy, Downscatter correction in SPECT. Defended March 2nd 2010 at Technical University of Denmark, Department of Informatics and Mathematica

Microsoft word - betrachtung 1 von 5 .doc

Betrachtung Vor dem 16. Jahrhundert war das Verständnis von Krankheit in Europa großteils geprägt von religiösen Vorstellungen. Die Reaktion auf Krankheit beschränkte sich auf die Absonderung der erkrankten von der gesunden Bevölkerung. Krankheit wurde vor dem Hintergrund eines religiösen Verständnisses als Zeichen Gottes interpretiert. Krankheit war somit Schicksal, eigenes Verschuld


Precautions Getting quitting right Nicotine is a mental and physical addiction, as powerful as those caused by heroin Nicotine nasal spray - The nicotine is inhaled into and cocaine. As with other addictive drugs, people can experience withdrawal when the persons nose from a pump bottle and absorbed they get less nicotine than they are used to. Symptoms can include irritability,

Microsoft word - desknote_cie_-_sanofi-aventis_-_419242_fr_l.doc

Reco. confirmée Mortalité globalement similaire entre prasugrel et Plavix, en raison de saignements fatals Q Actualité Les résultats de l’essai clinique de grande envergure de phase 3 (TRITON-TIMI 38) sur prasugrel, concurrent du Plavix développé par Eli Lilly/Sankyo, ont été présentés hier à l’occasion du congrès de l’American Heart Association. Lilly a par ailleurs organisé

Microsoft word - le guide infoparkinson

Chapitre 1 LA MALADIE DE PARKINSON ET SES TRAITEMENTS Ont contribué à l’élaboration, la rédaction et la révision de cette section : Line Beaudet Chantal Beauvais Sylvain Chouinard Manon Desjardins Michel Panisset Emmanuelle Pourcher Valérie Soland Maladie de Parkinson Thalamus Substance noire Tronc cérébral Noyau sous-thalamique Globus pallidus Putamen Noyau ca

Patient_id 4800 - date august 13, 2013

Patienttrac Outpatient Center 1818 Anystreet Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Telephone (305) 555-1212 Facsimile (305) 555-1212 PROGRESS NOTE - BRIEF PATIENT NAME James Newpatient, Sr MEDICAL RECORD NO. SOCIAL SECURITY 999-99-9999 SECONDARY MRN DATE OF BIRTH September 01 , 1966 PROVIDER NAME Louis Test, M.D. VISIT DATE August 13 , 2013 IDENTIFICAT


Tacheles informiert: Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes über die Regelleistungen (SGB II und SGB XII) Das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) wird am 20. Oktober die Höhe der Regelleistungen überprüfen. Es ist zu erwarten, dass Mängel bei der Bemessung der Kinderregelleistung festgestellt werden. Tacheles Sozialhilfe gibt auf ihrer WebseiteTipps, wie gegebenenfalls


BRAZILIAN GINSENG What is BRAZILIAN GINSENG? • Contains adaptogenic and immune- enhancing properties* is a member of the family Amaranthaceae. It has an intricate and deep root system. It• Supports the cardiovascular system* is widely used as an adaptogen for manythings, much like regular ginseng. Suma• Helps to increase energy* root contains 19 different amino acids, ala

Nebulizer therapy

Nebulizer Therapy What is a nebulizer? A nebulizer changes liquid medicine into fine droplets (in aerosol or mist form) that are inhaled through a mouthpiece or mask. Nebulizers can be used to deliver bronchodilator (airway-opening) medicines such as albuterol (Ventolin®, Proventil® or Airet®) or ipratropium bromide (Atrovent®). A nebulizer may be used instead of a metered d


CURRICULUM VITAE Prof Petro Terblanche Tel: 021 938-0245 (w) Fax: 021 938-0356 Cell: 082 893 1850 e-mail: [email protected] January 2007 CAPABILITY STATEMENT As evident from my detailed CV, I have since the start of my professional career in 1981, made three very significant and distinctly different career moves. However, there was a clear evolution from single research project executio


Scene 1 Narrator #1 : This year’s Purim Shpiel takes place in________. Where we find the characters of ________. King Ahashveros is ________. Vashti is_______, Mordechai is ___________. Narrator #2 : Esther is _______. Haman is ________. Narrator#1 : King Ahashveros is hosting a grand party. All the guests are dancing the hora and having a wonderful time. Narrator #2 : Let's all go

Pca 2

PCA 2 font puliti_gao 6 17/05/12 09.47 Pagina 5PCA 2 (2012) ISSN: 2039-7895 (pp. 5-6)P o s t - C l a s s i c a l A r c h a e o l o g i e s EDITORIAL Geographers, historians and archaeologists have long offered compre-hensive analyses of past urban transformations. In so doing, each sep-arate discipline has developed specific theoretical and methodological frame-works and distinct paths of re

Chemical resistance list 2013

ProMinent® Chemical Resistance List Resistance of Materials Used in Liquid Ends to the Chemicals Most Frequently Used The data apply to standard conditions (20 °C, 1,013 mbar). = For bonded connections, the resistance of the adhesive (e.g. Tangit) is to be considered. (Materials of the types 'o' and '-' are not recommended !)= does not apply to glass fibre reinforced materialCo

Microsoft word - spiegel artikel zu antidepressiva.doc

26. FEBRUAR 2008, 14:11 UHR ANTIDEPRESSIVA Forscher bezweifeln Wirkung von Prozac Von Christian Stöcker Eine neue Studie bringt die Hersteller von Medikamenten gegen Depressionen in Erklärungsnot: In vielen Fällen wirke eine bestimmte Klasse von Stoffen kaum besser als Scheinmedikamente. Dazu gehört auch das Antidepressivum Prozac, das weltweit 40 Millionen Menschen schlucken.

Complaints hit a new high – but disputes remain low

Assisted Reproductive Services and Private Health Insurance Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Services Waiting Periods Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular, As infertility is generally defined as the inability to conceive after one year, unprotected intercourse. Infertility can be caused by many factors, including assisted reprodu

1430 1430.1430

a model) on every second beat during train-ing identified the duple form as familiar attest, whereas those who bounced on everythird beat identified the triple form. Finally, wetested infants_ preferences without any move-ment training and found no preference forJessica Phillips-Silver and Laurel J. Trainor*either auditory interpretation, again indicat-ing that movement is crucial for the mu

Microsoft word - uhal.doc

Graduate Studies Control of Lung Remodeling Department of Physiology Bruce Uhal, Ph.D. The air sacs of the lungs (alveoli) contain specialized epithelial cells, called alveolar epithelial type II pneumocytes, that synthesize pulmonary surfactant, pump water and solutes out of the airspaces, metabolize foreign compounds and exert control over local immune defense mechanisms. R


X-ray structures of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 α -Amylase 2 with Acarbose and β -Cyclodextrin Shigehiro KAMITORI*1, Akashi OHTAKI1, Masahiro MIZUNO2, Takashi TONOZUKA2 1Department of Biotechnology and Life Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan 2Department of Applied Biological Science, Tokyo University of A

How i treat mpns.

How I treat MPNs. Commentary on the season's scientif ic f indings and MPN events. In this concluding section of diagnosis and treatment of MPNs, four of the world’s pre-eminent MPN researchers and clinical specialists combine current thinking from Europe and the United States. Dr. Claire Harrison, Dr. Hans Hasselbalch, Dr. Richard Silver and Dr. Ruben Mesa share their approach to trea

Breast cancer

What is Breast Cancer? LET YOUR FOOD BE YOUR CURE……. Cancer refers to any of the various types of malignant growths and to the illnesses caused by them. Cancer occurs when a group of cells escapes a state of equilibrium produced by a balance in the body and reproduces at will showing abnormal growth patterns. In the United States an estimated 180,000 women will learn they hav

This is psc radio

MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 1.800.356.6430 www.psc.state.ms.us What does the Mississippi Public Service Commission do? • The Public Service Commission regulates telecommunications, electric, gas, water and sewer utilities. The PSC also regulates telemarketers. The agency is charged with assuring that rates and charges for services are just and reasonable, that the se

Microsoft word - math 102 chapter 6 notes

Chapter 6 calculation of Oral Medications – Solids and Liquids 2. Quantity /strength of drug on hand 3. solid or liquid form of supply drug D = doctor’s order H = on hand or have S = supply form (e.g., tablets, mL) A = Answer Rules Formula Method Desire x Supply = Amount Have Ratio Method Supply: Have :: x : Desire Proportion Method Supply Proportions expressed as two fractions 1 tablet e

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Adam S. Teninbaum00.1.347.234.5278 adam(a)astvfx.com Particle and Dynamic Simulation Work Reed Krakoff Landing Page Animation (2010), Lead Dynamic Simulations TD for Assouline Beyoncé World Tour (2009), Particle FX TD Tiffany & Co. (2009), Animated Promotional Piece, Dynamic Simulations TD The Supernature Soybean Waterfall (2009), Lead RealFlow Particle TD for Protokulture Kid3D (2009), L

Nutrition68163 384.390

The Journal of NutritionNutrient Requirements and Optimal NutritionIntake of Fish Oil, Oleic Acid, Folic Acid, andVitamins B-6 and E for 1 Year Decreases PlasmaC-Reactive Protein and Reduces Coronary HeartDisease Risk Factors in Male Patients in aCardiac Rehabilitation Program1Juan Jesu´s Carrero,2 Juristo Fonolla´,3 Jose´ Luis Marti,4 Jesu´s Jime´nez,3 Julio J. Boza,3and Eduardo Lo´pez-


USING NIACIN AND AVOIDING SIDE EFFECTS The vitamin Niacin (B-3) given in pharmacologic amounts is a very effective medication to combat atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. It has been used for decades but eclipsed in recent years by statin drugs (Lipitor, Zocor, etc.) which are more potent in lowering the LDL so called "bad" cholesterol. However, it i


Anticoagulation Clinic Learning Experience Description Anticoagulation Clinic Rotation Anticoagulation Clinic is a required, four week, rotational learning experience. Residents will participate on a team consisting of nurses and pharmacists; and collaborate with physicians and mid level providers when therapy decisions require additional support from the patient's primary care

Punktum für weleda: rohstoff-reportage jasmin-anbau, Ägypten

Rohstoff-Reportage Jasmin-Anbau, Ägypten ________________________________________________ Wo die Fee der Träume lebt Aus dem fruchtbaren Nildelta Ägyptens, der jahrtausendealten 'Wiege der Düfte', stammt der wertvolle Jasminextrakt, welcher in sinnlichen Aromakompositionen für Weleda Naturkosmetikprodukte eingesetzt wird. Das Unternehmen des Anbaupartners Hussein Fakhry setzt g


Chin J Infect Dis , J une 2002 ,Vol 20 ,No . 3Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors , NN R TIs) 3 © 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Chin J Infect Dis , J une 2002 ,Vol 20 ,No . 3 © 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Chin J Infect Dis , J une 2002 ,Vol 20 ,No . 3de Wolf F , Lange J M , Goudsmit J , et al. Effect o


MEDICINES What to Know About Medicines Before and After Transplant To help prevent problems and keep your child’s liver healthy, you need to know your child’s current medicines. The Transplant Team (including the physicians and nurses) will work with you to improve your understanding of your child’s medicines and the importance of giving them as directed. The team will help you to de

Annex of the postal license no

Requirements for the quality of the universal service According to the Act No. 324/2011 Coll. on Postal services, § 41, the Postal Regulatory Office issues the Requirements for the quality of the universal service (hereafter referred to as “the requirements”) that are relevant in full extent also to the performance the postal payment service if this obligation is imposed in the postal li


PROGRAMMA IL QUARTETTO PIACENTINO è costituito da elementi facenti parte del gruppo cameristico Colori Musicali , nato nel 1997 nelle aule del Conservatorio di Musica “G. Nicolini” di Piacenza per volontà del violoncellista Vittorio Omati, collaboratore da diversi anni presso lo Prima parte stesso Istituto con le classi di esercitazione orchestrale, musica da camera e quartett


Fall 2009 The newsletter of the Philadelphia Natural Family Planning Network (PNFPN) The Importance of Teaching NFP by Tara PlymouthThere is currently a shortage of NFP teachers. At sions about family size). Additionally, it shows couples the Family Life Office, we only have seven ac-that there is a morally legitimate, effective method of tive NFP-teaching couples. We could use many spacin

Microsoft word - hoarding behavior.doc

STANDARD OPERATING POLICY & PROCEDURE SUBJECT: HOARDING BEHAVIOR POLICY #: SS-1000.370.00 Reviewed by: Piñon Management P&P Committee Responsibility: Social Service Director Date approved by P.I.C. Committee: _____________________________ Administrative Signature: ____________________________________ PURPOSE: To provide a guideline for resolving hoarding behaviors

Microsoft word - chem233-spring2014-ex1-practice.doc

Name (last): (first): Chem 233: Organic Chemistry I Dr. Marc Anderson Student ID#: Exam 1 // Spring 2014 // practice Points Total [1] your exam must be in pencil ! [2] ear plugs are encouraged, but headphones are forbidden [3] a non-graphing calculator and organic model kits are allowed allowed ; [4] Cell phone calculators are always forbidden ! [5]

Mathews research paper.pages

Comedy, Absurdism, and Surrealism in Crank 2 Comedy is built upon the destruction of objectification. Every true comedy begins with a beset protagonist, who needs to escape the person, institution, power, or force objectifying him. The objectifier typically forces the protagonist into a situation in which he does not want to be. This could be a relationship, a job, a limitation on personal fr


Women’s Health Issues 13 (2003) 74 –78 MIND CONTROL OF MENOPAUSE Jawaid Younus, MDa, Ian Simpson, MDb, Alison Collins, RNb, Xikui Wang, PhDca London Regional Cancer Centre, London, Ontario, Canada b Western Memorial Regional Hospital, Corner Brook, Canada c Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Received 29 July 2002; accepted 14 November 2002 The primary

Microsoft word - bmscasestudy

ECOutlook.com Helps Bristol-Myers Squibb Lower Transaction Costs Solution Overview Early 1999: As a world leader in health and personal care products that extend and enhance human life, Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) has thousands of suppliers, ranging in size from Global 100 companies to the smallest of small businesses. Although the company’s 20 largest suppliers conducted

Xxliteraturverzeichnis2010für praxishomepage

1. Schriftenverzeichnis A. Orginalarbeiten als Erstautor (in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften mit Reviewsystem) 1. Jeserich M , Ruffmann K, Kübler W. Nichtinvasive Bestimmung linksventrikulärer diastolischer Füllungsparameter mittels Dopplerechokardiographie vor und nach Koronarangioplastie ( PTCA ), Z Kardiol 79, 677-682, 1990 . IF 1,442 2. Jeserich M , Münzel T, Pape L, Fisc


Guided LearNiNG Keywords Paget’s disease Bone Long-term conditions Paget’s disease 2: exploring diagnosis, This article provides advice on diagnosing Paget’s disease and outlines management options Author Name and qualifications [abstract character styles] is job title/place of work [Abstract Author Anne Sutcliffe, BSc, DN, HV, effective than risedronate (reid et al, 2005)

Actos de navarra del borme núm. 183 de 2012

BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL REGISTRO MERCANTIL Núm. 183 Viernes 21 de septiembre de 2012 Pág. 42176 SECCIÓN PRIMERA Empresarios 387222 - TINTORERIA SAN JUAN-BAZTAN SL. Declaración de unipersonalidad. Socio único: QUICK SEC IRUÑA SL. Ceses/Dimisiones. Adm. Solid.: CIA LAZCOZ ALFONSO CARLOS;CIA LAZCOZ JOAQUIN;CIA LAZCOZ RAMON TOMAS. Nombramientos. Adm. Unico: ELIZALDE USEC

Microsoft word - estatutos.doc

ESTATUTOS DEL PARTIDO NACIONAL DE HONDURAS Principios Generales CAPITULO I Artículo 1. - El Partido Nacional de Honduras, es una Institución de derecho público, con duración indefinida; su domicilio es el Municipio del Distrito Central, con jurisdicción en el territorio nacional, cuya existencia y libre funcionamiento garantiza la Constitución de la República y las d


PAUL E. PERITO, MD 135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 540 Coral Gables, FL 33146 United States of America Telephone No.: 305-444-2920 [email protected] University of Maryland Medical School Baltimore, Maryland Graduated 1988 Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia B.A. Chemistry Graduated 1984 Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida University of Miami Medical School Departme


Experienta in Pastel Group Dana conduce activitatile financiare si administrative ale grupului. Felul in care manageriaza relatia cu furnizorii externi asigura grupului un avantaj competitiv considerabil: un raport calitate-pret foarte corect. Pe de alta parte, Dana asigura analiza si evaluarea performantelor membrilor echipei, raportate la planificarea financiara a com

Correio registado com aviso de recepção/telecópia

RENOVA, LDA ASSUNTO: Convite para apresentação de proposta – Ajuste Directo para Fornecimento de Material de Conforto – Nº 1/2012-2013 1. Por decisão da Ensiprof, Lda., foi autorizado o início do procedimento de contratação da fornecimento de material de conforto em epígrafe, porquanto, vimos convidar V.Exas a apresentarem proposta conforme caderno de encargos 2. A en

Microsoft word - jagdish bhatia

Original Article Eye Changes and Risk of Ocular Medications During Pregnancy and Their Management Jagdish Bhatia, Mohammad Naqaish Sadiq, Taqdees Anwar Chaudhary, Agdish Bhatia Pak J Ophthalmol 2007, Vol. 23 No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Speeches / Lectures Address during the inauguration of Symposium on Using Health Research and Information Technology to address Grand Challenges in Health Accelerate research through national mission I am delighted to participate in the inauguration of the International Symposium on Accelerating India?s Response to Research for a Preventive HIV Vaccine organi

Bop antibiotic profile 2012

2012 ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY PROFILES s u s s s c s u e a a s s c u tre e s c s c ia lis ilu n s r / u u o s c e c n lla a a o o te c c u c u z o


JAVIER ERNESTO SHEFFER TUÑÓN (Resumen ejecutivo) Licenciado en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas egresado de la Universidad de Panamá, con Postgrado en Negociación y Métodos Alternativos para la Solución de Controversias, cursado en la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá. Posee máster en estas disciplinas alternas al sistema tradicional de justicia ordinaria. Designado por el Mini

Untitled document

Normalization of Information Processing Deficits in Schizophrenia With Clozapine Veena Kumari, Ph.D., William Soni, M.B., B.S., M.Sc., and Tonmoy Sharma, M.Sc., M.R.C.Psych. Objective: The authors tested the hypothesis that the use of an atypical drug, clozapine, for patients with schizophrenia is related to less impairment in information processing def- icits (assessed by prepulse


✦ InterChange With American soldiers returning from combat in the Middle East, thesubject of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is in the news. The disorderhas been closely associated with the stress and strain of war, but it’s importantto note that this problem doesn’t just affect veterans, but a surprising numberIn fact, a study by the Veterans Administration (VA) involving the ge

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Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Detect Cellular Stress of Listeria monocytogenes from cDNA Microarray Data Xiaoji Liu1, Urmila Basu1, Petr Miller1, Nasimeh Asgarian2, Russell Greiner2, Lynn M. McMullen1 University of Alberta, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, Edmonton, AB, Canada1, University of Alberta, Department of Computing Scien


Frontotemporale Demenz Klinik und Poliklinik für Pschiatrie und Psychotherapie, Technische Universität München Zusammenfassung Die frontotemporale Demenz ist eine seltene Form des fortschreitenden intellektuellen Abbaus, bei der nicht die Beeinträchtigung von Gedächtnis und Orientierungsfähigkeit im Vordergrund steht, sondern fortschreitende Veränderungen der Persönlichkeit,

Sermon april 25, 2010

“ He’s Got Us ” I remember seeing a movie in which the great comedic actor Walter Matthau (I really miss him) portrayed an aging bachelor playboy, who had spent his way through his inherited fortune until it got to the point where there was virtually nothing left. His friend and financial advisor had been warning him all along that his money was running out, but he ignored the facts and kep

Medication charges

Health Center Charges OFFICE VISITS Urgent care visit 10.00 Physical exam 15.00 Women’s health exam 15.00 (plus cost of pap test) Injection fee TB skin test IMMUNIZATIONS Meningitis 107.00 (plus $7 injection fee) Hepatitis A 63.00 (plus $7 injection fee) Hepatitis B 29.00 (plus $7 injection fee) Tetanus (Tdap) 38.00 (plus $7 injection fee) Typhoi


COMMISSION ON POWDER DIFFRACTION INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/comm/cpd/ NEWSLETTER No. 25, July 2001 http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/comm/cpd/Newsletters/ . IN THIS ISSUE Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data (Bill David, Editor) CPD chairman’s message, Paolo Scardi Ab-initio structure determination of oligopeptid


Nitazoxanide Class : Antiprotozoals, INTRODUCTION Antiprotozoal; nitrothiazolyl-salicylamide derivative. USES Cryptosporidiosis Treatment immunocompetent adults, adolescents, and children ≥1 year of age; designated an orphan drug by FDA for this use. A drug of choice for treatment of cryptosporidiosis in adults and pediatric patients who do not have HIV infection. Anti-infec


INTRODUCING PL-6983 is the lead compound in a new series of melanocortin receptor-specific peptides developed by Palatin Technologies. PL-6983 has demonstrated efficacy in inducing erections in animal models and in inducing sexual behavior in an animal model of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Palatin Technologies is developing PL-6983 primarily for FSD, a major unmet medical need. Dependi

601112 prevent

Technisches Merkblatt Holzschutzsysteme profilan®-prevent Wasserbasierende, farblose Grundierung mit bioziden Wirkstoffen zum vorbeugenden Schutz gegen Bläue, Pilze und Insekten. RAL-Gütesiegel, Verleihungsurkunde Nr. 871 Anwendungs- profilan®-prevent dient dem Schutz statisch nicht beanspruchter Hölzer ohne Erdkontakt im Außenbereich vor I


Cost-effective drugs — WINTER 2010 what’s available? As more prescription drugs hit the Cost-effective drugs by health condition: A convenient chart for you Take control of your holiday stress level Just say “no” to pneumonia and the flu HIGH CHOLESTEROL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE bad cholesterol as well astriglycerides — fats in the blood —and is a

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                                                        Springtime outdoor safety Whether you're relaxing in the backyard, turning up your garden, hitting the pool, or exploring the great outdoors, here are some ways to help keep you and your family healthy this spring and summer: • Beware of bugs: mosquitoes, ticks, and other i

Endocrine aspects of duchenne muscular dystrophy

Available online at www.sciencedirect.comEndocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular DystrophyMaria Luisa Bianchi Doug Biggar , Kate Bushby , Alan D. Rogol a Bone Metabolism Unit, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milano, Italyb Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canadac Institute of Human Genetics, International Centre for Life, Newcastle U


ANNEX A—SUMMARY OF CERTAIN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRAZILIAN GAAP AND U.S. GAAP (UNAUDITED) General Information There are certain differences between Accounting Practices Adopted in Brazil and U.S. GAAP,which are relevant to UOL’s financial information presented in this Annual Report. The followingpresentation is a summary of some of the significant aspects of those differences; but this

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Chapter 20: Table of Contents SECTION I. PAIN IN PERSPECTIVE Chapter 1 - Pain and Its Magnitude 3 Chapter 2 - Historical Perspective of Pain Management 7 ! C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. and SECTION II. ELEMENTS OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY PAIN MANAGEMENT Chapter 3 - The Classification of Pain 19 ! Ole Thienhaus, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.P.A. and B.Eliot Chapter 5 - M


LA MONARCHIE REPUBLICAINE par Monique DagnaudLa liste est longue des ministres dont la vindicte populaire a successivement demandé la tête Kouchner,.). Deux secrétaires d'Etat, récemment épinglés pour leur utilisation de l'argent public, Alain Joyandet et Christian Blanc,dimanche 4 juil et. Le chef de l'Etat, à peine élu, a fait l'objet d'un foisonnement éditorial sans précédent -près

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The Association for British Clinical Diabetologists: recommendations following suspension of rosiglitazone (Avandia) On 23 September 2010, the European Medicine’sAgency (EMA) Committee on Medicinal Products forHuman Use (CHMP) recommended the suspension ofmarketing authorisation for Avandia (rosiglitazone)• For all new prescriptions of thiazolidinediones, and Avandamet (rosiglitazone

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5. Verifiche oggettive: analisi dei dati 5.1 Il tema della misurazione della Follia e della classificazione dei disturbi Psichiatrici Nel ‘700, l’Illuminismo apre la strada ai metodi di ricerca scientifica in Psichiatria, come accade anche in tutti gli altri campi del sapere e del conoscere. A cominciare dalla ben nota Frenologia1 (secondo la quale le singole funzioni psichiche dipenderebbe

Compliance in the prescribing of new oral proton pump inhibitors (ppi’s) against local and trust guidelines for inpatients

LANCASHIRE TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Compliance in prescribing for the initiation of new oral Proton Pump Inhibitors against local and trust guidelines for inpatients. By Sameer Patel Project Supervisor: Jean Holmes (Senior Pharmacist) Background Information Proton pump inhibitors ( PPI’s) act on inhibiting gastric secretions in parietal cells of the stomach. There

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Health Benefits of Tennis Babette M Pluim (1), J Bart Staal (2), Bonita L Marks (3), Stuart Miller (4), Dave Miley (4) (1) Royal Netherlands Lawn Tennis Association (KNLTB), Amersfoort, The Netherlands (2) Department of Epidemiology and Caphri Research Institute, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The (3) Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at Chap


• Copyright ᮊ by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/JPM.2005.087 A clinical evaluation of controlled-release dinoprostone for cervical ripening – a review of current evidence in hospital and outpatient settings Werner Rath* many clinical circumstances, such as pregnancy-inducedhypertension, prelabor rupture of the membranes, sus-Department Obstetrics and Gynecology


Heart Failure Prognostic Impact of Plasma N-Terminal Pro–Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Severe Chronic Congestive Heart Failure A Substudy of the Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival (COPERNICUS) Trial Franz Hartmann, MD; Milton Packer, MD; Andrew J.S. Coats, MD; Michael B. Fowler, MD;Henry Krum, MB, BS, PhD; Paul Mohacsi, MD; Jean L. Rouleau, MD; Michal Tendera


Q&A: Using books barcodes and DVD's to enhance literacy CR readers share ideas about reading and writing 25 crazy tongue-twisters with activities to match Offensive, student Internet-postings: What action can you take? Students teaching Internet skills to seniors: a win-win situation Using primary sources to study the US Constitution AND: CR’s school web site review


International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2011), 61, 2338–2341Glaciecola arctica sp. nov., isolated from Arcticmarine sedimentYan-Jiao Zhang,1 Xi-Ying Zhang,1 Zi-Hao Mi,1 Chun-Xiao Chen,1Zhao-Ming Gao,1 Xiu-Lan Chen,1 Yong Yu,2 Bo Chen21The State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Marine Biotechnology Research Center,Shandong University, Jinan 250100, PR China2

Hierbas medicinales y hepatitis c

•hojaINFORMATIVAhcsp• Hepatitis C Support Project • www.hcvadvocate.orgque pueden ocasionar estas sustancias, es fácil ver por qué los médicos son reacios a apoyar el uso de las plantas medicinales. Algunos pacientes están interesados en métodos alternativos que complementen o incluso sustituyan el tratamiento recetado por los médicos. Esto es particularmente cierto en los pacien


Supplement Facts Continued Supplement Facts Continued telOmere maintenanCe COmPleX 290.025 mg telOmere maintenanCe COmPleX Vitamins Vitamins acid (1.3%), oleic acid (1.6%)], Borage seed acid (1.3%), oleic acid (1.6%)], Borage seed (as retinyl palmitate and 85% as natural beta-carotene) oil (10% gamma-linolenic acid), Evening primrose (as retinyl palmitate and 85% a

Selective serotonin enhancers and the theory of positive disintegration

Selective Serotonin Enhancers and the Theory of Positive Disintegration The Theory of Positive Disintegration by Kazimierz Dabrowski. Selective Serotonin Enhancers and the Theory of Positive Disintegration The increasing popularity of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications apparentlysignals renewed hopes and expectations that a simple medical intervention can ease the


EUROPEAN SURVEILLANCE NETWORK TO MONITOR THE LONG TERM EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY OF SYSTEMIC AGENTS IN THE TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS DRAFT PROTOCOL VERSION: JUNE 2007 OBJECTIVES The main objective is to establish a network of independent European population registries, in order to perform coordinated post-marketing surveillance studies aimed at monitoring the effectiv

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Bug Bites, Spider Bites and Tick Bites Bug bites and stings usually are just nuisances. They bring momentary alarm, temporary discomfort and pain, but no serious or lasting health problems. But on occasion, they can cause infections that require treatment and allergic reactions Parents should know the signs of an infection or allergic reaction, and when to get medical attention. Inform a

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Fact Sheet on Dietary Salt Reduction Dietary Sodium and Kidney Stones: Literature Research on PubMed Calcium urolithiasis, blood pressure and salt intake .1 Changes in urinary stone risk factors in hypocitraturic calcium oxalate stone formers treated with dietary sodium supplementation. .2 Effect of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibition, dietary sodium restriction,


Late flowering Perennials Dianne and Gary Westlake Peterborough and Area Master Gardeners At this time of the year many gardeners tend to feel that they are entering the last stages of a marathon. From the beginning of the growing season when the first spring bulb emerges from the frozen earth to end when the last tool is stored for the winter, our gardens change. This time of the y


3. THE USP CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Background: How Does the USP Classification System Work? Under the MMA, plans can establish their own formularies, as long as they do not use this flexibility to design formularies that would discourage high-cost beneficiaries from enrolling. Within each therapeutic category in the plan’s system, at least two drugs must be on the formulary. Thus, for exa

10-31-2012_ pg16-17_feedstuffs reprint.indd

Feedstuffs , December 31, 2012 Feedstuffs Reprint Tannins show benefits for broiler chickens 2010, three houses with 54,000, 28,410 and 26,900 chicks (109,310 total) received Dietary chestnut tannins may be a beneficial natural product with unique modes of action for potentially increasing broiler broilers received diets supplemented with 500 mg/kg of SCT. By DANNY M. HOOGE*

Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen institut 1999

Publikationen aus dem Pathologischen Institut der Universität Würzburg in 1999 Avots, A., Buttmann, M., Chupvilo, S., Escher, C., Smola, U., Bannister, A.J., Rapp, U.R., Kouzarides, T., Serfling, E. CBP/p300 integrates Raf/Rac-signalling pathways in the transcriptional induction of NF-Atc during T cell activation Immunity 10: 515-524 (1999) Chirmule, N., Avots, A., LakshmiTamma, S.M.,

Jad 127 permulab 08102012

Issue date: 8 October 2012 Valid until: 8 December 2014 NO: SAMM 127 (Issue 2, 8 October 2012 replacement of SAMM 127 dated 29 November 2011) LABORATORY LOCATION: PERMULAB SDN. BHD. 38, JALAN SS 22/25 DAMANSARA JAYA 47400 PETALING JAYA SELANGOR, MALAYSIA This laboratory accredited under Skim Akreditasi Makmal Malaysia (SAMM) meets the requirements of MS ISO


Featured Partners 2 Preventing Medication 3 Simplify My Meds PIPCo PRESCRIPTION PACKAGING COMPARISON GUIDEAccuracy of information was confirmed at time of printing, 5/1/12Traditional round and triangular with flat panel design, recycle-friendly PET vials availableThrough Cardinal Health or direct from Tri State Distribution• For every 15 assorted cases of vials, caps • Earn P


B R U N C H – S U N D A Y 1 7 M A Y 2 0 0 8 American style pancakes served with stewed berries, caramelised banana and yogurt, Kid’s breakfast: two pancakes with a rasher of bacon, maple syrup and whipped cream. All day English Breakfast served traditional style with bacon, sausage, mushroom, potatoes, tomatoes, two fried eggs and freshly toasted ciabatta. Eggs Plato: two poached f

Managing contraceptive pill/drug patients, 14th edition

Managing Contraceptive Pill/Drug Patients , 14th edition By Richard P Dickey, MD, PhD in Pharmacology As therapists offering premarital counseling and sexual therapy, it is important to be aware of the hormonal impact of various oral contraceptives (OCs) and other contraceptive drugs. Because of the differences in the makeup of the components, each hormonal contraceptive has a different pat


(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade) REGULAMENTO (CE) N.o 792/2002 DO CONSELHO de 7 de Maio de 2002 que altera, a título temporário, o Regulamento (CEE) n.o 218/92 relativo à cooperação administra- tiva no domínio dos impostos indirectos (IVA) no que se refere a medidas adicionais relativas ao comércio electrónico estabelecido ou residente na C


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Pontus haglund, ver 1.3

Konsultprofil, Pro4u konsult Pontus Haglund 2003-2006 Servecentric Ltd - Operations Director Driftansvarig för ett av europas största data centers. Konsultinriktning Ansvarig för att arbeta fram produktportfölj för internet-Konsult med inriktning på strategisk IT planering, relaterade tjänster, stötta IBM och andra IT-Arkitektur beredning, projektledning, Datacenter samma


REGLA DE LA ORDEN FRANCISCANA SEGLAR VERSIÓN QUECHUA Realizada por Fr. Germán Pino Duran ofm CAPITULO I LA ORDEN FRANCISCANA SEGLAR (OFS) ORDEN FRANCISCANA SEGLARMANTA Entre las familias espirituales suscitadas por el Espíritu Espiritual ailluknunapi, Espíritu Santomanta Santo en la Iglesia (2), La Familia Franciscana pajarichisjan Iglesiapi (2), Franciscana ail um Diospa

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Selectie publicaties TUMT met ProstaLund Feedback Threatment® 1. Een betere controle van de temperatuur in de prostaat geeft een verbetering van de 2. De mate van doorbloeding is voor een belangrijk deel bepalend voor het resultaat van een TUMT-behandeling. Slechts door het continu meten van de temperatuur in de prostaat kan de variatie in doorbloeding worden gecompenseerd waardoor de


Kevin Case Study 1. Age, Exceptionality Kevin is an 18 year old young man who attends Johnson High School. Kevin’s primary exceptionality is intellectual disabilities, with a secondary exceptionality of an orthopedic impairment. 2. Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance / Age- appropriate Transition Assessment Kevin Based on Flori

Tms history and questionnaire

TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION & BRAIN MUSIC THERAPY TMS - DEPRESSION HISTORY Date: ________________ Patient Name:_______________________________________________________DOB:_______________________ How did you hear about TMS? __________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you know about TMS? ______________________________

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Roadmap for Pediatric Dermatology at the SID **Clinical Scholars program and Young Investigator and Trainee symposium are only open to those who sign up in advance (free). If you have not, we encourage you to sign up while there are still spaces. Anyone interested in meeting Weds. evening at the Welcome Reception: Gather 7:30-8:00 pm at the statue of Sir Walter Raleigh on the patio (unless r

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Journal of Advancement in Medicine Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 1995 The Basis for Microcurrent Electrical Therapy in Conventional Medical Practice Joseph M. Mercola, DO and Daniel L Kirsch, PhD, DAAPM ABSTRACT: The use of electricity in medicine is not new. Clinicians used it over 150 years ago to treat non-union bone fractures. Electomedicine and nutrition, abandoned early in this


Vanderbilt University, T-1218 Medical Center North, Nashville, TN 37232 – 2659, USAFrequently, the etiology of a pleural effusion is inonly minimally meet the exudative criteria (eg, thequestion after the initial thoracentesis. In this article,protein ratio is 0.52 or the LDH ratio is 0.63). I assume that the pleural effusion persists after theMoreover, the patients with transudates wh

Effets indÉsirables et intoxication par les pyrethrinoides (ca, fe)

F o l i a v e t e r i n a r i a EFFETS INDÉSIRABLES ET INTOXICATION PAR LES PYRÉTHRINOÏDES UTILISÉS CONTRE LES ECTOPARASITES En Belgique, les préparations à base de pyréthrinoïdes peuvent avoir le statut de «médicament» dont la commercialisation est conditionnée à une autorisation de mise sur le marché ou celui de «produit insecticide» vendu en grande surface et dans les mag


SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS QUICK REFERENCE Healthcare Benefit SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS QUICK REFERENCE FOR Healthcare Benefit Plan July 1, 2011 For more information and understanding of benefits please Avera for benefits– 888-322-2115 PLAN SPECIFICATIONS South Dakota School District Benefits Fund Healthcare Plan SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOOL DISTRICT BENEFITS FUND

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Declaration of Conformity Hereby declare that the “Bristle Blaster® Pneumatic surface treatment tool” is in compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements applicable to hand tools for use in potentially explosive atmospheres according to the ATEX directive 94/9/EC, including conformity to the relevant demands and requirements of the following European Standards. EN

Pitsmoor surgery essential advice on swine flu

PITSMOOR SURGERY ESSENTIAL ADVICE ON SWINE FLU Based upon NHS guidance avai What are the symptoms of swine flu and long will they last? The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal flu and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu have also reported runny nose, sore throat, nau


Estimativa da Composição Corporal por Espectroscopia de Impedância Bio-Elétrica Bipolar em Indivíduos com Sobrepeso e Obesidade Carlos Eduardo Brasil Neves , Márcio Nogueira de Souza (Orientador), Defesa de Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Engenharia Biomédica/COPPE-UFRJ, Abril/2006 A análise por impedância bio-elétrica, por ser simples, segura, rápida e portátil, tem sido uti

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July 16, 2009 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy is one of the state of the art treatments in the present day for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Although many individuals have reported significant improvements in some motor symptoms and improved quality of life following DBS therapy, it is a necessity to critically review all of the related components of this intervent

Corso: 'alcolismo e problemi alcolcorrelati' - brescia

LyceumCentro per la Clinica e la Formazione Corso: 'Alcolismo e problemi alcolcorrelati' - Brescia Brescia: Piazza Monsignor G. Almici, 23 - tel/fax 030.24233271 incontro: 7 maggio 2014 (ore 13.30-18.00) Presentazione Il consumo di alcol e' un problema di salute pubblica che da sempre si articola tra il monitoraggio e lasanzione del consumo a rischio (trattandosi di sostanza legalmente di

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Post-operative surgical instructions

Post-Operative Surgical Instructions We are committed to providing the same quality of care following procedures that began during your initial visit. To that end, please refer to some general postoperative guidelines below, and by all means, CALL at any hour of any day to report any continuing problem. THE DAY OF SURGERY 1. Some degree of discomfort and pain arises as numbness subsides.




BP 4016 69615 VILLEURBANNE Cedex Association régie par la loi du 01/07/1901 Section Contrôle de Qualité Tél : 04 72 65 34 93 - Fax : 04 78 85 97 77 Courriel : http :/ Etude longitudinale Recherche de Benzodiazépines et des Antidépresseurs Ces recherches de toxiques se font dans le cadre du contrôle des médicaments depuis 5 ans. Nous avons traité à


South of the Border Mr Attitude It takes longer to get to Drumahoe or Limavady than it does to get to Tolka Park, As Portadown’s title chase foundered with a whimper at Warden Street many Ports yet to hear the scribes and various knockers of the newly founded Setanta Cup you’d fans were left dumb struck by the lack of passion and responsibility shown by our think we were going t

Review these instructions at least twice

REVIEW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AT LEAST TWICE PRIOR TO YOUR PROCEDURE (Failure to follow these guidelines may result in cancellation of your SCS Trial) Performance Spine & Sports Specialists, PA Spinal Cord Stimulator Trial Guidelines Patient Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Date and Time: __________________________________


August 7, 2007 PERSONAL HEALTH Injections to Kick-Start Tissue Repair By JANE E. BRODY The human body is held together by a network of connective tissues that are highly vulnerable to injury — through exercise, accidents and even the normal lifting, pulling and pushing of daily life. Few of us, for example, get through life without spraining an ankle. And as many sadly know, once a


Participación Ciudadana PLANTEO DE LA CUESTIÓN Ausentes de la República, caemos crónicamente en lamentaciones y quejas. Si hablamos de democracia, inseparablemente debemos hablar de ciudadanos. ¿Pero cuándo es que somos ciudadanos? Algunos definen ‘Ciudadanía’ como el derecho y la disposición de ser miembro de una comunidad política y de participar en ella mediante la acció

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SILICON IN HUMANS: BENEFICIAL OR ESSENTIAL? Henk-Maarten Laane, MD, GP, PhD, AAI Keywords: silicon, humans, metabolism, clinical data, essentiality Epstein (1999): An element is defined as quasi-essential if it is ubiquitous in plants, and if a deficiency of it can be severe enough to result in demonstrable adverse effects or abnormalities in respect to growth, development, reprodu

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REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA BOTSWANA GENERAL CERTIFICATE SECONDARY EDUCATION TEACHING SYLLABUS HUMAN AD SOCIAL BIOLOGY Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum Development and Evaluation FOREWORD Critical to the success of our secondary education programme is the recognition of individual talents, needs and learning styles. authorise the publication of this senior


Open Journal of Statistics , 2012, 2, 48-59 doi:10.4236/ojs.2012.21006 Published Online January 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ojs) Minimum MSE Weights of Adjusted Summary Estimator of Risk Difference in Multi-Center Studies Chukiat Viwatwongkasem1*, Jirawan Jitthavech2, Dankmar Böhning3, Vichit Lorchirachoonkul2 1Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, Ma

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NR. 1 – APRIL 2005 Vorgeblich wird die Debatte unter der Überschrift geführt, Frauen mit sexuellen Problemen besser Studie: Sexuelle „Probleme“ und Beziehungszufriedenheit – As-helfen zu können. Anstatt aber auf das bisher ange-pekte der Medikalisierung sexueller (Un-) Zufriedenheit von Frauen sammelte Wissen über weibliche Sexualität zurück-zugreifen oder wenigstens Unters


United States Court of Appeals FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT Before WOLLMAN and HEANEY, Circuit Judges, and HOLMES,1 District Judge. Wyeth brought an action against Natural Biologics, Inc. and Natural Biologics,LLC (“Natural Biologics”) for misappropriation of a trade secret, in violation of theMinnesota Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Minnesota Statute sections 325C.01 – .08(“MUTSA”). Wye

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DESERT DE DANAKIL ET ERTA ALE Ethiopie - B972 Ce voyage aurait pu s'intituler à la naissance du monde ou rendez-vous avec les entrailles de la Terre. Au cœur du désert du Danakil, l'un des plus chauds de la planète, se trouvent deux des plus impressionantes représentations de la vie volcanique de notre planète. Tout d'abord le volcan Erta Ale et son lac de magma de plus de 3000

Microsoft word - lice treatment-english.doc

Placentia-Yorba Linda USD Health Services Your Child May Return to School Immediately After Lice Treatment Your child may return to school under the following conditions. Your child’s hair will be checked prior to classroom entry. You Must: • Treat your child and any family member who has lice or nits with a pediculocidal shampoo. Be sure directions are followed carefu

Microsoft word - vch.0172.doc

TIA & STROKE PREVENTION RAPID ACCESS REFERRAL Fax this completed form and related records to desired location below  LGH clinic only accepts TIA referrals Phone: 604-992-7141 See reverse for emergency contacts numbers DATE OF REFERRAL: REFERRED FROM: Emergency Dept Inpatient Physician Office Specialist Name of Referring Physician: REASON FOR REFERRAL: PATIENT

Microsoft word - fracture.doc

FRACTURE Definition : A fracture is a break in the continuity of the bone.1,6 Pathophysiology : The causes of fractures are varied. Common causes are trauma (such as fal s, vehicular accident and prolonged unaccustomed use) and diseases (ex. osteoporosis, bone tumors, cysts)1,5 Affected People/Population : Fractures in the elderly are most commonly caused by accidents, fal

15 reid 11-07 pp402-404.qxd

Practice Well: Suicide Risk and Suicide Prevention WILLIAM H. REID, MD, MPH This month’s column is about suicide, a clinical topic released on bond). There was no known history of involved in well over half the civil forensic matters I psychiatric diagnosis or treatment, but his wife con- review. I will discuss it clinically, because that’s the way firmed that he had shown increasin

Note to parent/guardians:

Note to Parent/Guardians: To comply with State Law governing the administration of medication at school, the Pendleton County School system requires that all students who need medication during school hours do the following: 1. The parent or legal guardian must sign the written consent form for both non-prescription and prescription medication. (The school does not provide non-prescriptio

Dual-glo™ luciferase assay system: a homogeneous dual-reporter system

C e l l - B a s e d A s s a y s DUAL-GLO™ LUCIFERASE ASSAY SYSTEM: the extraction of useful data by differentiating genetic A HOMOGENEOUS DUAL-REPORTER SYSTEM responses of interest from non-relevant influences. Suchinfluences may include “edge effect” in multiwell plates,by Erika Hawkins, M.Sc., Braeden Butler, B.S., Keith Wood,transfection efficiency in transiently transfected ce

Microsoft word - drug interaction

DRUG INTERACTIONS Pharmacodynamic interaction Pharmacokinetic interaction then dypiridamole, ticlopidine bleeding time (BT) by inhibiting platelet aggregation. take OCP of high progesterone content/ other contraceptive mycobacterial infections. Whether OCP is a combination of ethylinestradiol and nirethindrone . disulfirum like reactions. methonidazole therapy, alco

Petition briefing

Briefing for the Public Petitions Committee Petition Number Main Petitioner : Robert Thomson on behalf of LDN Now Scotland Subject : NHS availability of Low Dose Naltrexone Calls on the Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to make Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) readily available on the NHS to auto-immune disease sufferers as well as other conditions not classified as auto-immune

1730-4/4.2 layout

FEATURES DESCRIPTIO The LTC®1730 is a complete pulse charger for 1-cell Complete Pulse Charger for 1-Cell Lithium-Ion lithium-ion batteries. When charging a depleted cell, the Batteries internal MOSFET is fully on allowing the current limited Sense Resistor Limits Maximum Current for Safety input power source to provide charge current to the 1% Float Voltage Accuracy battery, vi


E p i d e m i o l o g y / H e a l t h S e r v i c e s R e s e a r c h O R I G I N A L Many Americans Have Pre-Diabetes and Should Be Considered for Metformin ARY K. RHEE, MD K.M. VENKAT NARAYAN, MD diabetes and then more rapidly to diabetes. IRSTEN HERRICK, MSC PAUL KOLM, PHD AVID C. ZIEMER, MD ENNIFER G. TWOMBLY, MD, PHD studies, ϳ25–40% of individuals with pre- IO


Pandemic H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) Information for Parents The new H1N1 flu has been circulating throughout California and Shasta County, and now that children are back to school, we will likely see an increase in flu cases spreading from child to child. New federal, state and local guidance for schools provides a range of response options for school administrators and public health offic


DISCIPLINA: QUIMICA FARMACEUTICA PLANO DE ENSINO OBJETIVOS: • Reconhecer os fármacos de origem sintética e semi-sintética, constantes das últimas edições de farmacopéias e outros códigos farmacêuticos. • Aplicar conhecimentos visando a obtenção de fármacos e seus análogos. • Identificar as relações estruturais e atividades farmacológicas existentes nas as clas

Evaluation – auswertungsanforderungen und wünsche (für das budget-modul)

Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Publikationen und Hochschulschriften 2012 Gastroenterologie und Endokrinologie Journalbeiträge 1. Alekseev D, Goralczyk A, Lorf T, Ramadori G, Obed A (2012) Ten years survival with excellent outcome after living donor liver transplantation from 70 years old donor for primary hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma: Case report. Int J Surg Case Rep, 3(1): 34-6.


You may hear some of these terms mentioned by your doctor. Most women don’t like to question their doctor, and leave the session no wiser than when they first made the appointment. This glossary is aimed to simplify some of the medical terms you may hear. Anterior Repair - a gynaecologic surgical procedure designed to treat a cystocele (a bulge of Anticholinergic - a class of drugs which hel

Microsoft word - medical_form

PENN HILLS HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC DEPARTMENT Medical Information/Emergency Treatment Authorization Student Name______________________________________ Date:__________________ Sex_____ Age _____ Date of Birth _________________ Grade: __________________ Home Address_____________________________________________________________ (Street) (City, State) (Zip) Home Phone_____________________ Par


PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Noon-5:00 PMEA Golf Outing Room Check-in Welcoming Hospitality Reception/Associate Member Exhibits THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 7:00-8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration Foyer outside of the Assembly Room Welcoming Address Vance Oakes, Grove City Borough Manager/Pr

Microsoft word - lappalainen).rtf

DO FAMILY FIRMS AND NON-FAMILY FIRMS DIFFER IN INVESTING? Evidence on Finnish SMEs Abstract The aim of this study is to examine whether family firms and non-family firms differ in investment behaviour. More precisely, I investigate whether family ownership has an impact on whether a firm rejects investments or not, and whether family ownership has an influence on the amou

Ilmº (s) sr



My Primary School Key Stage 2 Using a range of materials and processes,About the effect of exercise and rest on pulse Geography including ICT (E.g. painting, collage, printmaking, digital media, textiles, sculpture). A locality in a country that is less economicallyInvestigating different kinds of art, craft anddesign (E.g. in the locality, in original andskeletons and muscles to su

Pii: s0271-5317(01)00313-x

Iron supplementation prevents the development of irondeficiency in rats with omeprazole-inducedEdemilson Cardoso da Conceic¸a˜o, M.S.a,1, Tadao Shuhama, Ph.D.b,Clarice Izumi, Ph.D.c, Osvaldo de Freitas, Ph.D.a,c,* Departamentos a de Cieˆncias Farmaceˆuticas b Fisica e Quı´mica, Faculdade de Cieˆncias Farmaceˆuticas de Ribeira˜o Preto, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, c Centro de Quı

Microsoft word - pc esomeprazole 40mg.doc

PC - ESOMEPRAZOLE 40mg Composition Each enteric coated tablet contains: Esomeprazole 40mg Description Esomeprazole magnesium is bis(5-methoxy-2-[(S)-[(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethyl-2-pyridinyl)methyl] sulfinyl]-1H-benzimidazole-1-yl) magnesium trihydrate, a compound that inhibits gastric acid secretion. Esomeprazole is the S-isomer of omeprazole, which is a mixture of the S- and R-


Media release Women can now get treatment for urinary tract infections directly from trained pharmacists Auckland, 26 November 2012 – (NZX: PHB) In a New Zealand first, women will be able to receive best practice treatment for urinary tract infections (often referred to as UTI, bladder infection or cystitis) directly from trained pharmacists from today. The service is now avail

Hausärztin im kiez teil 8

Anna hat offensichtlich einen äußerst langen Atem. Ich frage mich, wann bei ihr die Grenze erreicht ist, wo sie sagt, mir reichts, ich kann nicht mehr. »Denkst du manchmal, wenn diese Kiesels doch bloß nicht mehr kämen, ich kann ihnen ja doch nicht helfen?«»Das denke ich eigentlich nicht. Ich denke, ich bin einfach jemand, den sie immer ansprechen können. So viel eicht. Ich interessie


PREMIER DERMATOLOGY PATRICK KEEHAN, D.O. CYCLOSPORINE Informed Consent GENERAL INFORMATION: Cyclosporine has been used in the field of transplantation to prevent rejection of transplanted human organs for over 20 years. Psoriasis patients being treated with Cyclosporine demonstrate rapid clearing of psoriasis and the drug was officially approved by the FDA for the treatme

library of parliament

PRB 06-14E THE PATENTED MEDICINES (NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE) REGULATIONS Dominique Valiquet Law and Government Division 4 May 2006 PARLIAMENTARY INFORMATION AND RESEARCH SERVICE SERVICE D’INFORMATION ET DE RECHERCHE PARLEMENTAIRES The Parliamentary Information and Research Service of the Library of Parliament works exclusively for Parliament, conducting res


Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification Building B, 633 E Shan Road, Pudong New Area Section 2 - Product Information Section 3 - Physical and Chemical Properties Section 4 - Hazards Identification Causes skin irritation. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. May cause irritation of the digestive tract. Toxic if swallowed.

“kick the habit” tips from the american lung association®

PLANNED PARENTHOOD of Northern New England “Kick the Habit” Tips from the American Lung Association® Quitting smoking may be the hardest thing you ever have to do. But once you kick the habit, there will be a new you. Nine out of ten smokers report that they want to quit. The single most important indicator of success is personal commitment: Really wanting to quit. S ccess

Clomipramine augmentation in treatment-resistant depression

84 Amsterdam et al. DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 5:84–90 (1997) CLOMIPRAMINE AUGMENTATION IN TREATMENT- RESISTANT DEPRESSION Jay D. Amsterdam, M.D.,* Felipe García-España, Ph.D., and Martin Rosenzweig, M.D. In depression that is resistant to tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) therapy, the substitution of a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI), clomipramine, or a monoami

Poarch creek pharmacy

PREAMBLE This formulary is a closed, non-tiered formulary. It is a supplement to the alphabetic listing. Notations: (C) means that the drug is only available for administration at the clinic. (B) means the drug is available through BuyRite Pharmacy for contract eligible patients only. (S) means that the drug is not stocked, but will be ordered if requested. (R) means that there is one or more


Passion Wealth Table Of Contents Forward Chapter 1: Find Your True Passion Chapter 2: 11 Tips to Finding Your Passion Chapter 3: 5 Tips to Help You Follow Through Chapter 4: Passion Can Be the Difference Between Happiness and Frustration Chapter 5: Being Stress Free Can Assist You in Finding Your Passion Chapter 6: Putting it All Together Foreword Now, due to the extreme conditions w


Samenvatting Patiënt A is een 56 jarige man die vanwege een dysthyme stoornis behandeld werd met een Selective Serotonine Re-uptake Inhibitor (SSRI). Diverse serotonerge middelen kunnen leiden tot het serotoninesyndroon. Het serotonine syndroom blijkt moeilijk te herkennen door behandelaren en verpleegkundigen. De gevalsbeschrijving illustreert het beloop, de klinische verschijnselen en de


EnrollEd PatiEnt rE-ordEr Form For HEaltHCarE ProFESSional USE onlY do not USE tHiS Form UnlESS PatiEnt HaS alrEadY BEEn aPProVEd For tHE PFiZEr ConnECtion to CarE Program Please fill out the form below and fax to 866-470-1748 or place your order via our automated system by calling 866-706-2400. PatiEnt inFormation Patient name: Patient address: City: Zip Code: telephon

Microsoft word - post_breast.doc

BREAST AUGMENTATION POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS YOUR FIRST 24 HOURS A family member or friend must drive you home because you have been sedated. Someone should stay overnight with you. If you have any questions, please ask one of our nursing staff. POSITION During the first week, attempt to sleep on your back instead of on your side. We want your implants to stay in a perfect posit

Microsoft word - state regs i.doc

Epinephrine Salts – Medicinal Nitroglycerine – P & U Listed Syringe Waste Following is a list of each state and whether or not they are consistent with the EPA’s stance on Epinephrine Salts, Medicinal Nitroglycerine and P & U Listed Used Syringe Waste. Epinephrine Salts SUMMARY: Epinephrine Salts are not a P-Listed waste. DETAILS: USEPA Memo Dated 10/07/2007. Subject: Scope


PROGRAMA DE AYUDA HUMANITARIA al IIIer. Mundo. Directorio de empresas y servicios. - Comerciales, químicas e industriales. Autores. José María Amenós Vidal - Psicólogo Clínico y Social (docencia e investigación desde 1984) y Carmen Martínez Ibáñez - Diseño Gráfico y Bel as Artes (freelance desde 1992) por la Universidad Central de Barcelona. c/ Museo, núm. 26 - 1º 1ª.


MUNICÍPIO DE TRÊS PASSOS – PODER EXECUTIVO “Secretaria Municipal de Administração” EDITAL DE CONCURSO PÚBLICO Nº 028/2011 HOMOLOGAÇÃO CLASSIFICAÇÃO CONCURSO PÚBLICO ABERTO PELO EDITAL N° 06/2010 E DÁ OUTRAS PROVIDENCIAS. TARCISIO KUHN , Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Vereadores de Três Passos, em exercício no cargo de Prefeito de Três Passos,

Microsoft word - european std guidelines july 2010 no codes.doc

European guideline for the management of Chlamydia trachomatis infections Revision date: Department of Dermatology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Laboratory for Medical Microbiology, Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Outpatients’ Centre for Infectious Venereode

Microsoft word - pedicuring the cancer client ur comments

PEDICURING THE CANCER CLIENT by Mórag Currin, Founder of Touch For Cancer Online Cancer diagnosis has a profound effect on most people diagnosed with this disease. Many people want to continue their lives as normal, and to continue visiting the spa and to continue having pedicures, especially during the summer months. If you are currently undergoing cancer treatment, you would need to ensure that

Microsoft word - april nl - complete

A publication of Pikes Peak Citizens for Life LifeLine April 2012 “Preventative Care?” $1.00 Abortion Payment The “birth control” pill – along with all its The Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) injectable and implantable counterparts – IS has issued a “final” rule regarding the establish-ment of the state health care exchanges required und


NATURHEAL DE HEILZAME WERKING VAN POMPELMOESPITTENEXTRACT Ontdekking van een veelzijde remedie In 1980 in een klein dorpje in Florida, stelt doctor Jacob Harich, gerenommeerd fysicus en immunobioloog, laureaat van de Einstein prijs, vast dat de pompelmoespitten in de composthoop van zijn tuin niet verrotten?Nieuwsgierig als hij is, beslist de doctor dan ook om het bizarre fenomeen grond

Friday 12 of november:

XVIII Symposium of G.I.R.I. ECH Research subcommittee General Assembly November, 12th – 14th 2004 REVIEW OF VETERINARY PUBLICATIONS Prof. Leoni VILLANO BONAMIN (DVM, MCs, PhD) University Paulista University of Santo Amaro Brazilian Institute of Homeopathic Studies The veterinary practice and research represent a very promising field in the context of homeopath

Microsoft word - colestid lpd cc 250110.doc

The format of this leaflet was determined by the Ministry of Health and its content was 1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT COLESTID 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION One dose (1 packet or 1 level teaspoon) of COLESTID Granules contains 5 grams of colestipol hydrochloride For excipients, see section 6.1 3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Light yellow, tasteless and odorless gra

Microsoft word - exp to athletes re wada changes pnz 130104.doc

The new Wada anti-doping code comes into effect on 1 January 2004. There are some very significant changes that you need to know about: The major change relates to topical or inhaled corticosteroids. These are banned from Jan 1st 2004, but exemption to use them may be gained via the “therapeutic use simplified a. Topical corticosteroids are widely used for treating many medical conditions.

Progesterone spec sheet pss-ps1113-2

PROGESTERONE ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY TEST KIT Catalog Number: PS-1113 Enzyme Immunoassay for the PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST Quantitative Determination of Progesterone Concentration in The progesterone EIA is based on the principle of Human Serum competitive binding between progesterone in the test specimen and progesterone-HRP conjugate for a constant amount of rabbit anti-prog


Practice Management Issues for the Physician Assistant: Evaluation and Management Chart Note Exercises EXAMPLE # 15: New Patient Patient: Problem List : 1. Type 2 diabetes, recent diagnosis. 2. Hypercholesterolemia. 3. S/P TAH/BSO 1976. Meds: 1. Avandamet 500/4 bid . 2. Zocor 20 mg daily. Allergies: Aspirin (itching). Social History: Nonsmoker, nondrinker. Married, no c

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THE η(1405), η(1475), f1(1420), AND f1(1510)Revised November 2013 by C. Amsler (Bern) and A. Masoni(INFN Cagliari). The first observation of the η(1440) was made in pp anni-hilation at rest into η(1440)π+π−, η(1440) → KKπ [1]. Thisstate was reported to decay through a0(980)π and K∗(892)Kwith roughly equal contributions. The η(1440) was also ob-served in radi


management | qof A total of eight points are available to practices for the correct management and treatment of obesity. Dr PAul lAmbDen explainsObesity is rapidly becoming the United Kingdom’s biggest health problem with associated deaths estimated at between 10-30,000 a year from obesity alone. Nearly two-thirds (70 per cent) of men and 63 per cent of women are over-weight or obese and it

Thomas berry interview for resurgence 2

Thomas Berry’s book, The Dream of the Earth, has long been an inspiration to me. When I read his new book, The Great Work, which challenges us to search for a mutually enhancing relationship between humans and the planet, I knew I wanted to meet him. I visited him at his home in the Southern Appalachians, where he lives in three rooms above an old stable block surrounded by the memorabilia of a

Microsoft word - 2013epi pen doc

               Tamarack Nature Center Epinephrine and Benadryl   Medication Order and Consent Form  Medication Order for Treatment 5287 Otter Lake Road, White Bear Township, MN 55110  of Anaphylaxis using Epinephrine and/or Benadryl BY UNLICENSED STAFF OR PERSONNEL IN THE ABSENCE       Phone: (651) 407‐5350    Fax (651) 407�

Permanent make-up -

Permanent Makeup PERMANENT MAKE-UP - Mobil-Service Claudia Manighetti ZEITPLAN UND WICHTIGE INFORMATIONEN Herzliche Gratulation, dass Sie sich für ein Permanent Make-up Fon: 076 / 376 90 60 Damit die Behandlung erfolgreich wird, gebe ich Ihnen nachstehend noch einige Tipps und wichtige Informationen: 3 Tage vor Behandlungsbeginn, täglich Wenn Sie sich die Lippen p

Kommentierung - dr. van egmond-fröhlich - 23 09 10

Adipositas-Abstract-Service Kommentar: Dr. Andreas van Egmond-Fröhlich, SMZ Ost - Donauspital, Abteilung für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Langobardenstraße 122, 1220 Wien Smith, S. R., N. J. Weissman, et al. "Multicenter, placebo-controlled trial of lorcaserin for weight management." , N Engl J Med 363 (3): 245-56. Der ZNS-selektive Serotonin (5HT2C) Rezeptor Agonist


Tetracycline MayoClinic.com Tetracycline (Class) (Oral Route, Parenteral Route) Description Tetracyclines are used to treat infections and to help control acne. Demeclocycline, doxycycline, and minocycline also may be used for other problems as determined by your doctor. Tetracyclines will not work for colds, flu, or other virus infections. Tetracyclines are available only with y

Microsoft word - health information for guatemala travelers (2)

Health Information for Travelers in Guatemala I recommend that pertinent portions of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website be reviewed. See http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/guatemala. This is excellent material. The following represents my capsule summary of that material. a. Be sure you are in good health; see your personal physician prior to the trip if you have


Anytime State-Based Solution Methods for Decision Processes with non-Markovian Rewards Sylvie Thi´ebaux Froduald Kabanza John Slaney Abstract of the request being made, or even simply for the veryfirst achievement of a goal which becomes irrelevant af-A popular approach to solving a decision pro-terwards. A decision process in which rewards depend oncess with non-Markovia


A Case for a Viral Cause for Meniere's Syndrome This document can be found at Companion document: These forty studies were compiled from PubMed listing of peer-reviewed scientific and medical studies. These are the relevant studies found when searching for "virus" and "meniere" in papers that include an abstract. Of these forty papers, thirty supported a viral etiology f


Shareholder value creators and shareholder value destroyers in USA. Year 2002 Pablo Fernández* and Laura Reinoso** IESE Business School ABSTRACT 2002 was a bad year: the shareholder value destruction of the companies in the S&P 500 was $3.3 trillion. In2002 only 16% of the companies created value (80 companies created value and 420 companies destroyed value). Thepercentage of

Microsoft word - document2

In 1990, the Federal Ministry of Health published the first edition of the Approved Patent Medicines List for Patent Medicines Shops in the country, and in 1994 the second edition (2nd Edition) was This is an updated list of Patent Medicines approved for stock and sale in licenced Patent Medicines Shops throughout Nigeria. It is prepared with generic names. It has been prepared in line with the

Targacept’s tc-5214 achieves all primary and secondary outcome measures in phase 2b trial as augmentation treatment for major depressive disorder

Targacept’s TC-5214 Achieves All Primary and Secondary Outcome Measures in Phase 2b Trial as Augmentation Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder - High Statistical Significance Achieved on HAM-D Scale (p < 0.0001) in 265 Patients - Winston-Salem, North Carolina, July 15, 2009 —Targacept, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRGT) today announced positive top-line results from a double blind, pla

Post da vinci robotic prostate surgery:

PENINSULA UROLOGY CENTER, INC. 3351 El Camino Real, Suite 101 Atherton, California 94027 Phone: (650) 306-1016 Fax: (650) 369-3627 Web Site: [email protected] LEAVING THE HOSPITAL: You will be discharged about 24 hours after surgery. You will have a Foley catheter in place that will be removed approximately 10 days after the operation. This urinary catheter is held in place


Support Care CancerDOI 10.1007/s00520-008-0528-8Phase II trial of encapsulated ginger as a treatmentfor chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomitingSuzanna M. Zick & Mack T. Ruffin & Julia Lee &Daniel P. Normolle & Rivka Siden & Sara Alrawi &Dean E. BrennerReceived: 14 June 2008 / Accepted: 15 October 2008daily, or matching placebo for 3 days. The primary outcomeGoals of w

The beat

EMS Edmonton / North Zone MEDICAL REFERENCE REF-3038.0 APRIL 1, 2009 PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS There may be times in the field where patient restraint is a consideration or even a necessity. The safety of EMS personnel is factor when dealing with these patients. Refer to Psychiatric / Violent (MCG-1104.0). Verbal, physical and chemical restraints provide effective ways of res

Microsoft word - rdoc9

Research Documents with New Comments 9 Introductory Note This series is an effort to present the updated research documents with information collected through recent Ethnobotanical surveys (December 2010 onwards). Aphrodisiacs of Chhattisgarh: Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used as Sex Tonic in Chhattisgarh, India. Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia © 2001,2002,


www.painmanagementrounds.org F R O M G R A N D R O U N D S A N D O T H E R C L I N I C A L C O N F E R E N C E S O F T H E M G H P A I N C E N T E R , M A S S A C H U S E T T S G E N E R A L H O S P I T A L MASSACHUSETTS Occipital Neuralgia GENERAL HOSPITAL By S T E V E N B A R N A , M . D . A N D M A L I H A H A S H M I , B . S . Occipital neuralgia is a form of headache that i


Haloperidol - Pregnancy and Breastfeeding This fact sheet is for women who take haloperidol and are concerned about its effects during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It does not include information about all the side effects and should be read in addition to information provided with the product. It is very important that you speak to your doctor before you decide to change or stop using


NEWSLETTER January 2011 We hope you al had a peaceful Christmas and new year, although this seems like ages agoespecial y as February is just around the corner. A big thank you to everyone who brought inpresents for the staff we real y do appreciate them. So here’s to 2011, may you al have agreat year!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Zones Naturelles d’Intérêt Ecologique, Faunistique et Floristique estuaire, marais CHARENTE et coteaux MARITIME de la Gironde EN charente-maritime COMMUNEs Arces, Barzan , Boutenac-Touvent, Brie-sous-Mortagne, Chenac-St-Seurin-d’Uzet, Epargnes, Floirac , Lorignac, Medis, Meschers-sur-Gironde, Mortagne-sur-Gironde, Royan, Saint-Bonnet-sur-Gironde , Saint-Diza

Microsoft word - p&brev13henriques

DOS TEXTOS DE FREUD OU DA PSICANÁLISE COMO POTÊNCIA CRIATIVA Rogério Paes Henriques* RESUMO: Este artigo pretende aproximar a psicanálise da literatura, examinando um dos aspectos da narrativa de Sigmund Freud, especificamente, a relação mimética que este autor estabelece com seu objeto de estudo. Descrevendo seu próprio ato de pensar em seu envolvimento visceral e mim�


ANATOMY – PHYSIOLOGY Menstrual Cycle LAB Purpose:______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Observation Questions 1. Between days 25 and 12 (not 12 to 25) of the menstrual cycle, what happens to the amount of FSH produced by the body of an average human female? _______________________

Seniors score board book

Learn what you need…avoid year long tuitions…Maths, Physics & Chemistry modules for CBSE, ISC & INTERMEDIATE Enrol in our proven training programs score high in Boards & aim top Tech-schools Basic modules for Boards & advanced training for IIT-JEE AIEEE BITSAT 25 Students per batch, early morning & evening classes, 1472 PAGE students got admission offers f


2013-present Senior Staff Privacy Analyst, Google. 2011-2012 Visiting Scholar, Department of Computer Science, HarvardUniversity. (Visiting Lecturer: taught freshman seminar on privacy, spring 2012.)2010-2011 Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard Uni-2005-2010 Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Burling-1999-2005 Senior Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems Lab

Microsoft word - wd0000228.doc

Definition of Asthma Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways within the lungs. Description of Asthma The lung is the main organ of the respiratory system and its main function is respiration (exchange of gases between the environment and the body). Air enters the nose where it is filtered, warmed and humidified. After passing through the trachea (windpipe), the air travels into t


Ernährungsmediziner E M I U n a b h ä n g i g e r I n f o r m a t i o n s d i e n s t Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen, die Ernährungsmedizin wird von Patienten zunehmend nachgefragt und auch die Ärzte bilden sich immer häufiger und umfas-sender fort. Die Deutsche Akademie für Ernährungsmedizin e.V. durfte bereits mehr als 4000 Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Ernäh-rungsmedizin ausbil


1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98Ethnic Groups: Turkmen (73 percent), Russian (10 percent),Uzbek (9 percent), Kazakh (3 percent), others Political Process 1. When did national legislative elections occur? Were they free and fair? How were they judged by the domestic and international election monitoring organizations? Who composes the gov- ernment? Elec


Desires to deny or live through KIM Hyeong-JunResearcher at the Institute of South Asian Studies Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesDesires are what human beings have been taught to stay awayfrom, no matter what side of the planet they are on. Peopleare born with “the will to live” and “the will to have,” bothof which are closely related to our basic desires for food andsex. In ot

Microsoft word - code of conduct_6december2012_final_spanish.doc

Code of Conduct Código de conducta Código de conducta I. Introducción La honestidad, integridad y el buen juicio de nuestros empleados, directivos y consejeros son fundamentales para la reputación y el éxito de Flint Group. Flint Group se esfuerza por ser un ciudadano corporativo confiable y por manejarse de modo que fomente relaciones más eficientes dentro de las com

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PUERTO RICO WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL Date of the report: December 2nd , 2005 For Quarter Ending: December, 2005 Project Tittle: ‘Removal of Inorganic, Organic and Antimicrobials Contaminants from Aqueous Solutions by Waste Tire Crumb Rubber’ Name of Contact (PI): Oscar Perales-Perez Telephone : 1-787-8324040 (3087) Fax: 1-787-265-8016 E-mail: [email protected] Na

Skin abrasions from asphalt, better know to cyclists as road rash, can be very serious if not taken care of promptly and properly

Note - As with all medical issues the best advice is to be seen by medical professionals. Skin abrasions from asphalt, better know to cyclists as Road Rash, can be very serious if not taken care of promptly and properly. When treated properly, Road Rash can heal very fast, cutting very little into your training. This article will help you in the care for these injuries. First, you will ne

The unknowing nose ; with no ability to smell, an anosmiac has difficulty making scents of the world - archives | baltimoresun.com

The Unknowing Nose ; With no ability to smell, an anosmiac has difficulty making scents of the world [FINAL Edition] Document Text Go to amazon.com, call up a scratch-and-sniff book titled The Sweet Smell of Christmas and you'll find 55 out of 56 customer reviewers give it aNot bad for a book that's short on plot but long on snootfuls of chemically contrived hot cocoa and candy canes. &#

Il trattamento

IL TRATTAMENTO DEI DISTURBI DA USO DI ALCOL dott. Fulvio Fantozzi POLIAMBULATORIO DEL SECONDO PARERE – Modena Il consumo eccessivo [quotidianamente più di 1 unità alcolica per la femmina e più di 2 unità alcoliche per il maschio (1), anche se assunte ai pasti e sempre a condizione che chi beve sia in buone condizioni di salute di partenza, altrimenti detti limiti si abbas

Tb messages may 4, 2005 volume 4, issue

May 4, 2005 Volume 4, Issue 1 limiting the local transmission of M. tuberculosis , such as case finding and treatment until cure, prompt Palm Beach County contact investigations, identification and treatment of infected contacts, and the use of appropriate anti-tuberculosis treatment under Directly Observed Tuberculosis Annual In 2004, several initiatives to improve management

Carbohydrates: good carbs, bad carbs or no carbs

Diabetes mellitus -Type 2 and It’s dietary management By: Ms.Ummeayman Rangwala, FoodTechnologist, PFNDAI The nations fourth largest killer after heart disease, cancer and stroke is diabetes mellitus. China and India the emerging superpowers are thought to be the major victims of such diseases, which are associated with unhealthy lifestyle. World Health Organisation (WHO) and International

osteopathic healthcare of maine

Autism-Spectrum Health Questionnaire (includes children without an official diagnosis) Please bring this completed form with you to your initial visit with Dr. Keelyn Wu at the Portland Osteopathic Children’s Clinic. Child’s Name:___________________________ Today’s date_______________________Child’s Age:______ Date of Birth:__________Referred by:_________________________Parent

Chemwatch msds

ULTRACOLOR AEROSOL SURVEY MARKER - NON FLUORO COLOUR RANGE Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 25-Sept-2009 CHEMWATCH 63019 Version No:2.0 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME SYNONYMS PROPER SHIPPING NAME PRODUCT USE SUPPLIER Company:Ultracolor Products Address: 3 Anderson Place South Windsor NSW, 2756 AUS Telephone: +61 2 45


October Board Report - Starts GoalMaiya Anderson and Clare DurandWith the new board year, we have been newly assigned to take over the starts goal of the strategic plan. We have identified our respective areas of interest and expect to split the work with Maiya focusing primarily on marketing strategies and use of social media and Clare focusing primarily on working directly with clubs on event pr


Quick Reference Guide for Health Professionals • As outlined in the previous table, penicillin is • All patients should have a good understanding given in cases of ARF to ensure eradication of the cause of ARF and the need to have sore This quick reference guide is derived from ‘ National Heart Foundation of Australia (NHFA) and of streptococci that may persist in the upper t


RTO Car Talk – November 14, 2003 Edition ********** ANOTHER BLACKOUT A week ago, Chile's national tx grid croaked, leaving most of the country without power for about three hours in the early evening. A big generating plant abruptly tripped off line, followed by a smaller second plant. The power coordinator and Transelec (the grid operator) were in "hectic talks", trying to figure out ho

ix in the treatment process, internet healthcare strategies, 04/05

Information prescriptions (Ix): Bringing Internet-based health content into the treatment process; patients to yo process; patients to y ur site Information therapy is a process in which clinicians Some Ix for information therapy recommend specific Web content to their patients. Systems can systems planners be highly automated and used in conjunction with patien


Treating BPH with Drug Therapy BY TODD BREAUX, M.D. Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers (Hytrin ®, Cardura ®, Flomax ®) Originally used to treat high blood pressure, Cardura and Hytrin relax smooth muscle around blood vessels andwithin the prostate and bladder. By doing so, they may help increase urinary flow and relieve symptoms of uri-nary frequency and nocturia. Use of all three d


Promising Phase II Data For New Parkinson's Disease Drug Presented 22 Mar 2013 A new levodopa product (ODM-101) developed by Orion Corporation could improve the treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease patients. According to a Phase II study, presented yesterday at American Academy of Neurology's Annual Meeting in San Diego, ODM-101 significantly decreased daily OFF-time without increasing

Personality disorders have a lack of individual accountability results in a victim mentality and blaming others, society and t

Psychiatry Board Handouts Panic disorders : Panic disorder is characterized by the spontaneous and unexpected occurrence of panic attacks , the frequency of which can vary from several attacks a day to only a few attacks a year. Patients present with palpitations, pounding heart, accelerated heart rate sweating trembling or shaking sense of shortness of breath or smothering feeling of

Ao and recovery

Multi disciplinary- includes OT, social work, nursing, medical Try to work out recovery style ways of working with the person One to feed back 3 ideas to the large group Be creative! 35 year old Asian male with paranoid schizophrenia, isolated, family problems, multiple formal / informal admissions, heavy In hospital, recovering. On Olanzapine 20mg. Referred to AO with recommen


TABELA DE TAXAS BÁSICAS (extrato) Típo de actividade I. Actividades ligadas ao passaporte Adoção e análise do pedido, confirmação de dados pessoais em relação à 1 emissão do passaporte ou do passaporte temporário Emissão do passaporte para um menor que na data do pedido de passaporte Emissão do passaporte para um menor que na data do pedido de passaporte 5 Emissã

Massage and herbal medicine news

p: 02 94360306 e: [email protected] w: www.pennysnaturalhealth.biz Massage and herbal medicine news Father's Day This year Father’ Day is Sunday 5 September. This is a day for Dads’ to be celebrated for their contribution to family. I have gift cards which can be used for massage to help the males in your life to relax or to help them with a specific pro


For reprint orders, please contact [email protected] FibroMAX™: towards a new universal biomarker of liver disease? Rachel Morra, Mona Munteanu, Françoise Imbert-Bismut, Djamila Messous, Vlad Ratziu and Thierry Poynard† Among the noninvasive alternatives to liver biopsy, several studies have demonstrated the predictive value and a better benefit-to-risk ratio than biopsy

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French Polynesia Summary of recommendations ©2006 MDtravelhealth.com. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use. Summary of recommendations : All travelers should visit either their personal physician or a travel health clinic 4-8 weeks before departure. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A For travelers who may eat or drink outside major restaurants and hotels Yellow fever Required for travel

British pharmacopoeia commission

Committee P: Pharmacy BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION Committee P: Pharmacy SUMMARY MINUTES A meeting of this Committee was held at Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London SW8 5NQ on Tuesday, 6 June 2006. Present: Dr R L Horder (Chair), Prof. A D Woolfson (Vice Chair), Prof. M E Aulton, Mrs E Baker, Dr S K Branch, Dr G Davison, Dr G Eccleston, Dr B R Matthews, Dr W F McLean,

Artigo fotodinamica.pmd

A utilização da no tratamento da inflamação e infecção dos sacos anais em felinos “The use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for treatment of inflammation and infection of feline anal sac” “El uso de la terapia fotodinámica (TFD) en el tratamiento de la inflamación y la infección en lo saco anal de los felinos” 1. INTRODUÇÃO Luiz Fernando Lucas Ferreira


Day 1 (25 Mar 2011) • Fri Day 2 (26 Mar 2011) • Sat Day 3 (27 Mar 2011) • Sun Plenary 1 Plenary 2 Plenary 3 Pitfalls in GP Practice tcM acts – deMentia – aLL yOu nEED tO KnOW the PrinciPles and relevance Dr Ramli Abd Ghani Prof. Dr Philip Poi, Dr Yau Weng Keong Workshop 1a Workshop 2a S4 Workshop 3 OPEning CErEMOny tcM in Gene

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Resistência às eólicas cresce e setor tenta reagir FACCHINI, Claudia. “Resistência às eólicas cresce e setor tenta reagir”. Valor Econômico. São Paulo, 26 de junho de 2013. Os parques de energia eólica se espalham rapidamente pelo país. Mas a eletricidade gerada a partir do vento também começa a ser criticada por uma ala do setor de energia, que vê com preocupação


Critical Value Table The University of Michigan Health System (UMHS) has established critical values for the following tests; this Critical Value policy is approved by the UMHS Executive Committee on Clinical Affairs. MLabs will notify the client by telephone of results that are less than the specified Lower Limit or greater than the specified Upper Limit, immediately upon verificat

Musique et sciences

Mercredi 3 décembre 2009 - 20H30 Où se cache le bonheur ? Avec la participation de : Sabine Châtelain , Docteur en Anthropologie, Chercheur associée au LASMIC (Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Sociologie Mémoire, Identité et Cognition sociale / Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis) Elisabeth Motte Florac , Maître de conférences, Université de Montpellier I, Facult

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Global Equity Research UBS Investment Research 12-month rating Jean Coutu Group Inc. Unchanged 12m price target C$10.00/US$9.43 Prior: C$10.50/US$9.91 C$8.39/US$7.92 „ EPS was $0.18, in line with expectations; last year was $0.16 Q1 was characterized by weaker than expected sales and better than expected 7 July 2010 margins. Same store sales growth


RULES ISSUED UNDER CANAL AND DRAINAGE ACT,VIII OF 1873 CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 8


HSP Chapter Tentative Agreement Ratification Package February 8, 2013 Tentative Agreement Ratification Package After a year of bargaining, the HSPBA has reached a tentative agreement with the HEABC. The HSPBA bargaining committee, made up of representatives from different health science professions around BC recommend acceptance of the tentative agreement and encourage you to


https://eproc4.jfpr.jus.br/eprocV2/controlador.php?acao=acessar_doc. AÇÃO CIVIL PÚBLICA Nº 5016365-58.2011.404.7001/PR : MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO FEDERAL : ESTADO DO PARANÁ : UNIÃO - ADVOCACIA GERAL DA UNIÃO SENTENÇA O Ministério Público Federal ajuizou a presente ação civil pública objetivando condenação da União e do Estado do Paraná ao fornecimento do

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AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES 2220 GASPAR AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 CHEM-TEL: (800) 255-3924 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: Clean + Easy Microwavable Roll-On Waxer Ginseng & 1/27/2004 Mango - Normal Skin Formula FORMULA: Section 1. Material Identification and Information Hazardous Ingredients: Section 2. Physical / Chemical Characteristics Boilin

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The Use of Medication in Treating Childhood and Adolescent Depression: Information for Patients and Families Prepared by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in consultation with a National Coalition of Concerned Parents, Providers, and Professional Associations This revision of the original 200


ARTYKU£Y I ROZPRAWY Prawo prywatnemiêdzynarodowe. Zasady wyboruprawa w³aœciwego dla du¿ychryzyk ubezpieczeniowych. Zagadnienia praktyczne 1. Wprowadzenie W dniu 16 maja 2011 r. wesz³a w ¿ycie ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 2011 r. – Pra- wo prywatne miêdzynarodowe 1 (dalej: Ustawa). Ustawa wprowadza zna- cz¹ce regulacje tak¿e dla obrotu ubezpieczeniowego, chocia¿ prima facie mog³

References 6th ed no drugs

REFERENCES FOR DRUG DOSAGE GUIDELINES FOR INFANTS AND OLDER CHILDREN Custer JW, Rau RE (eds) The Harriet Lane Handbook--18th edition. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book: 2009. Koratza A.A. et al. Safety and Efficacy of Sildenafil Therapy in Children with Pulmonary Hypertension. Int J Cardiology (2005) 100: 267-273. Hayashi AH et al Topical sucralfate: effective therapy for the management of resista


Dr. med. Arnim Quante Curriculum Vitae Seit 2009| Oberarzt des Moduls "Integrative Psychiatrie" mit Leitung des Konsiliardienstes der Charité, Campus Benajamin Franklin, Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Berlin Seit 2008| Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2003 - 2009 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Charité, Campus Bnejamin

Information importante contre indication des mucolytiques chez le nourrisson / ordre national des pharmaciens, afssaps

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Pág. 812-

Psicothema 2008. Vol. 20, nº 4, pp. 812-817 Chronic sildenafil (Viagra) administration reduces anxiety in intact and castrated male rats Abdel A. Solís, José A. Bethancourt* and Gabrielle B. Britton*Universidad de Salamanca and * Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta TecnologíaEpidemiological research indicates that sildenafil (Viagra) abuse is associated with i


Governor Christie Fulfills Pledge to Clean Up and Restore Barnegat Bay; Announces Comprehensive Plan of Action The ecological health of Barnegat Bay is in decline, threatening the economic health of the region. Governor Christie has made addressing the degradation of Barnegat Bay—including resolving the issue of a cooling system at the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant—one of his

Bartter, gitelman, liddle syndromes.pdf

Bartter’s, Gitelman’s, and Liddle’s Key Points: 1. These syndromes are rare, so it’s important to rule out more common causes (ie diuretics, prescribed or 2. Consider these syndromes when pt has hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis and is chloride re sistant (high urinary 3. Bartter’s is like “lasix”, Gitelman’s is like “thiazide”, and Liddle’s is like “hyper-aldo”. 4.

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Gewerbestrasse 4, CH-4416 Bubendorf (Switzerland) Tel. ++41-61-9331111, Fax ++41-61-9331115, e-mail: [email protected] Extractum Siccum - Dry Plant Extracts → Retail: 50 g / 100 g / 250 g / 1000 g Gewerbestrasse 4, CH-4416 Bubendorf (Switzerland) Tel. ++41-61-9331111, Fax ++41-61-9331115, e-mail: [email protected] Extractum Siccum - Dry Plant Extracts → Retail: 50 g / 100 g / 250 g


Petit résumé du minimum à savoir sur les accus lithium-polymère "lipo" pour les utiliser en toute sécurité. Généralités Les accus de type lithium-polymère sont aujourd'hui les accus les plus performants pour notre usage. Performant, ca veut dire qu'ils offrent le meilleur rapport puissance / masse. Autrement dit, à capacités équivalentes, entre les mimh, nicd, lifepo4,

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Discover Australia 9-13 June 2008 RDV and Austrade invite wineries and food Costs and Services companies to take part in ‘Discover Australia’, which is designed to determine prospects for The total cost is A$3990 (with RDV subsidy, food and wine products in the Canadian market. subject to approval, the cost will be $1800 for ‘Discover Australia’ wi


Coronary collateral growth by external counterpulsation: a randomised controlled trial Steffen Gloekler, Pascal Meier, Stefano F de Marchi, et al. 2010 96: 202-207 originally published online November 5, 2009Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 19 articles, 15 of which can be accessed free at: Email alerting Receive free email alerts when


Autor: Lic. Victor Michel Hernández Gómez Profesional de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, Cuba. Portaldeportivo La Revista Año 3 Nº16 Enero Febrero 2010 ISSN 0718-4921 RESUMEN: Los temas relacionados a la salud y la realización de ejercicios físicos son una de las principales problemáticas que ocupa a investigadores y científicos de todo el mundo. En particular los


Einverständniserklärung zur Unterbindung Sie haben sich entschlossen, eine Unterbindung zur Empfängnisverhütung durchführen zu lassen. Die folgende Uebersicht enthält die wichtigsten Informationen, Erfolgsaussichten und Risiken. ► Die Kosten des Eingriffes und einer möglichen Rückgängigmachung (Refertilisierung) werden in der Regel nicht von der Krankenkasse übernommen, sondern si

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Tablet Press EXTRA The prescribing newsletter for GPs, nurses and pharmacists in Northamptonshire Primary Care Trust Smoking Cessation and Northamptonshire NRT formulary Between 2007-8 and 2010-11 the cost of NRT prescribed or supplied via pharmacies in Northamptonshire increased from £362K to £761K per year. In order to try to get the best outcome from this investment in NRT (an

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[email protected] OpenSkies Selects TAXI New York as Creative Agency Campaign to Launch British Airways’ Subsidiary Planned for Summer 2008 New York, NY, April 9, 2008 –- OpenSkies, the new premium transatlantic airline from British Airways, has hired TAXI New York as its creative agency, the airline announced today. OpenSkies, a whol y owned subsidiary of British Airway


Editorial I have just returned from the 7th Hong Kongseat of the Tibetan Government. It is situated onOphthalmological Symposium.This meeting was a bigMarpo Ri hill, 130 metres above the Lhasa valley. success with over 800 delegates, including theyounger generation of Ophthalmic Surgeons fromThe Potala Palace rises a further 170 metres andmainland China, who have a relativ

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June 4, 2009 Harold C. Sox, MD Annals of Internal Medicine 190 North Independence Mall West Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572 Dear Dr. Sox: Given the FDA’s decision to include on warfarin labels a suggestion to consider genetic testing prior to dosing, we read with interest the thoughtful analysis of studies to date on genetic testing for warfarin sensitivity (“Cost-Effectiveness of Using


ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, July 1998, p. 1778–1782Copyright © 1998, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. NorM, a Putative Multidrug Efflux Protein, of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Its Homolog in Escherichia coli YUJI MORITA,1 KAZUYO KODAMA,1 SUMIKO SHIOTA,1 TOMOYUKI MINE,1 ATSUKO KATAOKA,1TOHRU MIZUSHIMA,1 AND TOMOFUSA TSUCHIYA1,2,* Department of Microbiolo


Safety Data Sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 1 Identification of substance: · Product details: · Trade name: Toluene diisocyanate · Application of the substance / the preparation Used for the production of flexible polyurethane foam, special varnish and adhesives· Supplier/Manufacturer: Penpet Petrochemical Trading GmbHMerkur-ParkSieker Landstrasse 12622143 Ha

The pre-scription - sept03

Today, sickle cell anaemia is found mainly in equatorial Africa, North anaemia was reported in early 1995 when a study in the US showedAmerica (where about 80,000 people have the disease), southernthat daily doses of the decades-old antineoplastic agent hydroxyureaItaly, northern Greece, southern Turkey, the Middle East, Saudi(Droxia - Bristol-Myers Squibb) reduced the frequency


PathMDTM: Board Review Letter Author: Jennifer Linder, DO & Lynda Bradshaw, MT (ASCP) Microbiology – Part 1 1. You receive plates from a respiratory specimen that exhibit no growth on a blood agar plate and growth of small gray colonies on a chocolate plate. You perform a gram stain, which reveals small, pleomorphic gram-negative rods. Based on these results you conclude that this o


Nr. 78 | Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013 PLATOW Recht     5 DEALS • PERSONALIEN • HINTERGRÜNDE TOP-ThemA wurden die Siemens-Altaktionäre schlicht „zwangsbeglückt“: Für zehn Siemens-Aktien gab es je eine Osram-Aktie oben-Generika – Erstmals Geldbußen wegen drauf. Osram gelang damit der langersehnte Sprung an die verzögerter Markteinführung verhängt Börse, am ersten Ha


EDITORIAL 107 Medicações sistêmicas e queixa ocular: Alguma correlação? A o ser convidado para escrever este editorial, pensei em um tema diferen- te, que pudesse oferecer alguma contribuição ao leitor. Refiro-me aospossíveis efeitos colaterais oculares associados com medicaçõessistêmicas, comumente utilizadas por nossos pacientes. Estaria cada oftalmologis-ta ciente que dr

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2005 Prescription Drug List Consumer Reference GuideYou have choices in the prescription medications you and your doctor select to treat you. Understanding them will help you make more informed health care decisions. Your pharmacy benefit provides you with many choices. This booklet will help you understandthose choices. It will also enable you to ask your doctor or pharmacist the right question

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I once stood staring at a map in a large US airport, looking for an ATM. Nextto me a couple also stared at the map, trying to figure out where in the airport theywere. “Sheesh!” said the male at last, pointing to the red dot and the words ‘Youare here’ in the key beside the map: “We’re way over here, right off the map!”Jenann Ismael’s understanding of red dots lies very much at

012- 29.11.12.pub

Achievement Awards Yesterday evening we welcomed some of you into school to discuss our revised Behaviour Policy and we would like to thank those who came along. We know that so many of you are busy, especially at this time of year, but it is really important to us that we get your input and thoughts—so Thank You. I am delighted to be able to welcome the following Lisa Gardner, Seren


RESUMEN DE LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL PRODUCTO DENOMINACIÓN DEL MEDICAMENTO VETERINARIO BENEFORTIN SABOR 20 mg COMPRIMIDOS PARA PERROS 2. COMPOSICIÓN CUALITATIVA Y CUANTITATIVA Cada comprimido contiene: Sustancia activa 20,0 mg (equivalente a 18,4 mg de benazepril) Excipientes: Para la lista completa de excipientes, véase la sección 6.1. 3. FORMA FARMAC�

Childhood fevers.doc

In the next few years it is likely your child will have fevers on at least a few occasions. We hope this addresses some of your concerns and questions about fevers in children. Why do children get fevers? Fevers in children are usually due to infections. There is good evidence that the fever is part of the body’s immune response to an infection and helps to fight off the illness. With mo

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Pharma Navigators Business Rationale I have been frequently asked to discuss my adventures in the pharmaceutical industry with graduate and post doctoral students that are interested in a career in drug discovery and development. I tell them that a career in pharma is “not for the feint of heart” but that it can be a tremendously rewarding experience. I started as a non-degreed laboratory tech


Advantix Introduction Animal Health Division Bayer House, Strawberry Hill, Newbury Berkshire RG14 1JA 01635 563000 01635 563622 Incorporating the data sheets for the following products: Advantix Spot-On Solution for dogs, up to 4 kg Advantix Spot-On Solution for dogs, of 4 kg up to 10 kg Advantix Spot-On Solution for dogs, of 10 kg up to 25 kg Advantix Spot-On Solution for dogs,




Official Journal of the European Communitiesadapting to technical progress for the 27th time Council Directive 67/548/EEC on theapproximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification,packaging and labelling of dangerous substances(*)THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the EuropeanThe texts in Annexes I a

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The EFSA Journal (2009) 950, 1-12 SCIENTIFIC OPINION Monomethylsilanetriol added for nutritional purposes to food supplements 1 Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (EFSA-Q-2006-198, EFSA-Q-2006-296) Adopted on 28 January 2009 PANEL MEMBERS F. Aguilar, U.R. Charrondiere, B. Dusemund, P. Galtier, J. Gilbert, D

Entre le monde et le soma j. press

ENTRE LE MONDE ET LE SOMA : LE LANGAGE Jacques Press P.U.F. | Revue française de psychanalyse 2007/5 - Vol. 71 pages 1529 à 1535 ISSN 0035-2942 Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-psychanalyse-2007-5-page-1529.h


Brunnenhof – Journal Mai 2012 Aufhören mit Rauchen: Ja, aber Es ist sinnvoll, das grosse Projekt des Rauch-stopps mit Unterstützung in Angriff zu nehmen. Sprechen Sie uns in der Sprechstunde darauf an. Wir bieten Ihnen sehr gerne Hilfestellung Der Anteil der rauchenden Bevölkerung liegt in an und beraten und unterstützen Sie auf Ihrem der Schweiz bei den 14- bis 65-jäh

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Editorial it time to ditch this fixation? Martin Livingston MD, FRCPsych Professor Cunningham Owens, in his paper com- cacy. The differences between drugs usually lie in side-paring older and newer antipsychotics in this issueeffect profiles, often the key factor in drug selection. (Antipsychotics: is it time to end the generation game?,see pages 48–50), has drawn several important c

Resume (urban theme)

Gunnar Kratz MD, PhD Professor of Plastic Surgery Eftergymnasiala utbildningar: Militärtjänst: K4, Arvidsjaur; 1982-1983. Läkarexamen; 1991, Karolinska Institutet. Legitimerad läkare; 1993. Medicine doktorsgrad; 1993 . Avhandling: In vitro studies on keratinocyte derived growth factors, amniotic fluid and insulin like growth factors in cell proliferation and r

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Want Drugs – Just Ask the Drug Dealer …when they asked for Paxil, 55 percent were given prescriptions, and 50 percent received diagnoses of depression. Doctors Influenced By Mention Of Drug Ads Offbeat Study Finds Familiar Brand Name Can Evoke Diagnosis Washington Post Staff Writers April 27, 2005 By Shankar Vedantam and Marc Kaufman Actors pretending to be patients with s

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EL PIPELINE DE PFIZER AVANZA EN ÁREAS TERAPÉUTICAS PRIORITARIAS • Los ensayos clínicos de Fase III para el primer inhibidor JAK para la artritis reumatoide y tanezumab para el dolor han empezado recientemente • La compañía alcanza su objetivo de comenzar la Fase III de 12 nuevos medicamentos en un año Madrid, 13 de abril, 2009 –Pfizer acaba de publ

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The Procter & Gamble Company P&G Household Care Fabric & Home Care Innovation Center 5299 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45217-1087 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS #: RQ0700473 Supersedes: FH/A/2002ACAP-58VNJK(S) Issue SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Identity : Plastic Cleaning Additive Finished Product Brands : CASCADE PLASTIC BOOSTER P&G

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March Explorer! General Member Meeting Directions: The next ECP General Membership Meeting will be held March 8, 2012 at 7:30pm Location: The Union Project Meeting Room, 801 Negley Avenue (Corner of Negley and Stanton). Parking: Street parking available on Negley Ave. or in a large lot on Stanton Ave. across the street from the Union Project Building. General Member Meeting Agenda Welcome to Membe


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